Wednesday, September 15, 2010

As the Days Dwindle Down~Blues & Greens

OK, pumpkin people, this is it.  I will put away my summer things.  But remember in February how so many gave summer the bums rush! :)

We are eating on the deck again.  I hope you don’t mind.  My dining area is hosting my frig.  We are expecting a new one tomorrow and the alcove had to be made ready.

table 4919

An aqua bowl holds a spike plant surrounded by scallop shells from the Bay.

table 4909

I found these napkins at Tues Morn.  Blue and green plaid.  1.99 for 4, a good size too.

table 4922

Two settings have a lighter green mat and fish ring, and 2 have a darker green mat and aqua ring, just to mix it up.

The mats are 1.00 at CTS, the rings are both from the WS/PBarn Outlet.

table 4937

Rattan charger from Pfaltzgraff on sale .

Little fish ramekins from there too,

Green plate is Dollar Tree

Aqua is CTree Shop, .84

Both blue glasses from CTS too.

table 4931

The blue pitcher is from Dansk, as is my everyday flatware.

table 4915

Pull up a chair, and enjoy these last precious days of summer.  The Bay breeze is cool, you may need a light sweater!  But this is the last summer meal outside here .

table 4937

So next week, I am falling into Fall!

Thanks for visiting and please join Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday.  Be prepared for pumpkins!  :)


  1. Very nice, great deals too. Looking forward to fall and pumpkins!

  2. I'm not quite ready for pumpkins yet, either! I resisted buying both a large one and a bag of mini pumpkins twice already! You certainly are a savvy shopper to find all those bargains! Your outdoor table came together beautifully. I especially love the blue glassware.

  3. Hey, who you callin' a pumpkin head:@) I'm lovin' your napkins, great price and really neat! The blues and greens look very nice together. Enjoy your last meal on the deck, it's a beautiful setting and the evenings have been perfect!
    PS-my friend stopped by CTS over the weekend, said there wasn't much out yet for the holidays.

  4. Love the blues and green and those plaid napkins! So fresh and summery. I'm posting my last summer scape in a while too. I'm looking out the window right now and it just started raining here :0)

  5. I love all the cool colors here, the blues and greens. So calming and peaceful. I love that you are still celebrating the end of summer! Me too.
    It's only September and we are still have some fairly warm/humid days... air conditioning still needed. The nights are cooling off though, so fall weather is right around the corner. At least a week too early for pumpkins though. ;-)

  6. You know green and blue is my favorite color combo, so yes, I love this table...everything about it!

  7. As much as I LOVE to see fall come, I am in no rush to get my fall stuff out yet this year! I am loving your al fresco table and all the lovely greens & blues :)


  8. Love it...was at Christmas Tree Shop (shouldn't they spell it Shoppe?...)lol and thought of you! Love the clear paint cans - can't wait to see what you do with them!

  9. Very nice! Thank you for the kind invitation! Cathy

  10. That is a lovely table setting. I've been holding out on pumpkins, etc., too!

  11. Just gorgeous, elegant & inviting.
    Have a beautiful day ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  12. So cool and soothing. Makes me wish I was back there. I love it when you dine on the deck!

    - The Tablescaper

  13. Pretty blues, as was our skies today :) A very pretty day to enjoy a meal outdoors, but I am looking forward to the cooler weather! Although I will miss the summer colors!

  14. This makes me want to go to Mexico and lay on the beach! So soothing and refreshing...summer is leaving us isn't it...but on to favorite time of year.

    Beautiful tablescape.


  15. What a gorgeous table!! We are just coming into spring here in Australia and I can see me sitting at a table just like that!!

  16. Kathleen, fall is just the season when we can dine on the deck. ;-)
    Too hot here still to eat outdoors. This is a lovely table. The colors are so soothing. I've always liked greens and blues together. They are the colors of the ocean.

  17. I absolutely love that color combination, Kathleen. So pretty. Love all the table elements used too. You always find the best bargains...Christine

  18. My favorite color on table scapes is that blue - just makes me feel alive. sandie

  19. Amazing colors! I couldn't find this much color in my house even if I looked under the beds! HA! Looks wonderful here!

  20. I'm another one who is loving the beautiful blues of this table. I'm not quite ready for the browns yet. Love how you mixed it with the green and rattan too. I would want to sit at that table!

  21. I love these colors pretty!

    I haven't set a fall table yet either. I don't even have my post up yet this week...but, no pumpkins will show their faces yet. I think we should enjoy the summer tables while we can. I remember how tired I got using my one set of fall napkins last year!

  22. I really have to buy stock at the CTS since you seem to boost the sales each week:-) I love the cool colors and I want summer to last forever! Can't wait to see your new fridge.

  23. Kathleen, I am almost in tears because I don't live near a CTS! You find the best bargains there. I'm also loving those ramekins. They are so cute and perfect for someone who lives on the shore. Such pretty, soft colors on your table, and the plaid napkins tie the colors together beautifully. laurie

  24. What beautiful colors! Love it! Those fish napkin rings are adorable!

    I clicked on that pear recipe, sounds good! That was your very first post? Neat. I read a few more too. You started off with a bang!


  25. The cool blue does make me wish summer would stay a little longer. Or that I would have a trip to the Caribbean planned! Pretty table Kathleen.

  26. Looking at this table, I'm still feeling
    Summer Breezes!
    Love the Blues & Greens.
    Didn't they have a nice selection
    of pretty colored stems at CTS? I like your blue ones.

  27. It's very cold here this morning but I'm always willing to sit out on the deck at the beach. Your colors are beautiful and I like the way you mixed up the colors. I would like a seat at the fishy napkin ring! Linda

  28. Love the coolness of this! Why be in a hurry to say goodbye to Summer. On Labor Day I packed up all my summer and unpacked the fall -- it was so hot that it just didn't look right to me -- standing there sweating and arranging pumpkins! LOL. The great thing about September in the Mid-Atlantic can be "end of summer" or "beginning of fall" - whatever you choose (it's actually our favorite time to visit the beach) -- thanks for your lingering look at summer!

  29. I love outside meals and your porch looks like a grand place to be. No pumpkins from me this week, but they will come because I can't resist using them!

  30. We don't have a CIS store...sure wish we did.
    I love your colors here..and the napkins are so cute. Your table is wonderful.
    I am still not ready for fall but since you are going to do your fall decorating, guess I will, too. I don't have much as I don't do orange very well. I tend to want to stick with the darker reds..we'll see...
    Can't wait to see your cloche post...:))

  31. Love the blue and green palette! Very inviting.
    And a terrific centerpiece!!!

  32. I'm not ready for pumpkins quite yet either! I love your last tribute to summer, Kathleen. Perfect for the seaside!

  33. Oh, how beautiful! One more breath of summer! Your dishes and colors are gorgeous! Makes me want to put my fallness back up! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  34. Such a pretty table! Okay, I never called myself a "Pumpkin People"...LOL! But I am! I always rush the seasons....I enjoy change! Enjoying your blog...first time here! :)

    Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine

  35. Needing a light sweater sounds appealing to me now (maybe not so much in a few weeks!). I'm not ready to say goodbye to summer yet either, and I very much enjoyed your blues and greens. You really achieved a high end look while mixing in some very attractive bargains. Nicely done!

    Warmest regards,

  36. You ALWAYS do such a marvelous job with your tablescapes!! I come back often just to look at them for inspiration! Usually I'm ready to move into fall decor stuff when September gets her. But, like you, for some reason this year I'm wanting to drag out summer a little longer.

  37. What a lovely color combination! Eating outside sounds wonderful. I am longing for fall but it is quite different here than most experience. You've done such a nice job collecting such wonderful things.

  38. Very nice!!....but I'm ready for the pumpkins...
    I love the fish napkin cute and then I wondered why you bought the shells on E-Bay? need to stay awake and pay attention while reading got the shells from the Bay...not E-Bay.

  39. Such a wonderful melange of blues. The limes on the rims of the blue goblets are a nice little touch. This is a table where I come in the morning and sit all day...all the way through dinner. I'd never want to get up. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay

  40. Nice to still see a summer 'scape in with all the fall ones lately! Love the blues and greens together and the plant in the middle is the perfect centerpiece! But Kathleen, now its time to bring on the pumpkins!!!(because I know you have some fabulous dishes/accessories to show us!)


  41. This table makes me want to sit on your deck with you. It has been cold and rainy in Western New York!I love summer and I am having a hard time changing over to fall. I am digging in my heels! lol
    Your centerpeice is so clever. Love the dishes and how pretty they look layered. Thank you for sharing!

  42. I am soooooo ready for fall. Looking forward to your posts! ...Karen

  43. I don't see a cloche post ...:(

    And...YOUR Christmas counter says 98 days...mine says do I correct it?

  44. You're right--in February we will all be desperatly wanting weather just like we're having now and regretting we rushed the seasons! Love your pretty table and happy to take part in your last outside meal for the season. Thanks for visiting Buttermilk Cottage and please come back often.

  45. So pretty -- you have a great eye for color.

    You mentioned that it was hard to comment on my blog -- I am not sure what you are seeing. I'm sorry. I have had some difficulty with this iWeb format. It seems that I have not had good luck with any of the platforms I have tried yet!

    Anyway, I am glad you stopped by, and I always enjoy visiting you.


  46. What a soothing color palette. Well done!

  47. "Bum's Rush" LOL a yankee term that is SO good for this NE transplant to "hear".
    The table is beautiful too :^)
    Hugs to you,


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