Tuesday, April 13, 2010

We’re Getting There! I am SO PLAID you came…


Here on east end of L.I. we are just starting to get green.  My friends Carol, The Tablescaper  (Alma)  who is having her first give away, so be sure to stop in , Pat, and Stephanie are at least an hour west of me, and they are about 2 weeks ahead of me in  bloom time…

But I have green…

table 3728and lots of things have popped.

table 3727 

Blue skies…

table 3730table 3723My new clematis found its home today..

And soon ….table 3725  

These will be loaded with hydrangea..

table 920

I will wait patiently, and spray diligently so the deer don’t MURDER them!  They MUNCH, and MASTICATE my poor plants.  MUCH MONEY, (MOOLA) is spent on Deer Out.  The lovely MINTY aroma keeps them away for a bit.  That was for Jenny MATLOCK’s alphabet Thursday, letter M..:)

I am joining Susan at A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday, and Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday.  Thank you Susans!

I went to the fabric outlet last week to search for upholstery  fabrics.  I didn’t find what I wanted, but saw this pretty pink and green plaid for a tablecloth.  I think Miss Janice would like it. :)

table 3698

I decided to use a white dinner plate, green salad made in Portugal and on clearance at HG, and pink cotton place mat under a white charger.

table 3720

Pink glass from Lenox, Green BEE glass from CTS as well as the green wood napkin ring (on sale for .20  :)  )that’s on the pink and green napkins…

The little green ramekins are Pfaltzgraff. And the green candles are from CTS.

table 3718

The pink Kalanchoe were in the basket of flowers my family gave me for Easter and I popped them into my “what a deal I got“ Apilco Lion’s head Soup Tureen from WSonoma Outlet..here, with a bow  I made from Costco ribbon..

What’s for Dinner?

A rack of ribs, done low and slow in the oven..

table 3713

Served with fresh cole slaw and sweet potato fries  that would NOT get crispy!  :)

table 3714 Thanks for visiting…I made my Foodie Friday dish already, and my prize from Gollum arrived, so I’ll show you!  Hope to see you!

Laurie’s My Favorite Things meme is Sat.  Now you know you have lots of favorite things..Sue does..:) Go look, it will make you smile!


  1. Oh I love your dinners! I think
    my hydrangeas are just a little ahead of you. I think those 2 days in the 80's really gave us a push! Hang in there, sweetie, spring is coming your way!

  2. Hi Kathleen,
    That's alotta posting. Your yards are gorgeous, things sure bloom pretty in the East. I bet those hydrangeas get huge.
    Your table is cute and fun. Pink and green are one of my favs and great fabric. As for your food....I am about ready to get off work and am starving. Even if I weren't those ribs look heavenly, and I don't even care if your spf didn't get crispy.
    Have a great evening.
    :) Maryrose

  3. Pretty table, ribs look spectacular! Why don't sweet potato fries ever crisp up???

  4. Hi Kathleen,
    Your street and yard look lovely, and oh my those hydrangeas, they are one of my favorite flowers, course, I have never met a flower I didn't like!! lol
    but I do so love them.
    Love your pink and green plaid tablecloth and your tablescape was really pretty too, and the food looks might good too!
    Have a delightful evening,
    blessings, Nellie

  5. Hi Kathleen !
    I love your green ! We are barely getting green ..My favorite are the hydrangeas ...we have a few white ones in Colorado ..but I love love that blue - take good care and shoo those deer away cuz I want to see them in full bloom !
    Love your plaid table and those ribs look extra yummy...
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  6. It's all beautiful. The table, the food.... what a wonderful post.

  7. Pink and green are perfect colors for spring. Your gardens are going to be so pretty in such a short time! I love this time of year.

    More yummy food to tempt us! Oh my!


  8. We have in common the love of plaid and polka dots.....great looking table. Love the bee glasses....but let me know how you cooked the ribs...they look wonderful...I never know how to cook them so they don't burn yet come fall off the bone...

  9. Hello Kathleen!

    Thank you so much for visiting my blog! So gald you did because it lead me to your darling blog! You sure know how to set a table and cook girl! Love your garden to and looking forward to seeing it in full bloom!


  10. You are getting green! We've already mowed twice so far this season! Lilacs are all in blossom, won't last long with the warm weather, though. The flowering trees in the yard are now history, so sad.
    Pretty pink and green fabric...I am really getting to like pink for the table!
    My mother told me if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything...therefore no comment on the bones!

  11. Beautiful hydrangeas! I'd be waiting too. Dropping by from Outdoor Wednesday.


  12. This post has it all! Outdoors, flowers, fences, tables, and yummy food! First of all, I love the porch and the lovely fences. I think they add so much charm to the outdoors.
    And your table is wonderul. Pink and green is such a darling color combo!
    Thanks for the inspirational post!

  13. Love the pink & green plaid. Just so Spring looking.
    AND THE RIBS oh, just pass them through the monitor! Yummy looking for sure.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  14. I enjoyed everything you featured today. I love ribs and would have enjoyed a meal with you. Very well done.

  15. Oh Kathleen, I know you are jumpin' up and down over seeing green grass! I'm so glad for you - It's about time! Your table is so pretty. Love all of the pastels, and I want some of that plaid ribbon - it's so pretty. I also want some of those ribs (my mouth is watering again). thanks for the FTS ad. laurie

  16. Pink and green is one of my favorite spring color combinations! Your table scapes are always so lovely and ike the "icing on the cake" of each of your wonderful meals!

  17. OK Kathleen, what time should I arrive for dinner? I want the exact dinner you show here...yum! Love the plaid tabelcloth!

    I'm glad it is finally greening out there --you will have a lot of beauty soon.

    I went to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden this weekend ..the cherry trees were in bloom! So beautiful!

    ♥ Pat

  18. I must tell you that here in CT, - 'I'm' the one who's turning green, with envy, when I see your beautiful hydrangeas!!
    Somehow I just can't get mine to look like yours! grrrr

    Great looking table. I love the colors in your new plaid tablecloth..

  19. What a yummy dinner!! My daughter loves sweet potato fries! The ribbon in your centerpiece is such a great match for your new plaid tablecloth!!

  20. Those ribs look finger licking good!

  21. Ooooo, Kathleen....your lacey cap hydrangea is BEAUTIFUL! I had one in FL that lasted for years. LOVE that periwinkle color of it.

    What is "CTS"?? I keep wracking my brain every time I see this abbreviation & I can't figue out which store it is.

    ♥ LOVE the new tablecloth...soooo preppy! My DD is a Delta Zeta, so pink & green ANYTHING are favorites around here.

    The menu is positively mouth watering...when shall we arrive? LOL

    Congrats of being runner up in ML's photo contest, too!

  22. Hi Kathleen:

    Thanks so much for mentioning my give away. I wish I was getting those bird plates!

    So happy for all of us to be getting some green and sunshine!!! It's devine.

    Totally loving your tablescape. Pink and green and screaming Spring!!! The plaid material is lovely, so although the hunt for the upholstery fabric goes on, what a find in the meantime.

    Curious to see your Gollum winnings.

    - The Tablescaper

  23. I absolutely love your preppy spring tablescape! Your hydrangea is beautiful! I love sweet potato fries and plan on making some this weekend!

    ~ Tracy

  24. Oh how pretty all the green and flowers are looking. I love this time of year when everything is beginning to bloom. Your tablecloth is just fabulous. I love it, so pretty with the pink and green dishes. Gorgeous tablescape and dinner looks out of this world. I will have some please. Hugs, Marty

  25. Kathleen, I just have to get my butt out to visit this summer, you've just started to bloom and it's gorgeous already! and dinner doesn't look too shabby, but when I come, I'd like a bigger portion of cole slaw, please :)

    Was today gorgeous or what?????

  26. Hi Kathleen! Love your tablescape and yummy looking ribs! We have blooms, too! Yaaay!...hugs...Debbie

  27. It's all soooo pretty! Love the pinks and greens! That food looks so good! Can I come live with you??

    I just posted my tablescape!


  28. We could sit outside on the grass and I would be happy eating those ribs!!!
    BUT your table is beautiful and springy! I'll be glad to stay inside too!

  29. Kathleen, it's all looking SO pretty! I posted yesterday about the danged deer in my yard- with all the green around us, they STILL come to my yard for dinner! Your table and dinner all looks fabulous!
    xoxo Pattie

  30. Oh how pretty your yardscape and tablescapes are! Love the pinks and greens always a favorite of mine. Ribs - YUM!

  31. Glad that you are getting green in your neck of the woods. The only green we have here is on our tablecape today! Love the pink and green...so charming! Joni

  32. Oh, dear..I could never get your photos pulled up so I can't see all the goodness here. :(
    It must be my computer!! Or Blogger..he hates me!!
    I just didn't want you to think I didn't come by...cause...I did!!
    xo bj

  33. Oh, dear..I could never get your photos pulled up so I can't see all the goodness here. :(
    It must be my computer!! Or Blogger..he hates me!!
    I just didn't want you to think I didn't come by...cause...I did!!
    xo bj

  34. Oh Kathleen, love this plaid fabric!! And everything placed on top is just perfect! those bee glasses are just tto cute. i love CTS!!

  35. Girl, you have aced it all here! Just simply beautiful! Be blessed. Cindy

  36. Kathleen-You used one of my favorite color combinations! I need to clue my family in on giving the Easter hostess flowers :) I love hydrangeas, but no matter what I do, mine bloom pink. Even the ones who try end just being purple...I hate a flower that can't commit :) The ribs look "southern" :)!

  37. OH YUM YUM YUM Kathleen! How did you know I was craving ribs? I was out all day yesterday looking for some that were already cooked - since I don't know the first thing about doing them right ... but couldn't find any. With that beautiful table, I'd accept an invitation anyday to try yours! HINT HINT! LOL! :) Great job~! Changes to the garden are posted, hope you can stop by and take a peak when you get the chance! :) Take care! A

  38. OK, all is well. I can see all the photos..everything is wonderful and I adore your precious green and pink table.

    The ribs ...OMGOSH!!

  39. What a beautiful table! And what gorgeous ribs!! I enjoyed your tablescape -- and now am hungry!

  40. Very pretty and the food looks great! Thanks for sharing!

  41. Beautiful table. Love your blog and I am a new follower. Cheers, Lia

  42. Kathleen, just popping in quick to say what a great plaid tablecloth you made and how nicely you put a tablescape together based on it. Love the centerpiece (wish I could tie bows!). I'm not participating this week (or last) as IRL I hosted a dinner for 10 last Friday and now have an upcoming luncheon for 11 this wknd. Hope to post my 'scapes later!


  43. Hi Kathleen,
    because the time difference I come little bit late to visit you.
    What a nice table you have decorated. Green and pinks looks so fresh and summerly. I like that very much. And your yard looks great. We say in germany from a person which is a good gardener: "She has a green thumb".
    Greetings, Johanna

  44. LOVE the plaid -- and your green and pink dishes and glassware are set off perfectly by it! I especially love the pink and green glasses used together. I hope you'll post photos of your hydrangea and clematis later in the season!

  45. I like the plaid as it makes a very crisp and modern table. Your hydrangeas are ahead of mine. We have a whole deer family up in the Hudson Valley and I've use Liquid Fence very successfully. As long as I spray they stay away. -- Jane F.

  46. Hi Kathleen, I am also Kathleen and a former Long Islander. I grew up in Saint James. Your pictures are making me soooo home sick. Your table looks wonderful, and I am so wanting to taste that cole slaw right now! Thanks for the memories!

  47. Wow, I love this table, Kathleen. Soft pinks and greens are a favorite color combination. Once again, your bargain hunting skills have me in awe. And that's one mightly tasty looking rack of ribs. I think I'll make some for my daughter's birthday dinner on Saturday.

  48. Love your pink and green table, lovely colors.


  49. Love your pink and green table, lovely colors.


  50. The table looks awesome! I love the green and pink! The meal is wonderful.I have troule with potatoes too.

  51. I love this! The plaid is wonderful, the plates all look fabulous on the tablecloth.

  52. What an absolutely lovely post! Kathleen, I am trying to fix your link for the letter M and I can't find it.

  53. Hi, Kathleen! Thank you so very much for stopping by my blog. I am so excited to know about other Long Islanders! Your blog is wonderful - there are so many terrific things in this one post I don't know what to tell you about first!

  54. Kathleen, your pink and green table will certainly help you feel like spring has arrived. It's lovely! I'm envious of that gorgeous hydrangea bush in your yard. I have a small one planted that bloomed last year, but I want a big show stopper like the one in your garden. How old is it?
    Thanks for sharing.

  55. Your hydrangeas are so pretty...my favorite!

    Those ribs look so delicious! I want some!

  56. I love the hydrangeas and the dish looks scrumptious. What a great M post. I hope you drop by mine if you get a chance!

    I love your decorating style. What a beautiful table you set!!!!

  57. What a fun post, Kathleen ... I especially love seeing nature's blues and greens. I certainly hope the deer do not MASTICATE your hydrangea this year. ;)

  58. Kathleen, your posts are so FULL! You make the most of your posts and I enjoy them so much.

  59. WOW!! Love the way you serve your wraps..everything looks so good. Am so jealous of your blue hydrangea..hope the deer stay far away from it!

  60. Everything looks wonderful. I enjoyed getting a peak of your pretty neighborhood. Makes me home sick for the Northeast. I'm sure I'd love living on your street.

  61. Well, it looks like Spring sprung all over your table.
    Beautiful table, ribs to live for, and hydrangeas I can only dream about.

  62. I'm so glad things are greening up for you! Its so green here right now. I'm loving it. In case you haven't noticed pink and green are a very favorite combo of mine. Love your table. I think its from growing up in the preppy 80s. Pink and green was the thing :-)

  63. I wish I could grow those gorgeous blue hydrangeas, Kathleen! Things really are greening up beautiful there (and here too).


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