Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fall Arrives at CK

I have put it off as long as I could!  I still didn’t drag out the decos, but here are a few of my Favorite Things for Fall.

Picture 382

Picture 381

Mounds of blue asters that come back every year! I know , they are perennials, but I am always so happy they return!

Of course, one of my favorite things, any time of year is…

table 1303


This week I was at CTS twice.  Mon. with my 2 sisters, and Fri. with my dear friend Gail.

My sister from TX  was here for her HS reunion and was thrilled to know CTS is opening in Dallas next week!

Mon. I missed the The Tablescaper by minutes, but she called me to tell me how bad she had been.  Afterwards we compared notes. :)

I’ll post some of the bargains Monday, but this one reminded me of Happier Than a Pig in Mud, Lynn.

Picture 377

She must get them!

And this, well, this was a bargain!

Picture 367

Spider web cupcake holder. 

There was a big sign that said 4.99, but it was tagged 14.99.  BUT, they were very nice and charged me the 4.99 and quickly removed the sign that was wrong!

Hope everyone has a great Summer Sunday, the last of 2010!  I am joining Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie for Favorite Things and The Tablescaper for Summer Sundays.


  1. Looks like you found fun shopping! Those Santa piggy's made me smile!

  2. Oh, how I wish our shopping overlapped!!! Of course they took that sign down. Not everyone can be the Queen of Shopping. Good night my Queen.

    - The Tablescaper

  3. Was that really your buggy???? lol You are the shopping queen for sure! This week it really WILL be fall and you can quit chastising the rest of us lol. Love the little spider web cupcake thingy. I wish we would get CTS out here in the boondock northwest. It takes a long time for things to make their way out here! :-)

  4. I love good shopper and I think you are......Where in Dallas is one opening....

  5. I remember that full shopping cart :-) I can't wait to see that spider web cupcake holder full of your creations. The piglet cards are so cute. Lynn should definitely have some. Now if CTS would only open a store somewhere near me!!

  6. I can't wait to see the Halloween treats you put in that holder! Looks like you had fun!

  7. Kathleen:
    Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays!

    Where are we going this week?

    - The Tablescaper

  8. Kathleen, my asters haven't started blooming yet. Guess it's still too hot. The cupcake stand is darling. I found a set of spider web plates that would be darling with this.
    Happy Sunday! ~ Sarah

  9. Hey Kathleen, I visited one of my favorite places this week and it was alive with fall blooms, including asters in 4 colors. I couldn't decide which I wanted so got none but am going back for one of each. Where are you and the Tablescaper?

  10. GREAT finds! I would also use the cupcake holder for my tomatoes. It keeps them from spoiling on the bottom.

    Please check out my first blog!

  11. Wow, Kathleen, I thought I was really bad when in comes to filling up shopping carts but you got me beat, girlfriend, lol. I cannot wait to see what all is in that cart. Love the tree cupcake holder. If you have a chance, please come by and look at the post before my last. I really want as many poeple as possible to see it because it is educational and historical. Thanks....Christine

  12. Look at that shopping basket-you are my hero!!! You're sooo right, those cards are adorable! And I'm lovin' your Asters, just beautiful!
    So spill the beans... is Christmas out yet at CTS?

  13. I wish there was at CTS near me. I might get lost for days but oh what fun!

  14. This looks like it was a very productive shopping trip!! Love the cupcake tree...I bet you are baking this minute!! I really wish there were a CTS near me. May just have to fly to Long Island!


  15. Looks like you did a good portion of your shopping all in one day. Some great bargains.

  16. I love your beautiful flowers Kathleen, they are just so glorious!
    And that shopping cart is awfully full my dear, what does the tablescape policeman say?

  17. You truly have the gift for super shopping, Kathleen. There is no CTS in my area, probably just as well.

  18. Well, that haul should fill up your trunk :)

  19. Kathleen, when you convinced CTS to come to your area, did you pledge to spend a bunch of money each month at their store? If so, you are definitely fulfilling your obligation! OOOOO, I wish that was my cart filled with CTS bags! That cupcake holder is sooo cute! Gorgeous photos of the asters! Loved your poem you left in my comment section! You are so cute and so fun! Thank you for linking up. laurie

  20. Wow! You had a lot of great finds! Way to go!

  21. Hey Kathleen,
    Happy Fall! I miss having asters to look at in our garden this time of year. I'm off to dig up my over populated echinacea's!!! uggh before it gets too dark. Hope u had a good weekend!

  22. Yea!!!!! CTS coming to Texas! I just returned home from spending the weekend with my daughter in Arlington, (fairly close to Dallas) Going there was on my list of things to do when I was on L.I. in June, but my family had filled up every minute of my time there.

  23. Now, I'm going to have to google CTS and see what this treasure trove is! I haven't heard of one, but I love your festive holiday finds.

    The pig made me giggle!

  24. Ooooh, What pretty blue flowers! I envy people who can garden, let me tell you. I can't believe you had all those bags in your cart, Kathleen. What in the world did you buy?! LOL
    I popped in our CTS last week and picked up a few last minute fall items. I doubt I'll be in any time soon- I have so much "stuff" that I won't need anything until it's time to start decorating for Christmas!! hmmm.... I have about 10 weeks or so....
    hugs, Sue

  25. You scored big with that cute cupcake holder Kathleen! Your asters are gorgeous. We lucked out with good weather this weekend didn't we?

  26. Don't You Just Love A Bargain!!
    They usually are very nice about making
    'The Customer' happy...and you did very well
    with that cute cupcake holder.
    You always seem to be in the right place at the right time.
    I'll be looking forward to seeing all your new goodies, this time.

  27. How fun to shop with your sisters, AND get that bargain!

  28. Loving everything...the flowers are just breathtaking. You must sure have a green thumb.
    These are, by far, my fall favorites, too.
    I don't do orange and brown very well...:(

    I had to laugh at your remark your mom used to make...mine said just about the same thing. "Play like you just don't know how to do it and maybe they won't ask again." lol...

  29. Just purchased a fairly large glass pumpkin jar for $1.99 at CTS!


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