Sunday, December 13, 2009

Mosaic Monday


I am joining Mary at Little Red House for Mosaic Monday..Thank you Mary!


There were 4 girls in my I have a little blingy  white Santa to symbolize the 4  of us…



table 1399

table 1400

These 9 little bears represent the children of the 4 sisters.

One has a velvet robe, he represents my nephew who was hit by a car and died …He is always in our hearts.

My gkids love taking them off and putting them back..well they love taking them off..:)  And they are it can’t hurt!!

The holidays evoke many memories..happy and sad…but bits of our past..

I hope this holiday season brings you many happy memories..and new ones to be created!

Happy Hanukkah to those celebrating!

Have a good week, take time to enjoy!  (she says as she stands knee deep in boxes..:  )table 1402

Have you seen this?  Take a minute..


  1. Kathleen~~~

    I love the 4 snowmen and it is so neat that they represent you and your sisters! I love it! And they are adorable. As are your mice. I am so sorry about your nephew. That is so tragic. Christmas is a time to celebrate, but of course we remember those that are no longer with us to celebrate. Having them in our hearts really does help though.

    I love this post. Have a wonderful week. :-)


  2. Wonderful mosaic Kathleen. I love the bling Santas and the bears. What a fun celebration of the people in your family. Thanks for the link...that was very cool. Blessings on your baking and cooking!!

  3. What a wonderful tradition you have started, Kathleen! I love your blingy snowmen and the bears are precious! Christmas is a fun time to spend with our loved ones...and, of course, never forgetting those who are not present. I hope you are enjoying a wonderful Christmas season! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  4. What a great idea! I may have to copy this in some simple way...there is only 6 of us in our small family, but it still would be precious!

  5. What a beautiful tradition.

    It is always so important to remember those who have passed. They are family...

    Thanks so much for sharing such a darling idea.

    May you and your family enjoy this blessed time of the year! Merry Christmas!

    TTFN~~ Claudia ♥ ♥

  6. Kathleen, I love this post! I know you are sentimental, with a huge heart and great humor :) You have super keepsakes and memories! Love the blingies!

    and I love the ornament!

    Wishing you the merriest Christmas, Kathleen, I look forward to many more fun posts of the season with you :)

  7. What a beautiful tradition honoring your family...very touching!!!

  8. Wonderful post, Kathleen! I love all those little bears sitting in the window!

  9. What a beautiful mosaic, Kathleen. I love your little glittery santas and the Christmas bears all in a row. Wonderful post.

  10. I love your symbolic decorations, Kathleen! I didn't remember that you had a nephew who was killed. How sad and how sweet that you remember him that way each year.

    You don't even have snow on the ground!

    What a beautiful ecard link. It reminds me of the Jacquie Lawson-type cards. Very pretty!

  11. Kathleen, sweet post ... thank you for posting the link to the Ashland e-card ... very nice and I enjoyed interacting.

    The Santas and little bears are lovely mementos of you and your sisters and the four sisters' children. It's a lovely way for your four grandchildren to have a visual of their extended family (and fun to take on an off the shelf).

  12. This is the type of tradition that is important in a family. The young ones learn important lessons on being a family. You sister must be glad that her son is remembered with a bear right along with the other kids, always a part of the family.

  13. I just love those white Santas and the bears. How cute! I like they are are symbols of your family.

  14. Love your post and your collection of bears and white santas. Such a nice way to honor family!

  15. What lovely traditions ... we have a couple of things that have special meanings for us, also ... reminding us that our angel is with us in spirit.

    Merry Christmas, TTFN ~Marydon
    **NEW BLOG**

  16. What great Christmas tradition pieces - love the one for yuor sisters and all the bears!! Sweet rembrances!
    Super mosaic!

  17. Love the bling santas! I want one too! :-)

    A heartwarming post. Love the fact that you honor your family with each decor used. Shows how close you are to you family.

  18. O, what a wonderful idea...
    I hope you won't mind if I, too, buy 3 white santas for the 3 girls in our family...then 11 little bears for the grands and 1 little white sheep for the great-grand. That is such a sweet idea...just love it..I so hope I can remember it...I have picked up so many ideas for next Christmas, my head is about to burst open and fall off...:(
    NOW, dear one, did you tell me 1 stick of butter to 12 oz of chocolate for the dipping of cookies?? Grands coming over next week to make cookies and dipping!!:)

  19. Just came from the party. So, cute. Thanks for sharing.
    Merry Christmas!
    Hugz, Z

  20. Lovely post Kathleen.
    I'm a strong believer in keeping family traditions alive.
    It's so important for our Gkids.
    I enjoyed reading yours.

  21. I love, love all of those pretty little bears lined up on the window sill. What a cute idea! laurie

  22. Aw, what beautiful traditions! Have a wonderful holiday, Kathleen. :)


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