Saturday, November 28, 2009

No Snow, Man~ Mosaic Monday


I am joining Mary at Little Red House for her weekly Mosaic Monday…

Please stop over at Mary’s and see her beautiful pictures and all the other mosaic entries..

Mary was featured on   Houzz.. Read the interview with Mary and view pictures of her lovely home…Congratulations, Mary!


I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving..I know I have so much to be thankful for!

Thanks so much for all the good wishes and prayers for my dil.  She is on her way to recovering after emergency surgery , and I hope she will give herself time to heal.  I know with 4 little ones it isn’t easy, but she has to put her health first for a few weeks!

Cathy over at A Bit of Blarney has put Mr. Linky up for a Once Upon a Time Recipe.

We all have recipes that were passed down from someone, or made for a special occasion and have a story behind them  .  Hop over to her blog and find out the details, then link up..

My recipe is for Thumbprint Cookies..

My oldest  sister, who had 5 kids, asked me for the recipe for the cookies after I brought them to her house..

I knew she didn’t have much time and would probably never make them.

As a joke, where it said to fill the thumbprint with your favorite jam, I replaced the word JAM with TOOTHPASTE.

I thought it was SOOOO funny!

I waited and waited for her to notice..

About 10 years later she called to say she finally got around to making them and HA HA..!  I guess I was still the bratty youngest sister..

Every year when I make them, it makes me smile!  While we all grow older, we don’t always grow up!

This is Ina Garten’s Recipe


Makes 32 cookies

3/4 pound (3 sticks) unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
3-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1 egg beaten with 1 tablespoon water, for egg wash
7 ounces sweetened flaked coconut **
Raspberry or apricot jam or some melted chocolate

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

In an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream together the butter and sugar until they are just combined and then add the vanilla. Separately, sift together the flour and salt. With the mixer on low speed, add the flour mixture to the creamed butter and sugar. Mix until the dough starts to come together. Dump on a floured board and roll together into a flat disc. Wrap in plastic wrap and chill for 30 minutes.

Roll the dough into 1-1/4-inch balls. They should each weigh 1 ounce.
Dip each ball into the egg wash and then roll it in coconut. Place the balls on an ungreased cookie sheet and press a light indentation into the top of each with your finger. Drop 1/4 teaspoon of jam into each indentation. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until the coconut is a golden brown. Cool and serve.

**We are not crazy about coconut, so I use chopped nuts, and you can leave them plain too..
If you have a recipe with a story, stop over at A Bit of the Blarney and link up!

Don’t forget about Marsha’s Chocolate event on the 16th..

Thanks for stopping by!

Last call to win a beautiful Lenox Teapot over at Pat's Mille Fiori Favoriti...she's celebrating her 400th post.HURRY!


  1. Glad to hear your DIL is on the mend. I hope can put her health first, so she can.
    With 4 little ones... a mom never gets a chance for herself..I know my DD has 4 too.

    Loved the story about your sister and the 'toothpaste'...
    How patient of you to wait w/o saying a word.. until she discovered it for herself!

  2. So glad to know your DIL is better. Oh, yes..I do believe she will need help in mending...4 children almost certainly means
    "no me time".
    Love your mosaic snowmen...:)

  3. Hope S continues to be on the mend..Too funny re the toothpaste:) Thanks for the Ina recipe!

  4. Love the cookie story, Kathleen. You ARE a devil! and what sweet little snowmen in your mosaic. Hope your DIL can get some needed rest. I think I got too much last nite. I am dizzy as a spinning top today. What is up w/this darn head?
    :-) Sue

  5. Hi Kathleen! I love your header...view of the snow behind the Christmas decorations! You are too funny with your toothpaste! I used to give my students long essays to write and found where one student had written..."So, are you really reading this?" in the middle of his! lol lol Thanks for the recipe! Happy week...Debbie

  6. Kathleen, love this header ...Wonderful view of snow through your beautifully decorated kitchen window.

    Glad Stacey's on the mend. I cannot imagine trying to recuperate with four little ones in the house.

    Cute snowmen mosaic ... I love looking at decorative snowman ... but am not ready for the real thing yet.

    Ina's thumbprint cookies are my go-to recipe for thumbprints ... AND we do like them with coconut and nuts. You ARE a bratty little sister, but I'm sure they wouldn't have it any other way.

  7. Oh my what a delightful story!!! Made me laugh out loud!! Thank you for adding to "Once Upon A Time" Recipes. Goodness knows I'll have to try this recipe...without the toothpaste! Cathy

  8. Just like everyone else I love your banner. Oh how I covet your wide sills.
    Some one told me once that blogland at Christmas is beyond belief and I am starting to see she was right. Love the snowmen.

  9. YOU, a bratty younger sister..Go figure!! :)
    Love the Christmas banner too...doesn't seem like an entire has gone by!
    Copied and pasted the thumbprint cookies..will be on my cookie list!!

  10. These sound delicious! I'm always looking for new cookie recipes at this time of year. I love coconut but not everyone in my family does, I think I'd do half plain and half coconut.

    I loved the story that goes along with this one! Adorable!
    All the best,

  11. These sound delicious! I've heard they are good filled with pumpkin pudding too:>)

  12. Good news that your DIL is on the mend, a challenge with 4 little ones.

    That's a great story, Kathleen. I chuckle every time I think about it.

  13. Love the new header, Kathleen, and your snowmen are adorable. I remember those faces :)

    Great recipe and what a cute story. The belated reaction is so funny!

  14. Your snowmen are so cute, Kathleen! I'm so happy to hear that your dil is on the mend. thanks so much for sharing at MM. :)

  15. Ina's thumbprints are so good! Bring some to you her friend and your neighbor :)

    LOL, you should never ever grow up, Kathleen! I love the story!

  16. Hi Kathleen

    I'm so sorry to hear that your daughter had to have emergency surgery! I'll say a prayer for her for a complete recovery. It's good you can help her with the children.

    Your thumbprint cookies sound good!That was a funny trick to play on your sister.

    Thanks for posting about my Christmas teapot give away! I am busy tallying up all the entries. Good luck in the draw!

    Hugs, Pat

  17. Hi Kathleen,

    Thanks for coming over. Your mosaic is lovely.

    On Live Writer...there is a font size little box to check in the settings box. Hope this helps.

    Barb ♥

  18. I love the snowmen!

    Check out my snowmen:

  19. Hi, it cold there? We had a little rain today and it is sooo cold out there. About 36, I think. brrrrrr

    Just wanted to say I love your this your pretty kitchen window? Wish mine was that large...I love it.

    Tell me, what is great about Live Writer? I keep seeing everyone using it but don't know much about it...why is it better than just blogger?

  20. Cute story. I bet you were fun to grow up with. Love your mosaic and your beautiful header. Sharon

  21. Cute story. You cookie recipe sounds delicious. I love the snowmen too.

  22. What a perfect header for such a great cook!! I LOVE IT!!!
    I didn't catch the post about your DIL needing surgery but I'm happy to read that she is on the mend now. I hope she has some help with her children, though.

    Thanks for Ina's recipe...I've copied it down & will try it this coming holiday season. Its a little different than my usual one & I trust Ina (and YOU!).
    Thank you, too, for the link to A Bit of Blarney...a new blog for me to visit. :D


  23. So funny! Adorable snowmen, too!

  24. Hi Kathleen,
    Glad to hear you DIL is doing better. Loved you recipe and story. Makes me wish I had a sister to play jokes on. I guess I will have to use my kids to play jokes on ;)

  25. Kathleen, I checked by back by, and I'm glad to see your DIL is better. I'm so sorry she had to have surgery and have it at this time of year. But the fact that she's better is good news!

    These sound similar to a cookie called a Birds Nest Cookie. A friend of mine has a secret recipe, and I wish I could figure out what she puts in the indention. It's some sort of delicious cream cheese icing type of thing.

    Yours sound great, too, and LOL about the toothpaste.


    Sheila :-)

  26. Kathleen, I'm sorry I didn't know of your DIL's surgery. I do hope she's recuperating nicely.

    As for you, little heathen, I hope your sister bakes a batch of toothpaste Thumbprint Cookies and ships them to you.
    But then, knowing you, you'd probably re-gift them to me.

    I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  27. No Snow, Man here too! I am not complaining :)

    You are such a hoot putting toothpaste into the copy of the recipe for your sister - heck you make me smile everyday! I'm thankful for that.

  28. Kathleen-Just a little late getting by. I have been trying to settle Mr. Linky issues! I love your nativities. It's amazing what strong memories are connected with many of our decorations! Happy Blogoversary a day early and birthday to your grandson! I'll be back by later. Thanks for linking to Deck the Halls. Hope you'll come back next week!


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