Thursday, October 15, 2009

Foodie and Flashback Friday

Friday means Food!

Please join Gollum for other Foodie Friday entries.

I am also joining Suzy in Flashback Friday. Kitchen Bouquet is her place, pop over and say hello!

Tonight I am sharing a recipe I got from Sol when she posted it on the Cooking Forum at Garden Web. If you haven't seen Sol's blog you are in for a treat. She is one very talented and funny lady!

These are a cross between a doughnut and a muffin...She calls them
Dirt Bombs..:)



I added some chopped apples to some and was happy with the result..



Here is the recipe as posted on CF...

Dirt Bombs
Yields: 12 muffins*

3 cups AP flour, minus 3 tablespoons
1 tablespoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
¼ teaspoon ground cardamon
¾ cup (1 ½ sticks) unsalted butter
1 cup granulated sugar
2 large eggs
1 cup whole milk **

Topping ***

¾ cups unsalted butter, melted
½ cup granulated sugar
1 ½ teaspoons ground cinnamon

Preheat oven to 400ยบ F. Place the rack in the center position. Generously grease a 12-cup standard muffin pan.

Sift the flour, baking powder, salt, nutmeg and cardamon into a mixing bowl. In another bowl, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Scrape the bowl down half way through. Mix in the eggs. Add the dry ingredients alternately with the milk in two additions, mixing gently by hand to incorporate all the flour. The batter will be on the stiff side, but airy. Don’t over mix or beat the batter as this will make the muffins tough. Spoon the batter into the prepared pan, without smoothing the tops. Bake for about 25 minutes or until a cake tester inserted in the center comes out clean. As soon as the muffins are cool enough to handle, turn them out onto a wire rack.

Add the melted butter to a bowl. In another bowl, mix the sugar and cinnamon.
Dip the muffins (top, sides and bottom) in the butter, using a pastry brush -if necessary- to cover areas not buttered by dipping. Immediately roll the muffins in the cinnamon sugar mixture. Serve warm or at room temperature.

*I've made this twice, and both times, this recipe has yielded 16 muffins instead of 12.
**I substituted whole buttermilk for whole milk because I always have it on hand and prefer it for baking.
*** The amounts listed for the sugar and cinnamon are not quite enough to coat all the muffins, so I recommend you double it.


My notes...
I chopped some apples, tossed them with sugar and cinnamon and added to the batter.

I got 12 muffins..

Hope you enjoy them...

Tonight's Flashback...


Mike's can see the directions and recipe post here....

Thanks for your visit...


  1. Of course, I had to come and see what a dirt bomb is! :). I think they look good and might be offended :) I'll check out Sol's blog--thanks.

  2. I would love to have a couple of those, right about now!!

  3. Kathleen, Those look so good. If I lived at your house, I'm afraid I'd be 50 pounds heavier than I am already! laurie

  4. Kathleen, these look great. I love cardamom! I hope the gals at work have their taste buds ready on Monday!

  5. This recipe is very similar to the French Breakfast Puffs over at The Pioneer Woman. I've made them for early morning meetings and they're always a hit. Hope you are well. Have missed being around...Nancy

  6. Come on over, bring me a Dirt Bomb and I'll give you a piece of fudge and some Mixed Berry hot tea...;0

  7. Sol's bombs are so good! Nice addition, too, with the apples. You can have my raisins :)

  8. You can have my raisins too!!! The recipe looks good and simple enough for me!! Love the name "Dirt Bombs"..something my boys would taste just because of the name!
    I do remember Mike's rugelach - looks fantastic!!

  9. These look delicious! I must try them. I guess they are called dirt bombs so no one will want to eat something with such a bad culinary name and then there will be more for me! That's my plan!

  10. I'm going to have to try the bombs. They look delicious. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Hi Kathleen:

    The dirt bombs look terrific, but Mike's rugalach look even better. You know I'm checking out that recipe.

    Does he give out samples?!?!?!

    - The Tablescaper

  12. Mmmm Rugelach is so good.
    The dirt bombs look yummy too. I like to bite into something like this and find a nice juicy sweet chunk of apple or pear.

  13. Love the name of these treats, and they look delicious. I will check out the blogs you suggest. Thanks!


  14. Golly, those look good. I haven't had breakfast yet and now I'm salivating. I try these first chance I get. Have a great day.

  15. These look terrific! I think these will be our Sunday morning treats :)


  16. Dirt bombs are the bomb! Sounds like a yummy recipe.

    Christi @ A Southern Life

  17. I was intrigued by the name when I saw it on Gollum's Mr. Linky. These look delicious!


  18. Hi Kathleen, Everything looks fabulous!

    We are big fans of Sol's Dirtbombs, too. :)

    Love your new header! Have a great weekend. xo

  19. WOW...adding the apple sounds so good. I am entirely and absolutely craving apples this year.

  20. WOW!!! these looks so GOOD!!! THANKS!!! Geri

  21. Kathleen, your dirt bombs look mighty tasty. I copied Sol's recipe a couple of years ago and still haven't made the dirt bombs. I'm afraid that I would eat the whole batch so I need to make them when I know I can get them out of the house as soon as I have one or two. ... I love seeing Mike's rugelach. He put outs a good-looking product. :)

  22. Hi Kathleen. I love your header! Oh, these look so good and I adore the name of them - little dirt bombs! Gotta love that.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  23. Love both of the recipes you posted!! I have been wanting to make those dirt bombs. I've had them before but never made them. And Mikes rugelach are amazing and you can tell him I said so! Glad you joined me for the flashback my friend :-)

  24. Those dirt bombs look so good! I'm from LI too. Thanks so much for stopping by! Since you love to cook, I have to recommend a great cooking class I take in Southold - you can look it up at (you've probably heard of it). Have a great weekend. Southampton is beautiful!

  25. Now don't these look delicious!?!? Thank you for the recipe!

  26. Your Dirt Bombs sound delish - I'm adding them to the breakfast menu when our Thanksgiving guests arrive - I can hardly wait!

  27. Those look so good and I love the addition of the chopped apples!


  28. I have yet to try Sol's Dirt Bombs! I think the addition of the apples sounds wonderful too.

    I remember when you first showed us Mike's Rugelach :)

    My mouth is watering over everything!

  29. I don't know what these taste like but they get a thumbs up for having such a great name.....and your front has to be red. nothing is better then a red front door.

  30. Hi kathleen,
    Came by the other day but forgot to leave a comment. Love the new big pics. I noticed your recent one you didn't do it. It can take more time so I know how frustrating it can get.
    Posting less so I can get my life back in order but just wanted to say Hi!!!!! and to drool over all your food. Why do I come over when I'm hungry???

  31. So much good looking food is making me hungry! Nice post, Kathleen.

  32. I'm suddenly hungry too whenever I make a visit to your blog :)

  33. Kathleen, I tried leaving a comment here yesterday, but the comment box refused to work for me. So I'm back.

    You know, I haven't made these since 2007, when I first posted them on the CF. And now, your apple addition is urging me to crank up the oven, once again.

    Know this, I'll be forwarding you the bill for the quadruple bypass.


Thank you for visiting my blog, I appreciate your visit!