Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Doors and Deck the Halls..

Computer issues, or should I say cable co issues..but getting in under the wire…

Joining Karen at Some Days are like Diamonds..

and Susan at Thoughts from Over the Rainbow..for her Deck the Halls..


Blog Labor 011


Blog Labor 004


Blog Labor 007


Blog Labor 009

Santa can sit and have his milk and cookies here..

Marsha’s chocolate party is Wed..join in the fun..

A coming attraction..

Blog Labor 488

Hope everyone is making better progress with the holiday preps than I am!

Thanks for stopping by…


  1. So gorgeous Kathleen,
    Worth the wait! I love your blue door all decked out and that wicker chair looks so inviting! That ribbon you used looks just like some of mine, I always love red/green plaid ribbon! I would love to sit and visit out there! Hugs, Cindy

  2. Your porch looks so festive, Kathleen! I love the garland and the lanterns! My Fall lanterns got a Christmas makeover, too! Everything looks so Christmasy! Hope you ar enjoying a wonderful Christmas season!...hugs...Debbie

  3. Girl, I haven't even shopped yet...this weekend...time is flying this season ! Maybe I should leave my decorations up for next year so time does creep up so fast, LOL !
    Love your front porch ! I will have a front porch one day...we just have a cement step - YUCK !
    Hope you have a great day !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  4. Oh Kathleen, your porch is just beautiful. I love your wreath and all of your decorations look so pretty and inviting. I hope you are having a Blessed Christmas Season. Hugs, Marty

  5. Your front porch is adorable, very inviting and "Christmasy". I envy your ability to have lights, I have no outside outlets - you'd think with Hubby being a contractor I would, but alas.....
    See you later today for chocolate dipping :)

  6. OOOH, Kathleen I am SOOO jealous! I LOVE your front porch! It is so pretty! Love it!

  7. Wow, your porch is so lovely and big! I wish I had a big porch. Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog.
    Hugz, Z

  8. Oh my, would I love to have a front porch like yours. And you've decorated it beautifully, Kathleen. I would like to sit in your rocking chair and have milk and cookies.

  9. Beautiful front door decorations - love the wreath!
    BUT.... where is the snow???? I will get some of ours sent to you ASAP!!!

  10. If it makes you feel better I am also behind in the prep for Christmas day. I can't really cook until the 24th but just thinking about all I have to do makes me nervous:) As soon as I say dinner is ready someone is crying, someone is on the phone and someone is missing. I am thinking of throwing a jar of PB&J and a loaf of white bread on the table and see my families reaction:) Bah humbug:)

  11. Kathleen--Glad you made it!! I thinking of starting a campaign next year to have more time between Thanksgiving and Christmas!! I am SURE you will have it all done with your usual style and grace--Thanks for joining in Deck the Halls

  12. I want to come and sit in Santa's chair! How inviting your entrance is, Kathleen. Your doing great!

  13. Love that porch and door all decked out! Everything looks so festive.

  14. When I see a beautiful porch like you have I get so jealous.
    You may be a bit behind but what you have done is pretty as can be.

  15. Barb, no worries, she just may get some snow Sunday night :)

    Beautiful, Kathleen, just beautiful!

  16. Kathleen, gorgeous porch ... love all the festive touches. Wonderful picture of the door and greenery lit up. I'm wondering what happens to the lamp when it snows. :)

  17. Oh how I love your wonderful, big porch. It looks so inviting with all of the Christmas decor! I love that plate! laurie


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