Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Favorite Things…

The Tablescaper is having a Blogaversary Meme, June 2.  Where do you keep it all??…Hop over to her blog to see the details!

Every year I wait for the trees in my backyard to bloom..

Not so exciting, but I just love the color..

table 3945

When we built this house 10 years ago, there was nothing.. So I really enjoy seeing the four of them blossom.

table 1014

I didn’t want you to come here just to see my tree..

So another favorite is shrimp in a creamy wine sauce over angel hair with snow peas..Love it!

And the food matches the setting..LOL..pure coincidence!


Please stop over at Bargain Hunting with Laurie to see more favorite things posts.

Hope you are having a good weekend..

Thanks for all the anniversary wishes..:)

I couldn’t find a card that fit..I will have to write my own…


  1. Oh, the trees are just stunning. I love the pretty pink blooms. What a delight to see. The shrimp looks absolutely delicious too. Can I have some please. Hugs, Marty

  2. Kathleen:

    Thank you so much for mentioning my meme. I'm actually getting excited about it. I think it will be neat to see where everyone stashes (excuse me, I mean stores) everything.

    I love how your food matches the tablescape! LOL! Where did you get those napkins? It first I thought they were the ones that we got at WS, but they're not.

    Happy Anniversary.I think a handmade card is better anyway.

    Thanks again for posting my party.

    - The Tablescaper

  3. Kathleen, that tree is gorgeous! How long will it bloom? What a sight it must be to see it up close.
    I love shrimp and yours looks so delicious. You do the best meal presentations anywhere. Thank you so much for linkihng up. laurie

  4. I think that has to be one of the pretties tree I've seen. We have ones around here that bloom purple flowers but they shed like crazy and get sort of slippery on the sidewalks. But they are very pretty too.

    I think you must have been a child bride beause there is no way you are old enough to have been married that long. I wish you both many many more years together.


  5. I love seeing your trees! It's warm here today too, about 75 degrees. Really nice after 40's last weekend. Finally, we have spring!

  6. Oh what beautiful colours! And, wow what a delicious looking dish! That dish could become a family favourite over here too!

    Happy Anniversary to you both as well-You are an inspiring couple! Our parents just reached that milestone too!

    Blessings and best wishes,
    Natasha, Stacey and Holly.

  7. Pretty tree, Kathleen, very pretty! Love the color! Happy Anniversary to your and Mike :)

    Your shrimp looks so good, I'm sure it would be a favorite of mine, too, if I could!

  8. Happy Anniversary Kathleen! Beautiful tree and that is a delicious looking shrimp dinner.

    I was away for a few days in LA and now I have a give away of Rocco DiSpirito's new cookbook!

  9. That tree is amazing! I can see why you would want to just sit and gaze at it. But thanks for fixing the shrimp and angel hair pasta. Yum! It looks as pretty as I know it is delicious. Hope you are having a wonderful anniversary weekend. ~ Sarah

  10. Your trees are gorgeous!
    Watch out, those snow pea are green and they might be good for you!

  11. The trees and that plate of food are stunning :0)
    Some day soon I'm hoping to get my act together and join in with Laurie and her favorite things. That other meme sounds interesting. I'll hop over and check it out...

  12. Since I don;t have any flowering trees I love seeing photos of everyone elses trees!
    The shrimp dish is one I could seriously get into! Adding the snow peas is a perfect touch!

  13. Kathleen, I would love to see where you keep everything. I wish I could be closeby and I want to find the food too, lol. You make the most attractive food. Beautiful tree!...Christine

  14. I can smell the basil. Mmmm.
    What a color that tree is. It must glow in the right light.

  15. Your food presentation is always a work of art! It's such a treat to see what you do next!


  16. Your food presentation is always a work of art! It's such a treat to see what you do next!


  17. Beautiful tree, Kathleen, i can see why you look forward to its blooms.

    And we love your shrimp on pasta with snow peas. One of your favorite things has become one of ours. :)

  18. Beautiful blooming trees, Kathleen, but that shrimp dish has me salivating.

  19. What a beautiful presentation of your shrimp dish! Ahhh, it looks so good...I think I can smell it! And, it does match your setting perfectly! Don't you love it when that happens?

    Your tree is stunning too!

    Also...I like your header...that's new isn't it? I like those striped napkins.

    Have a nice evening,


  20. I don't know which photo is more beautiful, the tree in bloom or the shrimp dinner!

    Your blog header is great, btw!

  21. What a beautiful tree, Kathleen! And your dish looks so yummy! Love the way you have arranged the food to look even yummier...beautiful presentation! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  22. Morning Kathleen,
    Now could that be a crepe Myrtle tree or what type of tree is it??
    Whatever it is it is gorgeous, I would be loving looking at it too!!
    Also your shrimp dish looks scrumptious to say the least, and it matches well with your table decor too. Please share that recipe, it sounds and looks delightful.
    Blessings, Nellie

  23. Hi Stranger,
    Trees are gorgeous and shrimp looks yummy. It's nice to catch up.

  24. Hi, I'm back....had to wish you a happy 40th, sorry I missed it. Loved the pictures, even the most current. You look very much like someone from TV hmmmm.....??? Congrats, that was very fun. Make sure you get that party in June :)

  25. What a fun place you have here! Each post so full of beauty and sweetness! Happy anniversary to you guys ~ Looking forward to seeing pics from the surprise party in June :)

  26. Kathleen: Your post is beautifully delicious! It has my favorite colors--colors that I associate with spring.

    By the way, I've just left for "Mitford". Come join me.


  27. What a beautiful tree! And I know the feeling. I have a "fruitless" plum that I wait impatiently to bloom every spring. (I'd rather have a "fruiting" plum so I could have the best of blooms AND fruit, but it was here before I got here.)

    Happy anniversary!

  28. Kathleen, you've captured the beauty of those blossoming trees perfectly! So very pretty! Dinner looks delish! I love snowpeas with anything!
    Thanks for telling us about the "Where Do you Store it All?" party. That should be fun to see!


  29. Hello Yourself - KM !!!
    Love the flowers and that setting !
    I took a look at your pictures of "now and then"....I did think you had red hair and freckles - you are such a babe :o)
    I have been super busy - not enough time in a day to work and enjoy life !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  30. Oh, if I had a tree like that, I would look forward to it too. Kathleen, your shrimp with angel hair makes me drool.


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