Wednesday, September 23, 2009

An Apple a Day~Tablescape Thursday

It was a busy week..

My sister and her dh from TX came to for a visit ..I hadn't seen her in over a year, so we had lots of talking to do! It was wonderful to see her, and the 3 surviving sisters got to spend some time on Sunday. We hope next June we will all be able to get together for a family reunion. Time flies!

It was also my gson's 4th Birthday, we had the party here so my family could spend some time together...

Since it was the last day of summer, warm and beautiful, I went with an apple theme.
After all, my gkids are the apples of my eye..:)


I served buffet style from the kitchen island for the party..




But I did a tablescape before I put the dishes back till next year..

The centerpiece is a metal wagon filled with faux apples, greens and live mums...

Green stems and waters from Lenox..


Nantucket baskets with a small apple at each place..



The white embossed candlesticks are from Villeroy and Boch, basement clearance..
Dark green candles..ceramic apple salt and peppers...


I used Apple dishes, deep red square mats, dark green napkins...white chargers from Noritake




And since it was a Birthday Party..we needed some candy corn in a Candy Corn bowl. Set of 3 Candy corn bowls from Christmas Tree Shops..I love that store!


A mini wagon full of Mike & Ike's


And a cake....

before the whipped cream piped on...



I made....


Cocktail Meatballs..
Grilled Portuguese sausage
Grapes, cheese, crackers
Chips and dip
Chicken Salad and Shrimp Salad on crackers
Shrimp Cocktail


Butternut Apple
Split Pea with Ham
Chicken and Pasta


Salad with Feta red onion and bacon

Stuffed Pork with Apple Chutney

Filet Mignon with mushrooms and onions

Spaghetti Squash casserole

Red potatoes with butter and parsley


Choc /choc cake with whipped cream

Fresh Jersey Peach pie with vanilla ice cream

Banana bread and Blueberry peach muffins...

The dishes I got a few years ago at Christmas Tree Shops..15 dollars for service for 12...I use them once a year...The Nantucket baskets are from there too, there is a glass insert for a candle or for them half price for a dollar a few weeks ago..The apple platter and side dishes are by Pfaltzgraff.

I'll show some of that tomorrow for Foodie Friday..

Please join Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for more tablescapes..

And Cindy,at Applestone Cottage this table was for you... :)

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Goodness Kathleen...I don't know where to begin. First off, your table is just so lovely. What a warm and inviting setting. Those apple dishes are perfect..they remind me of the ones from CTS w/the farm animals. I'm also eyeing the apple plate with the pretty toile like border, as well as your Lenox glasses..beautiful color.
    I'm sure your Gson loved that yummy Cake...I know I would. Not to mention the rest of your family, with that Magnificant Menu. Any leftovers?
    You Never cease to Amaze!

    Hope you're catching up on some well deserved R&R. You certainly earned it.

  2. I think 1 of my fav things about blogspots is the creative ways we make even our dishes shine again.

    love the candy ideas.

  3. Okay I tired now. How on earth did you make all that food. Any time you want to throw a party for my birthday, coming up in October by the way, I'm all in. Wow.
    The table looked so pretty too.

  4. Hi Kathleen,
    Now, that was so darn cute!!! I was just thinking, Kathleen you have my dishes, you have my table! heehe. Honestly, I love it so much! Where oh where did you find those darling plates? The centerpiece is perfect, the green touches, the candlesticks! You know how I love your tables! And, Happy Birthday to your darling Grandson!! What a lucky boy to have you as his Grandma too! Hugs, Cindy

  5. Oh Kathleen, that table is so cute! Love that little wagon! Your apple dishes are great, and all of your accessories are perfect with your theme. Love the little china baskets with apples in them. OMG! You did some cookin'! Almost everything you listed made my mouth water. I wish I could have been there to sample al of that food. (I would have even brought Seamus a birthday gift.) laurie

  6. Happy Bday to the wee one:) So cute!!

    I hope all the celebrating made the new neighbours feel right at home:)

    Wow Kathleen..that's a lot of food..Good Nana~~

  7. Ahhhh, Nana went all out for Seamus's 4th birthday. How wonderful that your sister was there for his birthday.

    Great menu, Kathleen, and lovely tablescape. I love the mini wagon, the Nantucket baskets, and the candy corn. The dishes are all wonderful and the cake looks delicious.

  8. What a great table, and I love your Gson's picture with his candles. Such a cutie. Your dishes are so pretty. I love checks, so anything with checks is always such an eye catcher for me. YOur centerpiece is just lovely. I can't wait to see some of that wonderful food tomorrow. It all sounds sooooooooooo good. Hugs, Marty

  9. Hi Kathleen... Love your table the dishes are so pretty...

  10. Hi Kathleen! Oh, your table is so sweet! I'm so glad you had the chance to really share it with your family! Your food sounds so good and that cake is making my tiny house water.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. Love your birthday. The apple theme is too, too cute! Great menu! :D Jewel

  12. Apples just say September to me! Wow! What a menu for a 4th Birthday! This all looks and sounds great! Any leftovers? I'll be right over!

  13. What a wonderful theme and your food sounds delish! Happy Birthday Seamus!

    Christi @ A Southern Life

  14. Kathleen, I love those apple dishes. You must have had a cooking marathon, woman! Happy 4th birthday to that cutie, Seamus.

  15. What a bright & happy looking table! Just delightful the way you carried the theme down to the smallest detail.
    Happy Birthday, Seamus!!

  16. How fun to have your loved ones at this table with this theme! Love the table and the food choices. Mike and Ike's of my favorites :0)

  17. I love your apple theme, and your meal sounds delicious (oops, pardon the pun!). Happy Birthday to your DGS!

  18. Wonderful table! Well put together! My sister and I live far apart too and once a year is not enough!!
    Great tablescape!

  19. Cute, cute, cute table. So very cheery!
    Enjoyed seeing your tablescape,

  20. Oh, K.
    This is the most delightful table. I love those apple dishes...we don't have a Christmas Tree Store here. boo hoo...
    Such a beautiful the centerpiece..and the menu...Oh, my goodness. You must have cooked the whole time they were you cooked some beforehand and used your freezer?
    The desserts sound luscious and I know your little fella loved all the treats you had around for him.

    I've been working on a tablescape for Oct. 1st party tonight..using some of the fresh apples I picked on the table...they add so much color and look so fallish. Whew..tired, tho, so am going on to's almost 10 here and I have to watch Two and A Half Men at favorite!! :O)
    xo bj

  21. Cute, cute, cute! That's my kind of party! Hope you'll stop by to see my angels!

  22. I just went over to Barbara Jacksier from your blog and nearly fell out of my chair at her header. Wonder if that is her living room? It is so so pretty..threw me into a covet state..!!
    Oh, and, yes, mailing dishes is just asking for trouble. I'll keep of my granddaughters wants that set and I would like to add to it, for her. :O)

  23. I really like the apple theme! Cute ideas for the birthday party too! The menu is incredible! Yum!


  24. It was such fun to page through your post. I'm drawn by the cheerful table that you set. Those colors would make a sad-sack smile. Then there is your menu which really made me hungry. This was a wonderful party and it's a wonderful post. I hope you are having a great day.

  25. Kathleen, I always enjoy your apple table. Wow, I hope you had help with the cooking... that's a lot of food! It all looks great. Happy 4th to S.

  26. Kathleen, loved seeing your apple dishes and the clever center pieces. Serving buffet style is one of my favorite ways to entertain. We have a small dining room, so 8 is max at our table, and that's a bit cozy. Thanks for sharing. Don't know how you had time to do all that cooking and a post too! ~ Sarah

  27. You did such an impressive work for Seamus! Great job!

  28. Kathleen, Your table is beautiful!!!! I especially like the little baskets with apples. But the menu--how long did you cook?? I would love to have the apple soup recipe--I love trying new soups. I love that name "Seamus" I don't have any ideas on replacing your wheel--but the basinette was under $20. Maybe you could just take one off and let it slant downhill :)

  29. Fantastic table, Kathleen! I am sure your grandson's birthday party was a bit hit! Everything looks lovely, and the menu sounds delicious! The cake looks yummy, too.


  30. Kathleen, thanks for stopping by, so glad you did & I would love for you to join my Fall party. What a beautiful table you have set!

    And I would love to go to NE one of these days. Hope I get there!

  31. Hello Kathleen,

    What an adorable birthday party you put together for Seamus! It was perfect for kids and adults. Lovely settings.

    Thank you for sharing it with us!

    ~ Tracy

  32. Ooh! I want those dishes with the red and white squares on the edges! So cute! I love red and white in the kitchen. Happy Birthday to the little guy!

  33. Happy birthday, Seamus! What a wonderful birthday party! I love the plates......Christine

  34. Hi Kathleen,
    What a charming presentation with so many thoughtful details! Your menu sounds absolutely magnificent! I would love to have been seated at your table, but I fear that I would have needed to be hauled away (in a much larger version of that cute li'l red wagon!)!!!

    Bye for now,

  35. Hi...thanks for stopping by Pandora's Box...I love how you displayed your candy in a wagon..very clever! And did I spy Rose Kennedy's house on the right side of your blog? I used to live around the corner in HyannisPort, my backyard was to the right of this photo, across the little pond! I'll be back to visit...

  36. What a feast! Love the tablescape! Happy Birthday to Seamus! Did you invite Matt Lauer to the party?

  37. Oh my gosh, what a feast! What a wonderful gathering it must have been, Kathleen, and to have all the surviving sister there must have been special indeed.

    I love your fall apple tablescape! Some of my favorite colors ;)

    Happy Birthday, Dear Seamus! Happy Birthday To You!

  38. Well tell him Happy Birthday! How fun!
    The tablescape looks wonderful!!'
    I am THRILLED you are going to join us for Doors of Welcome!
    Welcome! We should have a great time!

  39. It is so much fun when the family can get together! You had quite a menu! Happy B'Day to the Birthday Boy!

  40. Goodness honey child, there must have been one exhausted cook, or more like a team of them. It looked fun and delicious and I bet it's a birthday he will long remember. How special!
    Happy Twirls

  41. All of those apples are so much fun! And now I feel like the one whose playing "Where's Waldo?" I was on that shopping trip when the white candle stick holders were purchased!!! And I think those Nantucket basket look familiar.Not to mention the candy corn candy dish! We do have fun.

    - The Tablescaper

  42. What a pretty table setting with the apple dishes! I like how you incorporated the little red wagon and the candy corn- it is a young one's party, after all! I'm sure Seamus had a blast. Love how his name is spelled, too.~ More traditional. Enjoyed seeing it all.
    :-) Sue

  43. Wowee--you must have worked hard on all of that!! YIKES!! WONDERFUL. Oh and I love the red and white--just love those colors. We bought some fresh new apples from the mountains today and as we were driving on the blue ridge highway you could smell the aroma of the apples. Wonderful smell and I thought of that when I looked at your apples! nannykim from spindle cottage

  44. Hi Kathleen

    I love your table and your menu sounds delicious!

    Happy birthday Seamus!!

    Gabi's b'day party is Sunday. She tells us she is a whole hand now!(5)

    Happy Weekend!

  45. I adore your tablescape. I wanted to get some apple motif china for this autumn, but now I will have to wait! Love the foods you served.

  46. Kathleen, I thought I had commented on here but guess not. Your apple themed bday table is terrific! I think those dishes are perfect for September and for your little grandson - what a cutie! My son (21)loves the name "Seamus" and says if he ever had a son, he would love to call him that - even though we have only a tiny bit of Irish blood in us!


  47. are you still standing??????? You should still be laid on recovering from that menu. Its not a wonder your place is the gathering spot :-) Your table and buffet both look gorgeous. Love the Mike and Ikes :-) I know Seamus will grow up remembering how special you made his birthday.

  48. Wow, Kathleen--what a wonderful celebration! Love the menu--hearty and something for evryone. Your gson's name is super--we have all Gaelic names in this house!

    Some many lovely things going on here--I am always so happy to see your header which you change frequently, you set the most welcoming table! I hope you are enjoying these first warm days of fall!

    Days Missed on a Hammock

  49. You really outdid yourself - from the tablescape to the birthday party!! There wasn't one thing I wouldn't have tried... may not have been able to walk for a week but would have moved everything!
    Looks like your gbaby loved his cake too

  50. Always enjoy your apple tablescape! Love the red tablecloth!


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