Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mosaic Monday and a Little Halloween


Scalloped filled pancakes,Blurry Abelskievers with buttered apples and whipped cream, Cherry and Blueberry Stars, French Toast with Blueberries and Sausage…





I am joining Mary at Little Red House for her weekly Mosaics, and a little Halloween Blog Party at Fibberdoodles.  Please go visit and check the other entries..   . 


I have been sick this past week, so I didn’t  get to do too much decorating…


Blog Labor 319 


Four Little Witches

With faces of bright green

Looking for some mischief

To spice up Halloween…


This ghost doesn’t scare them,

Tame as Foley’s little cats…

They want real ghosts,

So they’ll check the Porch at Pat’s.


Blog Labor 299


Where can they find trouble?

They go screeching down the lanes ,

Off to EGG the houses.

Of all Cynthias, Susans and Jaynes. 

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They stop for a little snack

Buttered bones and Spider brew …

Time to go scare Carol,

And Debbie and Marsha too!


table 2778


Their  brooms are getting sluggish

They decide to take a boat..

Toilet paper BJ’s

Then off to Laurie’s they’ll float..

table 1195

She sends them off with cookies

And brooms all fresh and new..

They decide to fly to Kansas

Marigene, beware it’s true! 



table 1234

At the Witch Stop they meet this gal

She’s ugly but a winner…

She treats them to some shooters,

And then brings them home for dinner..

table 1192

The table was set and ready

The spiders were prolific

They were a little spicy

But the next course was terrific!

table 1215

The blood was rich and creamy,

The bone so crisp and sweet..

But they were getting very  full.

With one more course to eat.


table 1196


The worms were unbelievable

And lizard guts sublime

They clinked their glass and made a toast

With vintage Shiraz Slime..


I hope you enjoyed this little post

To start your Halloween

And here’s a big old BOO for you

From me, Cuisine Kathleen..:)

 table 134

He found it boring too!



Merchandise Monday will return next week...:)
And the witches will continue their trip through blogland on Thursday..


  1. First - your breakfast is simply sweet, sinful and savory!!! What time should I be there??

    Lastly - You continue to amaze me -your poem was a HOOT!!! I can add "poetess" to your long list of talents virtually untapped!

    The blood soup and worms I just can't wait to make ;)

  2. What a delightful post!!!! I think I gained 3 lbs just to begin with!!! The poem was a delight as were the pics. Have a WONDERFUL Day1!!! Cathy

  3. I swear, are the cutest thing !!
    I love your adorable post..everything is just perfect, including your amazing poem.
    I am always so amazed at how beautiful you do everything. Your foods are always so pretty.
    I am so haphazard with everything I do and I can always tell how "thought out" your posts are.
    Love them you!!
    Happiest Halloween time,
    xo bj.. and I do HOPE that I don't get toliet papered THIS Halloween!! :O)

  4. Hi Kathleen, Love your blog. I think I just gained 10 pounds looking at all those delicious breakfasts. Thanks for visiting my blog. Colleen

  5. Hi!
    Beautiful you do everything. Your post very fun!

  6. Delightful post. It was so much fun. A nice TREAT!

  7. Even sick you came up with a fantastic post! Very sweet and savory for this witch's taste :)

  8. What wonderful eye candy Kathleen! You always set the most beautiful tables and the food, looks so good! I need to come visit you, I'll bring apples! Cindy

  9. So cute..beginning to end:) The scalloped pancakes are beaux!!!

    All your touches..the kids must LOVE going to your house!

  10. Kathleen, this is just made me smile!

    Thanks for coming Halloween post will be a bit later. I am sick with a cold.

    Again, love your post!!!!

    Barb ♥

  11. Oh good Lord, now I'm craving french toast! Thanks for sharing your talents at MM, Kathleen, and I hope you are feeling better! :)

  12. So cute Kathleen! I love it all!

    Your mosaic looks so delish! I'm having a late breakfast of instant oatmeal!:-)

  13. Well, my greek yogurt no longer seems like a treat after looking at those pictures. I want what you are fixing.

    The poem was darling. You are very clever for one who hasn't been feeling well. Nicely done.


  14. Great post! Love all of your decorations and the food looks so delicious. I want to come to breakfast at your house :>)

  15. Love all the shapes of those pancakes!! Our aebleskiver pan is in Seattle but Solvang is just a roadtrip away and there are two restaurants there that serve them. Might have to do a little Octoerfest Saturday drive there. This is a fun time of year. Enjoy...

  16. I giggled from beginning to end. For not much decorating I think you are wayyyyy ahead of me. Love having our very own poet laureate in our midst! You're so silly. Your soup looks yum. Where'd you find the little starfish crackers..are they by the fishies?

  17. Oh my...I just love this delightful and fun!!!


  18. Kathleen, even though you've been sick, you still know how to have fun and stir up a little mischief. Wonderful poem ...

    A wonderful breakfast mosaic ... I cannot see an abelskiver pan without thinking of you, Kathleen.

    It certainly looks to me like you've done quite a bit of Halloween decorating. You have so many cute items. I can imagine the giggles of your grandchildren sitting down to you Halloween table. What a fun and special Nana!

  19. Happy Halloween to my good friend Kathleen,
    Of poems and dishes you are the Queen
    I hope you feel better
    Because you’re a real go getter
    And soon you’ll trick or treat
    Because as a Nana you can’t be beat!

    You amaze me, my friend! Great post:)

  20. What a fun "treat" you have presented to us...thank-you

  21. I found you from fiberdoodles and just wanted to stop and say what an awesome post this was. Very festive! (And the worms and bloody clever!)

  22. What a fun little poem and post for this Halloween. I hope you are feeling better.

  23. Hi Kathleen
    This was too cute! Love it! I laughed and enjoyed your poem and 3 witches visit through bloggy Halloween-land.

    I have the same WS pancake molds! I bought the Halloween set, Christmas set, and Circus set and sent them to my daughter-in-law to use when they make pancakes for my grandson... they are so much fun.

    I hope you are feeling better today! Happy MM!

  24. Wow! Your breakfast is soooo tempting.

    Love the poem and the little witches!

    Please come by and visit when you get a chance.

    Irma :)

  25. Even though you were not feeling well this week, you still managed to be
    ' A Booo T-Full Hostess' -
    Getting everyone in the Halloween Mood.
    Loved your adorable poem ....very entertaining -
    (was it the medication?) ..
    Not Bored At All Here.
    Your pancakes are fabulous. Any leftovers?

    Hope you are feeling better and are all
    'Bright Eyed & Bushey Tailed Again' !!

  26. Kathleen, how absolutely adorable! I got so caught up in the rhyme, I had to back and look at the pictures again. You are a real poet! I'm so flattered that those cute witches came to visit me. I think you must be feeling much better - obviously your brain is working great! Fun, fun post! laurie

  27. Loved your poem and pictures. What a clever girl!

  28. Your breakfast is making me hungry. It looks delicious. I love your Halloween witches, too.

  29. Oh my gosh, Kathleen! So cute and I know you're sick... still a hoot! But, do take care of yourself and get better soon. Yum, I could go for breakfast now.

  30. Cute, cute post, Kathleen the Creative. I would love any of your food...right now the pancakes would taste good!

  31. Your decorations look so festive. I do hope you are feeling better!! Hugs, Connie

  32. O, BUMMER, K.
    Bill just got over the same thing. It really got him down for a little while but he is fine now.
    Take good care of yourself and get plenty of rest...maybe a good book?

    I just hit the end of my brick hearth with my foot and I am pretty sure I broke my little pinky toe. It is throbbing and turning black and blue and it HURTS!! :(
    Going to have a steak, mushrooms, sweet potato fries, and wine....lots and lots of wine!!:)

  33. I just love your decorations! I am so glad you joined the party ~ I would hated missing this!

  34. LOL! Kathleen...what a wild night! I'm STILL trying to get the those eggs off the house! :-) We are a mischievous bunch out here in Blogland! :-)

  35. You are leaving me speechless - Love the mosaic, poem & Halloween goodness :)

  36. I guess I missed this one, so cute! I like that pumpkin/ghost tea pot, haven't seen one of those before!


  37. You are too cute...and creative!!! I am always amazed by people who can create poetry!!!

    Your tablescaoe is amazing it all!!!

    I am sorry to have missed my poetry debut...I have had a house full of swine flu infested family...husband, daughter and son.
    My blogging has been in fits and starts!!! Thank you so much for thinking of me...I promise to be more faithful!!!


  38. Kathleen, this is really cute. I'm off to read Part II. ~ Sarah


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