Monday, October 11, 2010

POP a razzi and Acorns

I gave in, went along with the crowd, jumped off the  bridge just because everyone else did.  :) (My mom always asked if we would jump off a bridge because everyone else was doing it!)

So I made some Brownie POPS.  I used some wood skewers cut in half as I couldn’t find those darn Lollipop sticks…they are hiding somewhere!

Picture 674

Picture 675

Easy, but time consuming!

Some for my family who came out for the day…

Picture 682

And some to bring to The Tablescaper where I spent a Seasonal Sunday at a wonderful Soup and  Salad Party.

To make the pops, make your favorite brownie recipe, scoop it out and roll into balls.  Pop into the freezer to set.  I melted good quality choc chips with butter and dipped the brownie balls in the choc and sprinkled.  Very rich!

Picture 683

She had a lovely display of soups, salads and breads as well as desserts.  I will let her give you the details!

I made some  butternut squash with apple soup. A spatter of creme fraiche and a few grates of fresh nutmeg on top.  I am sending this virtual bowl of soup to my friend Kay from the Holidays Forum who LUVES acorns.  Kay, I wish it could be IRL!  :)

Picture 690

Last winter I found these covered acorn bowls in  the WSonoma Outlet.  As it was after the season, I paid very little for them, so little, I won’t tell so anyone who paid full price won’t cry.

Picture 698

What?  You demand to know?  OK,  with my usual coupon less than 12 dollars for the set of 4.  I KNOW!  You hate me.  :(

Picture 688

I made the napkin rings with a roll of pip berries from AC Moore.    I used a plaid mat, and a brown and  a gold napkin.  A dinner plate from the Dollar store and a leaf plate for the bread from Pfaltzgraff.

Picture 689

The amber glass is from Villeroy and Boch.  Ceramic salt and peppers from the supermarket.

Picture 696


I am having computer issues, so I am late for Laurie’s Favorite Things and The Tablescaper’sPicture 697  Seasonal Sundays.

But I am on time for Marty’s Tabletop Tuesday.

Thanks for visiting.  I will be back for Note Songs Kitchen Party.


  1. MMM, the soup sounds delicious! I'm making pumpkin soup this week. Can't wait!

  2. Kathlene...what a wonderful blessing to get those cute little acorn pots at that price. I have ONE that I found at GW for $2.00...I keep hoping her sisters show up for me to buy, lol.

    Those oreo lollipops are sinfully good :)


  3. Ahh what a great soup setting. I love those acorn soup bowls!!

  4. I don't hate you...I'm just EXTREMELY jealous! I love those bowls! Why or why don't they open an outlet here?

    Those pops do sound rich and like a lot of work but I'll bet the gkids loved them. Didn't everyone's mother say that about jumping off a bridge? I know I said it my girls!

  5. I want to jump off the bridge after reading how much you paid for those adorable acorn bowls. I had no luck last year for my cooking club with those cake balls. They kept sliding down the sticks:-) Don't worry our group ate them. I can't wait to read more about the bread and soup party. My daughter hosts one every year and it is so much fun to come home with all different soups to put in my freezer. So much fun.

  6. I have a recipe for butternut squash and pear soup that is so good my local coffee shop uses it for one of their main soups. Everyone raves about it.
    I love those bowls. What a great deal. I am happy for you not jealous, much.

  7. I thought about making cake pops for the event that I'm hosting in Florida for my dad. But, the words "time consuming" just changed my mind. I will have very little prep time and lots of guests. I think maybe I'll try these for a smaller group at home.

    The soup sounds so good.

  8. If I didn't like you so much I WOULD hate you! What a deal!!! I wanted that set last year and our WS was sold out- and no outlet here :(
    Gorgeous table and a wonderful soup
    xoxo Pattie

  9. Oh my goodness, those bowls are too adorable!! ...and what a deal!!

    The brownie pops are so cute and sounds fun to make!

    Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine

  10. The soup sounds's one of our favorites! And the brownie pops...oh my! ♥ You have a beautiful Fall table! ♥

  11. Wow ~ everything looks absolutely delicious. And your table is gorgeous.

  12. Hi Kathleen,
    Love those acorn bowls...but I am really hungry for that delicous looking soup. Yummy!!! Did I miss that recipe???
    Your table is great, and I can't wait to decorate something Fall, I am definitely in the mood.
    Enjoy your day.
    PS...chocolate brownie pops look devine.

  13. Love the acorn bowls and the leaf plates. Such a warm place setting. Brownies in any form look good to me!!!

  14. The brownie pops look wonderful...I wish someone would make them for me. I am an inpatient baker!

    You have me jealous over the bowls and lids. How cute they are!!


  15. what a treat for your guests! I will have to remember the bowls with lids, how special is that. Love the colors too.

  16. Your table looks wonderful and the soup looks so good!! Love your little bowls are so cute!!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  17. Your table is gorgeous. Love the colors and the bowls are wonderful. The soup looks fabulous. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty

  18. Oooh, I wish I were there for some squash soup and brownie pops!

    Very pretty place setting! I like the napkin rings you made!


  19. oh man, Kathleen, I thought you did something else. LOL! Close. Brownies :)

    hey, you can definitely bring me a few of those when we meet up. PLEASE :)

  20. Yummy! The acorn bowls are great and the price is also.

  21. Soup looks yummy as do those brownie balls. Love the acorn covered bowls. I need to get down to the WS Outlet and see what I can find. Like I need more dishes. LOL
    I'm hosting dinner here tomorrow evening. I've decided to offer a choice of three different soups and a salad. What were some of the soups? I look forward to seeing photos. I'm sure you and The Tablescaper will share. ;-)
    Hugs to you~ sarah

  22. Hello my dear Kathleen:

    Your soups were wonderful - both the butternut and the New England clam. And your help was terrific, but truly your company was the BEST!

    Love, love, love those acorn bowl. Man, what a deal.

    - The Tablescaper

  23. What a wonderful Autumn table Kathleen!
    Love those acorn bowls and you do get the best deals around!
    And like I said before, if I ate at your house I would weigh 500 lbs because you are such a fabulous cook!

  24. Very yummy looking brownie pops Kathleen! Did you see Bakerella's new cake pop cookbook? She decorates them so cute!

    I love those acorn bowls! I did not buy them full price last year so I don't feel this year WS has little pumpkins should try to get them after the holidays!

  25. Kathleen, that soup looks so delish and you are right, I'm sure Luvs would LUV the acorn bowl! Especially at that price, what a deal! The brownie pops looks wonderful and what a treat!


  26. Leave it to you, Kathleen, to find the best deals in town. I love those pretty covered soup bowls. And your brownie pops too. Very clever.

  27. They look terrific! And those acorn bowls!!! Love them!

  28. Kathleen, I adore your sweet acorn bowls! Just too cute for all those warm, creamy fall and winter soups. Clever girl, getting such a bargain. I've been a thrifty girl since forever- do you remember the olden days when people actually bragged about how much they paid for their stuff and thought that more was better?! LOL
    I had a neighbor who bragged about her small $300 Stiffel lamp- talk about putting on airs! I brag about how CHEAP I get things. :- )
    hugs, Sue

  29. Those pops are soooo cute!!! It's a shame I can't cook. I really love the acorn bowl too.

  30. Oh YUM to it all, Kathleen!
    Adore that acorn soup bowl -- you get the most amazing bargains at W-S. I swear they see me coming and hide the best stuff.

    I love squash soup, too. Double yum.

  31. Hi Kathleen...

    Ohhh...what a lovely autumn table setting! Girl, I love, love, LOVE those pretty covered acorn soup tureens!!! You certainly got a great deal on them...I'm crying! Hehe! The butternut squash and apple soup looks and sounds divine! Mmmm!!! Ohhh...and I love your brownie pops...they turned out sooo pretty, my friend! Thank you for sharing your beautiful autumn table with us and all the goodies!!!

    Warmest autumn wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  32. They both look and sound good - especially the soup. Your table setting is really pretty, and very Fall looking. Great deal on the bowls. I really like dishes like that, but don't have the room to store them.

  33. Well, I hate to repeat what everyone else said - but well done - the brownies look yummy and the table scape is gorgeous.


  34. As always, just a precious setting.
    The brownie pops sound adorable...
    Are you late for the Kitchen party, too? I've been waiting on the corner all day long for you to open up your kitchen and call me in....I know for a fact that you have DUNKIN DONUT coffee in there...Guess I'll be back tomorrow morning so that will be me knocking on your kitchen door. :))


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