Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cloche Party~Flashback and Foodie Friday


May we never forget 9/11/01..

The thousands who lost their lives,

The tens of thousands of relatives and friends who grieve them still...

Those of us from NY will never forget the days following,

the endless funerals and memorials.

The pages and pages of Obituaries in the local paper..

Impossible not to know someone who perished..

The cars at the train station...haunting monuments to the owners who never returned home that day..

It seems like yesterday...

May they rest in peace...

I am joining Marty for her cloche party..
We are having work done, and I can't access my fall, they are buried!

So this is the best I could do! Like Laurie at Bargain Hunting, I didn't want to miss the party!

Ode to a Butternut...



A closer look...



I have to get a cloche with a bigger mouth so I can fit more in!

I thought I would share this Fall piece I got last year at the Lenox Outlet...a Fall cake plate


I love the base, rounded..with a leaf design..



I don't remember the exact price, but with my coupon it was in the 20's...

Please visit Marty at A Stroll thru Life for lots of better cloches!

For my Flashback and Foodie Friday I am using this pear tart...Pears are abundant now..
Couldn't be EASIER..

Buy frozen puff pastry..
Unroll and press into fluted tart pan with removable bottom..
Peel the pears.
Slice them..
Toss with cinnamon and sugar..
Place in pan and brush with preserves, I used Mango...

Bake...whatever the puff pastry pkg says for the temp...

Serve with fresh whipped cream..( no need for the shamrock in Sept.. :) )


Please stop in at Gollums for Foodie Friday and Suzy at Kitchen Bouquets for Flashback Friday...

Thanks for visiting!


  1. the squash in the cloche! And the cookie tower is so cute!

    Wonderful colors for fall!

  2. Oops forgot to mention the gorgeous pumpkin cake plate. Always loved it, one of the best I've seen!

  3. Kathleen, I remember when you bought the pumpkin cake plate. I love the base of the plate ... too cute.

    Your butternut squash under the cloche is quite attractive ... what a festive autumn ring.

    Lovely 9/11 tribute.

  4. Cute cloche! I can't believe it is fall already...almost....

  5. Your arrangements are so pretty. I love what you have done for the cloche party! Now, I am headed for the kitchen. :)

  6. Everything is lovely!!

    Many blessings!

  7. I never pay attention, I don't remember the cloche but I love it this time around! Very pretty! I love the cake plate, the base is very different, very pretty piece!

    Never forget.

  8. I am habing a hard time deciding whch I like better, the cloche or the food. I think I like them equally...Christine

  9. Oh Yum and I love that cake plate how cool is that...May you have a great weekend...and I'll never forget 9-11 I don't think anyone will...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  10. I know exactly where I was( in Belgium) the 11th of september.I had just been finishing my patchwork class as my son called that a plane had crashed into one of the Twin Towers. I sat with one of my students, who is also a friend and watched how the second plane crashed in the second tower and my world stood still.... I could not dragg myself from the television and watched both towers colapse....It was like the end of the world.
    Next week my daughter will visit New York for the first time and I hope she will be safe.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your lovely recepie.

  11. Hi Kathleen,
    I just love the squash one, it's so neat and that plate is gorgeous! You find the best things! my porcupine/hedgehog was bought at a little local gift shop. I think he was 4.00 or so. Love the recipe too! Cindy

  12. Love the cakeplate...the rounded pedestal is unique. Tart looks absolutely yummy!

  13. I love your fall cloche! Hey, I had no time to put anything together myself, but at least you did one, which is better than me!

    That tart looks delish. I'll have to give it a try. I love anything easy, and that I can use frozen puff pastry for.

  14. I love the ode to a butternut - in my opinion (my favorite squash) they deserve a place on honor :)

    I remember when you bought that beautiful cake stand too.

    All of it is lovely and I hope you can get to your fall bins soon and wow us with your beautiful autumn tablesettings.

  15. Oh my, I love the ode to the Butternut. That is just precious. You did a beautiful job. I so love that tart. I love anything apple. I can smell the cinnamon right through the page. Thanks for sharing. Love that cake plate also. The little pedestal is the most elegant thing I have seen. Really unusual. Please stop by and let me share my cloches with you. Country hugs, Sherry

  16. Kathleen, just gorgeous and totally yummy. Just puts one in the mood for Fall!!

    Barb :-)

  17. Oh what a clever idea to use the butternut squash. I was looking for something thin and tall and never once thought of that. I love it in the cloche with the garland, just too cute. Your cake plate is beautiful. What a wonderful find. The pear tart looks like a picture, and it sounds soooooooo good. I just love it all. Thank you so much for joining the party, I have had such a great time. Hugs, Marty

  18. Your cloche is beautiful and your tart sounds divine. I made an apple tart like that using the puff pastry and it turned out great. An easy way to make a sweet dessert! Oh and I can't forget to comment on that cake plate, it is gorgeous! I shall have to pull out my fall decor items soon. Have a great day, Hugs, Cindy S.

  19. I love the cloche you've fashioned for your fall table. I also love the instructions you've given us for the pear tart. It sounds fabulous.

  20. Perfect Autumn display! Simple and elegant.

  21. Kathleen, sometimes the simplest of things makes for the prettiest. Your squash arrangement is just that. How pretty it is with the berries.
    Oh, how DO you cook all these lovlies that probably taste SOOOO good?! The tart crust looks amazing and the cookies would be gone in 1 minute if I was there!
    Thanks once again for coming by...
    hugs, Sue

  22. You already have the Autumn header up. That means my favorite time of year is just around the corner. Joy!

    Kathleen, I love the cloche with the butternut and pretty flower ring.

    I have a friend who's an antiques dealer, and she keeps luring me into her shop with her fancy display of glass domes.

    Jim hates her. I love her!

  23. to your blog. Soon as I looked it over I added you to follow. How pretty and yummy everything is!

  24. Beautiful, beautiful! Loving those cookies!

  25. great butternut tribute! I love your fall cake plate, how much fun will that be. I also love the acorn bowl in your fall pic. Happy wknd.

  26. You did great Kathleen. Love your ode to the Butternut :0)

  27. Very pretty! The cookies and tart look so good.

  28. Nothing in fall could be prettier than a butternut, and certainly under glass! I just love that cake plate with the rounded bottom!

  29. Kathleen,

    Your tribute to 9/11 made my heart ache. I often think of the people of New York and New Jersey who may have witnessed this tragedy or were in constant presence of the disaster.

    I love your little butternut cloche. I have to laugh about those openings bcause I saw a few neat cloches and vases and such that I couldn't imagine even getting my hand in!! Sort of like a 'ship in a bottle' situation!!

    Your tart recipe sounds great. What do you mean by a tart pan with removable bottom? Do you mean a springform pan? i have one of those!! :-) I am not a baker and REALLY don't know bakeware, but I'd like to make this...thanks, Kathleen!


  30. Kathleen, like the ode to a butternut! It's chilly here tonight, so it won't be long before I start enjoying fall flavors again.

  31. I love what you did with your cloche! Your pie looks great! Happy Fall!

  32. Loved the butternut ode :) Clever and cute idea, Kathleen! I remember the fall cake plate too :)

    I'm in fall denial right now.

  33. Forgot to mention your sweet remembrance of those who lost their lives today. May we never experience anything that horrific on our soil again.

  34. Hi Kathleen !
    I love your cloche - it is my favorite so far above everyone elses - perfect !
    That cake plate is very very nice !
    That pear recipe looks easy enough for me to try...someday.....
    I wanted to stop by and thank you for visiting me after my surgery - you are a sweetie ! Guess what ? they had White napkins in the hospital - darn they were paper....
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  35. Hi Kathleen....I love all the creative ideas all you ladies do with your cloche's...I need to get myself one...and the pumpkin cake it! And not just because our anniversary is on for remembering 9/ daughter had just come home to Georgia the day before...she lived and worked in the city...She refused to fly back home...I drove her back and we went to the site a week later...still able to get upclose it was something I will never forget....It was massive destruction...and such a smell in the air..I hated to leave her alone and come back home....but I was so glad she was with us that day safe and sound..

  36. Oh, how much I love that cake plate! That is so pretty, and I can just imagine all of the beautiful food you put on it. Your cloche turned out so pretty. What work are you having done? Is it something exciting? Can't wait to see. Thanks for the mention. I've saved your recipe to try, since I am drooling all over my keyboard looking at it. laurie

  37. Love butternut squash, and what a way to make a focal point! Yummy cookies and love the plates!

  38. You are definitely getting me in the fall decorating mood. We're having some indoor painting done, so I can't start until later, 'cuz everything will be messy! I love your autumn cake's beautiful!

  39. Such a delightful cloche with the butternut. Love that idea...never, in a million years, would I have thought to do that!
    I have some blue "sponge" dishes, with the little animals...I just don't have the darling flatware and placemats to go with mine.
    Your cakeplate is precious..
    Lovely table!

  40. Cutest cake plate ever! Yes I am thinking of hosting a holiday cookie recipe showdown in Nov using that Mr. Linky if I can figure it all out:)

  41. You did that butternut squash proud. I am in love with that cake plate. Seriously, I need to take you shopping with me. You find the best stuff, and then come home and make it better. Sigh. Oh well, I can dream. thanks for the great and easy pear tart recipe. You never fail me.

  42. Hi Kathleen! I love the squash in the cloche! And the cake plate is gorgeous!! But the pear tart....yummy!! It looks very frenchy!
    I am loving not having to fight the traffic for an hour each way to go to school! Loved your grandson's remark! I remember being totally exhausted those first few weeks. Now I just pop into my grandson's school for a visit during nice!! I have volunteered in his classroom in the past, bur his 3rd grade teacher doesn't want help. :-( So I am enjoying visiting as long as I can. One day I'm sure I will be embarassing!! lol Enjoy your weekend...hugs...Debbie

  43. Well, K....Grandparents Day is printed on my calendar...I thought it was all over..well, the U.S. anyway. You live in NY, right? Surely they celebrate GPDay !!

    I'd love to hear you you sound really different than we do out here in West Texas. We talk with a slow drawl that would sound funny to you....You are Yankee..I am Dixie...but, I sure do like you!! Bet if we ever met, we'd be sister friends!! :O)
    xo bj

  44. Well, K....Grandparents Day is printed on my calendar...I thought it was all over..well, the U.S. anyway. You live in NY, right? Surely they celebrate GPDay !!

    I'd love to hear you you sound really different than we do out here in West Texas. We talk with a slow drawl that would sound funny to you....You are Yankee..I am Dixie...but, I sure do like you!! Bet if we ever met, we'd be sister friends!! :O)
    xo bj

  45. Good comment posted twice..
    Meant to say that, yes, my son has 6 children...5 girls and 1 boy..
    Daughter has 4, 2 of each...

  46. Loved your Ode to a Butternut. Simple, but fabulous!

  47. Hi Kathleen,
    Love the cloche and that darling fall cake plate. Your pair tart looks delicious... your food is always so perfect. Can't wait to see the fall from the inaccessible bins.

  48. Hi Kathleen,
    Love your Fall cloche.
    I have the same problem of not being able to get all the cute stuff in i want.
    A cake cover works great!!

    I'm posting participants for the 3 projects in 3 weeks challenge.
    Can i count you in?
    You could just post the next little cute project you do. =0)
    Hope you will join us,

    Barbara jean

  49. What a cute, cute, cute pumpkin cake stand! I've never seen one like that! Your "ode to Butternut squash" was cute too!


  50. What a beautiful fall cloche, I loved the butternut squash under it and that cake plate was really eye candy. You certainly did a great job not to be able to get to your bins.

  51. Hello Kathleen'

    I just read your comment you left on Miss Janice's blog and wanted to comment about the Southern Lady Celebration. Many ladies from the North fact we meet up with our NY friends we met the very first year of the Celebration. It's a wonderful reunion time!You would be most welcome! I enjoyed your blog and will visit often!

  52. The Lenox pedestal cake plate is so beautiful and what a bargain! I have several Lenox pieces and always wanted the beautiful Lenox pumpkin...have you ever seen it? I am always on the lookout for it!
    Also, your recipe with puff pastry and pears looks divine!!!

    My mother-in-law passed away, here in NY, on 9/11. We had her funeral 4 days later and it was the most solemn feeling in the city. We lived in PA at the time and while coming to NY, met people at truck stops who were driving cross country to get back home because the flights were all grounded. We drove across the GW into the city and there were no cars. It will forever be in our memory.
    We will never forget!

  53. Excellent flashback...I was delinquint...sorry!!!!!!! I need to copy that pear tart..I have some that need eating.


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