Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Come into My Parlor~ Witches Fly 2010 II

Come into my parlor

Said the spider with much glee

Another Witches’ fly  by

Will soon be history.

Picture 728

They stared in witchy wonder

At the candles’ webby glow.

Then made tonight’s “ uh oh “ list

Of the places they would go!

Picture 718

Their brooms are freshly slicked and slimed

They’re feeling in the pink

Scribbler, Podso , Kim and Rach

Get a pail of bugs that stink!

Picture 719

Marigene, Ellen, Lulu and Donna,

Your driveway may look clean,

Be very careful when you walk

It’s slicked it with vaseline!

Picture 727

Nellie, Kathy and Katherine,

Yvonne and Butter Yum,

Are very busy cleaning up

Globs of witchy gum!

Picture 712

Marsha, Sherry and LDH,

Those witches chalked your door!

And spread a pile of spider webs.

All over Christine’s floor!

Picture 720

Marty, Karen, Cindy and Mary,

You’re going to need a wizard,

Those witches cast a bloggy  spell,

And turned you into lizards!

Picture 713

Can you believe they had the nerve

To fill Barb’s car with trash?

And gobbled down every bit,

Of Joyce’s chocolate stash!

Picture 725

Time is short, they must move on

And complete this evenings’ caper

They steal a ton of dishware

From my friend, The Tablescaper!

Picture 718

They’re getting tired, they need to rest

“Let’s crash at Jo Jo’s house”

And since it is her birthday,

They bring a birthday MOUSE!

Picture 724

They’re running out of stinky worms,

And almost out of chalk

They head  up North to get more tricks,

At Kathleen’s in New York.

(To be continued next time!)

BTW, chalk and New York rhyme, in NY!  :)

Thanks for visiting!  Please stop by Susan’s at Between Naps on the Porch for more Tablescape Thursday.

Table notes

Web from Michaels

Green butter plates, gift from Karen at Garden Web Holidays forum

Green plates WSonoma Outlet, witches monkey name card holders WS

Purple stems, HG

Purple casserole dishes, HG

Black chargers, Spider web cupcake holder with candles , napkins, Witch Hat spoons …Christmas Tree Shops


Picture 623

Spaghetti Squash Pie  ( the witches like spaghetti squash, like some people like zucchini!  And it was on sale!  :)    )

Picture 628

Squash , egg, salt, pepper, garlic, evoo, grated cheese, mozzarella.  Sprinkle the top with mozzarella and bake .

Let set before slicing like a pie, use a very sharp knife.

(Last week’s post shows how to prepare the squash)

Be sure to check out Foodie Friday at Gollum’s!


  1. What a delightful table and poem! You really are tops, my friend! And that spaghetti squash pie looks yummy!

  2. Spooky with a twist. Like it!!

  3. hi, ghoulfriend :) Another great post! I love the table! and the pie, never thought to make a pie, I think even Miss Picky would like that one!

  4. LOVE IT!!!! Just keeps getting better! The spider cupcake holder is to die for. The witch spoons and spider napkins are adorable. I cant wait to stop by each week!!!!

  5. Kathleen, what a wonderful table and the poem is to die for cute! What a sweet friend Karen is to send you those plates. They are just perfect with your table!

  6. Very bewitching!! I am loving the sweet plates and the pie looks and sounds great!


  7. Oh! Kathleen, Do I dare enter? My heart is weak with fright... You are unbelievable. Where do you get all the stamina? I think you are so talented, a poet, decorator, tablescaper and cook. Where does it end?
    You MUST have magical powers. Oh, yes, you warned us. Hugs, Ginger

  8. What a fun birthday surprise!!! Oh if only you all could come on over! I loved the writings along with the wonderful table! Thank you so much Kathleen.

  9. What a fantastic setting! Amazing!

  10. Oh what fun. I really like the purple, green and black combination on this setting!

  11. Adorable as usual. I happen to have a spaghetti squash on hand. I had never thought of making it into a pie!

  12. What a cute and fun table and your 'rhyme' is adorable!

  13. Cute are so creative. Even though I'm not crazy about Halloween, I love the colors you used on your table. And, by the way, your kitchen is gorgeous! Warm, and pretty.

  14. Your table is very creative! I see that you have found a great new use for those cupcake holders! And I like the table on your header, too. Linda

  15. Love the color combination on your spidey table! I especially love your clever poem. Very creative! The little tea light candles in the cupcake holder is just so cute. I love it!

  16. The spider cupcake holder is cute with the tealights. The witch spoons and spider napkins are great, and I'm going to check them out at CTS. I just happen to be going tomorrow :-) I remember the web tablecloth and each year I try to find a similar one, but no luck yet.

  17. This is a fabulous table, Kathleen! The colors really pop and the spider theme is so spooky. I like your witches table in your header. Being a witch was my favborite costume when I was a kid.

    Making the spaghetti squash into a pie is a great idea --I think my husband would like it that way as it looks like a fritatta.

    Loved the continuation of the poem ...and looking forward to part 3!
    ♥ Pat

  18. What a fun post to read and look at! Loved all the purple and green and that candle holder/cupcake hold -- is it combined? -- is just fab in the center with all the webbing. Just fun -- and what a poet you are! Joni

  19. I can really tell which photos were taken with the new camera! Very nice! Fun poetry and table - as always! Love the green and purple combo. I can live without spiders though ;)

  20. Couldn't wait for the second installment! Love the purple for Halloween and love the butter plates! So glad you explained the "chalk" and "New York" :) BTW-- I did make the spa. squash according to your instructions a few weeks ago--we're hooked!

  21. So creative (and spooky)! I love how you transformed the cupcake holder into a votive candelabra!

  22. I love your header tablescape as well as this purple and green one. Wow the tablecloth is amazing!! Love the cupcake centerpiece. Come link up to Centerpiece Wed on my is underneath my tablescape post for today.


  23. You clever girl you! I loved everything, the colors, fabulous - purple green and black are so great. That table covering and the stand, the darling casseroles, but of course your fun poem is the hit. Hope everyone survived those slimy witches.

  24. I love it Kathleen!
    You are such a clever gal! That table is so fun and I am honored to be part of your very clever poem!

  25. Kathleen,
    What a great post. Cupcake holder is neat. Looks like the Rebel is doing well. I am still learning on it, too. We should talk lenses sometime!

    The new header is beautiful.


  26. Kathleen:

    Such a fun table. I love your creative use of the cupcake holder. It looks like it was meant to be used that way. And the large web across the table is a wonderful touch that makes a solid tablecloth the perfect match.

    Keep on spinning your web, oh I mean yarn.

    - The Tablescaper

  27. Kathleen:

    I forgot to say how much I like this header. I'm guessing this was a post from last year?

    Those little witches hats are adorable - just the right touch.

    - The Tablescaper

  28. What fun, Kathleen! I love your Halloween posts. Great photos and your poem is wonderful.

  29. Hi Kathleen,
    That was such a cute poem. Loved how you used all the names of your followers in it. I am assuming that Nellie is me, but maybe not!! lol
    Very cute tables for sure. Love the black and white especially. Very creative as always.
    You have the knack girly.
    and also thanks for your prayers for Mary, they are so appreciated.
    Blessings, Nellie
    Oh and I love your kitchen, very pretty. I have the same color cabinets and I love mine too!!
    Your kitchen looked so beautiful at christmas time. Loved the tree on the island.

  30. I love this setting. Great purples, black and green. The web is such a neat idea. Love it.

  31. Love it, Kathleen! That wonderful web over the table really sets the stage for a fabulous scene! The purple and lime color scheme is a refreshing change, and your rhyme is delightful!

  32. You've got it all together today, Kathleen. Is that purple with the green? I love the combination. I never know what to do with spaghetti squash so I am happy to have your recipe. Hope all is well.

  33. Hi Kathleen! Your tablescape is so cute and clever...but the poem! You are one talented lady! Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  34. What a cute cute table. I love your colors and the little witch hat spoons are darling.

    Thanks for sharing.

  35. Great job! That table covering is fabulous, and I love the monkey place card holders!!!

  36. Very creative!You did a great job. Thanks for sharing!

  37. Can scary be beautiful? Obviously it can when Cuisine Kathleen's in charge of operations! Loved the whimsy, drama, and (as always) your poetry is unparalleled! I'm in despair that I missed last week's installment. I was away and missed the delivery of my toady pizza!!! Perhaps next year it will work out ... or maybe an even more dire threat/treat lies ahead ....

  38. Oh, how very clever you are Kathlene!! I love the spider web overlay on this fun, fun table!! I am feeling a little arachnophobic, lol!


  39. Everything is so fantastic looking,you are an artist at work,love the spider over the tablecloth!

  40. I love the web on the table and the colors are striking. Cute you got all those names in the poem - you are so talented with your tablesetting, words and photos!

  41. Such a cute table! My family loves spaghetti squash and this is basically the way I make it, but I have never made it into a pie...something new to try.

  42. Loved seeing your kitchen -- and this table is delightful -- love the color -- but those witches are a scream! So fun to see where they're flying next...can't wait!

  43. What a great table web. Enjoyed the vibrant colors. Your poem made me laugh and can't wait to read part II. Enjoy the weekend.

  44. What a great, fun table setting! Beautiful color combinations and really fun accessories, place cards and centerpieces! Great photos too!!

  45. sooooooooooooooooooo cute....i mean scary. *wink*

  46. Such a pretty table and beautiful poem. You are just so clever, Kathleen. Thanks you so much for the needed prayers for my mom. They worked cause she is home now, we just got home a few hrs. ago. She still needs a lot of care but I am just so happy she pulled through it all. Thanks again, Kathleen!...Christine

  47. LOVE the purple and green!! Great table! And I don't think I have ever heard of spaghetti pie! Hummm.... Looks really good!

    ~Really Rainey~

  48. How fun this is...I love your color scheme..purple is fabulous for Halloween.
    You do have sooo many wonderful dishes...
    The "pie" sounds good.

  49. Hi Kathleen...

    My friend...I love, love, LOVE your halloween table! It's just sooo much fun and sooo festive! I really enjoyed reading your poem...what a creative and talented lady you are, Kathleen!

    Warmest autumn wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  50. Wow!!! Such a fab table setting.

    Anybody would be honored to be invited:)

  51. Lol - you're so talented, Kathleen!!! Thanks for including me in your rhyme - and yes, I totally got the chalk/New York connection :). Love it!!

    PS - the black web on the table is the perfect finishing touch!

  52. Thanks for the pail of stinky bugs, I think!

    Great table as always, and the pie looks like something I might have to try. I like the table on the banner at the top, too.

    Find me at

  53. I am so inspired!! I love what you have done with these colors for Halloween! What a fun setting! Thanks for stopping by!

  54. I adore your Halloween spooky and festive! You really went all looks great!

    I am having a "double-the-fun" giveaway...something for a little one and something for you! Stop on by to join the fun if you get a chance! I enjoyed my visit today! :)

  55. Oh Kathleen, you are too cute! Love your rhyme and the table, and of course chalk and yauk rhyme! LOL! I love that spider web table covering, and those adorable witch spoons! This table is just so much fun. How smart to use that cupcake holder for candles. You are so clever. laurie

  56. What fun it is to visit here! This table is darling. You find the best details and pull it all together with geat style. Love the poem, part II. You clever girl! ~ Sarah

  57. Such fun. I like your take on colors for Halloween....very witchy! Your tablescape is darling. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay

  58. Just adore all your tables !! They look like so much Mike and especially the kids like them too!
    Your poems get better and better..such a talented lass!!

  59. This is adorable! Love the way you write with all our names included! You are so talented!

    Love the cute tablescape! I hate spiders, but this is darling!

    Had a chuckle about New York and chalk rhyming! LOL! (I'm married to a New Yorker!)


  60. Okay--yet another recipe for me to try. I love new ideas for spaghetti squash. I'd love to find those casseroles. What's the manufacturer's name?

  61. Kathleen, I just came over to check on you. I hope you are not still sick. Take care of yourself. I miss you. laurie

  62. Love your poetry. Your table is divine. I love the lime green!! I'm so sorry you are sick and hope you feel better soon. thanks for visiting with the congratulations on my win. I'm feeling pretty blessed right now.

  63. LOVE the vibrant green and purples!


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