Sunday, December 27, 2009

While visions of sugared goods jumped in our Mouths..Mosaic Monday


I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!  Now puleaaase don’t tell me you are taking down your decorations.

We enjoy ours till Little Christmas, Three Kings Day.

Growing up, our tree went up Christmas Eve, and came down Jan. 6th, and I keep to that tradition.

And it is several weeks before everything is in its place for the year!

I am joining  Mary of Little Red House for Mosaic Monday…

I am sure most of us are on a sugar high…. so I did my mosaic on some desserts I made for Christmas..







Blog Labor 053 The first is an apple pie I made with 5 different types of apples, and a shredded dough crust…


Blog Labor 050

Next is Mike’s Rugelach..apricot nut, chocolate raspberry, and lekvar…



A devils food cake, filled  with a layer of chocolate whipped cream,Blog Labor 056 iced with whipped cream and decorated with choc cookie stars ..Those are little ornament picks I sent away for..

By the time it was served it was decorated with several tiny fingerprints!

And the last is the chocolate cake men and stars dipped in melted chocolate waiting to be decorated..

A rare quiet moment..a game of Christmas checkers..which was good till the 2 y o came and swiped all the pieces..then it turned to War! Notice the boxing gloves on the back of the couch?  :)


Blog Labor 065 I hope you get to enjoy the week before the New Year begins…


  1. Kathleen-I don't know if it is a southern tradition, but it is my tradition. I put mine up immediately after Thanksgiving and the live tree is a lethal dagger by Christmas even with careful watering. That pie is absolutely mouth watering. I don't know what shredded crust is, but it looks delicious. Love the checkers story--we are a very competitive board game family too!

  2. Kathleen we always kept our tree up til the 6th too..and I do the same. Since it coincides with the day after my birthday I like it for that reason too :-) Your goodies look so yum and that cake is just beautiful. Your whipped cream icing always looks mouthwatering. Love the picks@

  3. Merry merry. It's good to enjoy all of the celebrations of Christmas. It took a lot to put it all in it's place. Now it's time to enjoy. Although I don't abide by a specifice time to take it all down, I know it's not time now!

    - The Tablescaper

  4. O, you had me at that apple can I get your recipe? I am having a party on Thurs...NYEve..and i would LOVE to add that to my dessert table. It looks just it hard to make? I can't do all the beautiful foods you do but hoping I can do this pie...

    Sorry, but, yes, I am taking down decorations...well, just a few. I am leaving my tree up for the party..I usually take it down the day after Christmas. Just something I've always done...

  5. O and meant to say I've been getting emails about Pottery Barn should be able to pick up some great things at the outlet. How I wish we had one here...

  6. LOL, how quickly things turn to war! They are adorable! Bet you are enjoying the peace and quiet now :)

    Desserts look fantastic! Mike's rugelach look amazing! He could sell them by the pound here, you know!

  7. Kathleen, I knew I shouldn't have looked...OMG! those desserts look divine, especially Mike's rugalach and your apple pie! Where do you get the shredded pie dough?
    I usually leave the decorations until the Epiphany, too...but this year we are going to be in Columbus celebrating Howard and Wade's milestone I take it down before we leave or after we get back?

  8. Kathleen your desserts look divine! I love rugelach too!
    I was going to link to MM but Mary is on a well deserved vacation. My post's desserts aren't edible
    Enjoy your quiet time and your tree! Mine will be up as long as it stays alive.

    Hugs, Pat

  9. Your desserts look great! It is so much work but so much fun!!

  10. I remember Mike's rugelach from last year always looks so good. The apple pie and cake look awful yummy too, I can just see the tiny fingerprints!!

    Decorations will come down after the New Year, whenever I can get to it! I love having a fire in the fireplace when the mantle is all decorated..makes it so much more soothing for some reason!

  11. Kathleen, I've made the apple pie with the shredded crust but had forgotten about it until now. All of your desserts look great! Now time to relax, and enjoy your tree. Glad you aren't still snowed in :-)

  12. Your desserts look wonderful and apple pie is my favorite. Your looks delicious.
    I wish you all the best in the new year, Happy New Years to you and your family.

  13. That is so funny about the fingerprints in the cake and the game of war..or, checkers :)

    What a beautiful array of desserts you and Mike made for your family! It's always a delight to see what you make for them.

    I don't think I could deal with decorating a tree until Christmas Eve but I know many people used to do it that way but I'll bet you're in the minority now. One of my girlfriends said her parents would put a sheet over the tree and remove it on Christmas Eve.

  14. In our house, we always decorated Dec. 1, and then the tree went up a few days before Christmas and stayed up until after the 6th too. I used a fake tree the last 2 years, (for the first time ever, so I still have mixed feelings)so it does usually go up earlier so the kids enjoy it. I feel sad for the kids whose parents take the tree down the day after!

    Looks like Christmas (and it's desserts) was wonderful! I should have left you my address in case you were able to drop off a care package!

  15. You are invited to my house for the potluck next year...and could you please bring dessert/desserts!!
    Have a great last week of the year!

  16. Wow Kathleen, what luscious desserts! I did a search on your site for that shredded dough apple pie and I saw that you froze the top crust dough for awhile and then shredded it while still frozen. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing all your wonderful traditions and food!

  17. My tree goes up the beginning of December and stays up until somewhere around January 7th. I don't go to all this work for nothing.
    My motto is you will enjoy it until I say otherwise. Lol.

  18. The desserts certainly make a pretty mosaic. ... I get our main tree down within a couple of days of Christmas, but we do leave a small one until Epiphany. I guess it's my Episcopalian indoctrination.

    I love the picture of your two oldest grandsons on the sofa and thanks for pointing out the boxing gloves. Sounds like FUN!

  19. Our tree goes up right after Thanksgiving. It stays up until
    Little Christmas too.
    I want to enjoy every minute of it, before it all goes away for another year.

    Wonderful desserts. The apple pie looks so yummy and those little cake men look interesting.
    I'd love to give them a try, but then I guess I'd have to get the mold before I do. lol

    What would whipped cream be with out little fingerprints!!

  20. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Kathleen! So many yummy treats adorn your blog, my mouth is watering... even after the gazillion calories I've consumed this past week! Of course, as you know, my decorations will be up for A LOT longer!


  21. Yep all our decorations are packed away and will be out again next year. Love Christmas but once it's's over and it's time to give the place a good cleaning. I can finally see my kitchen island again....YES!

    Love the cake with the vertical cool!

  22. OMG Kathleen,
    You can bake like no one else! That cake looks so fabulous, I could reach through the computer for a bite! Happy New Year to you and your lovely family too!

  23. I love the post below too Kathleen, that red green plaid ribbon is my fave and I have it up too! I think your trees are just about perfect! Cindy

  24. Hi Kathleen! Your desserts look so yummy! I LOVE devils food favorite! Love the checker story! My decorations go down New Years Day...on the outside, so the neighbors will think I'm organized! lol I usually enjoy them a few more days inside! Have a wonderful week and Happy New Year!...hugs...Debbie

  25. Now that rugelach is some YUMMMMM. It looks as good as my mother-in-law's and that's high praise!

    Great mosaic ... makes me glad the New year's resolutions don't kick in until Friday. :-)

    Your house looks SO beautiful... and YAY for keeping it decorated till the end of the season! No Grinches here, either. Christmas is a 12 day stint.

    PS LOVE the picture of the boys --- how wonderful to have grandchildren to share Christmas with. And your snow? CRAZY deep for the East End. Wow.

  26. We celebrate "Los Reyes Magos" also since my husband is from Puerto Rico and nothing will come down until then. He still cannot believe that people take Christmas decor down the day after Christmas here, lol! We were in PR last year and I think they really take Christmas seriously!! All of this looks SO yummy!!

  27. The kids are so cute.. and the cake too..

    It's been a whirlwind..but now that it's New Years eve..not a creature was stirring here..just us and fondue!

  28. Gosh, I haven't had dessert tonight and now I'm really craving something sweet!


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