Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It’s a Beary Nice Occasion~Tablescape Thursday

Blog Labor 508

I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday…So nice of Susan to host this event to celebrate my blogaversary..LOL..

A whole year…:)  who knew??

It has been fun..I got to meet many new friends, and got to keep up with the former DB’s..

So to celebrate..a little give away..

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Some ROOSTER napkins, Mushroom place card holders, and Stack and Fill pancake molds all from WSonoma..and  whatever else will fit…little surprises..but not Blondie’s ugly chicken!  :)

How to enter?  No, you don’t have to follow, or put up a button..NADA..

Leave a comment, and you are in…Winner will be announced Monday . I know some people don’t get around to visiting till the weekend, so I want to give them time..

Last year after Christmas, I bought some adorable Villeroy and Boch Christmas plates…

Since it is my youngest grandson’s 2nd birthday..a little young at heart table..

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I love the scalloped edges and all the colors in the plates..Blog Labor 503

I used a green tablecloth and napkins.

For the centerpiece, I used this Villeroy and Boch stocking.  It opens so you can fill it with cookies, and it matches the china.


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I raised it on a cake pedestal and surrounded it with greenery..I should have taken the other has beautiful details


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I used a deep red square mat on an angle to pull out the red trim on the plate, and the boot..

Bee glasses

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These Teddy bear ornaments are from Villeroy and Boch too..used them to hold the name cards..Blog Labor 498


Blog Labor 510 I have had these little bear CANDLES for years,,,

And these  little velvet stocking have the same colors..from WSonoma…I think they were marked down to kidding..


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Please check out the other tables at Susan’s Between Naps on the Porch…

Thanks for coming to my little party….Have a piece of cake before you go..

table 1406See you Friday for Foodie, Flashback and Marty’s Cloche party!

Winner announced Monday..see you then!


  1. Kathleen~~~

    I will let you know that Ugly Rooster now belongs to Sue at Sullivan & Murphy...please do not associate me with that critter, he is loooong gone!!

    I love your table. That is more than enough to make any child smile. I am just getting familiar with Villeroy & Boch and their pieces are beautiful, as is your boot!! The table is fabulous!!

    I wanted to mention that I love your header picture. Aren't we lucky to get snow? ;-)


  2. Si beau! You are la Reine.. de Shopping :)At great opportunities:)

    Happy Holidays you and yours...

  3. Well a big congratulations on your blogiversary!! Your table is so fun and festive. I like it. Those scalloped/ruffled edges on the plates are great. I like your centerpiece, too.
    Blessings on the rest of your week and please pass me a piece of that cake!!

  4. Congrats on your blogiversary. Your plates are beautiful and I love your centerpiece. The new header is wonderful, real eye candy.

  5. Happy 1 year Blogoversary Kathleen! I am so glad that you started a blog - the tablesettings were you sharing before the blog were so good that I knew you were meant to be on Tablescape Thursday :)

    I want to wish Declan a Happy 2nd birthday as well - I remember when he was a tiny baby and now he is 2 already, how can those gkids be growing up when we aren't getting older :) He is going to love your teddy bear tablesetting. It is gorgeous and I love the stocking centerpiece too :) You are the queen of shopping for bargains!

  6. Kathleen,
    You and Jane are both too funny! Congrats on one year of blogging, amazing isn't it? Mine is in a month! The table is so charming and so unique, just like you! So love that centerpiece, fabulous! Cindy

  7. I can certainly see why you fell in love with those plates! How adorable. Happy First Anniversary, mine is coming in January, can't believe it's been that long! Have a wonderful week.

  8. Hi Kathleen...
    Love those plates too cute.....I thought you lived by the beach - where it is sunny and hot....Has it been a year ? Gosh, that is when I got into reading blogs and I didn't start till March...Nice shrooms....

  9. Don't listen to Blondie. I heart that rooster and I didn't get it. He was so cute.
    Oh my gosh is that cake going to be your foodie Friday post? I would like to see how you get a slice on a plate.
    Your bears are adorable but the plates with the scalloped are the best.

  10. Delightful as always! So very sweet!

  11. Happy Bloggerversary! I love your sweet table. The centerpiece is simply wonderful and all the cute teddys...this one is fun!


  12. Kathleen, congratulations on your Blogaversary! You have contributed so much to the blogging community. I know I am richer for your friendship. Toasting to another year of your wonderful tablescapes.

  13. Kathleen, I can't believe it has been a whole year...Happy Blogaversary! Your table is adorable with all the little teddy bears and that gorgeous Christmas stocking centerpiece. I bet the grandkids would love sitting there having Nana fuss over them! Please save me a piece of that luscious looking cake!

  14. Gosh, girlfriend...congratulations on a whole year of blogging. It sure has been fun, hasn't it.

    Your table is so adorable..I just love it. And, if you will, cut me 2 pieces of that luscious looking cake..please and thank you!!
    hugs, bj

  15. Congratulations on your bloggaversary! How time flies! :)
    I love your cute table. You always set such a pretty one. Oh, I'll have just one tiny slice of cake please! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  16. Well congrats on your blogaversary!
    And what a cute table for your Grandson's b-day. A perfect theme, bet he will love it! The scalloped edge plates are really cute, the colors so right for this time of year - really adorable.
    I'd love for you to stop by sometime, and thanks for including me in your giveaway!
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  17. Kathleen-

    What a great table! I didn't realize you had amassed such a collection of V&B. It all looks so festive together.

    Congrats on your blog-a-versary. I'm so glad you started as blogging as I'm one of your new friends who got to meet you because of your blog!!! Lucky me!

    - The Tablescaper

  18. Congratulations on one year of blogging, Kathleen! Please don't put me in your kind giveaway as I have been a happy recipient of your generosity already, but I just wanted to say Happy Bloggaversary!

    I want to shop with you one day :) You're my idol!

  19. How precious your Berry Christmas is1

  20. Happy 1st Blogaversary! Time does fly by...

    I've loved all your tablescapes, but this one for Declan is very special with all the Teddy Bears!!

    To one Irish Broad to another...Congrats and toasting to you for the next year!!!

  21. Love your plates and the stocking is adorable...I've never seen either of these, so that makes them even more special. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.

  22. This is a cute table. So perfect to invite some young friends over for food and giggles

  23. Your table is so darned cute and I love the dishes, they are so cute and the centerpiece, love it...I also used a chef Santa this week, so cute...

  24. Happy Bloggiversary!! One year, wow. Much work and lots of love go into blogging for a year. Congrats!
    You table is adorable. Even though there are darling juvenile elements, the colors and weightiness of the placemats make it somehow grown-up to. Great ballance and very nicely done!
    Count me in for your generous give-away. Thanks!

  25. Kathleen - I can't believe you are celebrating a year of blogging!! How fast that went and thinking back, what a busy time of year for you to have started a blog! You have done a great job though and I always enjoy stopping by to see the beauty you create on top of the table and the yummies that go on top of those dishes!

    This teddy bear 'scape with the fantastic stocking centerpiece is no exception! Yes, I'd love a piece of that cake too!


  26. Happy bloggaversiry to you! This is so darling -- I did a children's table this week as well -- don't they make Christmas fun!

  27. I want a piece with the frosting on the top! YUM!
    What a pretty table. I'm thinking "Karen, do you really want to learn all about Villeroy and Boch?" It looks so pretty - and I have a feeling it would become ADDICTIVE! Oh my ! Not something new!
    Well Happy blogaversary! My one year is coming up too! Can you believe it? The year just ZOOMED by!
    Have a wonderful day and KEEP TRYING!!! :)

  28. Milestones are so much fun...congratulations on yours. As soon as I saw it I thought Villeroy and Boch. When we were in Germany some years back, we saw quite a bit of it and I became a fan of their colorful, whimsical pieces. Your table is just wonderful.

  29. Congrats on your blogaversary! Thanks to Between Naps on the Porch for finding your blog - it's wonderful.

  30. Those dishes are too cute, and I love the centerpiece. Happy Birthday to your grandson.

  31. This table is so cute! I love to decorate for children, it shows them how special they are. I love your Blog and will visit again. This is only my 2nd TT but I am so hooked!
    Your giveaway is awesome. Thanks and congrats~

  32. bears at Christmas is so sweet! and speaking of sweet....that cake!!! woweeeee. do we get a recipe?

  33. I say it is good for us ole grown-ups too!! A is for ADORABLE (hmm, there is an old song that starts that way). Such cute plates and I love the centerpiece. I also love the angle of the red placemats--great ideas. The ornaments are too precious ;-)

    nannykim/ spindlecottage

  34. Ps. I forgot to say I love your header. I especially love the Santa with the rolling pin---so cute.

  35. Ps. I forgot to say I love your header. I especially love the Santa with the rolling pin---so cute.

  36. Happy Blogaverary!!....and the tabe is cute but that cake....that is one gorgeous cake....and daughter wants to know why does the Christmas Tree shoppe have that name if they sell stuff besides Christmas tree stuff...I didn't have an answer...

  37. Kathleen, Happy Blogaversary from a "former DB". Although we were not "former DB" by choice, I'm very glad that you've continued with your blog. ... You are the S & S queen of bargains and tablescapes!

    I love the Villeroy and Boch teddy bear plates and the gorgeous cookie jar. What an adorable table.

    Hope the birthday boy has fun birthday ... I would LOVE a piece of that cake.

  38. Oh Kathleen, what a darling tablescape. I LOVE it! Those VB teddy bears are so adorable, and those Christmas plates are so pretty. That centerpiece is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen! Did I tell you I love this tablescape? And what a wonderful and generous give-away. Congratulations on your year anniversary, and please enter me in your drawing. Well, I came over here to thank you for your sweet note, and almost forgot, because I was so carried away by your table. Between TG and the funeral, it has been a very busy week, so I am way behind on blog visiting. (I am still laughing over the "difference between Quimper and Wimper"! You are just so much fun!) laurie

  39. Hi Kathleen,
    Congratulations on your 1st year of blogging! Your dishes are charming, and the cake is beautiful, festive, and ... well, downright alluring! I'd love a piece before I go! ;)


  40. I covet your teddy bear plates! They're so adorable. Congratualtions on your first blogging birthday! Nancy

  41. Very whimsical...cute centerpiece...just fun and adorable!!

  42. Just to say I am sooo envious that you live close to a Pottery Barn outlet. That's amazing.
    I can't wait to see what all you picked up this time....:) I know it will be awesome...

  43. I love the teddy bears the best and your centerpiece. Adorable plates. Honestly do own stock in WS and try to make us all want to run and shop there:) Ah the money I would save or spend (depending upon who you ask) trailing you around on a shopping spree on LI:) As Larry David would say "That cake is mighty, mighty tasty looking". Congrats on your blogaversary and the prizes look wonderful so please throw my name into the hat..oh and I bet it is a beautiful hat you just happened to find on sale some place:) Go to Sue's blog and see the hats we had on this week for fun.

  44. Happy Birthday DGS!!
    Happy Blog-o-day Kathleen!!
    And I'm happy just to see the pretty table and to admire again your lovely Irish Nativity in the last post!
    Have a great weekend,

  45. This is just adorable! I have a bear collection, and I would love those dishes! I'm not familiar with Villeroy and Boch, but I'm loving it, the stocking is darling!

    Love this tablescape!


  46. Hello Elizabeth, thank you for your visit. It is a pleasure to read your blog. Love those dishes. Perfect for a little grandson to enjoy. Hope he had a happy birthday. Your table is gorgeous and I love the matching centerpiece. AND, the cake looks yummy and all dressed up for Christmas.

    I'm in for the wonderful giveaway.

    Hugs, Jeanne

  47. Love the tablescape. That centerpiece is beautiful!

  48. Your table is so beautiful Kathleen! I love the centerpiece and all the little touches:>)

  49. Another beautiful tablescape, as usual. I know the GKids had fun. That cake looks sooo good!

  50. Amazing it's a whole year already..
    Happy Blogaversary!

    Love your table and all the cute Teddys. Just perfect for your Gkids to enjoy.

  51. Kathleen, your tablescapes are always so awe-inspiring! Seeing your gorgeous table is motivating me to get out my holiday dishes and glass ware to start using them! Thanks so much for sharing.

  52. Am I too late for the celebration! You know I love good party, and you sure do know how to throw one, my friend :) Happy Anniversary from one ex-DB to another, LOL!

  53. i love this.oh how i would just love to win.what fun that would be.maybe lady luck will be by my side,just this time.....anniepoo

  54. Oh what a beautiful table! I just love those plates. Your tablesettings are so beautiful, inspiring and motivating.
    Thank you for sharing!


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