Sunday, April 26, 2015

Girls Night Out Challenge Wed.~ Ugly chair update and a Great buy!

I know that’s a lot!  I don’t blog daily or weekly, so indulge me! 

If I start doing daily posts about nothing, you can scroll on by, LOL!

Remember this?


I got it on Craig’s List for $35.  There was a lot of damage to the top left.  I scrubbed it, and used a wire brush to get rid of the chipped paint.  Repaired the top the best I could.


Reunited with the one I have had since 1990! Still too soon for porch cleaning and setting up, the pollen invasion doesn’t finish till end of May.  I will cover these till then.  I still have about 15 more pieces to scrape and paint.

My bargain…

You may remember, (probably not Smile) I have done 3 outdoor  community parties in the last few years.

Augyst and dinner dance 155

Augyst and dinner dance 174

I made the cloths with fabric I got at Duralee.018

I made these for another event for our beach colony.  Again, fabric from Duralee.



The last was a Labor Day Party. I made the tablecloths from fabric I got in Walmart a few years ago for 1.00 a yard. 

Let's Dish 1321

Let's Dish 1320

This year our beach colony will celebrate its 100th Anniversary, and we will have a party on the 4th of July.

I found these navy and white striped 100% cotton cloths on line. I love them! They look lighter here, but they are a dark navy.


Mitered corners and pretty nice for $6.60.  They are 60x102.  I will use them for this year’s party. Sadly, when a friend asked me to send her the link, they had gone up to 21.99!   Thinking about centerpieces, low cost of course!

Don’t forget Wed. is the Girl’s Night Out challenge.  I think it is going to be small party!  Are you ready for the challenge?  I m still thinking about what to do!  If you are up to it, please join in with a NEW post.

Thanks for stopping by!  Hope to see you Wed. for the challenge.

I am joining Susan for Met Monday.


  1. Hmmm, I have no idea how to make my table say Girls Night Out, but I'm going to start thinking about it and give it a go! :)

    You did a fab job on the wicker chair! Love your summer party tables. Do all the white chairs belong to you? Beautiful!

    1. We rented the folding chairs. Thanks, Pam, try to think of something, bunco, canasta, poker :)

  2. The chairs look great. Do you paint them each spring? Great deal on the tablecloths! I would love to go shopping with you...
    I may be passing on Girls Night in the process of painting the dining room...will depend on how far along I am. I will catch the next one, for sure!

  3. I will try to join the Girls Night Out party but with a new baby not much time home these days.

  4. Your Labor Day décor looks great! So festive, and look at all that fabulous land!

  5. Such delightful pictures...warms the heart! Literally!!! Have a grand day!

  6. Your chair looks great! Love the peek at past events--the tablecloths are awesome. I wish I could participate in GNO, but I, too, am blogging less, as Zap has been very ill and still isn't out of the woods. Have a great week!

  7. Hello Kathleen! Always good to see you post. The chair looks great- and how lucky to find the mate to your other chair. I enjoyed seeing the past community party tables. I don't believe I'll be able to do this tablescape party this time- brain is on E lately and I haven't come up with an idea for it. I hope it goes well though and I'll try to stop by for it!

  8. Chairs look great we still have our real wicker chairs from 17 years ago every year we clean them and paint them and put them out again LOL. I may not join the challenge but I will definitely stop by to visit!

  9. You always find the best bargains Kathleen! Love the navy and white stripes, endless possibilities with those~can't wait to see what you come up with for the centerpieces! I'm ready for Girl's Night Out, see you then!

  10. No one does wicker like you!! The community party tables are so nice! Looking forward to your table for the challenge.

  11. Hi Kathleen! Fifteen more pieces to scrape and paint???? I feel for you! Watch out for the pollen leaving little permanent yellow dots in the new paint. I'll be visiting your Let's Dish partiers. Linda

  12. Oh my goodness! I love it all! WOW...Community parties! That's a lot of work my friend but I am sure a fulfilling and great time for all. Love your chair re-do! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  13. Your new-er chair looks just as good as the older one and how nice to have a set of them. Loved seeing the pics of past parties you've done! You must have a lot of ambition to come up with new tablecloths for each event - I'd be reusing with maybe just new centerpieces. Your newest blue/white striped cloths are going to be spectacular.

  14. Kathleen I am trying to post on girls night out there is no linkup how are we to sign up for this

  15. Your chair turned out beautifully, Kathleen! Looks like the perfect spot to relax on a warm day. I see everything is greening up nicely there, finally. I know many parts of the north east are getting a later start to spring this year. What a beautiful collection of table cloths and i love the navy and white stripe too. You're well prepared to continue the community parties for a long time to come!

  16. It was so great that you found the mate to that chair...Looks beautiful...I so love your patio and look forward to the post pollen season...I remember the community event that you do every year...the tables were always magnificent and I am looking forward to seeing what you do this year. I love that striped fabric..such a great deal!


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