Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mosaic, Merchandise, Metamorphosis and Handmade…

Monday Mosaic…Comfort Food….

I am joining Kathy at Kathy’s Cottage.  Stop over at her blog for her Handmade Holidays…

I saw these napkins on a forum where  I participate.  The original napkins had embroidered designs..I haven’t mastered that yet!  Looking for a place to teach me how to use my machine.

Joy was kind enough to share the info she had on them…and I gave it a try!

You start with a round of fabric…folded in half, rick rack sewn in the curved edge..

Blog Labor 465

Then you fold it to look like a tree…

Blog Labor 466


Blog Labor 464  

You can use 2 diff fabrics, or, I found this that had different patterns..

4 napkins out of 1 yd.

I will be on the lookout for some interesting fabric.  We are fabric store deprived out here, so this was the best I could do!!

My next project is to MORPH potted mums into centerpieces for a family engagement party…

Blog Labor 443

Wrap in gold foil, use thin wire to wire glittered faux leaves together, add fresh baby’s breath, add a mesh bow..

Blog Labor 442


Blog Labor 440  


Blog Labor 441 All packed up for the trip…

Blog Labor 447

Cost to make..$5.00 each.These were big pots of mums…9 filled the back of the SUV

with the middle seat down..

A just a little Merchandise..I made a trip to the Christmas Tree Shop..

They had a bin of napkin rings for .25…and I had a coupon for 20% off the total order..

These had Target labels..pretty celadon green glass beads with silver wire..

 Blog Labor 458


Blog Labor 468

I got some others I will share another time.


I found these little ceramic bears for a future tablescape…50 cents..

Blog Labor 459

A few years ago I found these plates..I loved the face on the Santa..but they had nothing in any other size…


Blog Labor 456

I found these at CTS, and I thought they were close enough…

Blog Labor 457

Salad size…

I am linking this post to..

Mosaic Monday at Mary’s Little Red House

Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch..

Handmade Christmas at Kathy’s Cottage.. 

Please stop by and see the other entries..

Thank you, Mary, Susan, and Kathy for hosting..

And thank YOU, for visiting..


  1. I love all your little treasures. Those plates look like they could all be from the same set and I love the green color in those napkin rings. I love your masthead as well.

  2. Kathleen- I never would have thought of putting baby's breath in the mums, but it really dresses them up! Love those napkin rings. My daughter's best friend asked for the old window treatments. Her windows are very similar to mine and she is thrilled! I'm just glad someone can use them!

  3. You have such a flair for decorating. Metamorphosis extraordinaire.
    The napkins are fabulous.I might try that.

  4. Thanks for sharing your ideas and treasures. Have a great week ahead....Sarah

  5. I am sewing challanged. I don't think I could even cut the material into a circle, much less add the rickrack...but, they turned out cute!


  6. The mums came out beautiful! Cool that you are sewing, Kathleen, that napkin is really neat! Can't sew, I needed to be seam ripped from my apron in home ec.

    Nothing with Pears today?

  7. Kathleen - Gorgeous mums, lvoe the colors.
    The napkins are just too cute!! The fabric turned out to be perfect.
    Love the Santa plates and napkin rings..but...the mosaic of comfort food with all the mashed potatoes made me lick my lips!!!

  8. The Centerpieces came out great.
    The baby's breath was a nice touch,
    and the mesh bow gave them an extra
    special look.

    I'm going to make those napkins..I love them! I'll have to get more details from you..Great idea.

    I missed those little ceramic bears....grrrr

  9. Did someone say Christmas Tree Shop? Aren't they awesome! Love the napkin rings!

  10. You found a lot of amazing treasures.


  11. I love your blog. The table decorations are all wonderful and I love the tree naplins. Very cute. Great mosaic. You are talented.

  12. Love those napkins! You certainly found some treasures. Love your blog.


  13. Wow Kathleen! Great post, I need to know how you did the fabric rounds? I want to make some of those napkins! The Mums are out of this world gorgeous and you got some fabulous deals too! Hugs, Cindy

  14. Love those napkins Kathleen! Your centerpieces are gorgeous. I'll let you know what I find at the CTS today :-) The santa salad plates are a nice complement to the dinner plates.

  15. You have some really terrific finds here. The napkins are a great idea.

  16. Kathleen you are just so creative...I ♥♥♥ the napkins, too bad I am not a seamstress...sewing just seems to stress me! The mums are beautiful all dressed in their gold finery. You know I love the napkin rings, they are green! The Santa plates are really neat. Have a good week!

  17. What great ideas! BTW, love the table setting on your header. It's just gorgeous!

  18. I am always amazing at what you come up with, Kathleen! I love those fabric Christmas napkins and the beautiful green beaded rings.

  19. Kathleen, talk about "killing two (three, four) birds (memes) with one stone ... You're a talented and an efficient woman/blogger. Love the napkins ... so festive and look fabulous on your red plate.

    I've always loved your Santa plate with the reindeer and the polar bear. The new one does seem to coordinate well.

    The mums are gorgeous ... before and after their metamorphosis.

  20. Oh, are so crafty. I can't make a cryin' thing! Just don't have it in me. These little Christmas trees are precious.
    And the mums...delightful!!
    xo bj

  21. those comfort food looks yummy indeed! thanks for sharin those wonderful photos!
    u may view mine if u have time

  22. Love the mosaic and the napkin fold is it!!!

  23. Well now I'm HUNGRY... :o) And those Christmas Tree napkins intrigue me...might have to see if I have time to make some of those.

  24. Some of the Wally Worlds sell fabric so you might look for fabric at some of those stores. I just think those napkins are the cutest ever. Now the Mum centerpieces are so pretty. I bet everyone loved them. I like the little bears and the napkin rings and the plates.

  25. HI Kathleen! Oh, that napkin is just the cutest thing I've ever seen! I love it!
    Your mums are so lovely and you've dressed them up so beautifully!
    Nice little treasures too. Oh, I've got to get out more! ;)
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia :)

  26. You transformed the mums into things of beauty, Kathleen. You're one amazing woman. Love the Santa plates too.

  27. Kathleen, you are amazing! I cannot believe for so little cost, you turned those mums into gorgeous centerpieces! Love your Santa plates, and your darling napkins. You have been a very busy lady, and you have created such wonders! laurie

  28. The mums turned out beautifully, I love how you dressed them up! I REALLY love the napkins, such a cute idea!

  29. Your napkins are so cute! Unfortunately, I am not very talented when it comes to sewing.

  30. Did you stay up til midnight to link at Kathy's ? If so, you are a better woman than I....:O)

  31. Hi Kathleen,
    You are a busy little camper. Love the projects...1st the napkins are darling, if only I had more time.
    Engagement party mums are so so cute. I love fresh centerpieces.
    Lastly you are the queen of shopping. I loved the Santa dishes..and I his face.
    PS. What are Arnold rounds...they sound great?

  32. The Christmas tree napkins are just delightful. I'd love to give that a try. And you are a bit lost with the sewing machine like I am? This is a fabulous project then!!

    Love how you adorned the mums. They are so large and inexpensive, a perfect backdrop for all of your creativeness

    Love all the thrifty deals you got and like how you combined all of your events. How busy you must be!!

    Enjoy the rest of your week! :-)


  33. I love all your treasures..I love the plates, the napkin rings are just gorgeous, I love that shade of green..and your flower arrangements are so very pretty..but my favorite is the little napkin tree. That's the most adorable idea ever..and I have some fabric just made for it. Ooo, thanks for the ideas..

  34. Great ideas! Thanks for sharing!

  35. You are truly a *Domestic Diva*, Kathleen! You're a wonderful cook, you decorate beautifully, you arrange LOVELY flowers and you SEW. Are you sure we're not related?? Separated at birth, perhaps?? LOL

    You found some great treasures, too! I wish we had a Christmas Tree Shop here. :( I, do, however, live 1 mile from the JoAnn Fabrics HUGE headquarters so if you ever need fabric, just holler!!


  36. Hi Kathleen
    You always make everyhting look so special! Lovely tablescape in your header and the flowers came out so beatuful! The Christmas tree napkins are so pretty! There are no fabric store near me either. The closest CTS is in SI but it costs $11 bridge toll to get is the bargain in that? I feel bargain deprived these
    I do LOVE the Santa plates! Hmmm...maybe a trip out to SI would still be worth it?

    Hugs, Pat

    PSI know what you mean about WS needing to have a sale! I love their products but they are just too pricy without a sale. Maybe they'll do one after Thanksgiving?

  37. Kathleen, those napkins are so pretty folded like a tree - how big is the circle of fabric? You are so creative.

    The bargains are fantastic as always - I have never heard of another person getting the deals you do.

    I have always loved those Santa plates with the birds and wildlife of yours - can't wait to see what you do with them in a tablesetting next month!

  38. How very creative you are this week Kathleen! Love the 'tree' napkins and the 'mum centerpieces! Great santa plates and napkin rings too!


  39. Ooo what a lot of yummy goodness! And those napkins are so beautiful! thanks for sharing at MM, Kathleen! :)

  40. O, just tickle me to death...your cute personality just delights me...

    noooooo, I didn't use my high dollar Dunkin coffee beans..I think this was some kind of Christmas coffee...someone gave it to me....a grandson, I think. O good lord..he will probably come over, say, "come on, Memaw, lets make some of that coffee I gave you." What will I say when it tastes like a Vanilla candle ??

  41. Hi Kathleen,
    Thank you for sharing these great ideas and wonderful finds! The baby's breath in the mums is definitely a tip to file away for future reference! And your tablescape from last week is gorgeous! I'm sorry I'm running behind, but certainly glad I stopped by and had a chance to see it.

    Hope your weekend goes well!

  42. Kathleen

    What a wonderful idea with the mums--you transformed them!And i live pretty close to CTS--what a place! You could go crazy there! Everything in yourpost so wonderful, the napkins are sooo creative!
    Sorry I haven't been here, just so busy with school and the kids! Have a great weekend,can you believe the warmth??

  43. Good Morning!

    Stopping by for the first time to say Hi and to tell you what a fun place you have here ~ it's beautiful! So much to see! I'll be sure to come by often!

    Kindly, ldh

  44. You get the best stuff! I need on of those CTS stores. I love the napkin idea. I will have to find some cute fabric and make some. I'm behind on blogs..trying to catch up!

  45. What a fun napkin idea! I Have to copy and paste this in my "2010 Christmas craft idea"! Thanks for letting me know about it!


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