Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Kathleen’s Kitchen

Dad yells…

Wanna eat out??

Kids scream , YES! 

Dad yells…

OUT in the Kitchen!

Kids groan, father laughs!

My dad, rest his soul, had that in his repertoire of corny jokes, and we fell for it more than once!

My kitchen works for me.  Lots of counter space and a big island to prep food or serve from when we have a crowd.


Picture 659  You can sit at the island and eat, but we don’t.  We eat at the round table in the breakfast , lunch and dinner area that you have seen many times in Tablescape Thursday posts.

Picture 708

We built this house in 2000 and one thing I knew I wanted was 2 dishwashers.  It is really a convenience to have them when you have company, no pile up on the counters!  And I know half of Blogland is painting their light cabs, but I am not!  I like them, so it will be many years before they get changed.

Picture 667

This is where our table is, you can see the chair peeking out!

Here it is decked out for Christmas.

table 450_thumb[7]Cmas buffet

Picture 702

My computer is on a built in desk in the kitchen, too!

Picture 653

Right next to the refrigerator, which we just got.  A super bargain, post worthy for sure!  :)

Picture 656

Nothing special about my kitchen, it does what it is supposed to do!

Picture 658

Picture 671

You can’t be in the kitchen without snatching a snack!

A piece of mile high apple pie?

Picture 704

Five varieties of apples and a shredded dough crust.

Thanks for visiting!  Please stop in to Note Songs’ kitchen to see the other kitchens! 

Tonight those witches are on the fly again! Come back, if you dare!


  1. How pretty your kitchen is! I would feel very welcome there!

  2. Yes, it is a special kitchen!! Any kitchen with TWO dishwashers is special!! LOL! Nice shiny new refrigerator as well!

    Enjoyed seeing the Christmas pictures too!

    I just bet that lovely kitchen always has some kinds of goodies from the wonderful cook who lives there!


  3. Beautiful open kitchen. Love it! Mine is so tiny. I am not at home to take photos so skipping this party!

  4. Your kitchen is just beautiful, Kathleen! Two dishwashers is a great idea! I have to feed a college boy and his friends, I could use two refrigerators sometimes!

    The Island looks very pretty at Christmas time!

  5. Ah, Kathleen, how can you say there is nothing special about your kitchen... All of those delicious recipes that you post are made and served from this very spot. It is a beautiful kitchen belonging to a great blogger :)

  6. What a beautiful kitchen. I love the two dishwasher idea. I think I might opt for two refrigerators in my kitchen... although I do have an extra one in my laundry room.
    Great pictures!!
    Ladybug Creek

  7. Kathleen, your kitchen looks like a dream kitchen to me! I love it!
    If you saw the little box I cook in your would cringe. I was so amazed when I visited Italy, however, and the most amazing food was cooked in kitchens smaller than mine. It's all about the care we put into doing what we love.

  8. Hi Kathleen,
    I love your kitchen. I have dark cabinets. I had them built in 1975. They add a soft and warm feeling to the kitchen and dining room combo we have designed. Thank you so much for visiting My Cozy Corner.

  9. Lovely kitchen. I can see why you like to cook and entertain!

  10. ahhh, I finally got in...even if it IS after 1pm here in Texas.

    I like your kitchen, K.
    It's very pretty...and looks easy to work in.
    It's sure put out a lot of great foods....
    And, I sure would take a slice of that delicious looking pie. Apple is one of my favorites.

  11. Hi Kathleen,
    I adore your kitchen! Love the cupboards, love the windows, love your decor!
    I'de say it's really special!
    And that new fridge looks just awesome!
    More tours of your beautiful home please!!!!

  12. Nothing special???This kitchen has SPECIAL written all over it! That fridge is amazing, the granite is divine and when the whole room is all decorated for Christmas....it is truly sensational!

    Best wishes and thanks for pie!

  13. I love the kitchen tour - it is so warm and inviting - just like you!

  14. Kathleen, your kitchen is beautiful! I love your granite countertops and decor but most of all I envy your space. It's huge! Looks like you have a cozy place to check blogs while your cooking too :)

  15. We built the same year..:) It's funny we have an island and did in the other house too..we NEVER sat and ate at the island..so this time..no benches..I like a table:)Your appliances are sparklers K..

  16. Gosh that pie looks good! Cute Christmas tree. Everything is so welcoming, like a kitchen should be! Dropping by from Note Songs party. Hope you'll stop by Atticmag and see our kitchens - it's a three for one!


  17. Kathleen,

    Your kitchen is absolutely wonderful. I have a dishwasher with 2 drawers which I love. Your refrigerator is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.


  18. You have such a neat tidy kitchen! No wonder you always produce such beautiful food!

  19. Hi Kathleen,

    I love your kitchen, and must correct you: it IS quite special.

    I'd not paint those cabinets either!

    Please come and check out my book giveaways.

  20. G'morn Kathleen ~ Your kitchen is inviting & elegant. I love my white cabinets but often toy with getting cherry or mahogany ... I love yours.
    Have a beautiful day ~
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  21. A little kitchen envy going on over here... sorry. I love your kitchen! No, I wouldn't paint the cabinets either if I had those.

    My dream kitchen would also have two dishwashers... Mr. Lane rolls his eyes but finally understands with all the entertaining. I would also prefer the larger, recessed, cabinet depth frig/freezer, six burner stove... okay, I'll stop now.

    Thanks for sharing your space, Kathleen.

    Can I have a piece of pie now? Have a wonderful day!

  22. Hi Kathleen,
    In my book it ranks a very special kitchen. 2 dishwashers, an island and the heart of your home. It is perfect.

  23. Very pretty, love your Christmas Decor!!


  24. Oh, Kathleen! Your kitchen is very special! I love it. If my cabinets were as pretty as yours I wouldn't have painted mine! I love your glass front doors too! Your range is gorgeous - wish I had gas - and the backsplash! Oh, yes, your kitchen is very special! I'm coveting your appliance garage too! :)
    Thank you, Kathleen for sharing your kitchen and coming to my party.
    You are a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  25. Nothing special? Wrong! It is a very special kitchen, and very functional which is so important when you love to cook and entertain. I need details on your frig bargain, we are looking for a new one now...stainless, french doors or a single door with lower freezer. I've had a side by side for decades and I'm ready for something I can put a platter into, or a pizza!

  26. Love your kitchen Kathleen!! The view from your window is great!!

  27. Your kitchen is very functional Kathleen! Two dishwashers is a great idea, I have two refrigerators. One is in the lower level though ;o) I see a miniature red LeCreuset salt holder on the stove. The new fridge is a nice addition!

  28. Oh I think you kitchen was very special. And I loved your Halloween table scape...that web was adorable.....

  29. Oh Kathleen...I have fallen in love with your warm & cheery kitchen! "Nothing special", my foot! I would give my right arm for that awesome stove & fridge...WOW! The glass in the cabinets next to the window is just the right touch...not too much.

    I didn't get to participate in the party...too sick with an attack of diverticulitis plus my PC picked up a virus & was out of commission for awhile. I'm still not sure its fixed totally.
    What a miserable week but visiting your pretty home has brightened it considerably. Thanks for allowing us a peek inside.

  30. Forgot to answer your question: No WS outlet around here....just the main store. :(

  31. Kathleen:

    I know I was here yesterday (Wednesday) and left a comment - but now I don't see it. Something funky is going on.

    My comment was something like, it is a very special kitchen. Very special things come out of it made by a very special person!

    - The Tablescaper

  32. I don't know how I missed this! I'll blame it on my crazy week. I love your kitchen, Kathleen! It's much more than functional - it's large and wonderful. You've done such a wonderful job with it and you should be very proud.

  33. Very pretty kitchen. Love the island and the view from your kitchen window. Very nice.

  34. I can see why you enjoy playing around with FLOUR and cooking in this amazing kitchen! Fridge bargain..where????

  35. Kathleen, I think that countertop is the prettiest granite I've ever seen. And Oh My Gosh! that Christmas photo is absolutely stunning (not to mention mouth-watering)! What a fabulous refrigerator. Yep! I think your kitchen is very special. The decor AND the mile high apple pie make your kitchen so very inviting! laurie

  36. Kathleen...I've seen what comes out of that kitchen....and it IS special!
    Your counter tops, cabinets, desk, table, fridge are wonderful!
    And the range...why that's just Dreamy! Wow!

  37. Kathleen, I know I'm late arriving. Please forgive me. Hope there is some of that delicious pie left for me. ;-)

    You kitchen is fabulus! I can just imagine the long hours you spend in this space preparing all those delights you show us each week. I'd love to have a huge center island and all that counter and cabinet space. I'd leave the cabinets just as they are. It's all beautiful! ~ sarah

  38. I would love to have your kitchen! The new fridge looks great. Much better kitchen faucet than in the earlier photos..bet you chip less plates!! It all looks so INVITING....

  39. Your kitchen is beautiful! I'm enjoying catching up with your posts! Happy Autumn to you!!!

  40. What a delicious kitchen, Kathleen. We looked at a house that had two ovens, two dishwashers, two cook tops, two refrigerator. And a raised area for 6 to sit and watch - hubby thought it would be a good kitchen for cooking or baking lessons. We didn't buy the house, but wow. Anyway, I love your kitchen!!!! I really miss my center island. It was in a kitchen that had the same floorplan as yours. Your counters are gorgeous and they compliment the wood perfectly. Love your sink and faucet too - definitely would be nice in my kitchen ;).

    I like that you added your blacksplash above the granite backsplash thingy. I've been wondering if I had to remove that backsplash before I add tile.

    Great fridge too. I opted do all the appliances in stainless, except the fridge while we still have kids at home. I don't want to deal with the barrage of fingerprints, so I have a black one for now. It was definitely a function over fashion decision.

    Your range and hood make me smile. I can't tell you the number of times I've wished I had 6 burners. I had 5 two houses ago, but 6 would be wonderful some day.

    Oh how I loved taking a tour of your lovely kitchen. Thanks so much for posting it!



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