Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Merry Month of May~A Bride ~A Table

I’ll start with the table. The Mother’s Day flowers were the inspiration..have to take advantage of them!

table 3981I have a Laura Ashley topper I made..and it had lots of colors like the flowers..{ 1.75 a yd at an outlet..;) }

table 3983 

I used plain white rimmed porcelain by Gofortun, Israel.

table 3973Silver charger, pink linen napkins, held by a napkin ring I have had for ages..

table 3974  I pulled out the lavender in the cloth with the stems from TJM. table 3978 Candlesticks are Mikassa, and indiv butter dishes from WSonoma outlet..

table 3970

table 3985

On May 16th we will  celebrate our 40th Anniversary..

Yes, we have argued and bickered our way through all 40 of them!  Frank and Estelle Costanza of the Seinfeld Show have nothing on us!  But, we made it, by the grace of God!So far anyway…there’s always time to change our mind..:)


They met…

table 4001

And 2 years later, they wed..

The history!

And you sure wouldn’t recognize us today! 

Now I bet you thought I had red hair and freckles..:)

I still have the dress.  I actually washed it last year..lots of nice fabric..think I’ll make a tablecloth with it! 

My son is planning a fabulous party for us in June..LOL

He doesn’t know that yet!!

Oh you want the pic of us now??

index Kelly RipaAmazing!

Thanks for stopping in, and I hope you will visit Susan at Between Naps on the Porch  to see all the other tables this week.


  1. Happy Anniversary!

    The table is beautiful. Love the flowers.


  2. Kathleen...your table is lovely and you were such a beautiful bride! How special that your son is planning your anniversary celebration :)

    Blessings & Happy Anniversary, may you have 40 more :)


  3. And to think you covered up that pretty little head with a bag to take a picture in the bathroom!LOL
    Happy Anniversary, Kathleen!!
    hugs, Sue

  4. Happy Anniversary! Your table is lovely! May is a great time for weddings.

  5. What a lovely table for an Anniversary celebration.
    That is awesome!! It is always a blessing to hear of couples who have stayed the course thru the ups and downs of marital bliss!! lol
    Good for you!! Hey, I want to see an updated pic of you two!

    We will be married 40 in November.
    That is so funny about your son and the party?? We are hoping for
    a 50th anniv. party at least!! lol

    Have a Wonderful day and Celebration......You both deserve it for being an inspiration to others.
    Blessings Galore, Nellie

  6. Today is our 40 something anniversary ... I don't worry about parties, just a gathering of togetherness.

    May your anniversary be blessed, filled with joy & love.

    Red hair & freckles? Me, too.

    TTFN ~ Marydon

  7. Congrats on the anny! Love the little butter dishes, and the dress to tablecloth idea sounds very interesting!
    PS-I'm headed to the Christmas Tree Shoppe on Sat - looking forward to it!

  8. Your table is beautiful, Kathleen, with the lovely Laura Ashley fabric and silver chargers.

    Wow, 40 years. I'm envious. You were a beautiful bride and you both looked so happy. I hope you have a grand celebration. You better tell you son.

  9. Ahhh, finally a pic Kathleen!
    But dang, it's 40 years old! I bet your still as cute as a button. Your table is fabulous and what a deal on that fabric! do you use a pattern? Curious minds want to know. Congrats my friend,

  10. You are a hoot! Love your table. And, oh my the lavender dishes are wonderful. Now I know that is not a current photo of you and your husband's me and my husband!!!!! = ) And, yes, the blonde hair is completely natural.

    Hope you'll join me in Mitford next week.


  11. Congratulations!!!! 40yrs. is a huge milestone. Your table is just gorgeous. I love the beautiful dishes, flowers and your linens. Beautiful. Oh, and you two look stunning now. lol Hugs, Marty

  12. Your table screams SPRING!! I love pretty! The tablecloth is gorgeous and what a deal.

    Congratulations on your anniversary! Wow, that is a long time to be married! You two definitely have it! Celebrate!


  13. Beautiful tablescape. I suspected when i saw the blogger preview picture that you were getting the most out of your Mother's Day flowers.

    Everything is lovely, I do like how you brought out the lavender; I always enjoy seeing your cute little W-S individual butter dishes.

    What a cute couple. Was the short hair before or after you were married? I have no doubt that you're still a cute couple (definitely not the Seinfelds). I don't think your "now" picture does you justice. :)

  14. Congrats on your 40th anniversary!

    Funny, I did a tablescape today with flowers being my inspiration too.

    I also made my tablecloth from bargin material I got at an outlet fabric shop.

    Gee, you are not really me are you? LOL


  15. Another beautiful table! Love the Laura Ashley fabric! And congrats on 40 years! Hope your party is just fabulous... Happy Anniversary!

    Blessings... Karen

  16. How pretty! Happy anniversary!

  17. Love the table - and your flowers!

    I like you in the short hair - great pics! But I am so disappointed you didn't tell me ahead of time you went so blonde!! LOL

  18. Wonderful mother's day table setting! I love the colors (of course) and the individual butter servers are so cute. Congratulations on 40 years, that's quite a milestone. We are not far behind--next year. The time sure has flown by, especially recently. Guess that's how it is when you get older. Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog.

    Yes, seems many have read Nancy Drew, but not Cherry Ames. And I did become a nurse! :-)

  19. Well, I can't tell ya how great it is to put a face with your blog...even if that photo is O.L.D.
    I've known from the start that you were beautiful !!

    Love your beautiful table. You have some of the prettiest ones in Blogland. You have so dang many dishes, napkins, tablecloths....whew..

    It's ok that you STOLE OUR 50th anniversary picture for your last photo. I won't sue !!!
    xo bj

  20. Pretty table, Kathleen, even with all the pink!
    A very Happy 40th Anniversary to you and Mike!

  21. Gorgeous table and flowers. Love those purple glasses with the floral tablecloth. And, happy anniversary too! 40 years! Wow. We will be celebrating 28 years May 29th. Time flies!

  22. Happy Anniversary Kathleen & Mike!

    I loved seeing the dating & wedding photos but the blond look suits you too, LOL!

    Great tablesetting.

  23. Kathleen, you are a beautiful couple! :-)

    And as to your table, well, it's beautiful, too! I envy all of you who can sew. I wish I could. I sew by hand, but I have got to learn to sew with a machine. I am in LOVE with that Laura Ashley fabric! It is beautiful and just perfect with your pretty flowers. And those pink napkins are just the right punch of color. Great job on this, Kathleen!

    Happy Tablescape Thursday!


    Sheila :-)

  24. Congratulations on 40 years of marriage! Your table is absolutely stunning...I love the fresh flowers and the tablecloth!

  25. PS...

    Kathleen, I am going to wish you a Happy Anniversary now because there is the possibility that I will be away at my husband's cousin's wedding on YOUR anniversary! Isn't that neat??? I'll be thinking of you then and lifting a glass in a toast to you and your DH. I might not be able to go, but I'm hoping I can make the trip!


    Sheila :-)

  26. Happy Anniversary! 40 years! How wonderful -- and a beautiful table you've set to celebrate -- we're coming up on 35 this fall.

  27. Kathleen, what are you doing wasting your time cooking and setting tables in Blogland? With your blonde hair, gorgeous figure and Mike's handsome face, you could both be rich & famous in Hollywood!

    Love seeing your old photos! Congrats on your anniversary, so many years, so many memories! Very pretty tablescape too!!


  28. Kathleen, that is SO pretty- just a perfect, lovely table. The flowers are gorgeous too!
    Congratulations on a HUGE milestone. We're an Italian (me) and an Irishman (Ray)- believe me we can bicker with the best of 'em! Hugs and best wishes to you! And tell your son that your blogging buddies want a cyber invite! Maybe we can dedicate a Tablescape to you!
    xoxo Pattie

  29. I bet you have the kitchen in the commercial too with the ice cream cake storage department:-) I think we wore the same head piece. I bet you guys look the same today as the day you married. Congrats on your 40th Anniversary.

  30. Kathleen ~ 40 years is quite an accomplishment! We are looking at 35 this August. We met, we married 3 months later. :-)
    Beautiful table and love the photos of you two. ~ sarah

  31. Look at you way back when. Love it! Thank goodness for the Grace of God in marriages :0)
    Love your table and all the special touches!!

  32. Happy Anniversary! 40 years? How can you be married longer than your age LOL! Your table is lovely and your humor is wonderful! Here is to 40 more!

  33. Your table is beautiful Kathleen! love that tablecloth. All the dishes look perfect.

    Happy anniversary! You and the Hubs look fabulous Darling! here is Troy and I at a little gatherng....Weren't you two there?

    LOL! Have a wonderful day!

  34. Loved the tablescape. I adore lavenders. Congrats on your upcoming anniversary. Oh... and okay... I love your current photo! (Ahem, congrats "Mark and Kelly!"). Hugs!

  35. Kathleen, I always leave your blog with a smile on my face. You are just soooo funny. Love the pictures of the two of you. What a cute, cute couple. Happy Anniversary! Your table is so pretty. Love that tablecloth fabric. I wish I could sew. The thought of sewing makes me feel frustrated! Those roses in your M.D. arrangement are incredible! (your comment on my post made me smile - I often feel that I ramble too much on my blog. Tonight, I just didn't have anything to say!!-I know I must be getting the flu or something). laurie

  36. What a cute bride! The flowers are gorgeous and so is the tablecloth. And I like your twisty candles. Believe it or not, the cake is still untouched in my friend's freezer. Our freezer broke and we're having one delivered tomorrow....Christine

  37. Cute post, and Congrats on your anniversary.


  38. Gorgeous tablescape, love the way you matched everything to the colours in your Mothers Day bouquet.
    Thanks for stopping by in Normandy, hope you come back again soon.

  39. What a bargain you got with that that Laura Ashley fabric! It has made a stunning backdrop for your pretty tablescape, Kathleen.

    Handsome hubby but even prettier bride! Happy 40th Anniversary! It is the "ruby" anniversary so you could be hinting for lots of RED!!

    At first I thought that last photo was of your son. I'm so slow sometimes or I'm reading so fast that I miss the joke. Duh?

  40. 40 years is wonderful! Congratulations, and here's to 40 more! (and you are beautiful too! so nice to get a peek!)

  41. Katleen, happy anniversary to you. 40 years is a long time and I wish you at least 40 years more with blessing, luck and health. I love your tablescape just for the Laura Ashley fabric. I remember so well when Laura Ashley started in Germany the first shops. I was weekly there and looked for all this beautiful designs. And we had lots of curtains and wallpapers of her. Alas they closed their shop in Frankfurt and I guess they don't have that huge range of designs and nice decorations anymore. But you made this perfect with the tablecloth, the flowers and the china. The silverware and the crystal gives the glitter shine on all that. Really awesome.
    Greetings, Johanna

  42. Kathleen, your table is lovely so refreshing,happy anniversary to you both,stunning photos!We are 33yrs.last March so not far behind you!

  43. LOLOL! You make a great couple! hey arguing is half the fun. Ozzie and Harriet? Boring! June Cleaver and what's his name are definitely overrated! Happy 40th, Kathleen! Bet it's been 40 funny filled years! I know poor Larry must be feeling what Mike has all these years, LOLOL!

    Very pretty table! I love THAT tablecloth :)

  44. Hope you have a wonderful Anniversary!! Your table ties together so well!! AND I would love to see a pic of you now! ;}

    nannykim at

  45. Congratulations! And thanks for the pictures :) I had a very similar wedding dress - but the honeymoon was over much quicker than yours, LOL.

  46. Congratulations Kathleen and Mike. Forty years is a milestone. You look as beautiful now as you did then. I look forward to hearing about your celebration.

  47. A pretty tablescape and Happy Anniversary to you.


  48. guys look soooo happy! I loved seeing those pics! 40 years is totally awesome...calls for some serious celebrating! Beautiful Mother's Day flowers and I love your tablescape! But nothing can beat 40 years of marriage!!! :-)

  49. Wonderful tablescape and Happy Anniversary!!

  50. Many congratulations on your 40th anniversary! You're a couple of years ahead of us -- we'll hit 38 in December. Your table is just lovely! The pretty flowered tablecloth is just right with the simple dishes and purple stemmed glasses, and I love that you set the table to feature your Mother's Day flowers!

  51. Happy Anniversary!
    Beautiful table. Love the flowrers and the soft colors. Those napkin rings are the prettiest!

  52. Kathleen, It's beautiful and what I love best is the tablecloth you made along with the soft pink napkins and napkin rings and the flowers and the purple stemware. It's absolutely stunning! Congrats on your anniversary!

  53. I tried to e-mail you, Kathleen and it wouldn't let me, for some reason!

    What a cute couple. I can't believe 1970 was 40 years ago. I was pregnant with my youngest daughter, late in 1970. She, who says she remembers everything, starting before she was born, told me she didn't want to be reminded it was 40 years does she think I feel.LOL

    Anyhoo, bickering can be a good thing. In fact, we have a nephew who always wanted to go with us anytime we were in the car, because he loved to listen to the bickering...made him a happy kid for sure.

    You were definitely a cutie pie and a beautiful bride and WOW, look at you now.:-)

  54. How did I miss this??? It's beautiful. I love the Laura Ashley tablecloth. Of course you got a bargain on the material! And those napkin rings are just too sweet.

    Happy anniversary. I LOVE that you say yo bickered your way through 40 years!!! My husband used to call my parents "The Bickersons"! LOL! But isn't that reality? Happy happy. Hope your son throws you a BIG party with lots of dishes!!!!

    -The Tablescaper

  55. Kathleen, HAPPY 40TH ANNIVERSARY TO YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND! That's a big deal forty! Congratulations and I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating and your photos were fantastic.

    I love your blog and your tablescapes are breathtaking.

    Again, woot, woot on forty! If I type forty exclamation points is that a bit much?

  56. Kathleen, HAPPY 40TH ANNIVERSARY TO YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND! That's a big deal forty! Congratulations and I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating and your photos were fantastic.

    I love your blog and your tablescapes are breathtaking.

    Again, woot, woot on forty! If I type forty exclamation points is that a bit much?

  57. Yea!!! 40 years and still looking as good as and the Boss will also hit 40 years on Halloween...Congratulations to you and your Boss...have a wonderful day!!....oh, and the table setting is very pretty too! Sue.

  58. Kathleen..Happy 40th Anniversary!
    Love the pictures. I must say,
    you both look so much more Natural in the 'Before'... pictures! lol
    Hope you both enjoy a Wonderful Day...with NO BICKERING!

    I also want to add, that your table is just lovely..

  59. Your table is just beautiful. Congratulations on your anniversary and I must say, you two have held up well!!!

  60. Such sweet photos, Kathleen! You and hubby make a nice looking couple! I will be married 36 years this fall so I am not far seems hard to believe how fast those years went by, doesn't it?

    Hope you had a very special day!

    ♥ Pat

  61. Congrats Kathleen! 40 years is quite a milestone. And look at you now. Must be that LI air and the breeze off the sound that reverses the aging process. I'll be up next month for a week and hopefully I'll get some of those results!!
    Tha other Kathleen

  62. Happy Anniversary, Kathleen! What a cute, cute couple you are, then and now - LOL. I love the short, dark 'sassy' hair style! I still have my wedding dress too and it's Irish lace :)

  63. Happy Anniversary Kathleen! How wonderful to have 40 years with your honey. Here's to 40 more!
    You and hubs are lookin' gooood!
    I've still got my wedding dress and no daughter to gift it to. My kitty says she has no plans to be betrothed, so maybe I'll make a table cloth or commission someone to make me a peignoir.
    As always you have a gorgeous setting...a perfect spot for a celebration.

    Sweet wishes,

  64. WOW Ms. sure are a charmer...........
    Congratulations on 40 years! and many blessings in the upcoming 40.
    Hugs to you,

  65. happy Anniversary, Kathleen, from here in beautiful downtown White Cloud, LOL.

    Elery and I have been married 2 years as of May 10, I figure I can make 40 years if I live to!


  66. I adore the shot of you with your cute little pixie hair and black cocktail dress and both of your smiling faces! Wedding pic is cute too. Can't wait to see what kind of party your son throws lol.


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