Friday, April 9, 2010

Favorite Things Saturday

I am joining Laurie for Favorite Things..Stop in and see what tickles people in blogland..:)

One of my favorite things is a good cheeseburger..I don’t eat tomatoes, but it looked good on dh’s !  And nice crispy onion rings..

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I love a bargain, and what is more of a bargain than FREE…

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This brand new child’s wicker rocker and cushion from Pottery front of a house with a sign FREE…

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The chandelier I spray painted black and hung in my gazebo…Rescued from the dumpster in front of my son’s house.. FREE!


IMG_6714 This little plant stand rescued from the dump by my friend, Pam…I cleaned it up and sprayed it white..

I got this blue trike for front of someone’s house as I walked to the beach..waiting for the garbage pick up.. So I rode it home..:)

And just one more of my favorite things…

Blue hydrangeas..I really love them…

All these favorites are from previous years…We aren’t even close to hydrangea time yet.  Their leaves are just starting..

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Thanks for looking at my show and tell..;)


  1. Oh you got some great finds. Lucky girl! And you know I love my blue hydrangeas too! Did I ever tell you that one whole side of the house, 45 feet, is a row of hydrangeas? But tomatoes is where we part company! I love them!! Another great post Kathleen! Have a great weekend.

  2. Well, you did great! That little wicker rocker and cushion is just adorable, I love your blue hydrangeas, they are so healthy looking!

  3. LOve the blue hydrangea!! And all your white wicker too... Lucky you to be in the right place at the right time to get those for free! :-)
    I love tomatoes, but my husband won't touch them. (but he will eat spaghetti sauce, salsa, tomato soup and v-8 juice! Crazy man!)

  4. What do you mean, you don't eat tomatoes...I knew you didn't like green...

    I have a little white wicker stand that looks almost like yours...the sides are a little different and mine wasn't free!

  5. Wow!! You have some great treasures there, Kathleen. Love the wicker chair and I can always use a plant stand! Love free things!! :-)


  6. That hydrangea is just gorgeous. I so miss those (but not the humidity that they thrive on.)

    Love your newest banner tabletop, too. Very spring-like! (I say as I watch the snow flurry outside. )

  7. You are one lucky lady. I never find anything free on the side of the road or in the trash. I'm going to have to start looking deeper. LOL

    Love those blue hydrangeas.


  8. Free-cycling is a good thing. Glad you were the lucky recipient!

  9. Either I must be living in the wrong part of the country or I need to get my eyes examined. I never see treasures along the way like you have found. Great finds!

  10. Pretty treasures, Kathleen, I love the chandelier! That was an awesome thing!

    Larry would definitely agree to your cheeseburger!

    hey, why am I not on your list of favorites? LOLOL!

  11. Love the little rocker and the plant stand. I am on the hunt for wick for the porch. The chandelier you found is gorgeous and I love it for the yard. The flowers are stunning. Sure wish they would grow in the desert. Hugs, Marty

  12. Oh wow, you find the greatest stuff. Love the wicker stand. I can;t believe you rode the bike home.LOL Yes, I would love to find free stuff.

  13. Kathleen, you lucky, lucky lady! People in your neighborhood have better trash than people in my neighborhood. That little rocker is just precious, and what a neat bike. I can't believe YOU don't eat tomatoes! That chandelier is so good looking in black! Does your hydrangea bush look that beautiful now? Wow! I guess you have recovered from the snow and cold weather. I LOVE hydrangeas, and especially the blue ones. Thank you so much for linking to Favorite Things. laurie

  14. Oh Kathleen, you are a woman after my own heart! LOL GREAT freebie finds! That little wicker chair is just adorable! And what a great chandy! all of your things today are wonderful!!

    And your hydrangeas look so beautiful!!

  15. Don't go out that door yet ... I am sending you my 'shopping list' for your next spree ... chuckle! WOW! you have done good. Love them all!

    Have a lovely weekend.
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  16. Kathleen, I also love your favorite things! Especially that wonderful trike. I would ride that everywhere.
    I had to laugh when I read the kind comment you left on my blog. My husband and I are painting our front door today and putting some new shiny hardward on it too. I was on a site this week, and they had painted their door yellow. It was fabulous! So pretty. And I love yellow, so I serious complated yellow for a new door color. But then I thought... it would clash with my Christams decor. Ha-ha! Great minds think alike!!! I got a good giggle out of you having the same sentiment.
    Anyway, Have a blessed weekend!

  17. What wonderful photos, Kathleen! Your hydrangeas are simply gorgeous! Have a lovely weekend.


  18. Wow - you found some great things for free. You really did good.

  19. I love free! It's my favorite price!!

    You have picked up some gorgeous and glorious bargains ... and your hydrangea is spectacular. Love it!

  20. Me again .. as for the burgers, you can keep the cheese. I'll take the tomato over the cheese any day!

  21. Kathleen Sweetie...
    OMG did you ever find some beautiful freebies. I can't believe it.

    I love the childs rocker. Now how devine is that? It looks so precious on the porch. I just love it.

    I love the little shelf stand, and a free trike. It looks just like mine and I paid $300.00 for mine. Can you believe it? You really got a deal. I would be riding it home too. Just beautiful.

    Your hydrangeas are strikingly beautiful. Oh my gosh all the shades of purplish blue. Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing sweetie. I love it when you do.

    Thank you for stopping by and saying hi today. Country hugs and much love...Sherry

  22. That is one big thing I miss about living up North....people that leave good crap out on the curb with signs For Free....that don't do that down never see anything other then garbage out on curbs...You found some great stuff...the little chair is adorable...

  23. Kathleen, Love all the great freebies you found! Amazing chandy and wicker. And that bike- cracked me up to know you rode it home. :-) My luck the tires would've been flat. tee hee I envy you for having those hydrangeas, my friend. They are one of my most favorite flowers- both fresh and dried. I beg them off of one of my SIL's but I don't think she really likes giving them away. I may have to resort to stealing them in the dark of night from an unsuspecting neighbor if I could find them!! Hope all is well- your yard looks fantastic. It's getting greener here and the grass is getting long. Bought a new mower and a big ol' edger- I'll be a busy yard gal soon. big hugs, Sue

  24. Your hydrangeas are gorgeous, Kathleen. Mine are just starting to come up. I love all your free items, lucky you for seeing them at the right time....Christine

  25. My word, you have a great eye! That black chandelier looks amazing.

    Thanks so much for visiting!

  26. ♫♫~Lucky Dog-Lucky Dog~♫♫

    I would have loved to find such a darling little white rocker for Ms. C! I love all your special finds, Kathleen and your BLUE hydrangea is just awesome. :-)

  27. Just love your rescued items!! And there is nothing like dumpster diving!! Isn't it amazing what some people will throw out????

  28. You have wonderful freebies. I have to say I started laughing when I read that you rode the bike home. I can't believe someone would just throw that out.

  29. Whoa Girlie,
    Now you have had a great week with all those freebies! How wonderful.
    That lil rocker is just adorable,
    and your light in your gazebo is such a cute idea, and I see the little wicker shelf came out very nice. Amazing what a coat of paint will do!! So how does the bike ride??? or are you gonna do some creative decorating thing with it??
    Have a great week ahead,
    Blessings Galore,

  30. Ohhh how lucky of you to find the chandelier and that bike! You really do have an eye for trash! And I must say I love your table setting in your header, simply gorgeous!

    Hope you had a lovely weekend Kathleen!

  31. Just lost my comment - but I wanted to say I love all of your favorites and would pick a good cheeseburger, great bargains and flowers too :) I want to see a photo of you on that bike sometime!

    I wish my hydrangeas would bloom blue - our soil is so alkaline that no matter what they are pinkish-blue.

  32. That trike is fantastic! I can just see it all dolled up in red, white and blue for a summer parade - have fun!

  33. Kathleen, I always find something wonderful on your blog but that bike just beats all! I would have so much fun on it! It's just what I need although I could never keep up with the family on it! Your flowers are beautiful.

  34. Oh what fabulous treasures you found!!
    I love them all, especially the little wicker rocker...however, my favorite is that trike! Lucky you..and you got to ride it home too! I can't believe what people throw glad they got to go home with you, and you gave them all a 'new life'!

  35. I can't believe that you got that cute little chair for free! I am never in the right place at the right time!

    Best wishes,

  36. These are a few of my favorite things: a good cheeseburger, free finds and blue hydrangea.


  37. Oh what treasures. Especially that blue hydrangea. The childs rocker is precious, too! Thanks for sharing your finds.

  38. Oh girl I can't believe all the GREAT stuff you got for free that child wicker chair I have one and trust me it was not free ha ha!! loved your post today how fun...thanks for sharing...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  39. Hi Kathleen

    I am always amazed by soem of the good and useful things people throw away, I'm glad you were there to pick up those gems and recyle them! Did you ever hear of It's a country wide web site much like Craig's list but people ask for and give away things for free on it. My daughter has used it to get rid of things when she redecorated.

  40. Isn't it amazing what people will throw out in the trash? I often stop the car and throw in an item I see just sitting next to the garbage pile. Some of my favorite things have been from Dumpster Diving as I call it:) My MIL had a bike like that and she rode it all over the south shore of Long Island. Not sure what happened to that bike but maybe you have it now???

  41. Hi Kathleen! Oh, I love your pretties and the hydrangea is gorgeous.
    I'm giggling at your gbaby comment...crash! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;0

  42. Wow, oh wow! I love that light fixture..and the three wheel bike! So cute. That basket on the bike is fantastic! I did the same thing with a wicker plant stand...two of them actually and except I painted mine black. They are my pride and joy.
    What a great post! :)
    I loved it! It is such fun finding things for free or for very little.
    Your food looks fantastic.

    I don't have time for garage sales any more either...My husband says we have long since had our last one.

    Can't say as I blame him. We just usually want to get rid of the stuff...and they are sooo much work.

  43. G'morning, sweet lady,
    Your favorite things are mine, too.
    I love Cheeseburgers more than anything.,..and I also don't eat tomatoes.
    The little rocker is so precious and I can't imagine why someone just gave it away. Just being nice, I think.
    The plant stand you sprayed white..I have one almost just like it and just painted it black last week..aloong with a wicker chair.
    NOW..I love hydrangeas!! Yours are just stunning. We can't grow them out here in West Texas very well..too hot, dry and windy.
    Hope you have a fabulous day...

  44. OOO, and I am having a hissy fit for a bike like this...!!!

  45. You got some wonderful 'trash to treasure' items Kathleen!!

    What wonderful pics of all your things! I especially love the child's wicker set and that it was FREE! How wonderful!

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. In answer to your question~ I don't think my sewing machine does embroidery, but then again I haven't used that many different stitches, so I'm not really sure. ha

  46. I love that tricycle! I hope you have many fun beach rides!

  47. You are the bargain hunting Queen. You're right, you can't beat FREE. I have two little tables that I love that I aquired the same way.

    By the way, I think I figured out what happened. Somehow I wasn't being listed as a Follower on your blog and therefore I wasn't getting the updates when you posted. I've taken care of that problem. Wouldn't want to miss a single one of your wonderful posts!

    - The Tablescaper

  48. What a treat for the senses. Love your bargains, your settings and your food! Have a wonderful weekend Kathleen!

  49. Kathleen, you have the most beautiful hydrangea! And I love your FREE stuff!

  50. Kathleen, you blog is a joy to read.

    And I hope to tag along on some future dumpster-diving with you.

  51. I love free things too. You find good stuff. But the best free thing in this post is the image of you torquing off in your pilfered trike! I LOVE it!

  52. You do have some great finds! I'm thinking we'll have to meet this summer! Love the little wicker chair and cushion, the bike is too much fun and your hydrangeas are's the potato soil, right?


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