Thursday, April 15, 2010

Foodie Friday and Thank You Gollum..

My prize for Gollum’s photo contest came!  Aren’t these cute??

table 3748

table 3742

I am sure they will get plenty of use, and will never break!  Thank you Michael Lee!

I visited Bill  :) at the WSonoma outlet, and Pottery Barn outlet too. Nada..They have separated the 2 used to be able to pass back and forth.  Everything is changed around, the prices were not good, and there wasn’t anything new worth buying!  I had been there right before Easter. Very disappointing shopping trip..

I did have a nice chat with my favorite sales associates about how happy we were that Phil Mickelson won the Masters.  I told them to let Mr. Sonoma and Mr. Barn that they should get some new things and price them well!  :)

Sometimes I find great bargains there, but not today..I’ll give it another chance next week…

I bought these the other day at the market..

table 3738

I had a small piece of filet mignon left, the thin end, so I cut it into strips and stir fried it with some Terriyaki .

I used the mandolin and sliced some onions , dusted them with flour, salt and pepper, and fried them (scant amount of oil) till they were very crisp..

table 3746

Before I rolled it up, I sprinkled the hot meat with shredded mozzarella.

table 3745

And I used those little metal pencil cups again to serve them.  The jury is out on the tomato wraps…but the meat, cheese and onions were good!

table 3699

No, it’s not dessert…

But last week I was determined to use the rest of the Easter ham. I had also bought some Basket cheese while  in the market.  I had no idea what it was …I googled it and found that it is a cheese used by Italians at Easter in some dishes or spread on bruschetta ..

It tasted like bland curdless ricotta… what a dope I was to buy it…

table 3701 I turned it into my version of Easter Rustica Pie.  An Irish American version..

table 3705

Ham, eggs, mozzarella, basket cheese, locatelli cheese, onions, salt, pepper, milk and some Bisquick.  Baked in a springform pan, and served with roasted asparagus with sesame seeds.   Tasty and the last of the ham went into Pea Soup..

Reluctant Entertainer topic this week was leftovers..and this qualifies! Stop over for some inspiration..

Please visit Designs by Gollum for more Foodie Friday entries..

Thanks for visiting..Sat. is Laurie’s at Bargain Hunting with Laurie ..Favorite Things meme…


  1. oh Yum looks wonderful and congratulations!

  2. Congratulations on the win Kathleen! I'm sure you will get a lot of use out of sweet bowls.

  3. This all looks yummy! I received my gift from Gollum today. Will post about it soon. Aren't we lucky girls?

  4. Congrats on the win, and I like regular tortillas so much better than the flavored/colored ones!

  5. Kathleen, it all looks SO good! A friend just emailed me about a trip to a WS Outlet and I was lamenting not having one here :( But if you say the prices are high, I won't feel so bad :)
    xoxo Pattie

  6. Looks divine! Congratulations on the win, woo hoo!


  7. Looks delicious, Kathleen! Both the wrap and the rustica pie! Cute prep bowls.

  8. You are a lucky thing! Great prize-congratulations.

    I love the look of your pie-I just had to ask about Bisquick though...I have seen a few bloggers use it but we don't have it here. Do you have any suggestions for alternatives or substitues? Thanks Kathleen!

    Best wishes for a great weekend,

  9. Your such a good cook Kathleen! And i loved the pics from your previous post and the tablescape too! Spring is really poppin around here too and boy do I love it! Cindy

  10. I should have known you would also be on a first name basis with the WS sales force :) Our prices at the outlet here are never that great. You are such a creative cook--you amaze me. It looks delicious. I had forgotten about those handy pencil holders you used. I thought that was brilliant! Have a great weekend!

  11. I can't believe you shopped and bought nothing!

  12. What a wonderful prize! :-)
    Your Easter Rustica looks really yummy! But I am not an asparagus fan. I love just about every other vegetable under the sun though.

  13. Kathleen, have you won two prizes from Gollum? You lucky girl! Your food always looks so pretty and so delicious. I can't believe anything you made wouldn't be wonderful. That Rustica is making my mouth water. laurie

  14. Nice prize Kathleen...
    Your Easter Rustica turned out so
    good. It's our Family's
    Tradition to make this every Easter, and one of DH's favorites.
    Using Bisquick is
    interesting for the crust.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  15. Your posts are the yummiest of all....even at 3 glad that I stopped by...

  16. Your pie looks delicious, Kathleen. I like to try new ingredients and always hate it when I choose a dud. Love the little bowls you won at Gollum's, what a handy size. Your cherry photo was beautiful.

  17. The tortilla idea was great. Looks good!

  18. Congratulations on the prize! I'm sure you'll get some good use out of it!

    I found some similar sandwich wraps at my market just yesterday. They had roasted tomato, spinch and even a hot pepper variety. I almost bought a package but our freezer is too full now!

  19. I just love your blog! I added it to my side bar (I hope that was okay) so I could share it with others.

    Keep posting! You do such an amazing job!

  20. I have some little silicon prep bowls (and I do mean little) that I got at Marshall's a while back. Love them -- they are also great to give to a toddler who wants to play in the kitchen with you! Thanks for the head's up about the basket cheese. I never heard of it, but if it says cheese I will usually give it a try.

    Thanks for all your wonder ideas. I use them more than you know.

  21. Kathleen, the reason you couldn't find anything to buy at those outlets is because YOU ALREADY OWN ALL OF IT!!!! LOL

    Just kidding, you know.
    You'll find lots of uses for those cute little silicone bowls, I'm sure. I have the cups for making poached eggs & they tend to tip over, letting the boiling water get on top of the egg. I bet your smallest bowl would be perfect for poaching! Just spray with PAM & set it down into a shallow pan of water to cook. You have to watch it to determine the best time.
    Mine have worked great a few times & then the last couple were flops. Too much water, I guess.
    Anyway, Congratulations on winning!!

  22. Cute bowls! Congrats!

    Too bad about the cheese. Somehow I'm thinking who cut the cheese but I'll pass :)

    They closed up the pass through? That stinks, it was so easy to go from store to store especially when you are looking for someone, LOL! One of these days, Kathleen, now I have all the time in the world!

  23. Carol, after twenty years of living in the great USA I finally caught on to the "cut the cheese metaphor.":-Þ

    Kathleen, even if that basket cheese was not what you expected, it still looks darn good! And so do the wraps.

    Btw, I'm sorry your last shopping expedition was a disappointment. But somewhere in NY, there's a new dish collector crying tears of joy over the three remaining dishes you left behind.

  24. Your wraps look awesome! Look at you..a winner!

  25. Yes, it does qualify and it looks so good! Thanks for linking up this week! :)

  26. Wow that looks delicious - all of it. You are an amazingly creative cook. You never cease to amaze me as to what you're creating in your kitchen.

    Congrats on prize from Gollum.

    Sorry the shopping trip was so unfulfilling. I was at CTS yesterday doing a bunch of returns.

    - The Tablescaper

  27. Congratulations on winning those cute little prep bowls!

    I love the sound of those wraps with sauteed onions. Tasty!

  28. Back again to answer your question: Yes, you can make the Asiago cheese bread with your KA. I'm not too sure about the food processor, though. I know you can make pie dough with them but I've never tried bread dough. Will have to research that. I hope you try making it. We had it toasted & buttered along with some homemade soup last night & it was AWESOME!

  29. Congrats on winning Gollum's give away, Kathleen!

    I like what you did with that cheese ...perfect way to use leftovers. Doesn't Biscuick call them "impossible pies"? I made them all the time when my kids were young, as they loved them.

    ♥ Pat

  30. Kathleen, I thought if I had dinner before I came to visit I could make it through your post without wanting to raid my fridge...I was sooo wrong, lol.
    You and Susan (Thoughts Over The Rainbow) have really put some tempting menus together. Well, I better get to raidin'. Thanks for the recipes.
    Oh, I take that flat bread and brush olive oil with some seasonings and bake. After they've cooled I cut them into chips for dipping. Better than those deep fried chips that taste so delish, but make my waistline widen.

    Come by for a visit, you're company would be nice.

    Sweet wishes.


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