Monday, September 28, 2009

Mosaic Monday~Merchandise Monday

Joining Mary for Mosaic Monday..please check out the other mosaics at
Little Red House
..Thanks, Mary..

Fall Shopping..


The pics aren't that clear, but my driver was threatening to leave without me. I had to take them while running after the car....I had just filled up the back of his freshly vacuumed car with many pots of mums :(

The pictures were taken in Jamesport, L.I., NY at Gabrielsens...

And today I launch Merchandise Monday :)...There isn't a meme with that name is there??

I like to do my share in helping the economy, but only if it is a sale...

So..what's in the box???


I haunt the PB/WSonoma OUTLET..Bob, Rose and Susan are my cashiers of choice. They always let me know if I have missed a week..
I try not to...but it does happen...

Back to the box...


Said the sticker...


This was inside..shiny metal...little clips on the back....I imagine they are THING holders...I can think of lot of THINGS for them to hold...above my craft table for all my equip...or...

Could spray them another color, like green, fill with greens, decos, etc and hang on the door...or paint my gkids names on them for a school notice, reminder many possibilities...oh, a Metamorph Monday post in the making! :)

And the price,.. . .. .25 yes, twenty five CENTS. I had to buy some. They were packed so nicely...

And now these boxes..


The price was right...$3.97 for a service for 4...(who would pay those original prices???...I know you wouldn't!)


And inside....I got blue, yellow and green...the blue I got a few weeks ago for a little more)


The mustard napkin rings in front were .99

And I can't wait to do a little tablescape with these. The Tablescaper, Alma, made me buy them. I had no intentions...all her fault...


So that's my little merchandise Monday..let me know if you want to see it again..
I am happy to do my bargain bonanza show and tells...not much of a RL audience..:)

As always, I appreciate your visit...


  1. Stopping by from Mary's Mosaic Monday to say hello. Love all of the fall colors!

    And you know how to get yourself some deals! I need to shop with you. Very impressive...

  2. Oh, K.....I am loving all this. What good prices...wish we had those outlets here.
    Love the fall mosaic, too..I can almost see you running behing the car, with your camera pointed at all these goodies!!

  3. O, and I think Merchandise Monday might be a fun meme...

  4. Wow! Great prices on all of them..Christine

  5. Oh my oh my. I've got to find me a Williams Sonoma outlet!!
    Fun Fall shopping mosaic!!

  6. I am SO jealous of your outlet!! I have to find out if there is one near me. The blue thingie is fantastic. I would have it packed in a minute!

    You know there is a Mosaic Monday, don't you?? I forget who does it but I can let you know. Lot's of bloggers showing off great pics. I love the 'merchandise'!! Laughed really hard about hubby's impatience!!! So like my husband too. But I would freak over the clean and vacuumed trunk!! ;-)

    Have a happy week!!


  7. Ijust know I would have a grand time shopping with you. My what lovely bargains! Cathy

  8. Hi Kathleen...

    Ohhh...pretty mosaic, my friend! Those mums are gorgeous and so perfect for the season!!! a visual of you running behind the car while taking photos...too cute! Love all of your new goodies and ohhh, those beautiful black and white dishes! Can't wait to see a tablescape with them!!!

    Girl, I'm always up for a new meme! I think "Merchandise Monday" sounds like fun!!!

    Warmest wishes,

  9. Kathleen, Too dang funny running and taking pics on the way to the car!! I love all the goodies you found at this outlet. The black and white plates are to die for. Gotta look for one in the area.
    A new meme? sounds good...
    hugs, Sued

  10. Leave it to the bargain queen! Merchandise Mondays, you crack me up. I used to think my sister was the bargain queen, well she is, but you have her beat by a few bucks! LOL

  11. Unbelievable! I need to find an outlet like that!

  12. Great post, Kathleen, ... Love the mosaic and I never tire of seeing and reading about your bargains.

    Your new fall header is fantastic. Love all the details from the acorn dishes and napkin rings to the acorn mints (or is it butter).

  13. Wow! Kathleen, that flatware is sooo great and what a price! Those checked plates are great too. You are going be doing some fabulous tablescapes with your new bargains. Great fall mosaic. Sorry you had to run to get a ride home! laurie

  14. yep, I'd love to see Merchandise Monday again! Another great haul! Love those plates, and I am really looking forward to seeing what you do with those blue thingees :)

  15. Such a deal on the silverware...I never find any real bargains at our PB outlet...I just picked up red handled flatware at Target yesterday for $8.00 and thought I got a bargain!! Yes, Lets see more

    Oh, K. I just can't stand KNOW how I love black and white. Now, if you tell me those are McKenzie...!!!
    AND...well...just tell me about them..where, how much, any more??

  17. Killer Miller the Bargain Queen of all time!!! You slay me woman..I couldn;t find sales like that if I tried. Can't wait to see your tablescape with those checkered plates!! (I'm sure Alma really had to twist your arm)

  18. Great Goodies Kathleen.
    You R the Best Bargain Queen out there!!
    I can just picture you running after your 'Driver'

  19. It's hard to twist her arm when I wasn't even there!!!! But I can't complain too much as Kathleen was really doing me a favor. I had scoured the 3 Home Goods (now that's some driving) and could only find 10, so I sent the shopping queen in search of #11 and #12. Of course she found them! LOL.

    I can't wait to use them. The funny thing is that I'm sure I'll tablescapes will be completely different, even with the same dinner plates.

    I think Merchandise Monday is a must! You know I'd have a hard time participating - ha ha!!!

    I do have to say I NEVER find sales like these when I'm at the WS outlet. They must save them for Kathleen - that's why she knows all of the good cashiers!

    - The Tablescaper

  20. Hi Kathleen! Wow, you got some great bargains here! You're making me jealous! Thanks for popping in to see me today! I'll be waiting for a tablescape! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  21. Cool stuff. I want those stores here please. You guys get all the good stuff.

  22. Oh, Kathleen, you are so funny! I love Merchandise Monday!

  23. Hi Kathleen,
    Having those 2 outlets nearby must be a dream~ You have such wonderful stuff at such great prices~ Can't wait to see the table. Sounds like a great idea for a weekly blog party! Cindy

  24. You are the master at bargain shopping, Kathleen. I love those black and white plates.

  25. Kathleen, You got some great deals! I would love to see Merchandise Monday again. I very seldom find any deals, but it is fun to read about yours. Hugs, Cindy S.

  26. You are my idol! I saw those plates at our Homegoods and I would have bought them had I not already owned the MacKenzie-Childs chargers. Alma was right :)

    I'd have a hard time keeping up with you but Merchandise Monday sounds fun!

  27. Hi Kathleen,
    You are the best shopper and find the most exquisite treasures for practically nothing. A talent I must strive to imitate... tee hee. I do love to shop.

  28. Kathleen where is this PB?WS outlet? Is it in Riverhead, LI? I shop WS online SALE items all the time but I'd love to go to an entire store!

    Your fall header is wonderful and your mosaic is that pumpkin!

  29. You got some wonderful items. I love those plates! Enjoy!

  30. What great finds..I especially love the black and white plates!

  31. I love your merchandise Monday and would love to see it every week! You have always been the bargain queen in my eyes - I don't know how you do it. I love the MC knockoff plates - and can't wait to see what you kind of tablesetting you do with them.

    Oops, almost forgot the mosaic was gorgeous and those peaches...are they as big as they look?

  32. Okay, I love the little's sooo cute. Great finds!

  33. Super fun! I need to hit up my PB outlet. It's about 45 minutes away, but I'm getting the itch for a little road trip!

  34. LOVE the black and white checked cute and fun!


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