Sunday, December 20, 2009

Did We Really Need This Much Snow?? Mosaic Monday~Ornaments..

Blog Labor 021


Blog Labor 022

So whoever did the SNOW dance, could you have done a nice slow waltz??  You know I still have shopping to do!

We got over 30 inches, more in drifts..yuck!

Unusual for here , but this one hugged the coast.

On the “bright side”  we have power, so we are warm.  We are under an emergency, so no one allowed on the road except emergency vehicles.. There hasn’t been a car on our street  all day…

I hope if you got hit by this storm, you are safe and warm!

I am joining Mary at Little Red House for Mosaic Monday. She got hit too, I don’t know how badly NJ got it..




The last blown glass one says..’Tis a Blessing to be Irish..I bet Sue agrees with that!

The glass shamrock tree is from Galway.  My sister brought it back from Ireland..

The large one is hand painted…a gift from my gkids..they didn’t paint it..:)

Are you all caught up?  Gifts wrapped, baking done, house cleaned, menu planned???..I WISH!

I see you..sitting with your feet up, eating cookies and Christmas Candy!..Enjoy!


Blog Labor 019


  1. I have to say it looks gorgeous Kathleen..stay safe..stay warm..Happy Happy Holidays!

  2. OOh, what a lot of snow! Your pictures are great!

  3. crab, crab, crab, why are you complaining all warm in your house? I have to go to work tomorrow in all this mess! LOL! and I only wished a couple inches, NOT A BLIZZARD!

    All beautiful, Kathleen! Gorgeous things!

    Wishing you and your family the Merriest Christmas!

  4. So beautiful!!!
    I love your ornies!
    The snow not so much as we too are digging out!

  5. Oh! You really did get a bunch of snow!! I love your Irish ornament from Galway.

  6. Kathleen, the snow is beautiful ... I love the view outside your window. But, I'm sure it's frustrating for those who still have shopping or errands to do. AND I'm so happy that you did not lose power.

    Love your ornament mosaic ... They're all lovely, but I've never seen one similar to your Galway tree - very pretty.

  7. Heehe Kathleen~
    We already got our share! It looks gorgeous though, and I am sure you will be plowed out soon! Merry Christmas my friend, your front porch looks so pretty blanketed in snow! Hugs, Cindy

  8. Beautiful pictures and mosaics. You sure have a lot of snow there.
    Merry Christmas

  9. looks so festive.have a fabulous christmas!

  10. Oh, Kathleen! It's beautiful! Isn't there a wonderful quietness about the snow? The view from your window is so pretty! I do wish you could send some our way! A very Merry Christmas to you and your family!...hugs...Debbie

  11. Kathleen, looks like you got more than we did. In Lindenhurst we only had about 24 binches. I still have some shoveling to do after spending half of yesterday shoveling. Oooh my aching back.

  12. Hi Colleen--23 inches here and NO SCHOOL!!! Why is it that those two words can warm your heart at any age?? HAHA! Thinking of you and hope you aren't super snowed in!

  13. O so glad to hear that you are safe...and warm!! Thank God!
    Just hang in there...if you don't get to finish shopping, I have a feeling you will come up with something to make everyone happy. Just a basket of your home cooked goodies would be treasured, I am sure.
    Stay warm! and MERRY CHRISTMAS..
    xo bj

  14. I know it was a lot of snow, maybe a once in a lifetime amount but it sure does look pretty from your kitchen window! I'm thankful you and M are safe and warm and can ride it out waiting for the roads to be cleared.

    The ornaments are gorgeous - I especially love the one with the log cabin painted on the top!

  15. Tis indeed, a blessing to be Irish!! I love all things Celtic, you know. I will have to take pics of my new ornaments. I gave one to a SIL, (forgive and forget...) but I kept two. Maybe this afternoon...
    Oh, and I ate my cookies yesterday as I baked them. LOL Now they are all put away and I need to bake a few more varieties. Oh I am so glad I am not working full-time right now! I would never get things done! LOL
    enjoy the beautiful white stuff while it is still clean and fresh... Soon it could be black!
    xoxo Sue

  16. Oh dear, Kathleen, I thought of you this morning when I saw pictures of the snow storm. It is so beautiful but can be a giant headache right before the holiday.

    I hope you all stay cozy warm in front of the fire.

  17. Just had to come back around and tell you that I just now made the Chocolate Dip you told me about and...IT IS WONDERFUL..I mean, I could gladly eat it with a spoon..shhh...i did!! Had some little cute store bought cookies, dipped them and they look great. I am so impressed with my silly self...they look ALMOST as pretty as your little gingerbread men..
    Thanks so much for the recipe..
    I used 1 stick butter, 1 of margarine and a pkg. of Ghirardelli Semi-Sweet and it is so good!!
    xo bj

  18. Beautiful, as always!

    Over here - we "only" got about 18 inches or so! The east end really did take the hit this year! My kids did have school this morning, so they bundle up, and trudged to the bus stop - except for the whole "School thing" they love it!

  19. I just knew that you got clobbered when the kids told me that they got about 2 feet! My son was grousing that it had to be Saturday and not Sunday! He was looking for a snow day...
    The house looks gorgeous, and the piles of the snow may be a nuisance, but they serve to enhance all of your lovely things.
    Nancy...PS: for once we only had a few inches!

  20. Hi Kathleen, your pictures are stunning. Wow!

    Merry Christmas,
    Barb ♥

  21. Just found you this evening and so glad I did. Your site is beautiful and so welcoming.
    I am looking forward to being a follower of yours.
    Hope you have a Merry Christmas

  22. Amazing photos, Kathleen! I was just last week that I was commenting on your green grass :)

    Merry, Merry Christmas!

  23. And I thought we got a lot of snow. ONLY 18 inches here. Your tree and ornaments are beautiful. And of course since I am part Irish I love your Shamrock tree and the Blessing to be Irish. Have a very Merry Christmas!

  24. It is sort of pretty from my Florida hotel room:) Before you think I'm rubbing it in...I've had my winter coat on here the past 3 days! It isn't cold as we know it in Illinois, but there are frost and freeze warnings out tonight!


  25. Wow! You really had the snow! Looks pretty from here in NC - my part of the state had rain :( Merry Christmas!

  26. Looks like it will be a white Christmas for you. Love your ornaments!

  27. Looks like Colorado :o) Did you shovel your walk ? So nice in the country....we have no shoveling :o)

  28. Oh how I love peppermint bark!!! The snow is lovely but it does appear to be confining...Hoping you can get out and about soon! Cathy

  29. The snow looks so lovely & you look ready for Christmas! Happy Holidays!

  30. I love every picture! I had oohed and aahhhed over everything! Merry Christmas!

  31. The snow on the horn on the door is the perfect touch!

    Stay warm. I bet you shopped enough already.

    - The Tablescaper

  32. That is nuts! We might get a dusting for New Years. I'm not a "snow" person so I'm glad it all missed us here in GA.


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