Monday, September 20, 2010

Tabletop Things~ Cart Content Expose

I promised a peek at some of the things that were in my cart.  I know you are dying to know!  :)

Picture 427I just had to have ANOTHER cake pan!  This is  by Nordic , called Harvest Pumpkin , and it was 4.99.

I sure hope my gkids grow up to love baking, cause they are going to have a large inheritance! ( of cake pans,  ie!)

I can’t wait to see how the cake comes out!

Picture 429Lime green embroidered spider web napkins, 1.00

Perfect with the green apples in the spider web cupcake stand I showed you in the last post.

Picture 430These gold plates were 1.00 in the supermarket, and I thought they would go well with these mats and napkins, all 1.00 at CTS.

Picture 415  

Picture 431

These are lined in burgundy cotton, $1.

These burgundy rings were 1.00 for all of them at Savers.

Picture 432

Picture 376

I didn’t buy these, but my friend, you know who did!

Picture 368

I did buy a set of these cute Nikko salt and peppers, 8 for 1.99.

Picture 380

How about these high heeled Christmas stockings.

A must have?  :)

My sister who lives in TX called me this morning to say she was at the new Christmas Tree Shop that just opened in Dallas.  She was having a lot of fun!  So all of you who are waiting for it , it’s coming to a spot near you, someday!

Thanks for visiting, hope this qualifies for Tabletop Tuesday as I am joining Marty at A Stroll Thru Life.

I am also joining Tam at The Gypsy’s Corner for Three or More Tuesday.


  1. Kathleen...I am so addicted to those Nordic Ware pans. I won't actually admit to how many I have, lol. Glad to know someone else has this illness! Looks like you scored very well :)


  2. I love the cts there is one near my daughter so we always find a way to slip out of the house when I visit.

  3. Kathleen, what fun to see what was in your basket. It sure would be fun to go shopping with you! The lime green napkins with the spiders are my favorites. ~ sarah

  4. Hi Kathleen
    I love everything you found! Wonderful.

    What are you having to fill out at the bottom of the comment option? I have the comments set at commenter can choose to sign in or not. So you should be able to comment without signing in.

    I've decided to stay at Typepad. It is taking me awhile to learn everything though. The set up is different than Blogger.

  5. hmmm I'll be in Dallas the weekend before Halloween. Maybe I can talk my SIL into going to the Christmas Tree Shop! :0)

  6. Oh Kathleen, we've been back and forth so many times about our purchases from this past week, that I can't remember what you purchased and what I purchased! I know we didn't make it there together, but it's beginning to feel like we did.

    And they're pine cones, not acorns. And yes, I got them.

    - The Tablescaper

  7. Cuteness. Your posts always make me smile. LOVE THE HIGH HEELED STOCKINGS. Yes! A must have! Crossing my fingers for you on qualifying for TTT. :)

  8. Wow! you found some really neat goodies! Wish I had time to shop those places while we're there!

    I keep watching your weather widget!


  9. Looks like you had a good day(s) shopping last week. Love those paisley/leaf napkins. I am laughing over your comment on leaving the grandkids all of your bakeware...I have a few Nordic baking pans, but am sure I couldn't compete with the amount you own!

  10. Wow! What bargains! I need to go there to shop for my shop, lol. I can sell those for much more for sure....Christine

  11. Love the high heel stockings! Looking forward to your Halloween tablescape!

  12. Beautiful ideas, and pictures. Thanks for the inspiration.

  13. Love all your gorgeous finds..especially that cake tin! Thanks for sharing.

  14. You found some fun fall things! I love both sets of napkins (always partial to paisley)! Yes, it looks like a road trip is in my near future, thanks for the update:@)

  15. Those shops are great..wish we had some here...

  16. I want one of those stores by me so bad! I even wrote to them and asked them to build one. hehe.
    You find great deals Kathleen, and their always so neat!

  17. No Christmas Tree Shops where I live, darn it. Looks like you had a good shopping day.

  18. Wow!! Dallas is closer to Houston than New England. I was thinking I'd have to go see family to get into 1 of those shoppes. lol

    Love all your fall stuff!

  19. Looks like you had a lot of fun! If we have to give up summer and move to fall, this is the way to do it!

  20. Wow, you found the neatest things. I love it all. We don't have a CTS here either, but I sure hope we do someday. Those stockings are a scream. I love your dishes and the placemats, they are great colors. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty

  21. Very nice finds Kathleen! Everything is beautiful.

    Thank you for coming by and checking out my weight loss post a few weeks ago. I wanted to let you know I will not have any problems keeping it off for good. I really don't have a choice. My life depends on it. If that isn't a motivator I don't know what else is right? I feel fantastic and I'm very grateful.

    Happy fall blessings to you sweet friend!
    Warmly, ~Melissa :)

  22. What cute fall things you found to load your cart with! Those green spider web napkins are the best! Great photos of all your finds.

  23. Great Buys at CTS Kathleen.
    You're inspiring me to go there again this week!
    Seems like they're putting out new stuff daily...just like up at the Cape.
    Those HH Stockings are adorable. I know
    my Granddaughter would just love one...
    Now that's a good excuse for me to go again!

  24. Kathleen, you just love make me green with envy, don't you? I cannot believe how inexpensive all of these treasures were! I can't wait to see a cake made with the pan. It's going to be beautiful, and I really NEED some of those cute H'ween towels. laurie

  25. You never cease to amaze me, my friend! I love those spider web napkins and the harvest pumpkin cake pan. Well done on the great bargains, as usual!

  26. Thanks so much for getting me the pan. I think we'll make our transfer on Thursday at ballet. LOL!

    Gee,I wonder who - you know who - is?

  27. Oh my goodness, such bargains. I've never been to one of these stores...maybe that is a good thing! You are right, the cupcake holder would be a perfect match to my spider and I love the towels, so cute.

    I always look at those fancy cake pans, but they are so expensive when I see them...what a deal!

  28. Beautiful fall header,Kathleen and I just adore those table napkins,they look like tapestry!I cannot believe how cheap you can buy things over there!

  29. Kathleen,

    I love all your stuff. Good job. The salt and peppers are adorable. We have CTS near us in NH but not one yet in Sarasota. Hoping....

    Have a great week!


  30. What fun! I loved looking at all of your treasures!

  31. Love all of your great bargains! Wish a CTS would come to my area!

  32. No Christmas Tree Shop near me but maybe one of these days. I always hear about the amazing buys there!! I have about 3 Nordic baking pans. I'm thinking of getting one for fall and I like yours!

  33. AH! That is a very pretty fall pumpkin pan, Kathleen! What a fabulous find!

    I know what you mean about inheritance of baking pans I'm sure my will end up ina Goodwill one day.


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