Thursday, September 11, 2014

Remembering…13 years later

Hello, dear ladies, hope you are well!  I have been very quiet, but I did want to post today.   I hope you are all flying your flag in honor of those murdered of this day in 2001.

May God rest their souls and comfort their loved ones.  It is heartbreaking to listen to the names called every year here in NYC.  Some of the children remarking on the mothers and fathers they didn’t get to know. 

This was sent to me today from Ireland.

Ireland 9 11

May God bless America and keep her safe from those who wish to harm us.


  1. Amen, Kathleen. It must be haunting throughout NYC. All flags I have seen today locally are half-mast in honor.

  2. Yes, Kathleen, I think some of those who do not live here tend to push this further and further away.....and it is a shame, as we are still so vulnerable. All of us.

  3. Yes, may God bless America and all those people that lost their loves! Hugs from Italy

  4. Thirteen years. Sometimes it seems just like a few months ago. Sometimes it feels like forever ago. No matter what, it always stings. With everything going on in this present day, I wonder if our country's leaders really learned anything from that horrible day. I sure as heck hope so. There needs to be a whole lot more changes made...don't get me started!!!

  5. Amen, my friend. My husband lost a friend and colleague that day. We remember it well.

  6. A touching post. Thank you for sharing this. Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

  7. Beautiful tribute, Kathleen. I remember being in my classroom teaching second grade reading. I looked at my group and thought how innocent they were. It made me tear up fearing for the future they might have to experience.

  8. Amen, Kathleen. What a beautiful tribute to those whom we lost and to all those who were left grieving.

  9. The anniversary of that tragic day is remembered every year here in Canada too. I believe we all think back to what we were doing at the time we heard the news and recall the overwhelming emotions and feelings we experienced as we watched the scene play out over and over again on our TVs. Thank you for your blog post in remembrance of those lives lost.


  10. Without question, September 11 is something we'll never forget, both in terms of its tragedy and the way it has impacted our lives.


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