Sunday, November 22, 2009

Some Pie with your Turkey? Mosaic Monday


Turkey is good, but I love pie…join me?





My merchandise this week is a gift I bought on HSN..Of course I linked through, so I got a percentage back, and 4 flex pays..

I bought one a few years ago, and I love it.  It has 3 individual burners with separate can cook on it or keep things warm.  I often use it for 3 different soups.  It can be plugged in outside for chili, etc..You could put 3 omelet pans on it for a brunch omelet station.

Very useful during the holidays for serving. The pots are 3.5 qts and clean beautifully. So if you entertain a lot  this is well worth the price. Performance Gold Buffet Server.

Everyone who sees it asks where I got it…so I am sharing with you  :)

I haven’t taken it out of the box yet, so this is the pic from


We had a medical emergency , so I have not posted…

In case I am not back before Thanksgiving I wish you all a blessed holiday.


Thank you Mary of Little Red House for hosting..plenty more mosaics on her blog..take a peek!

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Kathleen, I know how much you love your buffet server. Having two will be perfect for gatherings. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. I love pie, too! Hope you are doing OK, Kathleen. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and thanks for sharing at MM. :)

  3. Wishing you and your family well this Thanksgiving, Kathleen! If pie could heal, I know yours would ;) What a great purchase - it looks beautiful!

  4. The pies look yummy and I love that buffet server, what a neat product.

  5. Yummy! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  6. Great buffet server - it would really come in handy!
    Love the mosaic

  7. Hi Kathleen,
    I hope everything is ok with you and your family. The pies look fabulous you really are an amazing cook! Cindy

  8. Hoping all is well, Kathleen, your family is in my thoughts and prayers!

    Love the buffet server, that is a great thing to have!

  9. Hi Kathleen...hope all is well with the family...never like to hear there was a medical the buffet warmer/cooker thingie...looks like very nice quality...and the pies...well who doesn't love pie...hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving....

  10. I hope things are okay. The pies look wonderful, the buffet server is great. I don't entertain nearly as much as I used to. There was a time I would have loved that.


  11. Beautiful buffet server, Kathleen! Thanks for sharing the source. I hope everything is ok there. Happy Thanksgiving!...Christine

  12. I hope all is well, Your pies look so yummy. Have a happy Thanksgiving.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I almost did my mosaic on pies this week. Love the little apple cut outs on the apple pie. Thanksgiving reminds me of pie. Yum, yum!!

  15. Pie is my favorite part of the meal !!
    I love your new server...know you will use it a lot. We don't entertain a lot...just family...and we usually just do buffet style from the kitchen bar.
    Hope everything turns out ok with your dil....
    xo bj

  16. I would make good use of one of those cookers.
    I hope your emergency isn't too serious. Good thoughts.

  17. That buffet server looks very nice. I can see it really coming in handy around the holidays. You mentioned a medical emergency. I hope everything is okay.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  18. That is such a great piece to have. And more stylish then some others I've seen like it. I'd love to be at your house testing three soups you've made :-) Love the omelet station idea. Three types of fondue too! Hope things get back to normal quick for everyone Kathleen.

  19. My favorite kind of involving good looking food :0)
    The server is great, too!!
    Sorry to hear about your medical emergency and I'll pray right now that all will be well.

  20. I am sorry to hear about the medical emergency, Kathleen.

    I was just thinking, yesterday, I'd love to have one of these servers when the family gets together.

    I love the pie mosaic! Yum!

  21. YUM...pie!! Great mosiac Kathleen! Hope that all is well with you and yours.


  22. Kathleen, every time I see or hear about a buffet trio server, I think of you. Recently saw a nice one at Costco, I almost bought it just because I remembered how much use you get out of yours. .. I'm sure you'll also get a lot of use from your new one.

    Your pies look delicious even to a cake-lover like me. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your entire family ...

  23. Kathleen, I want a piece of each pie! They all look so delicious.
    I love that buffet server; perfect for the holidays.
    A happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Hope all is going well with S.

  24. Kathleen I hope all is well with you and your family.
    That buffet server seems to be perfect for all your needs and especially the holidays.
    I've always wanted one myself.

    Love the delicious looking pies.

    Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  25. DElicious mosaic!
    I hope everything is alright and you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  26. I can't imagine a Thanksgiving without pie. I hope all is well, Kathleen, and you have a wonderful, Happy Thanksgiving. I'll be thinking of you.

  27. Hi Kathleen,
    I hope all is well with you and your family. Happy Thanksgiving and I will be checking back soon.

  28. K

    Love the HSN purchase! Hope all is well with you and your family and you get to enjoy a restful holiday!

  29. Have a blessed Thanksgiving. Hope that she's on the mend.


    Love the servers. Might have to put that on Santa's list!

    - The Tablescaper

  30. Kathleen~I'm strolling in to catch up and especially to wish you and your loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving!
    It's such a wonderful time to stop and reflect on all those we cherish and are truly grateful for.
    Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to visit and leave feeling inspired!

    Even though our Thanksgiving is very small in number, with hubby and son (we don't count the cat cause she doesn't like turkey). We don't scrimp on the menu...from appetizers to desserts with several carb loaded dishes in between! We will be enjoying tryptophan playoffs too!

    Sweet Holiday wishes,

    P.S. I have that same cooking/serving set from HSN...Love it too!

  31. Kathleen~I'm strolling in to catch up and especially to wish you and your loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving!
    It's such a wonderful time to stop and reflect on all those we cherish and are truly grateful for.
    Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to visit and leave feeling inspired!

    Even though our Thanksgiving is very small in number, with hubby and son (we don't count the cat cause she doesn't like turkey). We don't scrimp on the menu...from appetizers to desserts with several carb loaded dishes in between! We will be enjoying tryptophan playoffs too!

    Sweet Holiday wishes,

    P.S. I have that same cooking/serving set from HSN...Love it too!

  32. Sorry to hear about a medical emergency. Hope all is better. Happy Thanksgiving and I like your HSN burners and pots.

  33. Kahtleen! I came looking for your this week when I did see you on Tablescape Thursday, and I see that you had a medical emergency!!! I hope and pray all is well. When I didn't see you, I got concerned.

    Here's hoping all is well and that you will have a blessed Thanksgiving.

    Thinking of you...


    Sheila :-)

  34. Hi Kathleen,
    Hmmmm ... do we have to choose between turkey and pie? I'm planning on having lots of both tomorrow!

    Sorry to hear you've had a challenging week. I hope things are going better now and that your holiday is a happy one.

    Thank you for the kind compliment. I'm very glad you were pleased.
    Bon appétit!


  35. I am thankful that S is doing better! Love the buffet server and of course Mr. Rebates :)

  36. Yes, Kathleen, I was fascinated to see your nativities. The Irish nativity from TJ Maxx is exquisite. I have a three piece set from Lepton that is not so beautifully modelled. I was excited to seee your Dansk nativity set. Did yours come with the other three figures? When I bought my Dansk it was only three pieces (the Family). I did bid on a shepherd once on Ebay, but did not win.
    Thanks for stopping by my nativity blog,
    All the best of the season to you,


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