Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dip it in Chocolate…Peppermint Twist Table

I am joining my friend Marsha for her chocolate party…Who could refuse..Please stop over at her blog, Marsha’s Kitchen and see the other chocoholics..:)


Some shortbread cookies dipped in chocolate..

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An apple dipped in chocolate and pecans dressed up for Christmas…

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I make these  little cakes every year for the  kids..of all ages…devils food cake..dipped in melted chocolate

table 451

They go down very smoothly with a glass of milk!


My table tonight is red and white with a peppermint twist..a week night table..


table 1429


table 1430  

The plates are all from WSonoma, as well as the salt and peppers and swirled name card holders..See the gingham tree mats under the plate..W Sonoma too..

The pine cone tree centerpiece is from Villeroy and Boch..

Thank you, Susan, for hosting, and please check out all the other tables at Between Naps on the Porch..

One of my favorite things to give me the Christmas Spirit is going to my gkids Christmas Pageant..

The Kdgn. is the uninhibited..

Blog Labor 012And the  Nativity , (3rd grade) with the angels and shepherds and kings, just adorable..

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I hope in spite of the busy ness of these days, are finding some joy in the preparations…:)

Have a wonderful weekend..and thanks for visiting… 


  1. Absolutely darling, Kathleen! Your goodies, the beautiful table setting and those precious kiddos~ are they adorable, or what?!

    Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas from our home to yours. xo ~m.

  2. Kathleen, I bet the apples for the teacher didn't look anything like they do now :) Your apple looks fabulous!

    Love the kids, so cute!

    Merry Christmas, to you and your family!

  3. Kathleen, a beautiful post from beginning to end! I love those shortbread boys half dipped :) The chocolate covered apple looks amazing(I have never had one, only caramel)! What kind of melted chocolate do you use for the cakes? I would love to do that with some of my shaped brownies.

    As always you have the perfect tablesetting - you are talented in so many areas but I am always amazed at your beautiful tables.

    M & L's program must have been wonderful to attend. You are right - they are so good for the spirit in this busy season and remind us the "reason for the season"!

    Thank you for participating in the chocolate holiday event - you are a great friend :)

  4. Everything is looking good!!! Love the shortbreads...great job on keeping your lines so straight!! lol Also, love your peppermint twist table..very festive looking!

    I never thought I would miss all the little ones Christmas programs, but I actually do. They were all so cute and so proud when they were done!! Ahhh, memories!!

  5. I loved this post--the red dishes are adorable and festive. The cookies look ambrosial. Oh, those dipped apples and devils food cakes and cookies. Delicious!

  6. Kathleen, you did a smashing job... lots of choc. covered things. They look great! Pretty table and cute kids too!

  7. ummm, all your chocolates look so delicious. (excuse me while I rummage around in my pantry for even ONE piece of chocolate!!) ok..I'm back...found one!! :O)

    Both our tables are doing the Peppermint Twist today...your's is just beautiful. I love every single thing about it...

    Aren't we the blessed ones to be grandmothers!! These photos are so sweet.
    My youngest, Deeds, is having her first dance recital Friday night..don'tchaknow I will have photos for you!!
    This is, indeed, such a wonderful and blessed time of the year. I just love every single thing about it....
    hugs, bj

  8. The cookies look so good. Thanks for coming by Kathleen. I think Chandy is just busy with the kids and her studies. I do miss her too....Christine

  9. Kathleen, I'm glad you said you make the children of all ages. I guess I am a child at heart when it comes to desserts. I would like one please!

    Beautiful tablesetting, and I'm glad you pointed out the gingham tree placemats.

    I know your grandchildren make Christmas very, very special!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family Kathleen.

  10. I made a typo....I meant to say that I'm glad you make the cakes for children of all ages :-)

  11. Hi Kathleen ~
    I just gained five pounds looking at all your goodies ! MMMMMmmmmm those shortbread men that got in the mud look really good....
    I love your peppermint plates -
    Grandkids play is soooo cute - but, who chose that curtain....its a little wild :o) I remember being an Angel around that age.....what happened ?!?!?!?
    p.s. I can hardly wait for my box !!!!

  12. Your red and white is one of my favorites ... so bright, cheery, and FUN.

    Kathleen, I love Christmas pageants ... They definitely are a highlight of the season.

    Wonderful looking goodies ... Do each of your grandchildren have a favorite treat? As many wonderful treats as you fix, I'm sure it would be difficult to choose.

  13. Your red and white table is so festive, Kathleen, and I love that you've given your shortbread men and dip in chocolate.

    Our kids Christmas programs are this week. They are such a special part of the season. I love to see them up on stage singing baby Jesus songs.

    Happies Christmas wishes to you and your family.

  14. That is just too cute. Love the candy cane theme and it's so colorful and sweet.

  15. It's all wonderful Kathleen! Especially the Christmas program photos. Love it!

  16. Kathleen, I laughed when I read about your beautifully set "weeknight table."
    Made me shoot milk through my nose.

    And I needed to comment on all the chocolate-covered goodies you made. They all look deliciously rich. Especially the glistening, chocolate-covered devil's food cake men.

    And I know, somebody's getting an A+ with the chocolate-covered apple!

    Btw, the young ones dressed in their proper Christmas attire are adorable.

    Happy Holidays to you!

  17. Hi Kathleen,
    I love your tablescape...those candy inspired dishes are wonderful. I now know my fear of color is getting the best of me, because I definitely need to get out there and get some "red". As of your dipping habit...anything dipped in chocolate works for me. I never met anything I didn't like better dipped in chocolate. Have a great holiday season.

  18. Love your peppermint table. Thanks for sharing and have a great day!

  19. Kathleen...I love everything about this post!! Isn't eveything better dipped in chocolate, lol. And your peppermind tablescape is just darling. The pageant pictures are just sweet!

    CHRISTmas Blessings!

  20. Hi Schweetie! Your tablesetting looks scrumptious- red/white peppermint plates- YUM. I could definitely eat one of those apples all covered w/chocolates and nuts. I always get hungry over here. LOL
    Hope all is well for you getting ready for Christmas. I am taking it easy today trying to catch up on my favs. I have so missed doing this, but I had to get decorated for Dan! He loved it all.
    Merry, Merry~ my friend, xo Sue

  21. I love the red and white...did you save one of the little chocolate person cakes for me! They look delish...but then so does the dipped shortbread! Thanks for sharing.

  22. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas there, Kathleen! I love those little chocolate-covered cakes that you make for the little ones. Do you cut the shapes out with a cookie cutter? A Nana needs to know :)

  23. Hi Kathleen,
    Colorful, charming, and so delicious-looking! Loved this post; I'm so glad I stopped by. I knew you'd have something special in store.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!


  24. Hi K:

    What a great weeknight table setting--so special! The cookies look devine and, yes, I'll cozy up to them with a glass of milk!

  25. your table is gorgeous and that apple is making my mouth water!!!

  26. Christmas baking is the best! Your post was wonderful. I enjoyed the dishes...the chocolate snowmen cakes!

  27. Loving the peppermint table! I had one I wanted to do as well, but the time is just flying by. It looks like you've been a very busy baker. Love the photos of the wee ones!

    - The Tablescaper

  28. Kathleen, this is such a fun table! I love everything on it, but, unfortunately, I especially the chocolate! Yum! Oh I felt so sorry for you when I read about you taking the same box back up the stairs! Been there, done that (before I had a holiday closet). I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas. laurie

  29. What a delightful post! thanks for sharing.

  30. Chocolate dipping and little chocolate cakes look delicious. I think the school plays are the cutest. I hear a big storm is headed your way today so stay home and don't drive around to any outlets this weekend:)

  31. The children are adorable -- this table is adorable and that chocolate dipping looks amazing!

  32. The kids are so cute!! So is your table as well as your homemade goodies. I'm craving that apple!!

  33. Your always include such tantalizingly yummy looking images! I'm drooling!

  34. This is all so beautiful! And the food looks yummy!

    Thank you for your visit today, I miss the bloggers, seems not many people are blogging this week, too busy I guess. To me it is relaxing after a busy day.

    Merry Christmas!


  35. As always, what can I say? you are the Christmas fairy brought to life. You always leave us feeling warm and wonderful, and wishing we could drop in to your kitchen for coffee, cookies and conversation.

    Merry Christmas, sweetie ... hope you can stop by and see the tree!

  36. OMG! I can't stop drooling over all your decor and recipes. I think I am going to be here for awhile! LOL


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