Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Outdoor and Waterside Wednesday....

I am joining Susan at A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday and
Barbara Jacksier for Waterside Wednesday, a first for me..

Be sure to check both of these blogs out for a real treat...

This is sunset on the harbor near me ...


Flying Point, Southampton, NY


Mum's the word...
I guess it is time to go to the North Fork to get mums. Seems like I was just there to get summer annuals..
Where did the summer go?
Today summer lingered, a perfect beach day..

Thanks for visiting...I appreciate it!


  1. Your mum photos are so lovely!

    I wish summer would hang on a bit longer, too!

  2. I love the beach and what pretty mums!

  3. Beautiful scenes and shots.
    Great outdoor post.

  4. Hi Kathleen,
    You always make me smile! The beach pics are gorgeous, I could see hanging out there for a day or two or three. Your front porch is beautiful, love the mums, love the wicker,love the home! Hugs, Cindy

  5. Loved all your pretty photos, K.
    Especially loved seeing your mums on your pretty steps.

  6. Your sunset is gorgeous! I love the fall mums, your colors make your front step just pop. I picked up a couple last week - will hve to take some photos!

  7. Sand and Mums...what a perfect combination in a post. My mums are bursting with buds.

    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  8. I always look forward to replacing the worn out summer annuals with the beautiful colors of fall. Lovely photos, Kathleen.

  9. Your photos are wonderful, Kathleen.
    The sunset and the blue of the sky are just beautiful. I hope you are having a great day.

  10. I'm so glad summer is lingering! Love Long Island.

  11. Those mums on that pretty porch are so vividly beautiful!

  12. Long Island is just beautiful!!!
    I will have to take you up on that suggestion to go apple picking on the south fork this year! Thanks!
    You have such beautiful pictures!

  13. Hi Kathleen,
    Coming by to visit my favorite Long Islander. It's so beautiful where you live...the beach and your home with all the fall mums. Haven't even thought about decorating my house yet. Still trying to clean up the yard!!!
    Happy Wednesday!

  14. What a gorgeous porch; a wonderful place to sit & listen to the crickets.

    Sweet daydreams,

  15. Oh, that sunset is gorgeous, Kathleen! Glad you're getting some nice weather after all that rain. Love the mums!

  16. What a beautiful sunset photo! I think your front steps look so inviting with the gorgeous fall mums.

  17. Beautiful! I'm glad you get to enjoy some more beach days :0)

  18. Very pretty photos Kathleen.
    September, is such a perfect time to enjoy the beautiful sunsets, at the beach. Also, the peace and quiet, when all the Summer 'hub bub' is over.
    The mums on your porch look lovely.
    I agree, where did the Summer go.
    It arrived so late. We hardly had a chance to get tired of it..and now it's almost Fall.

  19. Hi
    Thanks for joining Waterside Wednesday. Love your mums!

  20. Hi, K....thanks for stopping by. I just had to go back to your rooster post so I could see your tablecloth...and then, I remembered how I loved it. I love all that french writing on it.
    You have such lovely things...your home must be so beautiful. Have you posted your living room, kitchen and etc?
    I am so tired tonight...I just got a new treadmill and have walked my butt off all day long. Doctor's orders so I know I will use it a lot.
    See ya tomorrow...bj

  21. What a beautiful sunset! You live in a very special area! Your mums look wonderful on your steps! How true...where did the summer go?


  22. Beautiful! And I love the colorful mums, too.
    Jane (Artfully Graced)

  23. What beautiful colors in your sunset picture. And I love your beach picture ... the blues are so intense.

    The mums are so pretty and make your porch even more inviting.

  24. I always love your photos and everything that you do, you know that. I appreciate all of your wishes and your unfailing cheerfulness. Thanks my friend.

  25. Beautiful sunset & I just love the steps to your porch. *sigh*

  26. Kathleen, these are beautiful photos. How wonderful to have such scenery so close to you! I am still laughing about the comment you left on my blog. You are sooooo cute! laurie

  27. Hi Kathleen--from your GR friend! I took the summer off from blogging--just to soak it all in--and have come back to it and wanted to visit you--you have been up to such happy things, how nicw for you! Hope you are enjoying the East End, I spent lots of time eating there this summer at the Driver's Seat!! Tara

  28. Ohhh...your porch looks so comfy and your mums make it look ready for Fall. You are so blessed to live right near the ocean! I love the ocean so much, I love any body of water, actually. But the ocean is my favorite. Great pictures! Hugs, Cindy S.

  29. The summer flew by, didn't it? I love the beach when it's cold, and not crowded or anything. You must be enjoying getting back to peace and quiet instead of the tourist crowds :)

  30. Gorgeous post Kathleen. You live in such a pretty place. I know you enjoy this time of the year with less crowds. That's an awesome sunset you caught.

  31. I always love seeing your area, Kathleen!

  32. Hi Kathleen. Just dropping by to have another look at your beautiful clematis photo and see how you are doing now the summer is nearly over. The deserted beach looks like a lovely place for a morning walk!

  33. I love when I have the beach all to myself. I see you have your Mums out already. Way to hot here for me to put them out so I need to wait for cooler weather. If I had them I would not have to worry about watering them with the rain and floods here. The sun was out today so it helped to dry things up a bit but the big River is still overflowing and some major highways are closed. It is a total mess. In one town 120 streets are under some type of water. No school today and no electric in some areas and lights out on the streets. Just one giant mess that Mother Nature decided to make to welcome in the Autumn. Thanks for your concern.

  34. Hi, sweetie...did you get my email? I see you visited me tonight so I guess your computer is fixed?? Hope so...missed ya


Thank you for visiting my blog, I appreciate your visit!