Monday, May 24, 2010

Games People Play~XXX 000 Table

Is there a lack of stimulating conversation at your dinner table???

Is the sound of the knives and forks the only music you hear?

If he says , “This is ok, but don’t make it again.” will you scream?

This may be the solution!

My friend Denise from the Holiday Forum on Garden Web came up with a challenge..a table based on a game..

This is a very busy week here, Memorial Day, family coming for the weekend , cooking, and helping with the community picnic here.  But I couldn’t say no!

table 4044

So I thought of something that wouldn’t take much time..

I used painters tape for the board, starfish and sand dollars for the game pieces..

table 4057

Navy blue dinner, and beach chair plate from CTS..

table 4055 End of summer sale..

Pale blue napkins from the year of the flood..

Light blue tumblers from CTS, sailboat s and p’s too

table 4046

Since we are at the beach , we needed a place for the lifeguard to sit.

table 4056

Little Nantucket baskets with some white petunias that are waiting to get planted…They can also be used as votive holders..1.00 end of summer sale at CTS..

table 4043

Little covered basket for the bread..

Shell dish from CTS last week..1.69..Good for nuts, or olives or pickles or whatever!

table 4047

Little glass fish and shell shape scatters..

So tonight at dinner, instead of watching Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune, or getting agita from hearing the bad news from Wall St and the economy…we can play Tic Tac Toe..I know Starfish already won..:)

Just a little fun challenge..I was going to do Apples to Apples..did you ever play that game?  It is fun..but there is no board, just cards. so it didn’t lend itself to a table!

I am joining dear Marty at A Stroll Thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday.   And Rhoda at Southern Hospitality  for Thrifty Treasures. We don’t have good thrift shops here, but I think my CTS buys qualify as thrifty!

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Oh that is adorable. They may say don't play with your food but they didn't say don't play while eating your food.

  2. Good idea with the table game and so clever with the sand dollars. I like to play the game hide and seek. I hide so I do not have to do the dishes and family can seek out different ways to clean the table in record time:-) Have a fun holiday weekend.

  3. So cute and creative, as always! This is terrific for kids too! I love this idea. It's official! I want to be you when I grow up!

  4. Really cute table! Now if you'll only share a little inside info on when the best sales are at CTS!!!

  5. How absolutely clever & creative! Love it!

    Have a lovely week.
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  6. you really are the Queen of table top bargains!!

  7. Cute your idea of a seaside tic tac toe!

  8. What a great imagination you have, Kathleen! I'm sure Mr. Cuisine loves everything you make ;)

  9. Your post is absolutely fabulous! What a great "game" idea. And, I'm ever so envious of those 50 cent plates!


  10. That is TOO CUTE!! And I didn't know you were a GWer- I love it there! Our thrift shops tend to be pricey for the most part, but you really scored
    xoxo Pattie

  11. "So tonight at dinner, instead of watching Jeopardy..."

    Oh my gosh, Kathleen. We do that all the time.

    Thanks for using my name on your blog. I feel famous!

  12. How creative! I love it! I spent all day today packing for our beach trip, this gets me in the spirit to go! I can't believe you found those plates for 50 cents! I didn't know anything cost 50 cents anymore!

  13. Cute, cute, cute. Kathleen! Those plates are so adorable!

  14. What a fun and different idea. I can't get over the great sales you get at CTS. I sure wish we would get one here. I would be there every week looking for those great bargins. You are so lucky to have that and WS outlet near you. I'm jealous. :)


  15. Kathleen, you definitely rose to the challenge and then some! What a fun tablescape. Love the tile looking plate and the beach chair one from CTS. I can just picture your thought process when shopping for plates and knowing that SOME DAY this or that will come in handy. ...

  16. Hi kathleen,
    what a cute cute table. Love it!!
    Also love your opening table top
    it is so elegant and pretty.
    Gotta run,
    Thanks for sharing them.
    Blessings, Nellie

  17. Now that is a fun clever idea to enjoy!~ Loving the plates too, what a steal. I love seeing your tables, and anytime I link up to a party and you are are sure to be clicked upon:) Debbie

  18. Too cute my this idea thanks...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  19. very cute, Kathleen, now I get playing on the table, LOL! I thought you shouldn't play with your food? bet the Gkids would love that!

  20. What a cute tabletop! Love Apples to Apples! Fun game.

  21. Oh Kathleen, this is just the cutest table I have ever seen. I love the tic-tac-toe. That is such a fabulous idea. Seems sometimes the family is all in a talkative mood and then other times, they are all quiet. This would certainly start some conversation. Your dishes and all the accessories are just fabulous.
    I can't thank you enough for your endearing comment on my last post. It's always hard to do a post like this because some rejoice and others are only sadder. I always tears at my heart. The Lord does indeed work in very mysterious ways. Thanks for being such a comfort to me. Thanks also for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

  22. A really cute table this time. I love your attention to detail. Gosh, that CTS is fabulous for bargains! There was not enough time to visit one when we were back east. Another time, maybe. ...Karen

  23. Very cute and unique. I love it!!!
    You really found some great deals.
    Thanks for sharing.

  24. What a clever idea and for so little amount of $$$. Everything looks so cute together and I wonder who will win the game?? LOL

  25. What a precious table you've set! Love the beach theme and you've not left out one little detail!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  26. Kathleen, cute table. Love the t/t/t game. Clever!
    Have a terrific weekend with you family. Is it warming up? Hope it's pretty for you! ~ Sarah

  27. I wish there was a CTS near us...we're have a country away :D I love those deck chair plates.

  28. You always have a lot of fun Kathleen and this table is not exception!

    I bet you are busy planning and cooking for the big weekend.Any chance of a little trip to CTS?

    - The Tablescaper

  29. Very creative. Maybe I will do that for my kids :)



  30. Very clever, Kathleen! And what a great deal on those beautiful plates....Christine

  31. What a welcome relief to see your summery post! It has been wintry and wet over here today so thanks for brightening up my day, Kathleen!

    Best wishes,

  32. I think you must be about the cleverest woman I know! This is a great idea -- and I then thought -- I could paint that on one of my little junky pieces I have stashed around here! It is so hard to find any sand dollars and start fish here -- I think they must be more prolific in the Atlantic.


  33. your table is amazing Kathleen.. Those plates for 50 cents are making me scream cause I want some:) you lucky duck finding those.. I gotta get me some of this beachy stuff.


  34. Now this is waaay too cute! Such a great idea. Everything is just precious.
    I don't have anything at all beachy. Since we have no water, beaches or good looking OLDEN life guards aound out here in West Texas, I never think of any thing beachy!! I love the looks of it, tho.
    GOOD JOB!!
    xo bj
    O..and I will probably be Sure to have withdrawals when I go on the cruise. I have worked night and day to have posts up for each day I am gone, tho. How silly is that!!
    Talk about addiction!!! See...I DO love all of you!! :))

  35. So where do you possibly find the time to dream all these things up? LOL This is simply so much fun! I concur with Lori's comment. Play while you eat your food. *grin*
    Love the theme, my friend! All is going so much better here. See, I'm back posting and shopping! Whew, what 4 months of sheer craziness can do to a person! xoxo Sue

  36. Clever, fun and so well coordinated in the colors and theme. Looks like you're all ready for summer. Jane F.

  37. How cute is this!! The game is a great idea!

    We're back from two weeks of celebrating, I'm trying to catch up now!


  38. I LOVE this idea! How simple and how cute is the tic tac toe game! Kathleen, you find the bestest deals! Those plates with the adirondac chairs are soooo cute! laurie

  39. I am in awe. Seriously. The tribute table at the top - almost touched me as much as the vets at the grocery store today. I actually flipped a u-turn as I drove by (I wasn't shopping there today) and drove up to donate. Seeing them, seeing this - makes my friday.


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