Sunday, October 17, 2010

Good Customer Service is a Favorite Thing

I love it when you are surprised by good customer service!

I recently ordered 2 chairs from

Occasional chairs that will be used occasionally, :), as opposed to one that gets bodies thrown into it everyday!

Picture 736

It arrived quickly, and dh put them together for me. ( I did have to beg!)

There was tiny wood chip off the front.  We searched the box to see if it was there, but it must have happened in the factory.

Picture 737

It is a taupe color with tones of taupey stripes.

I emailed them right away and sent a pic.  They immediately offered to send a new frame, but I had fixed the chip and stained it.  So they gave me a 50 dollar credit.

We never use this room, so the chair will do just fine.

Of course, I linked through so I also get a rebate from them.  Remember to check there before you order on line.  And check out too, delivery was free on these, but is always less than 3.00!

So thank you, Overstock for giving such great customer service!

(I have no connection to either, just passing on a tip for saving a little moola!)

This seasonal Sunday finds me with pneumonia again, so I have nothing special.  I am using my down time watching QVC food and cooking equip etc. Sunday.

I’ll share last night’s dinner.

Very seasonal  !  Any season.  Rotelle and meatballs made by Mr. Cuisine. :) He is the sauce maker and meatballer in this family!

table 2992

I am late visiting your blogs, but as soon as I am feeling better, I will catch up.

I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday, and Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie for Favorite Things.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Aww get better girl. Sad face.
    That is good customer service. I don't know if these companies ship to Canada or not. I will have to check that out.
    One of my favorite dinners, I make up trays of the big meatballs and freeze them for quick meals.

  2. Kathleen,

    Take care of yourself! The dinner looks wonderful.

    I have never ordered from Overstock - it is good to know that their customer service is so good.


  3. Feel better Kathleen! I loce your new chair and I love it in your sitting room. I have always been highly satisfied when dealing with :)


  4. Kathleen, I'll be praying for you to be healed of that pneumonia soon!! I love good customer service, too.

  5. I love the chairs and I am a big fan of Overstock. I'm glad to hear you got the rebate so you didn't have to go to all the trouble shipping it back. I ordered 6 bar stools from them, coffee table and end table and 2 sets of outdoor furniture and it was only $2.99 shipping. It doesn't get any better than that!!

    Now, you take good care of yourself. Do you get the pneumonia shot with your flu shot? I do.

    Your hubb's meal looks delish!


  6. Hi Kathleen,
    so sorry to hear you are not feeling well. will sure pray about that pneumonia and that you are
    over it quickly. That pasta and meatballs looks pretty good to me. I made something called white bean and black olive pomodora with the spiral pasta the other night. It was pretty good stuff,
    not as good as Carrabas or Olive Gardens pomodoro, but very good.
    Love your new chairs, very pretty. Glad you were able to fix them so they looked fine. Don't you hate that when you get something new and have a problem with it, especially if you have already put it together or ordered it.
    So sounds like things turned out pretty well.
    Thank Goodness!
    Enjoy your pretty chairs, and sure hope you are feeling better real soon, hon,
    Blessings for good health,

  7. Kathleen,
    Hope you're feeling back to normal soon!
    Love the style of chairs, and the dinner from last night looks delicious.
    Have a restful recovery!

  8. Lovin' your new chair, glad you got some good Cust Svc, it is hard to come by these days!
    Hope you're feeling better soon:@)

  9. You're amazing. You're sick in bed with pnemonia and you're still posting?!?!? Glad to hear that Mr. Cuisine is doing the cooking.

    The chairs look amazing. So glad to hear you had good customer service. It sure doesn't happen too often these days.

    Thanks so much for linking to Seasonal Sundays - from your sick bed no less.

    - The Tablescaper

  10. Get better soon Kathleen!
    What a great chair and what a great room!
    I love the deals you find, your my kind of shopper!
    I really do like Overstock too, I have been happy with their service as well!

  11. oooh, I love your chairs, too, Kathleen! And in such a beautiful room that you never use! :-O We have a formal LR, too, yet everyone migrates into the FR/kitchen.

    I steal away to our LR to get away from everything, everyone... It is wonderful when DD is playing Chopin or something else I request. (As her mom, I'm allowed I think!) It's convenient having your own personal pianist in the house. :-)

    Take good care of yourself, and feel better soon! I've heard that once you've had pneumonia, you are more susceptible to it. Hugs to you!


  12. Kathleen, I'm sorry to hear you are not well. Take care to get better soon. You probably do too much! Glad that Mr. Cuisine is in the kitchen fixing your meals. ;-)
    I forgot to mention how much I adore your header. Every detail of that black and white table is totally charming.
    Take care, dear friend. ~ sarah

  13. Oh, Kathleen...I'm so sorry that you are under the weather! It looks like you are well taken care of by Mr. Cuisine, however! His dish looks yummy! Feel better soon!...hugs...Debbie

  14. Kathleen, I hope you feel better soon! Take it easy and let Mr. Cuisine take care of you for a few days - his meatballs and pasta look good :)

    The chair is very pretty, I really like it and yes, it is always nice to have a company with good customer service.

  15. Hope you feel better soon. Pneumonia is not a fun thing. Your chairs are fabulous and that is indeed wonderful customer service. Very rare in this day and age. Hugs, Marty

  16. Really, pneumonia again? I am so sorry, Kathleen. My sister got pneumonia twice in two years and then she got the shot and she hasn't had it since.

    Nice work on the chair! I fits perfectly in your living room and how nice of them to give you a hefty credit.

    Feel better!

  17. Feel better, Kathleen! Mr. Cuisine's meatballs look fantastic! I made meatballs today, too!

    The chairs are beautiful, pretty room. Do the gkids go in there? My nana would have kept us out, LOL!

  18. Love the chairs - I have two "occasional"
    chairs that had been my Moms which I had recovered..I think they have been sat in less than 5 times!!

    Hope you are feeling better - let Mike spoil you for a while - I think you take pretty good care of him! (You're overdue)

  19. Oh no, you take care of yourself, Kathleen! Customer service is becoming a relic of the past. I'm happy to read that somebody offers some. Not much around here however.

  20. I love your black and white table setting in your header! Hope you get to feeling better, too.

  21. Aww! Feel better soon! I know pneumonia is just no fun! Dinner looks delicious though. And the chairs are lovely. I do love good customer service!

  22. Kathleen, I'm so sorry you are not well. I hope you get better soon. Your new chair is beautiful, and how nice to get such wonderful service! That seems to be more rare these days. The room looks so pretty, and dinner looks delicious. Get well soon, and thank you for linking to Favorite Things Sat. laurie

  23. Kathleen, I hope you feel better soon. Just get plenty of rest and let Mr. Cuisine take care of you.

  24. Oh no Kathleen, I am so sorry you are sick! Hoping you are feeling better really soon! The chairs looks lovely!

  25. Oh, no! You have pneumonia?! So sorry, hurry and get well!

    Love that chair, nice story with a happy ending!

    Take care of yourself! Eat some chicken soup!


  26. I'm sorry to hear about your pneumonia Kathleen.
    You really should look into taking the
    shot. DH was in the hospital twice with pneumonia but has not had it since taking the shot.
    Get plenty of rest..QVC is also great medicine!
    I see Mr. Cuisine took care of you with a fabulous meal.
    Your chairs are lovely and they look perfect for that lovely room.
    I had the same experience with Overstock, on a 4 poster bed (chip) They gave me a $75 credit for repairs (DH was the repair man)! I also had free shipping and a coupon too. I always recommend them for their great service.

    Again, take care and feel better.

  27. Hope you are feeling better soon, Kathleen!

    I love overstock. Have ordered quite a few things from them. Thanks so much for the rebate link. I will have to remember that next time I order.

  28. Sick already and it is not even winter...burr! Lucky for you your husband cooks and his dinner looks wonderful. My husbands claim to fame is his hot dogs in jelly dish so I never complain when he brings in take out food when I am sick:-) I love the new chairs and think overstock was wonderful to give you money off. Good customer service is such a plus. Hope you get better soon. I think that WS outlet and CTS must be wondering where Kathleen is????

  29. I'm sorry to hear you have pneumonia, Kathleen, and I hope you get better soon! Rest up and don't overdo. I'm glad Mr. Cuisine made such a nice comfort food supper for you looks delicious!

    I never bought anything from --I'll have to check them out! Your new chairs are pretty! I'm glad they compensated you for the damage.
    ♥ Pat

  30. O, sweetie girl, I am so sorry you are ill. Bless your heart. If I lived close enuf, I would, full well knowing that you can outcook me any day of the week, bring you homemade soup of your choice..well, as long as it was chicken or cheesy potato...those are the only two I know how to cook. :)
    Mr. Cuisine can nurse you and cook for you since he is such a fabulous cook. Three cheers for him and please, would u tell him that I deleted ALL my music, JUST FOR HIM?

    I am totally in love with your beautiful chairs. You must have done a super job on the repair...and so glad to know that OS.COM is so easy to work with.
    Now, I didn't know about this rebate thingy..thanks for the tip.
    Go lay down and sleep most of the day and tonight, watch movies all night long...wish I was there to do it with you...I'd bring DIRTY DANCING over.

  31. I am so sorry you are sick, Kathleen. I hope you feel better soon. The pasta looks delicious and the chair is lovely. Take care!...Christine

  32. Feel better soon. What a treat to have a such a great cook around. Love that chair!

  33. I love the style of your chair and that is great customer service!

    I do hope you are getting past this nasty pneumonia. I am sorry to hear you are feeling poorly.

  34. Dinner looks so good. Take care - pneumonia can get nasty. :(
    I am playing catch up - Your Halloween table setting fun and cute!

  35. I am so sorry you are feeling ill Kathleen but so happy you had a little time to come over and visit my blog! Thanks so much. A wonderful kudos to will have to check them out. The chairs are very pretty! How nice that they were so kind! I am looking forward to coming by again soon... :)I am going to go right over and become your newest follower!

  36. Hi, K.
    Just coming by this morning to say I hope you are feeling much better. I've had pneumonia a couple of times and it sure did make me feel terrible.
    Take good care, sweet friend..
    xo bj

  37. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you are on the mend by now. I love the chairs. I've only ordered from Overstock once and they sent the wrong item and while they quickly sent the right item, I kept requesting a return sticker for the wrong thing and they wouldn't send it. I ended up being charged for a watch I didn't want. I'm glad to know that mine was just a mix up and that they do have a good service policy.

    I'll have to give them another try.

  38. Fantastic chairs, and great partial refund for the damaged frame! I've never purchased anything from them, but keep meaning to check out their site. Thanks for the tips.


  39. That is so good to know about Overstock and the other business, Kathleen. Thanks! :-)

    Love your chair, and you did a good job because I can't see where the nick is.

    Just wanted to drop by and congraulate you on winning the candle at Susan's! YEA! I love it when my friends win.

    Hope all is well with you. I'm trying to blog more now that Mr. Magpie is better!

    Have a super week...


    Sheila :-)

  40. Hi Kathleen! I hope you are feeling better! It looks like Mr. Cuisine is taking very good care of you. And I love too! Linda

  41. I love overstock too.

    Missed a table from you at TT this week. You are always one of my favorites. Hope you're feeling better and CONGRATULATIONS for winning Susan's giveaway.

  42. Your chairs look great. Glad you had such a great customer service experience.

  43. Feel better soon Kathleen! Pneumonia requires lots of rest as I am sure you know. Thanks for the tips too. I never heard of Mr. Rebate!

  44. Kathleen, I don't know how I missed this post but have been looking for you lately and now see that you are sick. So sorry and hope you are on the mend. I'm sure "Mr. Cuisine" is taking good care of you if the pasta/sce/meatballs is an example! Your occasional chair is gorgeous and good for you, getting the rebates, etc!


  45. I haven't seen you around and I am worried. I hope you are feeling better, Kathleen...Christine

  46. Oh Kathleen...I'm SO sorry to hear you're under the weather! If you lived closer, I'd deliver some homemade chicken soup & a hot cuppa tea to ya'. Although, I'm sure those meatballs & pasta were just as medicinal. Looks Yummy!

    Thanks for telling us about I had never heard of them & I have also never ordered anything from may have started something. LOL

    Gentle ~~feel better~~{{HUGS}}

  47. G'morning, K.
    I am hoping by now, you are feeling better.
    I miss your smiling face...:)

  48. Hi Kathleen,
    I wish you a soon recovery. Take care of yourself.
    Your chairs are great and those meatballs look very italian for me. Look delicious. Thank you so much that you linked in my button about the cookie party to your blog. I am sure it will be a lot of fun. And there is a raffle at the end, too.
    Greetings, Johanna

  49. Hi!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit. I have spent some time looking through some of your past posts. The food looks yummy and I love your kitchen! I have light cabinets too.
    p.s. feel better soon!

  50. What yummy-looking pasta! I'm loving the chairs too :) xo

  51. Good gosh, girl...I was worried about you. I told Mr. Sweet today that if I didn't see your name some where today, I was going to have to give you a that would do any good but at least I'd know if you were still alive. :))
    Sure hope you are much better.

  52. I'm coming back over to check on you, too. Hope you're on antibiotics & are at least STARTING to feel better. If not, CALL A DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!!
    I know a good one. *tee-hee*

  53. Hi Kathleen...hope this finds you feeling better...I love to hear stories of good customer service since I always manage to get bad CS....
    I have to say that I got a horrible cake from the Cake Boss and they called me today and are refunding my money...they didn't sound happy about it but who cares as long as I didn't have to pay for cake that got sent down the garbage for Mr.Cuisine...don't you just love a man who cooks...

  54. kathleen you cooking vixen i haven't had lunch and i'm starving....and what i'll eat won't compare to your fare.

    the chair looks fab!!!!

    yes i appreciate good customer service indeed. :)


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