Monday, December 21, 2009

Deck the Halls, and Handmade Holiday

December flew!  All month Susan at Thoughts from over the Rainbow has been hosting Deck the Halls..thank you, Susan!

Please check out the other entries..

And Kathy’s Cottage hosted Homemade holiday things.  Poor Kathy is under the weather, but since I made it, I’m showing it!

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I had this on my list to try..Peppermint Bark…

I had tried it from WSonoma and it was so good, and sooo I made it…

The white chocolate hardened quickly when I put it on the chocolate layer, so I used the old hair dryer trick to get it softer to accept the crushed candy canes…

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It’s good, and very easy! I You can find one of many recipes here….

While we are in the kitchen, I’ll show you my little kitchen tree  that is on my island..

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The little copper pots and pan ornaments I got a few years ago at WSonoma Outlet..and this year I treated myself to the little gingerbread chefs.



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This is an old pic, but you can see the window treatment I made with plaid dish towels.  I sewed the plaid together with a co ordinating stripe..

table 450  This is the dessert table from a Christmas past..

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This is my dining room Angel Tree.  You can’t see them clearly, but there are all Battenburg angels on it, with silver ornaments..

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That’s it for tonight, hope your halls are decked, your holly jolly, and that a reindeer doesn’t run over Grandma! (my dear mom hated that song! )

On the way out the side door  this vintage wreath will play a few songs for you..yes, it IS very annoying.  I often find the batteries removed by..??  elves I guess… :)

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Thanks for stopping by!


  1. So here I am wide awake at 2:30 AM
    and my mouth is Watering for your
    Pepperment Bark! I'll have to remember that 'hair dryer' trick...
    you clever gal!
    You deserve to treat yourself..that little gingerbread chef is adorable as is your tree.

    Love the dish towel window treatment...nice holiday touch..
    and now I'm eyeing that dessert table...ohhhh, how can I sleep now!
    The dining room tree is lovely with all the angels...hmmm can some of them be from CTS? lol

    This was a 'Delightful Treat'..

    Merry Christmas to You and your Family Kathleen.

  2. Everything is so festive and beautiful and might I add yummy too!
    Merry Merry
    ~Really Rainey~

  3. Oh yeah, ingenuity at its best with the old hair dryer trick! LOL That recipe sounds and looks pretty yummy, girlfriend! Your tree in the kitchen is so so sweet. Love the gingerbread men. I'd like to have sampled all those goodies on your dessert table, let me tell you! You need to show a close-up of your Battenburg angels because that tree is gorgeous, Katleen. I'd say your house is decked! Merry Christmas to you!!!
    xoxo Sue

  4. Wow - do I love that dessert table! very pretty and very yummy looking! Merry Christmas. Linda

  5. That looks so good, Kathleen! I haven't made candy for Christmas, in years. I should get back to that tradition.

    Your kitchen tree is cute. And that table of goodies!WOW!

    I loved the photo of your wreath on the door. I thought about you, when I heard about the snow. We had snow too, but nothing compared to yours!

    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2010!

  6. Girl, 3 posts in a day or me beat ...I haven't logged on since Sunday....
    I love your angel tree in the urn - so polished and glizty !
    I adore that kitchen tree - you have a huge island.. I never would have thought to put a cloth on it - great idea !

  7. It looks beautiful Kathleen! I love your little kitchen tree and all the other festive decs in the kitchen. The island spread showcasing all M's beautiful rugelach is gorgeous.

    The dining room tree is very elegant looking but the vintage Rudolph wreath looks wonderful on the newly painted red door.

    I learn something new everyday with you mentioning the hairdryer trick :) The bark looks in RR's famous words - Yumm-O

  8. Duhhhhh - I went to look at the
    "3rd" post and it disappeared..LOL ! I am losing it...don't tell the crazy house.
    If I lived closer I would sneak over and put the batteries back in that wreath......heee hheeee hheee
    Merry Christmas !!

  9. Love the pics and your kitchen! You have a lovely home!

  10. You have a beautiful kitchen, Kathleen, and your island is the perfect place to set out your desserts. So very festive.

    I've got peppermint bark on my baking list and will remember the hair dryer trick.

    I think of you when I see the weather reports of your area.

  11. Ummm...the peppermint candy looks amazing. The grands made peppermint candy but just melted the white chocolate and added crushed candy canes to chocolate but I aim to try that next year!!
    Love your kitchen so cute. And that angel tree...stunning.

    NO....I don't sip on the vanilla!! haha..and i know you are a teetotaler so I know YOU don't sip it, either!! :)
    Once, a million years ago, when I was a young girl, my aunt and uncle lived in an apartment house in Dallas. When one of the other tenants moved out, he left his bathtub full to the brim with empty vanilla bottles! We laughed about that for years. Guess he was hooked on it and maybe vanilla, back then, costs less that whiskey....and besides all that, we couldn't figure out how he took a bath!!

  12. Your dining room tree is gorgeous, but my favorite is the kitchen tree with the little gingerbread chef.
    Can you believe...I have never made peppermint bark, but am giving it a try today or tomorrow, now that I have gone to get more candy canes...makes me a little nervous when you said you had problems with the white chocolate.

  13. Lovely desserts! Your cooking themed tree is so cute! Have a very nice Christmas! Looks as though you are ready.

  14. This is so easy my son makes it. One batch for him one for the rest of us. Lol.
    We melt the white pastilles, stir in crushed peppermint candies. Spread it on a foil lined pan. Drizzle with melted chocolate and then run a knife through it to marbleize it. Bingo, bango, bongo. Done. We break it up into uneven pieces.
    Always a huge hit.
    Your dessert buffet is fabulous.

  15. Hi Kathleen,
    Looks yummy and your home looks so warm and cozy....until of course I scrolled down and saw your snow pictures. Burrrrrr! Stay warm and happy.
    Merry Christmas

  16. Your home is gorgeous Kathleen! I love that kitchen tree and I have always wanted an angel tree, one more similarity between us. Sorry about Handmade holidays not runninhg today, this would have been such a great link! The peppermint bark looks like it would be so good, bet the peppermint would cool my scratchy throat:>) I hope you have a wonderful merry Christmas!


  17. Your kitchen tree is adorable, Kathleen! Very pretty dining room tree too. Your house really is all decked and ready to go. Are you baking up a storm this year. That dessert assortment is amazing!

  18. I was also checking out your Mosaic Monday post. Yikes 30 inches of snow. It sure makes everything look so enchanting but I understand how hard it can make it to get out and about. Your house really looks nice all decked out Kathleen. I know there will be wonderful food to be eaten there!!
    A very Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

  19. FAB treats and decor... MERRY Christmas... ENJOY!

  20. Christmas past looked fabulous, and I'm sure Christmas present will be spectacular, hopefully you'll be dug out from the white stuff!

    One of the kids today gave me a mug filled with Dove candy, similar to your bark. White Chocolate, crushed peppermints and dark chocolate. My new favorite. Have to try it now!

    Merry Christmas, Kathleen, to you and your beautiful family :)

  21. I happened to see the peppermint bark at WS just recently! I will try this. I WANT your tree in the kitchen. I don't really have a place, but you can bet I'm looking :) I always enjoy my visit here :0) Merry merry Christmas to you and yours! Thanks for joining Deck the Halls--I appreciate it!

  22. I always feel warm and cozy when I stop over. Like visiting that friend that always has your favorite treats when you arrive. SO that's the wonderful kitchen where all that yumminess comes from. Love the kitchen tree.... I used to sell kitchen ornaments...they were HOT!
    but you know how much I love my white so that white tree is right up my alley.
    Thanks for reminding me about the bark...I saw an even easier recipe with marshmellows.....even I can do it!!!:)))
    Ok sorry for the long comment...been so long since I've been by....making up for lost time!
    Merry Christmas Kathleen
    Your neighbor!

  23. Hi Kathleen!

    I'm so behind since my old computer crashed. I'm catching up with you on my new one :-)

    I love your kitchen and the kitchen tree is adorable! I also love the Santa Claus chef in your window.The Battenberg lace tree is exquisite!

    I'm so jealous of all the goodies you get to buy at your Williams Sonoma outlet --lol-- I wish there were one near me that was so well stocked.

    I hope we don';t get more snow this weekend-- we got 14 inches --I know you got so much more!

    Hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a happy healthy 2010!

    Hugs, Pat

  24. Why am I not in bed yet?
    Because I couldn't sleep without seeing all that you've done to your house, in honor of Saint Nick. You did a beautiful job!

    And Kathleen, I had a sneaky suspicion we were twins, separated at birth, because you have the same tree topper I do. And even our trees look similar.
    However, if I'm going to get any sleep at all in the next few days, I'll have to find those gingerbread chefs for my kitchen.

    Happy Holidays!

  25. That candy would fly off the plate in my house and onto my hips:) I love the tree in your kitchen as well as the angel tree. Now all those goodies look so pretty in the center with the table runner. I spy two dishwashers in the photo...way to go! Hope all that snow turns to slush soon and melts down the drains. You are lucky to have power. All is done here. Putting the lasagna together later today for tomorrow. Picking kids up at the airport tomorrow afternoon and can't wait to see the littlest prince. My camera will be smokin for sure! DR table is all set, stockings are hung, presents are wrapped, all finished or so I thought until my son called with a list for the Littest prince so I am now off to the supermarket for Huggies and goldfish and Italian wedding soup in a can. Is he kidding me? Little Prince can't eat soup out of a can at my home. No way. I already made homemade Italian wedding soup and enough to last the prince for his entire stay at his GMs house. I wish you fun on Christmas with your Grands and kids and a happy and healthy new year and also lots of sales at WS and other stores in 2010.

  26. Everything is just beautiful, Kathleen. Merry Christmas!

  27. Kathleen, each room is beautifully "decked" out and so festive. I have several packages of the W-S peppermint bark that I got really cheap last year. It's been in the freezer since then. Didn't even think about it until I saw your post ... Merry Christmas

  28. You've sure been busy Kathleen!
    Stopping by to wish you a Merry Christmas and a joyful New Year! Sharon.

  29. Kathleen

    Whta a lovely white tree--and the one on your island is my fave that I have seen on blogs this season! Adorable! I do not think I have seen your kitchen before--what a warm and cozy place--of courseit is, those great treats came out of it! Hope you are enjoying your holidays...I am off to do Macy's returns! Haha!

  30. Hi Kathleen:

    Hope you had a merry and blessed Christmas. I was so busy before Christmas that I hardly had time to post, let alone enjoy everyone else's posts. So now that the craziness is over, I'm enjoying blog land. I LOVE your kitchen tree and all of it's copper ornaments. You always have such great luck at the WS outlet! I also love your angel tree in the dining room. I had high hopes of posting more, but it's so hard to find time.
    Hopefully we can connect over New Years.
    - The Tablescaper

  31. So glad you got to try your peppermint bark and that you liked it! Its so pretty. Love the little kitchen tree. I want to do that. The Angel tree is very nice sister collects angels and would really like it!

  32. Love the Kitchen Christmas Tree...I might do that next year!

  33. Love your pretty festive kitchen, Kathleen!


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