Thursday, April 29, 2010

Onion Odes and More

Ode to an Onion  (For Miss Matlock’s letter O  )

You  smell oh so badly,

And bring tears to my eyes,

But I can’t give you up,

Grilled, sauteed or fried.

You cause gastric disorders

You know that it’s true,

But I’d miss you so much

In  my salads and stew.

I adore the smell of you sauteeing

In e v o o

I must have you in meatballs,

You’re so needed, you know!

I can’t give you up,

You are good for my heart.

Though I slice you and dice you…

We never will part!


Go visit Jenny Matlock to see the other Letter O assignments.

I am joining Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum, and Favorite Things at Bargain Hunting with Laurie.

Shrimp with  Creamy Feta Rice and Sauteed Spinach with bacon.. I know Carol, you are allergic! :)

table 3882

table 3881

Easy and delicious, well, if you like feta..:)

I will be joining Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie Favorite Things Saturday…Everyone is invited!

Thanks for stopping in!


  1. You are the poet laureate of bloggers, Kathleen! This was so clever!

    I adore shrimp, and feta cheese, so I know I'd love this dinner!

    ♥ Pat

  2. That shrimp looks sooooo goooood!

  3. Kathleen,
    Your Ode to the Onion
    Was really a fun one!
    Your clever rhyme
    Was oh so fine,
    And that rice and shrimp look so delish
    You really know how to present a dish!
    Fun post! Thanks for the ad. laurie

  4. That is a great poem! I too have issues with onions but could never give them up!

    What a delicious dish you have served up too! I LOVE prawns!!!!!

    Best wishes for a relaxing and fabulous weekend,

  5. Dear Kathleen,
    I don't know if you check comments on your older posts such as the one with the little lidded pumpkin soup bowls back last Fall. I tried (am only just learning) to post to that page a few minutes ago. Everything you do is so creative and fresh-just lovely. Thank you for sharing where to buy things. I'm unable to get out and shop much, but when someone helps me, I do get to go out, but I have to make my time count on those occasions. If you would be so kind as to tell me where you think I can find some of those little pumpkin soup bowls, please tell me. I can't say how much I would appreciate it. My granddaughter is begging me to get some. Thank you for everything. I will be watching now. I would love to hear from you if you would send me an answer.

  6. Your onion poem is great!! And that shrimp... Oh my goodness gracious, I am going to gain pounds just by looking at this picture! I do love feta!

  7. love the happy ode ... i too could never part from the onion!

  8. The shrimp look wonderful, and I do like feta (just a little bit at a time). Enjoyed the poem!

  9. Very wonderful ode!!! The shrimp look absolutely delicious.


  10. My favorite poet! The shrimp dish looks really good too :)

  11. This looks so delicious! Mouth watering. If I could grab a bite through the screen I would. Yum!

  12. I love shrimp, and your dish looks fabulous!


  13. I love me a good onion but I can't stand the smell that lingers on my fingers after chopping one!

  14. Onions are what makes so many foods sing alleluia! Wonderful poem and delish shrimp. Oh yum!

  15. I feel the same way but have never expressed my love of onions is such a clever way ;)

    Mmmmm, that dish looks wonderful!

  16. LOL, but not to the ONIONS!

    Love the ode :)

  17. You are at it again....I LOVE your rhymes and I LOVE onions too! Your dish looks great. We enjoy shrimp and I will be giving this a try :)

    Happy Weekend Wishes and Blessings!

  18. You are the cutest! Have a great weekend!

  19. Perfect Ode to Onion - I wholeheartedly agree!! The shrimp dish looks fantastic..Carol doesn't know what she is missing!

  20. Bravo, Bravo.

    Your ode to an onion made me applaud and your recipe made me very sorry we're having leftovers for dinner.

    Am I missing the recipe?

    My husband would worship me if I made this for him...

    And I would worship you if you could share the recipe!

    What an outstandingly savory stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's Letter "O"!


    And you win the award for culinary prowess this week.

  21. the food looks good and the Onion poem is genius!

  22. The poem was great, and the food looks amazing! I, too, cannot be parted from my onion!

  23. If I'm out of onions, the kitchen is closed! Thanks for the smile you put on my face...

  24. Love the ode AND the food!! Too clever! And even though onions drive me nuts, I can't live without them!

  25. Love your ode to the onion!:D The shrimp dish looks so good.

  26. Hi Kathleen, thanks for stopping by my blog. We follow a lot of the same blogs. I'll be back to visit you again.

  27. Kathleen, your ode to an onion is terrific. You are so clever! The food looks delish! What time is dinner?

  28. Kathleen, your shrimp dishes always look so good! I never cook shrimp, but I love it, so have it often when we eat out. Love your poem! You are one funny gal!

  29. Oh my goodness! That looks so yummy! Thank you for the recipe Kathleen! Hugs, Maryjane

  30. Your ode is very cute, Kathleen and that dish looks very yummy!...Christine

  31. Your ode is very cute, Kathleen and that dish looks very yummy!...Christine

  32. Outrageous Ode! Life cannot be lived without onions, the shrimp dish looks delicious. Are you going to share the recipe?

  33. Outrageous Ode! Life cannot be lived without onions, the shrimp dish looks delicious. Are you going to share the recipe?

  34. Okay, cough it up, Kathleen!!! You can't show us this delicious looking meal & not tell us how you made it! That's cruel! LOL

    Remember we used to say "You're a poet & don't know it, but your feet show it....LONGfellow!" LOL LOL LOL

  35. I love onions too and your ode pretty much sums it up. Great poem and post.

  36. Shrimp has me starving! I went to check out the rest of the O posts...cute event. I had to check out the Ogopogo post...that's where Randy's from so I know Ogopogo well :-) Makes Randy mad when I saw he looks like Loch Ness monster so of course I tell him that all the time hehehe. He's a different breed he swears.

  37. such a darling poem! that shrimp looks pretty amazing---one time, in san francisco, a million years ago, i asked for some shredded parm on my risotto with shrimp and the waiter actually scolded me and said that no one eats cheese with seafood. I thought he was an idiot then, and judging by this recipe, i know he is an idiot now!!! can't wait to try it

  38. Ode to onions and Miss Kathleen,
    Yours is the most mouthwatering
    food blog I've seen.

    The shrimp and the spinach
    just couldn't look bettah.
    To complement the creamy rice, bacon, and feta.

    Please send me the "how to's" so I can start cookin'
    cause we need tasty food that's also good lookin'.

    Hi girlfriend! I posted some of my finds tonight. I have to finish taking pictures of my store finds so I can get back to posting. Your food looks really gooood......
    hugs, Sue

  39. Oh, Kathleen! I love the onion poem! I love me my onions too!
    Your shrimp dish looks so good. I love me some shrimp too!
    LOL - you let your children sit on your furniture? :) I was laughing at that!
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  40. I'll eat Carol's share! Cute poem and great shrimp dish with my favorite ingredients.

  41. always make my mouth water, but how do you make it??? Bread and fry the shrimp - OK; add bacon to the spinach when you're cooking it - OK: but do you just add feta to the warm rice?

    - The Tablescaper

  42. You are "a poet, and don't know it!!" (maybe you do!) So cute! Food looks delicious!

    Come back to see my yellow tabletop Tuesday!


  43. Kathleen-I hope you are keeping a book of your poetry-- Erma Bombeck meets Emily Dickinson :)

  44. Hi Kathleen!
    It was so nice to hear from you! Yes, I am well...thank you for asking! A very busy and eventful last 12 months...I am finally working blogging back into my schedule!
    This shrimp dish looks YUMMIE! and the pink & blue toile tablesetting below is awesome!
    Have a beautiful week!
    ;-D Kathleen

  45. I love you poem about onions. When I was little I hated them, now I love them LOL. I don't like cutting them up much because they always make me cry.


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