Wednesday, May 26, 2010

In Your Honor…Memorial Day

Stars and Stripes…

Memorial Day..the start of the summer season out here.

Like so many other holidays, we sometimes forget why it is being celebrated.

On Memorial Day, we remember our finest who have served their country.  Many of them gave their lives for the US.

I am forever grateful..

To honor some fine Marines, I set this table.

table 4058 A wonderful ship flying our flag..

Red chargers, red flatware, white cloth with navy blue topper.

table 4064

table 4088 table 4068

Blue stems, individual blue glass flowerpots for the flowers, with a flag..

table 4079 Stars or flag name  holders..

table 4089table 4086

Can you see those little blue whale Salt and peppers?

table 4083

table 4092 My virtual  guests are  LT. Gen. Libutti, my childhood friend. (Or, THE General as my friend Dave refers to him!)

We grew up together in Huntington and I have many fond memories of the hilarious things we did..

Well, we thought we were funny anyway!  Frank retired a few years ago, after many years of outstanding service to our country...

I was in his sister’s wedding, his wonderful mom sang at my wedding Mass, and a group of us went to SC for his wedding.

You can read about him here.

I can’t believe I am NOT mentioned in his wikipedia entry! :)

The next guest is Maj. Chris Meyers.  Chris served in Iraq and is now in Afghanistan.  He is the proud dad of 2 little boys, who, along with his wife, parents, family and friends, pray for his safe return.

Here he is….click here please..

I also invited his dad, our friend and neighbor Vinny, who was an officer in the Marines and served in Vietnam.  Small world, he served with my friend Gen. Libutti. 

The last seat is in honor of my college friend LT. Whitey Schoff who was killed in Vietnam.  Whitey was a gentle giant who was engaged to one of my DZ sisters. I will always remember his smile..

So thanks to them, and all our  Service people, living and deceased who have given so much for our country…

table 4094

God Bless America…it is one of my Favorite Things..

Have a wonderful Memorial Day!

I am joining Susan from Between Naps on the Porch ,  for Tablescape Thursday and Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie for Favorite Things. And for the letter S at Jenny Matlock’s

Table credits..

Plates , napkin rings, stems , whale s and p’s , Cambridge flatware, name holders ..Christmas Tree Shops

Chargers, PB Outlet, Napkins Kohls

Star plates, Pfaltzgraff outlet a few years ago

Small blue glass flower pots, Walmart

table 4069 

A Patriotic Breakfast for Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum and  my friend Suzy’s Flashback Friday at Kitchen Bouquets.

table 2600


  1. As usual Kathleen, your table is charming and fabulous!!! I bet your guests will be thrilled, what a neat way to honor them.

  2. Beautiful setting and sentiments! Your deck and yard look great, enjoy this nice long weekend coming up!

  3. Thanks Kathleen...
    My dad was a Marine...
    Picture perfect star pancakes...
    have a wonderful weekend!
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  4. Oh my, what a beautiful setting, truly wonderful. Yes, God Bless America!


  5. Kathleen, I just want to move in with you. Your table on that porch is just the perfect picture for the start of summer. And I join you in thanking those wonderful men and women who are putting their lives on the line for all of us
    xoxo Pattie and Allie

  6. Of all the table settings I have seen this is one of the best! I love the patriotic theme! You put it together beautifully and the star pancakes are just great!

  7. Wonderful post and a tribute to your military I really really like those plates with the ship....and i love the flag throw that is on your chair...I am all about decorating with the flag...if I don't get back before going to Jersey have a great holiday weekend...

  8. Gorgeous tablesetting and delicious looking breakfast. What a wonderful sentimental tribute!

  9. This is very pretty! I love the whale salt and pepper shakers.


  10. What a wonderful tribute to your friends. My dad was a proud Marine in WWII, Pacific Theater.
    Your table is lovely as always...cute salad plates.
    God Bless the red, white and blue!

  11. What a beautiful post, Kathleen, and a lovely tribute to your friends and all those who are serving or who have served in our military. Your table is so festive. I wish I could pull up a chair and join in.

  12. What a wonderful tablescape, Kathleen...celebrating a very important day! Like you, I am so grateful for the brave men and women who have served and are serving now. I'll check out the link to your childhood friend. Surely, you are mentioned in there somewhere! ;-)

  13. Great job once again! I love the different looks you came up with. One thing I didn't see you tell us is where did you get those great placecard holders? I've been searching for some and couldn't find anything.

    Happy Memorial Day to you and yours. Enjoy your great meals on those great tablescapes.


  14. Appreciate your patriotism and remembering those who serve. The table is really pretty. Love the napkins and napkin rings as well as the blue stemware and flowerpots. It all looks very beautiful!

  15. Your lovely tablescape is so festive. I love the star dishes. You have such a gorgeous porch, too.


  16. What a wonderful tablescape AND tribute. Happy Memorial Day weekend.

  17. My favorite thing as well :) An excellent post, Kathleen, excellent!

    Have a great weekend, and enjoy the start of tourist season in the Hamptons! LOL!

  18. Kathleen-I didn't know you had that fabulous porch! I KNEW you would have something wonderful for Memorial Day. Love everything, especially the napkin rings. The seat for Lt. Scharf is such a tribute--The men, women, and the families they leave at home (past and present) have my utmost gratitude. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and holiday. Oh yes, I'm not going to cut the grass--maybe I'll harvest it in the fall :)

  19. So festive! And that meal, MMMM!

  20. Great table! How did I miss those chargers at PB. Great napkin rings. I'm so glad there are some coming my way.

    But, my favorite part of your post is your tribute to our soldiers.

    - The Tablescaper

  21. Oh, Kathleen! You did a wonderful job setting such a festive table! But the part I loved best were the guests. I'm so glad you honored them this way!

    My uncle was in the Navy in WWII and Korea, and my cousin was a Lt. Col in the Air Force. His son is a Major in the Air National Guard and a Hurricane Hunter. He just got back from over "there." I love our military more than I could ever express in words.

    You have so many special touches that I could be here all day, but I love how patriotic it is, and I adore your pancakes! Where on earth did you find those star pancake molds??? So cute, and I love how you decked them out with blueberries and strawberries. PERFECT!

    Happy Memorial Day...


    Sheila :-)

  22. Our tablescapes are very much alike this week. I love yours. Your setting is just beautiful. I SO appreciate everyone that remembers the real meaning behind Memorial Day. Thank you. Lori L

  23. HI Kathleen! Oh, what a marvelous table and it does tell a story! Everything is so pretty on your wonderful porch!
    God bless our service folks.
    Thanks for the info about the Holly Tone.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  24. Your table is perfect for honoring our Marines and our country. Love those blue goblets!! My daughter's boyfriend starts Marine boot camp in June and we'll be attending his graduation at Parris Island in September...

  25. Wonderful, wonderful tribute! If I remember correctly from my Pentagon days, Lt. Gen is a three-star? Two-star? Whatever, it is an honorable achievement!!


  26. Kathleen, that is so special and I was moved by the people you chose to honour at your table. Your sentiments hit home and its not even our "Memorial (Remembrance) Day yet. Love all your R,W & B accessories and dishes, especially the "rope" type napkin rings, a unique touch. Here in Canada, we have no occasion/holiday to use R,W & B but I sure wish we did when I see your beautiful creations with that colour combo!


  27. This is ALL soooo beautiful, from the napkin rings to the centerpiece, it is great! You always do a wonderful job! Loved that it was on the porch! I enjoyed the story as well!

    Nice tribute!


  28. What a perfect way to honor Memorial Day and the men and women who have served our country. Your table is beautiful!

  29. Great memorial table Kathleen!Where do you store all your stuff??
    Well done!

  30. Your table looks so inviting & your food looks delicious, have a great weekend.
    I looked at the previous post whilst I was here, loved the TTT tablescape too,

  31. What a perfect table for celebrating this holiday. Thank you for sharing your wonderful tribute to the men who have served our country.

  32. This is one of the most outstanding & touching posts I have ever read, Kathleen. You have created a wonderful tribute to honor these brave men. I applaud you & them both!

    "I think my CTS buys qualify as thrifty!" Yea, no kidding!!! I found out OH has one in Dayton. A wee bit too far from me but maybe they'll expand.

    Re: babys breath...I have never tried to grow it but it sure would be nice to be able to cut it fresh. I'm running out of room but I'll look into it. Thanks for the suggestion & thanks for sharing the stories of these guys. I'm off to follow your links now.

  33. What a beautiful tribute and a true sense of why we have freedom in our country. I am most grateful to be celebrating Memorial Day this weekend and will take time to think of those who served our country.
    On another note, what time should I be at your house for Memorial Day pancakes? Looks delicious!!

  34. What a lovely post, Kathleen! Your patriotic tablescape is wonderful in every detail and I love the tribute to your special guests...very moving. I had no idea that you had such a gorgeous porch! I would be out there every morning with my coffee...especially on the first day of school...watching the buses go by! lol Loved your XXXOOO clever! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  35. I love the blues and reds, stars and stripes of your memorial day table!! The fruit topped star shaped pancakes look delicious!!! And yes, I do wee the little whales! Love those, because they called me "Gayley Whaley" when I was a kid!

  36. What a wonderful tribute to our brave military soldiers, Kathleen. Beautiful table! I love the patriotic colors and love your stories about your friends. Sorry about the one killed in Vietnam. Too sad! I did not have a chance to create a tablescape, been so busy cleaning and gardening but I stayed up till 5 AM creating my post for "Where do you keep it all", lol. It was overwhelming but I won't have time to do it anymore since I have company starting tomorrow. And to make matters worse, my desktop crashed so I have been using the laptop which is a lot slower. Happy Memorial Day, Kathleen!...Christine

  37. Thank you Kathleen for the wonderful tribute!! Yes, we often forget what Memorial Day is all about! It gets lost in the "first holiday of summer" rowdiness.
    As a Navy brat who married an Army fellow, I thank you! and through you I thank THEM!!

  38. Kathleen, your post is beautifully written and your whole vignette is so quintessentially American. Your photos should be in a magazine!


  39. gorgeous table, i esp like the napkin rings :D

  40. Wonderful post! Thanks for the reminder to take time and think about this weekend.

  41. Love your memorial day post and table. You always come up with the best tablescapes! (Stop by for a giveaway if you have a minute!) Happy Memorial Day!

  42. Your table manages to be both festive AND elegant -- very fitting for Memorial Day, with a different mood than the Fourth of July. Wonderful plates, and you've showcased them beautifully with the other table elements.

  43. Your table is beautiful, thank you for sharing.

  44. Love your patriotic table. And please pass the adorable pancakes!! Happy Memorial Day weekend!

  45. What a lovely table, and a great post honoring our hero soldiers. Nicely done!

  46. Kathleen...I always love your tables! This is a terrific post. As a military family, my heart is tender towards those heros who have served!

    Oh, I also have to mention - - LOVE those ship plates!!


  47. That is a beautiful table setting for Memorial Day. How cute are those star pancakes ;-) Great S post.

  48. Kathleen,
    Your patriotic table in honor of these four special guests is beautiful and touching. I love our country and enjoy seeing a patriotic setting in red, white, and blue. And those pancakes are definitely going to show up on our menu soon! ~ Sarah

  49. Thank you. What a wonderful S to share.

  50. What a sweet and sentimental table setting. Those plates are gorgeous...and so unusual. And I must say that the pancakes almost made me swoon! They look amazing!

    Thank you for giving us such a lovely story and tablescape on our stop here through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "S"!

    This was really charming!


  51. Kathleen, this is such a wonderful tribute to the heroes that you know and the ones you don't know. This table is perfection. Love those plates with the ships on them, and you have so many great patriotic accessories. Those star pancakes look wonderful with the berries on top. So glad you are linking this to Favorite Things. laurie

  52. Beautiful table, beautiful meaning....made me pause and give thanks

  53. The plates with the ships on them are perfect! Beautiful setting.

  54. This is wonderful and even more beautiful with the white front porch setting. The napkin rings really add to the look. I love it all and your guests sound divine!


  55. Hi Kathleen - Thanks so much for visiting my pizza post - I'll definitely be giving them a try. Thanks so very much!


  56. PS - what a great post, and I love your star shaped pancakes!!


  57. This is an awesome table setting and tribute to our heros.
    Thanks for working on this for us, K. It's beautiful !
    xo bj

  58. I love your tablescape! I really love the ship plates. So cute. Berries make a great patriotic breakfast! Love that too!

  59. Patriotic and such a fun surprise. I've never seen star pancakes before and it's so yummy and adorable! Thanks for a great idea....

  60. Kathleen, I'm dropping back by to ogle those pancakes and the dishes, and to also tell you how much Mr. Magpie enjoyed reading his birthday wishes. You were so sweet to do that, and it just made his day. And you all made mine@! :-)

    Now, I hope you and yours have a wonderful Memorial Day!


    Sheila :-)

  61. What a beautiful table. How wonderful to honor those who serve and have served our country.


  62. Lovely table!
    Catherine :)

  63. Absolutely gorgeous, Kathleen!!
    I love it all.
    Happy weekend!

  64. Love the tablescape. The dishes are great and love that red flatware. The blue goblets are perfect and it all looks so patriotic on your beautiful porch! Ooooh, I need to make some of those pancakes.

  65. What a wonderful and patriotic post, Kathleen! I love your table and those ship dishes are beautiful!

  66. Lovely post, Kathleen ... I hope that Gen. Libutti finds out that he is your virtual dinner guest. I'm sure that he would be honored and would LOVE your patriotic table settings and accessories.

  67. I love your red and white and blue tribute to your brave servicemen and women. I too am grateful for the sacrifices that they have made to protect our freedom.

    Thank you for inviting me to your virtual party!

    Happy weekend and best wishes,

  68. Kathleen, I'm back for another visit to this beautiful tribute. Your front porch is fabulous! It looks like the perfect venue for celebrating any occasion. All the best for a wonderful holiday weekend. ~ Sarah

  69. just fabulous...really...the tablescape is amazing, but so are the men you tribute.

  70. What a fabulous tribute. Your tablescape honors these men wonderfully.

  71. Beautiful! What a great Memorial Day tribute; it is certainly an important day that all of us should honor. Great pancakes too!

  72. What a beautiful tribute to those who have and are serving. You always set such an amazing table.

  73. Hello Kathleen...

    Ohhh my...what a beautiful red, white, and blue table, my friend! And...what a great tribute to your friends who have served our great country! I am so very thankful for them and the sacrafices that they and their families have made for us! God bless them...and God bless our great country! Thank you for sharing your beautiful patriotic table with us today, Kathleen...such a treat!

    Happy Memorial Day weekend!
    Chari @Happy To Design

  74. Your post is beautiful Kathleen. Love all the touches on your table, and especially love those plates. The tribute to your friends is touching and my eyes were not dry when I finished reading. Thanks for joining my flashback this week my friend.

  75. Kathleen, This is the most patriotic talbe! I love the beautiful sailing ship plates, the rope napkin rings, the beautiful mix of red, white and blue. And your fabulous breakfast. All is perfect!!!!!
    Happy Memorial Day!

  76. What a wonderful tribute to your friends. Love your table setting, and the patriotic red, white and blue!

    And the weekend was gorgeous for you.

  77. Hi K:

    It was the whale s&p that sent me over the edge! LOVE IT!!

  78. What a wonderful tribute for memorial day - the patriotic colors of this setting are simply stunning! You always do such a wonderful job at your tablescapes - amazing!


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