Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fiesta~ Grab your Sombrero!

I don’t know anyone who celebrates Cinco de Mayo.  Actually according to info on the net, only one state of Mexico does ..

So maybe it is an American thing like the big ST. Pat’s parties?  But I know I saw a poster for Corona beer..around March.  “Viva St. Pat’s” it said.  So in the spirit of pay back..Fiesta Time..

Unless you’re from the Mexican state of Puebla, the 5th of May is just like any other ordinary day. Contrary to popular belief, Cinco de Mayo is not Mexican Independence Day (which is actually September 16), but is in fact the day General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguín and his army surprisingly defeated the French in the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. (info from the net)

But when I saw these dishes…

table 3899

!¡Ay, caramba!  This dish addict was sold…So I am celebrating!

Gibson, on clearance in the Supermarket..50 cents..bowls and plates..

Red, orange, yellow, green, and blue.

So what to use? 

I tried lots of cloths..

table 3900

This was good, but not Fiesta y enough..

I decided on a bright yellow, with yellow napkins..

table 3906

Red chargers and napkin rings  from PBarn outlet,  they actually rattle….flatware by Cambridge.

table 3928

For the centerpiece I tied some maracas with colorful ribbon to a basket filled with fresh yellow mums. 

table 3926

I put a striped napkin under the basket and used mini sombreros as place markers..

table 3916

Green BEE glasses for the Corona and clear water glasses.  Red ramekins for the need that cool sour cream to cool down those spicy foods..:)

table 3913

table 3927

Please visit our sweet host,  Susan,  at  Between Naps on the Porch for many other entries!

Happy Cinco, life is short,  celebrate everything, and thanks for visiting!

My shot from the BLUE HOUR.  I think we have too many trees to see it well.

table 3938


  1. I love that table Kathleen! The yellow tablecloth was a perfect choice! Where oh where did you find those little napkin rings? They are the cutest things. And the centerpiece is a fabulous idea! Well Done!

  2. Those are spot on perfect for Cinco de Mayo!

  3. those dishes (and the price) and your able is PERFECT for fiesta :)


  4. Your tablescape is worth celebrating whether it's the 5th of May or not! I love the bright cheery colors - leave out the leave out the maracas and it is just a beautiful bright sunny summer day.

    Your blue hour photo is gorgeous.

  5. are such a pro when it comes to dressing tables and cooking. I love your new dishes. Our gro. store has these, too, but...not marked down.

    I MUST try for a blue shot of our West Texas sky...wonder if I can do it?

  6. Beautiful tablescape! Love the blue shot as well.

  7. I don't celebrate it either, heard somewhere that the holiday was started by america kids at a university in the u.s. to expand the cultural diversity of our holidays.

    But it it is a great excuse to eat wonderful mexican food and your table looks like so much fun!

    Love all of your great details.

  8. Your holiday or not, you've got a lot of fun going on there! Love the maracas - big and little. That yellow cloth was the perfect choice.

    - The Tablescaper

  9. Your table is just incredible. Why not celebrate every time you get a chance. It's all so beautiful and I think those napkin rings are the cutest things I've seen. Oh heck, I like it all! Now I'm hungry for chili rellanos.

  10. I can't believe those napkins rings...too cute! I love all the bright colors. We don't celebrate the holiday...but, my son uses it as an excuse to get me to make tacos and invite him for dinner. So...Mexican food at our house tonight. Love the is perfect for a Fiesta!

  11. Our son in law doesn't celebrate, May 5, with partying and such. His folks don't either. They do have wonderful parties quite often, though!

    There is a big tent set up in our town and there will be a big ol' party today.

    I love your dishes and the blue shot is perfect. I need to give that a try.

  12. Oh, love this tablescape. These are my colors and they are perfect for today. Fifty cents in the supermarket!!! Amazing.

  13. Hola! Nice festive the dishes. The yellow tablecloth was a great choice to go with the red of the dishes.
    Your blue hour picture came out great!

  14. Olé!!!! Yo Quiero Taco Bell! Mucho Buen!!

    LOVE those hot tamale colors, Kathleen! Wild & bright & FUN!!

    We're going to a Cinco de Mayo party tonight with 18 other people. I'm hoping to capture lots of great table pictures to share later on.

    Thanks for the info about it not being Independence Day...didn't know that!

  15. Beautiful table, Kathleen, so festive! And although I never found my sombrero, I have a post ready by 6:30 PM. Beautiful shot of the blue sky. I will have to try that too. What time did you take it?...Christine

  16. Muy bonita! Great table and I love the dishes. I agree, any excuse for a party!

  17. Me gusta los platos rojos! I like them best with yellow too. Love the place cards :)

  18. Another fantastic table! And what a bargain.

    Happy Cinco de Mayo!

  19. I KNEW you would outdo yourself for 5/5! Those little sombreros are just the cutest things and I adore the centerpiece. The ribbon is perfect! Hope you have a happy Mother's Day!

  20. Hi Kathleen,
    Muy bien!!!! So cute, I love those napkin rings and that table is definitely set for a major fiesta. I think I will crack a Corona and celebrate, if not for Cinco de Mayo maybe just for Wednesday. This is darling.
    :) Maryrose
    PS Did I mention I think the sombero placecard holders is so clever and cute?

  21. What an adorable table....I love the maracas in the centerpiece and on the napkin rings and the sombero place card holders...But my favorite was the first picture of the tablecloth...I loved that one...such pretty fabric....Happy Mother's Day to you too!!

  22. What a cute table - love the centerpiece. Very festive! Dropping by from BNOTP.


  23. Kathleen, That is a GREAT tablescape. So many little touches; you really paid attention to detail! Love the napkin rings, the dishes and your flatware!

  24. What a fun table to fiesta at...who would have thunk to put maracas tied to a lovely flower basket. I also loved the little maraca napkin holders that actually shake. Joni

  25. This is beautiful!! Love the maracas centerpiece and little napkin rings!
    Great price on those dishes!

    The colors are so bright and pretty, of course I love the yellow with it!

    I'm glad you gave a little history, and I went back and changed the spelling after I saw yours! LOL!


  26. Another beautiful table! Where's the food??? ;-) Thought for sure you'd have some enchiladas or fresh pico and chips! You always capture the "flavor" of the holiday... with or without the food!

    And the "blue hour" is a great shot! I tried... maybe another day. :-(


  27. Well I must confess, I too thought that Cinco de Mayo was independance day for Mexico.
    Your tablescape is definately Hot, hot, hot! LOVE IT!!!

  28. Kathleen, both of us seem to have too many trees to get a good blue hour shot from the terrace. But it does look lovely, doesn't it?
    You know Texans celebrate Cinco de Mayo. It's often a big deal here in the schools. Love your table! Your bargain find is amazing. Love all the bright colors and the yellow textiles are the perfect choice!
    Hope you have a sweet Mother's Day weekend. ~ Sarah

  29. Hi Kathleen,
    What an adorable table, love the lil sombreros with the morracos. So cute, nice and bright and festive.
    Liked the first tablecloth too!
    Very pretty with those red dishes.
    Hope you have a fun cinco de Mayo party!
    Blessings, Nellie

  30. Muy bonita y festiva mesa, Kathleen! Simplemente hermoso! hey creo que si celebra Día de la Bastilla, usted puede conseguir un mayor uso del mantel toile azul y rosa!

  31. These are my colors! Very stimulating -- if you weren't hungry when you sat down, you would be in 5 seconds. Incredible visuals!


  32. Kathleen, Great Cinco table! We had lunch out (Mexican) to celebrate. LOL. I think your blue hour shot loos good.

  33. Kathleen,
    Awesome tablescape! Love all the details and especially the price of the plates!

  34. What a festive table - you do such a fantastic job with all the accessories! Love the bright colors...

    Your 'Blue Hour' shot turned out good, sometimes just a small peek of the sky is just as appealing!

  35. Muy festiva y alegre la mesa, los detalles son encantadores.



  36. Kathleen, the little yellow covered casseroles were $4.99 each. Yes, I did check with my other T.J.Maxx. no luck. :( Lesson learned!

    Thanks for your sweet compliments. We're always on the same wavelength, me thinks. LOL

  37. Love those napkin rings and the little hats for place markers is so creative. Of course after a few drinks I would probably want to wear that little hat since you know I have a thing for crazy hats on my head:)

  38. So clever and cute! I'll be over for chips and salsa soon! Those napkin rings-to die for!!!

  39. Wow girl, you nailed it! Your table is stunning down to the centerpiece.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  40. FUN! I will gladly celebrate Cinco de Mayo again today!

  41. What a wonderful settings. So festive and so unique in my eys.

    TY for sharing.


  42. Oh how I love this table!! So bright, colorful and cheerful! The tiny sombreros are adorable and love the maracas!!! YOu didn't miss a thing and the yellow tablecloth is perfect!!! XO, Pinky

  43. Kathleen, your table is so happy it made me smile just looking at your photos! I love all the little special touches you added. The little sombreros, maracas napkin rings...just a wonderful setting.

  44. Cinco de Mayo done perfect!

  45. Love the Cinco de Mayo table setting--we always think about celebrating, at least with a Margarita! Very nice blue light photo too.

  46. Kathleen, I love the cheery red and yellow color combination you choose! As always you think of so many fun and pretty decorative enhancements. Happy Cinco de Mayo!

    PS the blue hour photo is beauitful to look at the link..thanks!

  47. Kathleen, this is just so festive and there are so many great ideas! Love the sombrero place card idea. Those napkin rings are so cute, and the yellow table cloth with that great china just make it look like a fun time! laurie

  48. What a great Cinco de Mayo table. We must be kindred spirits, I love the blue hour or l'heure bleu as the French call it. My favorite time of the day! Thank you for visiting my blog. (I also have those terrine dishes in your header, Williams Sonoma?)

  49. Beautiful table with the bright colors and wonderful attention to detail. I am going to try to catch the blue hour the next time I do a tablescape. Thanks for sharing.

  50. A fun and informative post, Kathleen. Our housekeeper who is from Mexico was here Wed., May 5th, and she gave me the same history lesson about Cinco de Mayo that was in your post. And we also both decided it was analogous to St. Patrick's Day.

    Beautiful colors and accessories throughout your tablescape, but I really chuckled thinking about Corona in your bee glasses.

  51. Cute! Cute! Cute! Love your colorful celebration, Kathleen. And those tiny little straw hats are SO cute, too! Hope you had a fun celebration. I've been buried with workmen, but I finally came up for air. Hope all is well in your corner of the world!


    Sheila :-)

  52. Very festive! I thought I had a good buy on dishes for $1, but 50 cents is even better. Your attention to detail is amazing and your tablescape is gorgeous!

  53. You know, Kathleen, I didn't know anybody who celebrated Cinco de Mayo either until it came and then coming out from dining out in an Amer. Restaurant, we passed by a place and the parking lot was packed with people and cars and the music was blasting. Then I realized it was a Mex. Rest so they do celebrate it here but I never knew cause I was always away on a trip on this day the last 2 years, I think. Anyway, I just read your clomment on Janie's blog about her trip here and it just cracked me up. You are so funny and so crazy, LOL! BTW, I took a pic of the backyard during the blue hr. and the sky was as blue as the pool. Pretty cool!....Christine

  54. Kathleen, I'm just stopping by to check on you. Hope you are okay. laurie

  55. i feel so festive!!!!!! beautiful setting.


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