Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday~ More ‘Tater Time

Once again, I join Susan at A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday..

I have pneumonia, so I was unable to snap some fabulous Fall color , this is the best I could do.

And as I have been saying for weeks, “we ain’t got no color yet!”

I snapped these on the way back from the doc’s office.  I am not allowed to go anywhere or do anything, so I didn’t.  My doc reads my blog so I had to obey. (No, he doesn’t, but he should!  :)

We still have some wonderful farm land here in Southampton, and I pray it doesn’t get gobbled up for mansions as so much farm land has already.

Here is a field of  dried up cornstalks…


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I bet there are goblins lurking in there waiting for the 31st!


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A little farm stand I passed on the back road.  I stopped to get these..


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Do you notice any color in the Farm Stand pic?  Nope, cause we don’t have it yet!


The last exciting pic is a truck load of freshly dug potatoes..



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This was taken at Hank’s where you still stuff your money in the can on the honor system..

Which leads me to POTATOES…Part 3 of ….(Part 1 and 2 in the last 2 Outdoor Wednesday posts…)

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What are you going to do with 50 lbs of Potatoes…



table 2222


12. Potato Latke

table 1377

13.Potato Salad

table 015

14. Hash Brownstable 520

15. Beef Stew..table 1563 

That’s  it for tonight..thanks for stopping in..

See you tomorrow for Tablescape Thursday…Those little witches will be on the fly having some more Halloween fun…


  1. Kathleen...love all your Fall inspired pics! And the food is making me hungry!
    I am so sorry you are sick. You mind that doctor...don't make me have to call him and give him your blog address! :-)

  2. Beautiful pictures!! I too, hope that the farms stay and the mansions stay away (unless of course I win the lottery~we could be neighbors!!). Oh please, not more carbs. Oh well, a little cheating won't hurt...

    Ger better soon. I know your doctor!!


  3. I am so sorry to hear that you have fallen sick. Hurry and get well I so enjoy your blog posts.

    Even though you "dont have any color yet"... still looks good to me. :)

    If you have a moment — I would love you to stop by and say hi!

    TTFN~~ Claudia ♥ ♥

  4. Looks like you are doing too much cooking for someone with pneumonia! You're making me hungry! Hope you feel better very soon.

  5. Look at all the goodies! I love the happy omelet!

    Ebie's Outdoor Wednesday.

  6. Blogging with pneumonia-now that's dedication! Your sense of humor hasn't been affected by the pneumonia. (your Dr. should read your blog-it would brighten his day - of course, it would also make him eat more - at least that's what it does to me). Love your smily face bacon and egg! You are just so clever and so creative. Get well soon. It doesn't seem to have slowed you down at all. laurie

  7. What a charming farm stand. Feel better soon!!

  8. Now you have made me really hungry!

  9. I love the truck load of freshly dug potatoes. And the photos of the "potatoe food" look so yummy!

    Feel better!

  10. You've got pneumonia and you're preparing this delicious looking food? You better take care of yourself!

  11. Kathleen I am so sorry to hear you are not well! We had doctors appts., yesterday. Good checkups and we each had a pneumonia shot. I've never had it but J has. Take care of yourself!!

    The foodie photos are making me very hungry. It's just after 6AM here in Missouri and I haven't had a bite to eat! I'm going to take care of that, very soon, especially after seeing this post!

  12. Excellent...that omelet with the bacon face is just too cute for words. Everything you shared is so 'homey and comfortable'...I really enjoyed it.

    Mine today is the Annual Jazz Festival in town. Come by if you can. CLICK HERE

    Have a glorious Wednesday.

  13. I made beef stew too! Total comfort food - and then it got warm again - YAY! Sorry to hear about the pneumonia - I had it about a year and a half ago, and it was sooo bad! I hope you feel better soon!

  14. I do hope you are on the mend and feeling better. Your photos are wonderful considering how housebound you have been. Have a great week and enjoy Outdoor Wednesday from your porch.

  15. Hi Kathleen - Sorry to read that you are under the weather. We've got some beautiful fall color here but it won't last long if the rain continues. Hope you feel better very soon.

  16. Your doctor called me last night and asked if you were eating all that luscious corn on the cob, dripping in butter, I said yes, he said tell you to send it all to ME !! He's watching you, Kathleen!!

  17. mmmmm, all so yummy looking...and your photos are wonderful!!!

  18. Hope you feel better soon!!!
    All the food pics made me really hungry!! YUMMY!!

    Happy OW!!

  19. First I am sorry to hear you are so sick. If I lived by you I would send over some chicken soup for sure. Actually a box of chocolate works just as well:) I love the tie under the stew photo. You are so creative! Now get off of the computer and go and get a hot cup of tea and a shot of good Irish whiskey should do the trick too and whole lot more fun then taking meds:)

  20. Oh yum! The corn looks delicious! Sorry to hear you are so sick. I will pray you have a speedy recovery with no lingering effects!

    Thanks for sharing the pictures and recipe ideas with us!

    ~ Tracy

  21. Hi Kathleen.....can we get you to post thr recipe for your potato latke?? They look wonderful....and everything is better with a dollop of sour cream....Sorry to hear you were sick....hope your on the mend...Yes...Ofcourse the Motherland is Joisey!! but with the prices we saw this time Georgia is starting to look better and better....I was in Whole Foods and actually saw a very small roasting chicken that down here would cost about $4.00,......Whole Foods price....$13.00....that's crazy!!

  22. Well you got my attention with the first two. Looks like comfort food to me.
    50 lbs. of potatoes...now that's a lot of potatoes.
    Happy Outdoor W. to you...

  23. I'm sorry you are sick, hope you feel better soon. I think most places are behind in their color this year. We are heading to see some trees next week, and I don't quite know what we will see.

    The potatoes all look yummy and the corn...mmmm.


  24. I always say I have never met a potato I didn't like. No exceptions here.

  25. Oh dear....put your feet up, let me get you a pillow & a nice HOT cuppa herbal tea! I'm so sorry to read that you've got pneumonia!! YUCK!

    Get lots of Vit. C into you....it helps with healing. I'd bring you some freshly squeezed OJ if I were closer!

    Loved your pictures in this post. DH would gobble down that breakfast one of the hashbrowns. :D

    Take it easy, ya' hear??!!

    ♥ Rett

  26. Kathleen I hope you are feeling better tonight!

    I love perogi! Do you have a recipe for them somewhere in your blog?

    I'm glad there is still some farmloands out there ... it's a shame how all the great potaot farms are disappearing. The corn looks good too!

  27. Hope you get color soon, Kathleen! Get well!

  28. Kathleen, even pneumonia can't keep you down! Your cooking is making me hungry! I only had a chocolate muffin for dinner from Wegman's :-) I hope you are well soon, I know you will be a good patient.

  29. Kathleen, you put out a pretty impressive post for someone sick with pneumonia. ... I hope that whatever the doctor is doing for you will help you get well soon.

    That is one impressive truck of potatoes. I've never seen potatoes being hauled like that. ... And I'm surprised the fall colors are so late coming to you. It does seem like you've had some unusual weather this past year.

    Take care and please follow the doctor's orders ... whether he reads your blog or not. :)

  30. Will there be 50 ways with with 50 lbs of taters? I am hooked on your ideas :) What a fun outing to the farm stand and a peek at the area around you. I can't believe you still have fresh corn available - makes my mouth water! The beef stew looks so good on a cold rainy day like today.

  31. I hope your farm land isn't gobbled up either, Kathleen. Reminds me of that old Joni Mitchell song about the parking lots :) Cute omelette and can't wait to see all of your potato recipes!


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