Monday, November 30, 2009

December Arrives…

Today I am joining Susan at Thoughts from Over the Rainbow for the first of the Christmas Parties..Please go over and see the festivities…

I am also joining Tam at The Gypsy’s Corner for 3 or more Tuesday..Thanks for hosting, Tam..

So are we all tripping over boxes and bins of decorations??  What a mess..plumping wreaths and fluffing bows? 

And those lights…why do some of them go out after I have wrapped them in and out??  I keep saying I will just throw them away, but then dh has to see if he can find the problem.  Many cusses later, some are saved, some are tossed!


  • table 1413


My first of 3 or more is my Irish Nativity..see the little shamrocks?

I got it on one of my trips….Ireland?  No, TJMAXX!



table 210


The second is a musical Nativity I gave my mom for her 65th bday.  I remember buying it in VT. at a gift shop in Santa Land…It plays Silent Night… Her birthday is the 2nd…if she were alive she would be 96..I have wonderful memories of a very strong woman, widowed at 49, with a daughter in a wheelchair to take care of..and me, which wasn’t easy..:)


table 1415


The third is a crystal one made by Dansk I have had for many years…I place it on the hallway table on a mirror surrounded by a lighted wreath…It is hard to get a good pic of it.

table 371


table 372

I am going to have to practice on that pic more!  Christmas Eve when I put the fresh flowers into the mantle arrangement, I tuck fresh Baby’s Breath into the greens..


table 1339A little snack before you leave?  Chicken salad ??

Thank you Susan for hosting what will be an on going party!  

Dec 3rd is my 1 year Blogaversary…I wonder if Mike will remember…LOL He doesn’t get the whole Blog thing!

It is also my youngest gson Declan’s  2 nd Bday. :)  To celebrate a year of blogging   I’ll have a give away…It’s Tablescape Thursday too..

So come back for the party! And remember Marty’s Cloche party is this Friday too!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I am loving your header and how you decorated your windowsill. I have a bow window and I never know what to do with it. Also, we are an Irish family and the shamrock Nativity set is lovely.

  2. Lovely nativities Kathleen.
    I love the one you bought when
    you traveled all the way to
    I enjoyed reading about your Mom, and yes, a strong woman to be admired.

    Thanks for the late night snack..
    it 'hit the spot'..

  3. Hi Kathleen,
    It's so gorgeous, just like I knew it would be! I am loving the nativities and my grandmother would have been 97 today. My mom is 73. I do miss my Grandmother so much, it must be a bittersweet day for you. Hugs, Cindy

  4. Well of course you know I have to love the Irish nativity set, Kathleen!! It would have a special place in our house, for sure. I have a small crystal set too, and I now know that I need to set it into some greenery to show it off. Thanks for the idea. Now if I can just get something done...
    My head is still a bit fuzzy. I have one or two really good days and then BOOM, dizzy spells. Need to check it out because I thought I was much better. Thanks for all your good wishes, my friend.
    hugs, Sue

  5. Exquisite creches! Do enjoy this day! Cathy

  6. Hi Kathleen! I love your Irish Nativity! I have found so much really nice imported stuff at TJ Maxx! I get my special French cookies there every year! And the one that you gave your mom is so special. It's nice to have reminders of our loved ones during the holidays. The crystal set looks like an ice sculpture...gorgeous! Thanks for sharing them with us! Have a wonderful week!...hugs...Debbie

  7. Oh, I love your Irish nativity scene, so sweet with the little shamrocks. I'm tripping over boxes too, but will soon have things organized. I can't believe its December 1.

  8. The Irish Nativity is of course my favorite! They would have found its way in my cart if I saw it also!
    Love the one of your Moms too...sweet memories.
    Can't believe a year has gone by already, you're lucky if Mike remembers your wedding anniverdary let alone your Blogabversary..LOL

  9. Beautiful Nativity and I really like your header, too!

  10. You know, by the time I remembered my blog's anniversary, two weeks had passed. Maybe I'll remember next year's. Hah.

    Kathleen, I'm carefully admiring your Christmas decor, from your Irish pieces, to the gorgeous crystal; I've always been drawn to the latter, and my collection, slowly, continues to grow.

    Your musical Nativity gift to your dear mom is particularly beautiful, and beautifully displayed. She would be very proud.

  11. I can imagine that crystal nativity is gorgeous in the dark with lights around it. How special the memories are of your mother and the one you bought her and I am amazed you got the beautiful Irish one at TJ Maxx...good for you!


  12. Kathleen, I've always admired the Irish Nativity set from T J Maxx, very beautiful. And the crystal set is gorgeous ... Lovely sentiment behind the musical nativity ... Your mother does sound like a strong woman; it's never easy to be the sole caretaker for a disabled child.

    I'm looking forward to your posts on your blogaversary and Declan's birthday.

  13. Yum. The chicken salad looks good, as does all of your nativity sets. I love seeing everyone's Christmas decorations.
    Just a reminder I have you signed up for Dec Doors of Welcome. Yes?
    HAGD! Karen

  14. Great pictures. Your decor (and header) are just wonderful. I really liked the music box that was your Mom's. Sweet memories for you :)

    Blessings to you!

  15. I have the same glass nativity scene but have never thought about putting a wreath around it . I have always thought it looked a little stark. No more, thanks.

  16. Wow, Kathleen, doesn't it look like it is shaping up by you to be a warm and wonderful holiday!


    PS__Hope DIL is OK!

  17. Love the Irish nativity. I never did see one like that in Ireland but finding it here at TJMaxx is a whole lot cheaper then flying to Ireland these days but Ireland to me is the next best place to heaven! Happy blogaversary and Happy Birthday to the little gson. Wonderful that you have your Moms nativity to remind you of her and her birthday. I am still laughing about your toothpaste in the cookie recipe from yesterdays post:)

  18. All lovely nativity sets. Did you get the musical one in Putney, Vt., by any chance? That is the only Santa's Land I can think of. That is VERY close to where I am originally from!
    Happy 1 year blogaversary! Can't wait to see what kind of table you will be doing on your blogaversary!
    A big Happy 2nd Birthday to Declan!

  19. You bring the best things home from you trips :) I love your nativities and how you have them displayed. wish I could grab a snack cracker while I catch up on the rest of your blog!

  20. I love all of your nativity scenes. The one from your trip (ha, ha) and the one with the lovely memories of your Mom.

    I also love your kitchen Christmas window. You made me realize that I have a cooking Santa just like that, but haven't seen him yet. I've got to keep digging through all of those boxes!!!

    - The Tablescaper

  21. OH! Marty's cloche party! thanks for the reminder -- now I need to go buy a cloche!

    LOVE the nativity sets. I still wait to set up our main Nativity set until daughter Anne is home -- it was always her "job" to settle in all the figures. We had some interesting arrangements when she was little!

    No, haven't been to Christmas Tree Shop yet -- but soon! I've been so busy with Thanksgiving company -- but I put them on a plane this morning so I've got my time back!

  22. Wonderful memories Kathleen.. Happy Blog Anniversary too..You made me smile about Mike and remmebering..


    I love Nativity scenes..

  23. How precious!! I'm sure that last one looks heavenly with baby's breath tucked in!!

  24. I'm finally getting to do some commenting! I LOVE your Nativities! I have a lot of Nativities, but don't have these three! The Irish one is so lovely and different. I like the way you have the crystal one displayed! How special to have your mother's Nativity, it looks pretty under the cloche.

    I have posted a lot of my Nativity collection for Marty's Cloche party. Come see!



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