Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Ladies Night Challenge!

Good evening, Ladies!  Cathy from Cathy’s Cupboard Calamity suggested this theme for a challenge.  She thought it would be fun to do a whimsical table using girlie things to have a night out party. 

I had some plates I had hoped to use, but due to appointments, I didn’t have time to find them in the basement.  Next time!  Smile



Ladies’ Night Out

Your work day is done

Forget all your troubles

It’s time for some fun!



We’re not doing games

I think we’ll just talk

Now this only rhymes

If you come from New York!



Who’s heard a good joke?

It  has to be funny

Or tell us your bargains

That saved lots of money!


Spending time with your friends

Gabbing for hours and hours

Is as good for your spirits

As some beautiful flowers!

Let's Dish 103

I’ll wine you and dine you

With good foods I’ll regale

But whatever I serve you

You know was on SALE!

table 2483 (2)IMG_6164table 2490




Speaking of sales, 3 things are making their debut tonight.

The red stems are from Pier One,


Originally 7.00 I waited till they were marked down to 1.98 I got 12…good for Christmas, Valentine’s and Patriotic

IMG_0124  IMG_0125

The Tablecloth is a fabric shower curtain, $2.50 from Christmas Tree Shop


The green flatware by Cambridge was in the clearance at Cmas Tree Shops.  Only one box, and with my coupon I got it for $4.00

At each place is a little flower pot post it pad, a take home.  Since there were Hyacinths on it, it had to be for Sarah!

Green pitcher…gift from Alma

Green stems…Christmas Tree Shop ...White butter domes CTS

Orange plates…Dollar Tree   Red salad  WSonoma OUTLET

Green lily of the valley napkins, WSonoma OUTLET

Lace chargers, Ikea

Green soup bowls a gift from Karen, a friend from where I first started tablescaping on the Garden Web many years ago. Smile

Centerpiece is an enamel pail filled with fresh lime green flowers.  I stuck in a few faux red and orange poppies.  HINT…take the faux flower off and use the stem of a real flower to place it in the arrangement.

Thanks so much for stopping by to look even if you couldn’t take the challenge tonight.  I have a few more ideas for May, June, July and August.  Let me know if you are interested.  I’ve noticed tablescaping seems to have waned, blogs that used to get over 100 entries rarely get half that.  It is a lot of work, I know!  Some like it, some don’t!

Same rules apply.  Stick to the theme, new post, link back to this party and blog name first.  If you have word id, please disable it,  people don’t like to bother with it to leave a comment.  Please visit at least 5, if we have that many, lol, entries.

Happy May!

Challenge Link Up



  1. Hi, Kathleen! Love the challenge and your poetry!!! (You really scored with that red stemware-----gorgeous!) I hope you continue to inspire us and that the hobby of tablescaping doesn't become extinct. I haven't been doing it very long (it will only be 2 years in September), but it is a wonderful creative outlet and I've so enjoyed the people I've met through the link-up parties and website excursions. I know some of you original bloggers are getting weary (Lord knows you have shouldered many hours of exhausting, steady blogging) but what can we "newbies" do to encourage the hobby to keep going? Please know your guidance and the examples all of you have set for excellence are all very appreciated. I'd just hate to see it all go away. Take care,
    Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

  2. Hi Kathleen, thanks for hosting a fun party. I just happened to have a girlie luncheon for my Mom.
    Great find on those red stemware. I love finding bargains and your table is so lovely. You certainly have a knack for setting a beautiful table. Blessings, Linda

  3. Holy wow Kathleen, I can't believe your cloth is actually a shower curtain! And the red stemware is gorgeous, how did you ever score 12! I laughed out loud reading your poem when I got to the stanza about you know it was on sale!! You are the Bargain Shopping Queen!! I didn't think I was going to have time for this table and then I remembered an old box of Casino party stuff in the garage and it practically set itself! Lots of fun, your challenges are the best! I love your girly table top full of flowers and feminine touches, thanks so much for throwing the party!

  4. I love your colorful table, Kathleen! It sure would be fun to sit at your table and eat and chat and sip ....repeat! :) So sorry not to participate in the challenge.
    Hope all is well.

  5. Such a great girlie table! Just love your poem, and rhyming talk and New York, lol. I'm not from NY, but CT, and love a good cup of "cawfee". I need to go shopping with you, love your $4 flatware and shower curtain tablecloth.

    I had no brainstorm idea, so tried to put together a fun table. Thanks for hosting Kathleen. Off to visit.

  6. Love your vibrant table! Great deal on the red always find such great sales.
    I really like your header, so much beautiful green!
    We didn't get done painting until about more wall and then on to the front entry and kitchen. I will be so glad when this chore is done!

  7. How beautiful, Kathleen, so colorful!! And those desserts....Yum! They are so pretty, I would hate to slice them....Christine

  8. Hi Kathleen, We have been away so I didn't get a table together. It seems I haven't done a real Girls' Night Out in a very long time, and even 20 years ago it was usually to book group! I think all comments are down, not just on tablescaping posts. Pinning takes a lot of time :) ! Please keep the parties going. I'm looking forward to hearing the themes for the next few months. Linda

  9. Your table is both beautiful and welcoming. Love your colors together. Thank you for hosting this challenge.

  10. Kathleen I went on your site this morning and you hadn't posted the link up the colors on your table that would be a wild bathroom decor had you used the shower curtain in the bath much better on the table.If I send you money next time you are at CTS could you send me a set of the green flatware I have been looking everywhere for green with no luck at all.thanks for another great challenge.susie

  11. Your table looks so colorful and cheerful, Kathleen. As always, I enjoyed your poem, especially the New York accent! I didn't get a table done...sorry! You girls have fun, while I'm ready for bed.

  12. What a pretty table, Kathleen! I love your poem as well, especially where you allude to your accent. It reminded me of my MIL who had an adorable east coast accent my hubby was deaf to. The first time I met her, I commented how I liked her accent, and he remarked, "What accent?" Lol. I loved to hear her call my little one sweet-hawght, and to hear her say let's get in the caw. She'll be missed this coming holiday. Thank you for sharing!

  13. Beautiful table Kathleen with such colors it all looks like a garden, with that lovely floral table topper I just love it!
    Been a Newyorker myself, I guess I can just hear you! Love your poem too and all your dishes.
    Those desserts are so cute and yummy looking!
    Thanks so much for the challenge.

  14. It was fun seeing what others came up with! Love the bright colors you used and the shower curtain is beautiful! I'm very interested in doing monthly tablescapes with your challenges! I'm so happy to see you have something in mind for the next four months! Please reveal the themes to us so we can be making plans for each. I haven't been buying anything new for 'scapes, but might if I know you have a certain theme coming up! I really enjoy participating and hated to miss tonight. Thanks for all the trouble you go to hosting, it is appreciated, and you were so missed during the winter, your sickness, etc.


  15. Great rhyme as per usual Kathleen! Everything is lovely from your pretty table décor to the subtle tribute to your pre-blog days with the fab green bowls from Karen. We have been at it a long time, haven't we? I've noticed the same about tablescape blogs/posts but it's what I love so I'm carrying on! Always love seeing what you are up to and hope to join in with a few of your upcoming themed parties!

  16. What a festive and pretty table Kathleen and I love your rhyme too! I was out of town for a birthday celebration and not able to join the fun this time but would love your table challenges to continue :)

  17. Thank you so much for hosting this challenge! I have really enjoyed seeing all the posts and creativity. Please keep up the tablescaping, I live vicariously through them!

  18. Love all of your bright colors! Wonderful tablecloth...

  19. Thank you Kathleen for hosting this party. You created a wonderful table to sit down and enjoy the companion ship of your gal pals at, I love all of the pink and green that you used throughout the table. It ended up being difficult for me to figure out what Girls Night Out means to me at my age. So I did a post from the heart. I think I needed that. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to express this subject in this format.

  20. Love your colorful table...and the poem is adorable.
    Yep..tablescapes do indeed seem to be scarce you said, it takes so much time. I very seldom do a tablescape anymore..and if I do, it's always a very casual cute paper plates and etc.
    I am interested in those parties you mentioned...let us know when you will be doing some of them...I'll try hard to be a part of them. :)

  21. Always love seeing your beautiful tables and hope it continues :-) I commend the ladies that joined you got the challenge and they all did a great job. Hope you are enjoying the nice weather (finally) but don't work too hard getting that wicker ready :-)

  22. Are you still working on wicker...? I have 2 pieces I want to spray paint but I didn't want to do it until rain came and is in the forecast for

  23. Now that is a fun table…we could sit around all evening and talk about all the wonderful bargains you found.

  24. I've been having trouble with me comments going through. A festive table for girl's night out. We could all sit around and congratulate you on your bargains.

  25. I wanted to stop by and thank you again for your wonderful challenges, Kathleen....they are great fun! I have nominated you for the Leibster Award! If you have a minute, check out my blog post for the information on what to do:

  26. I've been on a blogging break lately and missed the party. It's been fun to look through all the entries, though. Your table was perfect for spring! Loved that tablecloth...never know where you'll find inspiration. Hope you continue with these challenges. We really enjoy them! Thanks for hosting and I hope you're having a beautiful spring!!

  27. I've had trouble with my comments not going through so I thought I'd try again. Girls night sitting around your colorful table would be loads of fun. We could all talk about your shopping skills.

  28. You wouldn't know it from first looking at your table how many bargains you got on it! Good job! I particularly liked the green flatware. What a great color!, and you'll be able to use it for many different occasions. I don't usually have time to post a table, but I still enjoy stopping by to see what tablescapers are up to, and I'm looking forward to seeing ideas are cooking in that creative head of yours.

  29. Lovely table....great deal on the red stems!!!! They had ONE at our store when they finally went on sale.(I was watching them too :^)
    I smiled at the reference to Karen...she is such a great lady!
    Keep on keeping on...hope the weather is treating you right up there! It is HOT in Texas! and MUGGY.....
    Blessings to you,

  30. Hi Kathleen, We haven't heard from you for a long time and I've been worried. I hope you are ok! Linda


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