Sunday, April 25, 2010

Power Washing….Never Again

I had no intentions of doing a Met Monday.  I haven’t morphed anything.

Then I read the first few sentences of Susan of Between Naps on the Porch ‘s  Metamorphosis Monday post.  About power washing…We will never do it again.

Last summer we tried this product…

 table 2824

table 2759

This is the trial spot where I just sprayed a little on to test it…Can you see the difference?

table 2605

See how nice and clean the steps came out?

Our deck is cedar, and we had carefully power washed every year.  No matter how careful, the wood gets chewed up.

You get a garden sprayer which is about 20 bucks..

spray it on, leave for about 10 min.,  no scrubbing, then wash off with a garden hose.  Done!  So much faster than the power washer, and no noise!

table 917

We tried it first on the wood of the gazebo, and it came up like new! It was all blackish before..

Once the new outdoor shower was built, we did the whole deck and porch with it. It took the green off the wood spindles.

You do have to protect your plants…wet any of them that are close prior and wash off immediately.  I covered ours with a tarp..

table 2844

These pics are from last year..too cold here to get the porch ready..

It is about 14 dollars in Lowe’s..Costco had it too, but was all sold out last time.

We used it on the wood railings, shutters, cement, cedar shakes and  moldy roof shingles. It did a great job on the vinyl arbor and planters too.

Check it out…( I wish they were paying me to say this, but they aren’t!)

Happy porch preparing..another month to go here!

Go check out the true metamorphs at Susan’s!


  1. I am buying some tomorrow!!! May take this pressure washer back. I haven't opened the box, yet. This sounds a lot easier!!!

  2. Those steps look fantastic and I love the stars and stripes containers too! Everything looks ready for a big party at your place!

    Best wishes,

  3. Wow, I am sold. Thanks so much for your post. I hate using the power washer.

  4. Wow, that's a great looking deck! Glad I stopped by to see this post. I need to power wash our cement porch! Thanks, Kathleen!

  5. I agree - after you mentioned it last year I used it - fantastic product!

  6. Once they fix the fence that blew over, I have to get this, your deck came out great! I hate power washing!

  7. I might have to try this. I have a huge deck that needs to be treated this year so bad. We planned on pressure washing first and then staining it.. maybe I will try this route. Thanks for the tip!

  8. Your deck looks amazing..beautiful home, K.
    Love those fabulous flowers...

  9. It's beautiful Kathleen~ I am so glad you shared this, I was thinking of a power washer and now I am not. Cindy

  10. My husband power washes every year, and I am going to surprise him with this. Your deck looks great Kathleen.

  11. Wow! Amazing product! Will it clean brick and cement too?...Christine

  12. Well done...thank you for the tips. Have a grand day!! Cathy

  13. Wow, it looks GREAT, Kathleen! We used to power wash our old wooden deck & also the lanai in FL. Ugh! So this time we had them use TREX to do the deck of the Gazebo House for low maintenance. It still needs some cleaning each spring but not like before. I'll have to see if this product can be used on that material without harm.
    Thanks for telling us about it. I will google it now.

  14. This looks great!!! I am going to buy some and forget the power washer.
    Thanks for the tip!

  15. Beautiful job, and your porches and decks are lovely.


  16. Lovely porch. Everything looks great. (I must admit that I am glad I do not have anything to power wash!)

  17. Oh my! how I wish I had read this before I spent a weekend power washing my deck. Will have to give this a try.

  18. Thanks for sharing! I am going to have to tell hubby about this one! It sounds soooo much easier! Thanks again and have a blessed day!

  19. Hi Kathleen,
    I feel like I have been away from blogland for years, but it is nice to be back. Your yards are so immaculate(well last year) and I am sure when you get better weather they will be even more immaculate and gorgeous this year. We don't have any decking but my gazebo could use a good cleaning....only problem is, I am afraid a good wash would melt it. It is getting tired and we need to start thinking about a new one....big expense, bigger headache.

    Have a great day and I am so happy to be back blogging.

  20. Looks brand new! What a pretty yard.
    Thanks for stopping by and reading along. I will be back when have more time to check out some of your other posts.
    Have a great week.

  21. Looks like a great product! The steps and deck look great. I have not heard of this product. Thought you had to power wash. Nice to eliminate that awful noise!
    Enjoyed looking at your past posts.

  22. The power washer works fine on our concrete patio but I know what it can do to wood if the spray isn't set on wide. DH offered to clean a friend's wood deck and he etched some of the wood.

    What a great product! You should get paid ;)

  23. Great idea, Kathleen. When I power wash my patios I end up covered with dirt and moss from head to foot. I HATE THAT JOB. I wonder if this would work on aggregate.

  24. Looks terrific! When we bought the house, the deck was in pretty bad shape. We tried staining it for a few years, but eventually, we replaced it with the composite decking and it has held up wonderfully.

  25. The steps look great - love the r,w and b buckets. Dropping by from BNOTP, #7.


  26. Great. We just went in with my parents to buy a pressure washer and I could have done this? lol!!
    I think I will have to try this on the vinyl railings we have on one side. Thanks for the tip!! And thanks for stopping by!

  27. You indicated that you were having trouble leaving a comment. Could you e-mail me and give me the specifics? This Typepad thing is really getting on my nerves. I did not think I had one of those word I.D. things on here!


  28. Wow! Neat product. Now, would it help my brick patio or is it back to powerwashing?

    - The Tablescaper

  29. BLESS YOU~!! you have saved me time and money and I appreciate it so much.. I will be purchasing the product you recommended..


  30. Oh my gosh I really wish we'd known about this stuff prior to powerwashing our patio! But now I know for the future! :-) Thanks!

    And everything looks great.

  31. Hi kathleen,
    boy that looks like a good product.
    does it work on concrete????
    That was very useful info especially for folks that have decks, and it sure beats the pressure washing all too pieces.
    Have a Beautiful day,
    blessings, Nellie

  32. I wish all I had to do was power wash the deck....I am officially signed up for painting duty as soon as the pollen clears....

  33. OH I am running to Cosco to buy this for hubby for his Father's Day gift as he needs this. My computer is still broken and so I have been going nuts without one. Miss reading your posts and others too. Funny how addicted we are to electronics for communications:)

  34. Thanks for the tip! I have to do my steps and a little landing this year. I use one that you have to scrub and that's always so hard. I'll give it a try - thanks!


  35. I wished I would have remembered this before I stained the cabin - I couldn't get some of the darker spots clean and it shows through the new stain coating.

    Has Olympic sent you a free case yet?

  36. That looks like a wonderful product! I have a small deck that we power wash every year but I hate th noise when my husband is doing it. Thanks for the tip!

    PS Your home and yard is beautiful!

  37. Thanks for the tip! Your yard looks fantastic.

  38. Kathleen, I remember how much you liked this product. If I had any wood decks, I'd be out getting some because of your rave recommendation. So gorgeous around your home.


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