Friday, May 21, 2010

Favorite Things~ Dishes and Food

I like a big salad for dinner.  You don’t need a recipe for a Salad.  After all, the definition of salad is..mixing things together..

So take a pretty plate that I have shown your already..(Pottery Barn Outlet)

table 3761Fill it with greens of your choice..if you use spinach a little sugar sprinkled on it  takes the bitterness away.

Cook some chicken breasts.  I buy the breasts and slice them thinly myself.  So much cheaper..

But for this, leave them thick..

Marinate in some Italian salad dressing, and dredge with Panko ( I mix flavored bread crumbs with the Panko)

In a small amount of oil, quickly brown, and place in oven to finish cooking..

table 4011

Let them stand a bit, and slice.table 4021 Add what ever your heart desires..this has red onion, feta, toasted pecans and fresh pineapple , which was sweet and juicy ! and a sprinkle of crispy bacon.

table 4014

What could be recipe needed.. And it is a filling dinner..

table 4015 Ok, that was too easy..

How about some Pork fried Rice and Shrimp? With crispy walnuts in a honey glaze..The pork fried rice takes the most time, the shrimp, just a few steps.

table 4031

You can play Chinese restaurant..

table 3843

Serve it with some hot tea..on Blue Willow or Pink Willow..

table 3962

And in an hour you will be hungry again!  :)

Hope you will join Laurie for her Favorite Things meme!

Thanks for visiting, and have a great weekend!


  1. Mmmm, both of these look fabulous! Quick, easy, and delicious- perfect for summer!
    xoxo Pattie

  2. Kathleen ... food always looks good especially how you make it. Delicious and pretty.
    That salad shall be on the menu tomorrow night.

  3. OooOH-Kathleen, give us the recipe for the pork fried rice! What is that adorable little covered dish with the Blue Willow? Have a good weekend. I am off tomorrow for Little Rock AK for a wedding!

  4. That salad has all my favorite things in it.
    Panko crumbs are so much better than regular ones aren't they.

  5. OMG, that chicken looks so good! I love salads, too.
    I love the Willow pattern.
    Have a great weekend, Kathleen!

  6. Okay! That does it! I'm coming over and you had better have some of this most lovely looking food! :)
    It all looks and sounds delish especially sitting on your beautiful dishes!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. I'm telling ya- I'm moving in your house! My mouth started watering when you showed that picture of the chicken, and then by the time I got to the end of the post and saw the Chinese, I was drooling all over my key board. Of course, even my food looks good when I put it on transferware, but your food is so amazing, you could plop it on the tabletop, and I'd dig in! Thank you for linking this mouth-watering post to Favorite Things. laurie

  8. ummm, now this is MY kind of salad..I am making us one for our dinner tomorrow night, with crunchy bread and butter and a HUGE glass of Blackberry, let's see....dessert ??
    Maybe some more Raspberry sherbet...
    Love your pretty dishes..
    xo bj

  9. Oh, they both look so good. I love a huge salad. I am so hungry for chinese too. That would be a real treat. I think I will have some of both. Hugs, Marty

  10. YYUUMM!! OMGSH!! I am drooling, my two favorites, salad and Chinese Food!! XXOO

  11. Beautiful green plate. I am envious of your Pottery Barn outlet. Wish we had one close by!

  12. Kathleen,

    Love the salad (and the plate). I'm not sure how to make fried rice - yours looks delicious.


  13. All of it looks so good! I will have a little of both. :D
    Enjoy your weekend.

  14. Beautiful post, Kathleen, and love the header. I just spied my favorite little butter dishes. A big salad is one of my favorite things too. I just wish I could get my husband to consider salad (even with lots of meat) a meal. :) You have so many lovely "things" that I bet you could do hundreds of "My Favorite Things" posts.

  15. Your sight needs the same rules as the grocery store...never come hungry!! Everything looks wonderful here.

  16. Kathleen,
    I'm waiting to have a late brunch with friends, but after viewing these delightful offerings I may have to go fix me something to tide me over. :-)
    I love a good salad and the one you show is my favorite kind to fix with greens, a protein, and some nuts, cheese, and a touch of fruit. Yum!
    The pork fried rice almost looks like a dessert. Beautiful food, and exquisite place settings.
    Thanks for sharing these favorite things. ~ sarah

  17. Kathleen, it all looks delicious! looks better than plenty of the restaurants, too!

  18. and I'll be back in an hour...

  19. OK, now I'm drooling. That salad looks FABULOUS.

    -The Tablescaper

  20. I just finished lunch and I STILL want that salad! It looks scrumptious as always!

  21. Your salad looks great so simple but delicious!

  22. Oh, now I am starved! LOL Everything looks so yummy!!

  23. Where did you learn how to cook, Kathleen? You are so good. You should adopt me (or us) so I won't have to cook and make my husband suffer, lol....Christine

  24. Oh boy, my mouth is watering! That salad looks fantastic. Thanks for the tip on using sugar too-I will try that for my spinach-hating boy! Did you see the picture I posted of him eating spinach on my 3 sisters blog? Here is the link if you want to check it out:

    Hope you have a fabulous Sunday.

    Best wishes,

  25. "sugar sprinkled on it (spinach) takes the bitterness away" I didn't know that!!!! Thanks for the tip!

    Your chicken looks luscious, Kathleen. Have you ever tried it with dry Ranch dressing mix? Put the package of dry salad dressing in a baggie, add a bit of EVOO & the raw chicken...allow to marinate a little while. Bake. LOTS of flavor!

    I wish I had some good Chinese recipes to make at home. I never seem to get the sauces right. Yours looks yummy! Anytime you want to share your method, I'll be here, waiting to copy! I only copy from the best, ya' know. :-)

    Beautiful dishes & I ♥ your new header, too.

  26. what an incredible meal!! you have succeeded in making me incredibly hungry!!!
    thanks for sharing!

  27. That salad looks scrumptious, Kathleen. Panko crusted chicken is a favorite. And I would love to have your recipe for fried rice. I could eat it for breakfast.

  28. Yum Yum! Please give us the recipe amounts for the honey walnut glaze on the shrimp..that looks so good!

  29. Your chicken/feta/pineapple salad looks delicious!!!
    My daughter would love to go to either BC or Loyola for grad school!! But she would need a huge scholarship to go to either place. We will just have to wait and see what happens.

  30. Wow, Kathleen! That green plate is gorgeous, but your food is even more so! Just wow!!

  31. Kathleen...I just send you the link for the place I got those white lace chargers sure and check your email my Dear friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  32. That salad looks awesome. I love making salad creations. They can be different every time. Its something I like to do on a Saturday..throw together a salad with whatever is available in the fridge. I think its because I like to clean out the fridge on Saturdays and I discover things I should have used already lol.


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