Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Have you ever been In the Middle of Nowhere?? Lavender Tablescape

That’s the name of my friend, Mimi’s blog, In the Middle of Nowhere…I know her as Marigene.  She is a displaced Vermonster who wound up in Kansas..the wind you know!

I  knew her pre blogging from a cooking forum we both frequented.  We got to know each other..she hates spare ribs, she calls them BONES, , and I don’t like vegetables!  :)

Way back then, M wasn’t into dishes…kept saying she had no room for them blah blah..

She sent me these beautiful lavender dishes..Neiman Marcus..via TJMAXX.

table 3990

Aren’t they wonderful?  I have looked all over for 2 more settings…If you see them, let me know..

Anyway, today I got this…from Marigene..

table 3968

A gorgeous , huge cookbook..She said it reminded her of me..How sweet!  I can’t wait to read it..My dh, who is not of Irish heritage, expressed amazement that there could be that many Irish recipes..:)  You know the old stereotype..

So I did a little setting with her dishes..well mine, but you know if you go to her blog…she has become a  Dishaholic…I am afraid she’ll blow in from KS and swoop them back!

table 3998

She also sent me 3 of these lavender cabbage bowls..Bordallo..

table 3992

The napkins are dark purple, and I made sheaths from a valance I got for $1.00.  The purple  ceramic napkin rings are from Villeroy and Boch. Purple stems, TJMaxx and water glasses are antique, they were my Mom’s.

table 3996

I used Iris from my garden and some flowers I took out of my Mother’s Day bouquet from my son, dil, and 4 gkids.. The toile pitcher is a gift from another friend.

table 3960

Does anyone know what those little pink flowers on a woody stem with a thyme like leaf are??

Mimi, you are too good to me!  Thank you!

table 3969


table 3991


The waffle iron hasn’t been used in 10 yrs.   So for Mother’s Day I was treated to this..a little whipped cream can’t hurt, can it?table 3967

Thanks for coming..see you tomorrow for Tablescape Thursday.


  1. I am in awe of those beautiful lavender colored dishes. I am going to HAVE to check out the new TJ Maxx in our area. Those little flowers might be heather but it's a little hard to tell. What an absolutely wonderful table. I also like the "Middle of Nowhere" blog.

  2. Hi Kathleen! Oh, what a sweet friend and I love your lavender dishes. I've never seen that color in the cabbage bowls.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  3. Kathleen....those lavendar dishes are gorgeous (have you checked ebay for more?)! What a sweet friend and that book looks to have LOTS of drool appeal :)

    Thanks for pointing us to Marigene's site. I look forward to checking it out...especially since she is a neighbor (I'm a Californian who landed in Nebraska, lol).

    Your waffles look extra YUM!


  4. Ahhh, those lavender dishes. If we ever find them, we'll have to buy a case!!! I also love the napkin rings - so sad, no more V&B. Boo hoo.

    That looks like a lovely cookbook. I can't wait to see what insprires the lady who doesn't cook by recipes, is insprired to whip up.

    The flowers are just lovely. A belated happy Mother's Day.

    - The Tablescaper

  5. Beautiful dishes! Have no idea what the flowers are but they are cute. Nice to have such lovely friends, I will have to stop over.

  6. What a great setting and good friend, love the lavender!

  7. So many pretty pictures all over the blog. Delightful!


  8. Isn't it nice to have such sweet friends that they think of you and know what you like. Those are darling. I will keep an eye out for them at my TJ Maxx. They did have the cabage ones not to long ago but no more. Never know when they could show up again though.


  9. You are so very welcome, my friend!
    Whatever you do, don't hit hubby with that book or it will do some major damage, then you will have to nurse him back to good health! Glad it got there...I was waiting for you to make a comment when I sent you that picture of the AC tablecloth because I purposely put the book on the chair seat where you couldn't miss it...was disappointed when you didn't!
    I really like those dishes, Kathleen, so watch out next time I go home...may take a side trip to LI! As always, your table is beautiful. What is that little transferware piece that barely shows up in the top of the first picture?

  10. Hi Kathleen,
    Those dishes are gorgeous and what a nice friend. What a lovely table setting. The Irish cook book looks neat too. I am an Irish girl myself, not too Irish tho!! lol
    Your flowers are beautiful too,
    nice you got flowers from your son
    and his family for Mothers day.
    How sweet!
    Have a great week hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  11. Hi...what beautiful dishes...I have never seen dishes in lavender before...would Mimi maybe like another friend??....and who doesn't love to get a new cookbook...wonderful gifts...don't you just love bloggers!!

  12. Well, those of us in Kansas agree! That "in the middle of nowhere" can be turned around to the "middle of EVERYTHING" though! You have a great friend, and I especially like her because she lives in Kansas! Have a great week! Sandi

  13. Love those dishes - I hve looked all over the internet and can never find them - except they were out of stock! Makes such a pretty setting.
    Waffles look grat - did Mike make them???

  14. You always have the prettiest table setting Kathleen. Those dishes are superb! Very unique too. Loving the Ireland cook book, my Mom would really like that.

  15. I want those lavender dishes Kathleen! They are just beauuuutiful! And your centerpiece is devine! You always have the best stuff! Looks like your about as cool as we are, (temp). I want my spring back!

  16. Kathleen, your dishes are gorgeous & the tablescape is awesome. I love the florals!

    Have a lovely week.
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  17. I will keep my eyes open for you but we all know I never get anything in Canada at the stores. Wah.
    What a pretty set. Lock your dish cabinet so she can't get them back.

  18. Kathleen, those dishes are so pretty, and I love the napkin sheaths you made from a valance (you smart lady). How great to have that pretty stemware to match your dishes. laurie

  19. Kathleen, I've always loved the lavender dishes that Marigene sent you. They are gorgeous. Every time that I go into a TJ Maxx, Marshalls, or Home Goods, I look for them. You never know with those places.

    Nice cookbook and wonderful Bordallo cabbage bowls ... and we all know that you'll put all of them to good use.

    Nice looking Mother's Day breakfast.

  20. Oh how I'm lovin' those purple (ok, lavender) dishes!!!! I have a thing for that color, let me tell you. I've always wanted to paint a room in that hue, but have been a big chicken. LOL Maybe I should hunt for dishes in that color, instead, huh? Very pretty table, all....
    hugs, Sue

  21. I thought this WAS your tablescape!! What a sweet and thoughtful friend! Who knew Bordallo came in lavender?--I love them. The waffles were a really sweet thing for MD. It reminded me--one year I got a waffle iron and a juicer for mother's day back when the kids weren't doing the shopping. SOOOO he got a weed eater for father's day. That settled that :) Yes, she is missing a tooth, but it doesn't hurt the voice!!!

  22. Love the colors. What pretty china.

  23. I remember when Marigene sent you those dishes! They are so pretty! and especially nice about the book, she sends the perfect gift, really nice! Really nice table, Kathleen!

  24. Beautiful table, I love those dishes!!! Great book, thanks for sharing.

  25. Ooooooooo, DROOL!!! Over both the plates AND the waffles!!!
    Are these lavender plates the same as the red & white rooster ones I've been coveting?? They are both GORGEOUS!

    Can't help identify the little pink flowers but I'll send you some of my liliacs ...they would go together beautifully.

    Such nice gifts from a sweet friend. I ♥ her blog, too.

  26. Hello Kathleen,
    I've been off the circuit for a couple weeks unpacking everything from the condo and trying to find a spot for my merged dishes YIKES and candle holders and glasses, and serve ware!! etc. etc.
    I hope to be back hopping from blog to blog soon. Lavender dishes!!! How very cool. Your setting is so lovely.
    Sure wish I had a waffle to go with my coffee. I'll have to stick with the high fiber cereal this morning. Blessings!!

  27. Beautiful table, dishes, flowers -everything! But most especially friend! But you know what they say - the nicest people have the nicest friends.

  28. What a gorgeous table and your friend certainly is a dear to send you those gorgeous gifts.

  29. I do love that shade of lavender, Kathleen. I'm wearing a shirt just that color right now. Love this tablescape and all the pretty dishes. Yum, I could go for that waffle right this minute.

  30. Those are some of my favorite plates of yours - I enjoy seeing the different settings you make using them. Gorgeous!

  31. Kathleen, you've gotten a lot of use out your beautiful lavender colored dishes. Lovely table, beautiful flowers for your Mother's Day. I also enjoy Marigene's blog.

  32. You waffle reminded me to ask you if you signed up for my giveaway yet. I love the dishes. What pretty colors! I love the pitcher vase too...Christine

  33. You're one lucky lady! Love these plates!

  34. One of my dream tables... I know I'm so late commenting on your blog posts, but I do catch up at some point!!! lol Marigene is a sweetie and yes she definitely has turned into quite the tablescaper!


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