Wednesday, April 28, 2010

In the Pink..and Blue

I’ll report, you decide! Which white plate /bowl?

I couldn’t pass this bargain up at WSonoma Outlet several months ago..My friend, The Tablescaper did a beautiful table with this cloth awhile ago..

It really isn’t me, but I figured I could use it… way!  But 8.  I ‘d go for that..


table 3845table 3847I tried it with a white charger, and didn’t like it..

A pink round mat?

table 3849 Didn’t like that…

A navy plate with no Churchill?

table 3875


Nah…such stressful decisions for my make believe guests :)

So I put a navy plate which was just a tiny bit larger under the Blue Willow by Churchill, which soo many of us have.  (2.99 for plate, cup and saucer in the super market) 

table 3876

Used what was blooming for the centerpiece…

But didn’t know which to use as a salad or soup…

table 3870A pretty porcelain fan plate from HG..

table 3867 

A covered Lions head bowl from WS outlet?

table 3865

A short squat covered bowl?

table 3861 A square bowl from Pfaltzgraff?

And since it was just for fun..a different one at each!

table 3873

I think I like this one..

table 3860 The stems are by Dansk, and the white alabaster napkin rings WSonoma outlet..

table 3874

Oh the napkins??

table 3863.99 cents..:)

And where Is Moldova anyway?  How exotic!  :)

Before anyone tells me, I did look it up!

Please join Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for all the other tables this week.

Thanks for visiting!  Next table ?  A clue?

table 3888

Get out your sombrero!  :)

PSST!  Pattie and Allie are having a great give away..check it out here.


  1. Kathleen, I, actually, love that tablecloth, did when I first saw it on A's table and still do!
    Your table looks very nice...I think the dark charger plate does look nicer than the white...nothing better than transferware on a table. Your flowers are beautiful...mine have gone bye-bye until next spring.
    Moldova is over near the Ukrainian border!

  2. Kathleen....I am so coveting a WS outlet store. Alas, we have only a TJ Maxx and I am thankful for that. Next time I visit Minneapolis I'll have to see if they have one. I actually really like this blue/pink combo and you've built a gorgeous table with it. No need to waste it on fake guests, I'll be right over :)


  3. I have to say I didn't love it until I saw what you did with it! And who's a better bargain hunter than you? $8!!!! Wow!

  4. Gorgeous AND in the right price range. Have a wonderful week!

  5. I love the tablecloth too! It's not something that I would use often but it would be great for a tea party! You can find the best bargains of anyone I know - the tablescape is gorgeous!

  6. You pulled it all together and made it gorgeous Kathleen! How the heck does it go from $115.00 to $8? That's some markup hey! I checked and their is no WS outlet anywhere near us. They have a regular retail store in the Twin Cities and I stopped there, but no deals! Your centerpiece of flowers is really beautiful, just love em!

  7. What a fabulous look! I am still in shock that was marked down that much! Great buy!

  8. My goodness, you're a lucky bargain shopper! Your table looks so pretty with the pink and blue, and I think the touches of white in the flowers and the smaller dishes add a lot. Thanks for letting us "play" along with you as you decided how to set your table!

  9. OMG! I am so drooling over that tablecloth and napkins. It is my cup tea and I would love to have it.

    I think it's so pretty.


  10. I love Toile and I love B&W, so
    you captured my heart with this one Kathleen.
    Your table looks just lovely with the white accents to set of the Blue & Pink perfectl. I'm so jealous of your Blooms..they are just beautiful
    I'm always amazed at the prices you pay for yoiur incredible finds.

  11. Hi Kathleen,
    What a fun post....too many choices though and you always make the perfect one. Good "shoppa" and great table, love all of the different pieces you had to choose from, and loved a differnt one at each place.
    Your flowers are
    Have a great day.
    PS I think I smell a Cinco de Mayo post in your future...can't wait.

  12. That tabelcloth grew on me the more I saw it in your photos, Kathleen. The WS outlet never has bargains on linens the day i visit it :-( lol

    Ay caramba I look forward to the next post! :-)

    ♥ Pat

  13. Hi Kathleen! Oh, that tablecloth is so colorful! I think I like it and actually, I liked all of your settings! Man! That was one expensive tablecloth but I know I would have bought it for $8!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  14. I bought 4 of those tablecloths in the pink and green at the WS Outlet when they were marked down. I'm using them for curtains in one of my granddaughter's bedrooms. You have so many wonderful pieces to play with on your tables, and I liked every one of the settings you did. I am still laughing over the comment you left on my Dutch Tea post. You are a hoot! Wooden shoe like to celebrate Dutch Day? (Wish I had thought of that before I did the post). Look forward to the next tablescape Senorita Kathleen. laurie

  15. Oh Kathleen, stop stressing!!! Aren't you the one that always tells me that! They all look great. It becomes a matter of personal choice (but I love the Churchill).

    Thanks for the mention. Ahh...the memories of a lovely shopping day. When can we go again?????

    - The Tablescaper

  16. While the fanned napkin is beautiful, I love the the napkin through the handle of the bowl! Might need to look for some of them!
    You helped me find CTS, now, where-oh where (clicking red heels) - is the W-S outlet?

  17. WAAAHHH! I want a WS Outlet!! I cannot believe the deals you got! The table is gorgeous and that cloth isn't very easy to work with! Great job!
    xoxo Pattie

  18. I love these linens! You got a DEAL (but you already know that). Can't wait to see your Cinco de Mayo tablescape! I did one this week. Come on over and visit!

  19. I am absolutely in love with the pink and blue! What great deals you were able to find and what a fun way you tell us about them! Joni

  20. Hi. Thats tablecloth is just as made for your dishes. So exactly matching. Great combination with the pink and white shades.
    Greetings, Johanna

  21. Love that toile tablecloth and napkins! What a fun tablesetting with something a bit different at each place.

  22. Ell, you pulled it off! I was a little doubtful there at the start, but kept on going... and you did it!


  23. You did a great job with that color combo! I would struggle with that. It looks great.

  24. It so nice that you shared your steps and indecision before coming up with the final tablescape.
    We all go through that but when we see such beautiful tables it's easy to think we are the only one.
    I always end up with a stack of unused dishes off to the side, LOL!
    sweet pickles and chocolate

  25. Are you teasing me, Kathleen? LOL! I still cannot find my sombrero. What a bargain you got on those tablecloth and napkins. I would have grabbed them too at that prize even if I did not know what to do with them....Christine

  26. Kathleen, you lucky girl to have found that cloth and napkins. I actually like each of your place settings with the various white accent pieces. How fun to have each one different!
    Guess you'll be celebrating Cinco de Mayo! Can't wait to see your table.

  27. Love it! Great prices! Such neat details! Wonderful job!


  28. Wow, I do not know what I like better--the beautiful table or the great prices!!! What a deal. I could never imagine spending 115 dollars on a tablecloth.. See you next week

  29. I am in love with that vivid toile! What an amazing color combination!
    Hugs, Lana

  30. That tablecloth from Moldova is fabulous! Isn't that somewhere in Eastern Europe? Anyway, they make great tablecloths there. Glad you got it for only $9!
    Your plates look great on it too.

  31. Just beautiful. I think you definitely made it work. My tablecloth today is from WS. I wouldn't normally choose the color but the price said, "take me home."

  32. Can you just imagine paying $115. for that - not. Love the $8. price though - wish I got out to that WS outlet more (maybe it is better that I don't ;) - and I do like the tablecloth - actually I like anything toile.

  33. What a beautiful table, Kathleen, with all the pretty pink and blue toile. I like to mix up place settings a bit too. It makes the table more interesting.

    Sure wish we had one of those WS outlets around here, but then I would just buy more stuff.

  34. Pretty tablecloth, Kathleen! Want my decision? LOL! Not my favorite!

    but I really love the blue vase!

  35. Kathleen-I don't know that I would have had the vision you had. The tablecloth DID make a beautiful table! Love the different bowls but you know I am in love with the lion's head! Your centerpiece is beautiful. BTW, your yard in the previous post is just gorgeous!!! Going to try your deck cleaning method--we have been power washing too!

  36. Kathleen, I had no idea I hadn't been following ya..fixed that today. Girl, I wish I could come with you to the outlet!! That toile is me for sure. Looks like you figured out lots of fun to have with it. lol

    love your blooms too.

  37. I wish we had a WS Outlet near us!! I love that tablecloth!!!!!
    I found a vintage tablecloth just recently that has blue and pink and it made me think of this one when I saw it before on The Tablescaper's blog, so I snapped it up!!!!
    I'm so happy to see it again!

  38. Love your tablescape, it is so pretty.
    Kelly Bookend Diaries

  39. I do love your tablecloth. It's so pretty and what a deal! I especially love your dishes. I have always wanted a set like that. I think they are just lovely. Very nice tablescape.

  40. The tablecloth is spectacular - wow, did you ever get a deal! Love the Blue Willow too!

  41. Can you believe I didn't even know there was a ws outlet. I gotta find one near me! Your tablescape looks really lovely!

  42. I wish I could come to your house and play with your dishes! Your final selection was just lovely, but your runners up were pretty special, too. The colors are so alive and unexpected. The pink and blue are wonderful!

    Thanks for sharing, Miss Merry

  43. Oh my goodness. I just loved it all. All of your dishes are just gorgeous and I love the fabulous tablecloth. Stunning. Hugs, Marty

  44. What a beautiful tablescape. I really need to do one. I have all these dishes, I need to put something together.

    I wish we had a WS Outlet. I find most of my bargains at Goodwill. Love thrift shopping. Wish I had more time to do shop but work gets in the way.

    Thanks for your wonderful visit to my blog! I've enjoyed my visit here, I will be back!!!

  45. Another great buy! One day maybe I'll be lucky enough to have a Bill outlet nearby.

    I think I liked the plain white the best!

  46. Kathleen, as long as the food is good (and I know it is), I wouldn't mind any of the tablesettings! Fun post!

  47. What a beautiful and unusual table setting. It is a very daring choice but it works wonderfully well.

  48. Kathleen, good bargains, as usual. I like the tablecloth for a change of pace. The vase and flowers are lovely.


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