Saturday, October 2, 2010

Finally, a Fall Day!

It has been warm here in NY, and the past few days  we have had heavy rain.

But today, a crisp, sunny day!  Turn off the A/C and open the windows.

Great weather to watch the kids’ soccer games or

Picture 444

visit the local farms for the perfect pumpkin.

Maybe take a ride on this pretty in PINK farm tractor!

My friend Susan, at Savoring Time in the Kitchen, grew her own fingerling potatoes this year.  I think she needs this tractor!  Go check out her taters or tubers, as she calls them!

Picture 435

Maybe buy some sunflowers to make yourself happy!

Picture 441

And after a day out in the fresh air, come home and bake a fresh plum coffee cake.

Picture 597

I cut you a piece, enjoy!

Picture 605

I used Cathy at Wives with Knives recipe for this one.  You can find it here.  It is almost the same as the one my dear mom made, which you can find in a post I did last year. Click

You can make with almost any fruit you have on hand, which is why it is a Favorite Thing for a Seasonal Sunday!

I am joining Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie for Favorite Things and “A” at The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays! 

I hope you get to do some of your favorite things this weekend too!


  1. Beautiful picutures....Recipe sounds fabulous....Happy Fall

  2. Those sunflowers are gorgeous! Thank you for cutting that piece of plum coffee cake for me...looks delicious, but where is my coffee?
    Have a great weekend, Kathleen.

  3. Isn't it grand!!! Off to the district band contest today!!! Will be driving through he rolling hills of Indiana!!! It's a grand day! Wishing you well! Cathy

  4. What a lovely tour of the farm stand...I LOVE pumpkins and sunflowers...and a pink tractor is a treat too, lol!


  5. I just want to compliment your photography. The pictures are gorgeous - so vibrant and colorful! And I'll take some ice cream with my piece please. sandie

  6. G'day, Kathleen ~

    What a lovely presentation of your pictures ... feel like we are there in person ... do you have that pot of tea brewing? I'm on my way over ... chuckle!

    We finally finished both house constructions & took off for 2 weeks. I apologize, but will be better now.

    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  7. Looks like a perfect fall day to me!

  8. Looks like you're having a fun day! While you were pumpkin shopping I was mowing the lawn, ugh... Maybe Susan can lend me the tracker when she's done with it. But, it is nice and cool today:@)
    I saw the ad for CTS, I see that my $20 brownie pan is now $7.99-gotta love it! Have a great weekend!

  9. I would like a bigger piece! Looks great!

    and what a day it is, you are right! My a/c is off, the windows wide open! I think you should borrow that tractor and get a pink trailer for it, the W-S ladies would be happy to stack your purchases on the back :) Think of how much you could haul home!

  10. Is this with the new camera? The pics are great!

  11. Kathleen, your posts always make me miss NY SO much. Today is actually the first Fall-like day here too
    xoxo Pattie

  12. Nice photos! Don't you love the brilliant blue sky this time of the year? The plum cake looks so good. I had all good intentions going to the farmers' market for a pumpkin or 2 and Fall flowers today, but never made it. Remembered it after I got back home.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  13. The pink tractor has to belong to a farm GIRL. What a great find for Pink Saturday, Kathleen. The pumpkin stand is fun too. I'm impressed that you are always baking something delicious. Yum! ~ Sarah

  14. Yum, I'll be right over for a piece :) Let me see, my flight leaves in about 4 hours and it takes 5 hours if it's non stop. You have a three hour time difference so I should be there around 4:00am. Hope you don't mind picking me up from the airport :)

    I love your tablescape in your header. Where did you find those cute bone place card holders?

  15. That tractor would be cute for Susan:)Great displays Kathleen..and the plum coffee cake looks so good.
    Love sunflowers and pumpkins~

  16. What a gorgeous day! I grew fingerlings too...can I have a pink tractor???? :-)

  17. Those sunflowers are gorgeous. I would love to have some and I want a piece of that plum coffee cake too!...Christine

  18. I love this post...should have linked up with Pink Sat. with that sexy pink tractor..
    That coffee cake looks wonderful. I just LOVE coffee cakes in the morning with my Dunkin Donut coffee..:)

  19. It has just dawned on me that I've never seen a picture of you, my sweet friend...!!!

  20. It really was a beautiful day, wasn't it? Especially after all that rain!

  21. That cake looks so delicious...I wish I could fly on over there right now and share the whole cake with you!

    Enjoy your lovely weather as I am guessing that Winter isn't too far away!

    Best wishes,

  22. Now if the that tractor were red it would be just my color, but pink??? No, thank you :)

    You are enjoying the beautiful weather we had in Wisconsin which ended abruptly Friday night. Friday it was in the 70s and Saturday 50s! That coffee cake looks delicious, Kathleen and I love the farm pics. Your new header is great!

  23. Fun pictures! that cake looks so yummy!!

  24. I'm happy you like the plum torte, Kathleen. I've baked half a dozen and have them wrapped and frozen for winter. Love the farm stand with that fancy pink tractor.

    It looks like you are enjoying a lovely fall weekend. Thanks so much for the link. Your photos are wonderful.

  25. Your photos give me a real fall fix! Thanks for the perk!

  26. Love those sunflowers, great pictures!

  27. Wow! So much Fall! Your photos are gorgeous and make me want to drop everything and run to a pumpkin farm. And the plum cake - YUM!

    Thanks so much for sharing all of your fallness with Seasonal Sundays!

    - The Tablescaper

  28. Looks like a fun day Kathleen!

    We had the fireplace going this morning! First time this season. Yesterday was our granddaughter's b'day party. They had the outdoor fireplace going. Felt good! Something about wood smoke that definitely evokes autumn.

  29. Fall is my favorite time of year and you make it look even better.

  30. The cake looks delicious!!! Gotta love it with a nice hot cup of tea. Talk about a sweet afternoon treat.

    Oh, that pink tractor is out of this world. I'm not a tractor gal, but I'm definitely a pink one, so I'm loving that.

    Have a lovely day...thanks for sharing,

  31. just watched the news last night and they said ya'll were getting tons of rain..see that it is rain today?

  32. I think I will take seconds on that piece of cake please:-) Sunflowers are amazing and the pink tractor is fabulous. It has been a perfect Fall weekend here too and all the windows are open and the fresh chilly air is intoxicating.

  33. Love your photos!! The sunflowers are gorgeous! I am having a happy fall day here at your blog!!

  34. I know I wouldn't go home without some sunflowers from that market. That pink tractor ... that's a first!

  35. Kathleen, I want one of those tractors! Just to park in the front yard, and get the neighbors in a twit! What great photos of the pumpkins and the sunflowers, and of course, I want that coffee cake (I also want that cute plate it is on!). Thank you for linking up. laurie

  36. Oh my, that pink tractor is so fun!!! and the sunflowers gorgeous!!! And plum cake... looks to die for!

  37. Great photos - they do look like perfect pumpkins..and I lvoe sunflowers! As far as the pink tractor...if it were spotted in my area - I would hate to think what may happen to it..even tho I like it!
    I haven't had a decent plum all summer - and I love them..will have to keep looking.

  38. Hi Kathleen! Don't you just love going to farmers markets this time of year? So many wonderful colors and textures. Good to hear it's cooling off for you.

  39. What a surprise the pink tractor was! I loved it. Your tart looked absolutely lucious. I would love to have a piece. Have a lovely Sunday.

  40. I think Susan would prefer a RED tractor! Love the sunflowers.

  41. Did you enjoy this cool and rainy day, Kathleen? I did, as I stayed in bed under the covers reading this morning. It was fun to be lazy for awhile!

    Your plum cake looks very good! I sent the WD skeleton cupcakes recipe to your e-mail address.
    ♥ Pat

  42. 42 comments yoo whoo! that farmers market looks great and yummy food. Flowers are lovely. I love opening the windows and let the breeze come thorough.

  43. Just getting to this. I love the pink tractor and agree with whomever said you should have linked to Pink Saturday with it.

    How fun!
    And that plum coffee cake looks really delicious.

  44. Kathleen,I'd love to take a stroll around that market! The pumpkin "tree" is a wonderful way to display them and make sure you get the one you want! I'd also love a bouquet of those fabulous sunflowers, my fave! After my stroll, I'd be happy to sit down to a piece of your plum cake, mmmmmm!

  45. Finding these lovely fall farm markets are so much fun in the fall! What a great tractor. This must be a Pink Saturday entry!
    This market is like the perfect photo opp!
    Love the plum coffee cake. It looks like it would have the most wonderful crumb to have wiht a big cup of coffee!
    No wonder I am hungry all the time! I see the most luscious food here!

  46. Hi Katheleen...that was such a fun whimsical table setting. Love all you pictures too of the pumpkins and sunflowers. What a neat looking place.


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