Friday, September 19, 2014

Getting Apple y ~ Quick Recipe


I posted these on FB and promised the recipe.

Here’s the original, from a popular series of cookbooks .  But do read my notes before you make them.



Cake mixes are no longer 18 .5 oz.  So check the box and add some flour .

I added cinnamon and vanilla.

I found them very sweet, so you might want to cut back on the caramel. Dh and my friend didn’t think they were overly sweet, but I did.

I added 2 chopped apples.  I did add the walnuts.

I think I might try it again with butter instead of the oil, or at least half butter.

Definitely a snap to make, I know a lot of you ladies don’t like long complicated recipes.  This is for you!


I came down with a douzy of a case of Bronchitis Labor Day weekend, so I haven’t been around much.

I have the next few months TABLE challenges planned out, so I will post them tomorrow.

I am trying a new apple recipe tomorrow, and if it doesn’t flop, I’ll post it.  Something a little different, so I am anxious to try it.  So is dh, as I told him not to buy buns in Costco as I was going to make something!

Let's Dish 1061

Enjoy these last days of summer!  The weather here has been perfect for the beach.  I have to tuck these memories away for a few months from now when the dreaded W  word returns! :0

I am joining Gollum for Foodie Friday.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I'm sorry to hear that you've been under the weather--but delighted to see this lip smacking recipe. Your additions created a whole new bar--and upped the bar for the edible bar world! You pointed out an excellent point about the weight of modern cake mixes, one I will pay attention to in the future. I agree with you about 60 y/o knees, pantries,, and pantry sizes--and the quest to find room for another dish or two. So glad you stopped by FF. I have been thinking about you.xxoo

  2. Ma likes to make these little add-in cakes. Glad to hear you're feeling better:@)

  3. According to your yummy pics they seem to hold their shape and cut nicely - a real plus to be sure.

    I love your notes and hope to try them for my next tea time. Thank you! Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. The dreaded W! Yes enjoy these last days of summer and I hope your Autumn is mild and beautiful. Those bars look delicious. I hope your new apple recipe turns out!
    Sorry about that bronchitis...

  5. I know a certain person in this house that would probably scarf those apple bars up if his wife would make them!
    Cute blue placesetting for one!

  6. Hello Kathleen, sorry you have not been feeling well. Bronchitis can be hard on a person. Feel better soon! Your apple bars look wonderful and easy using a cake mix. Short cuts are great~ Have a fantastic weekend. xo

  7. Kathleen,
    Hope this post and comments from followers finds you feeling better, dear friend!!!
    Your Apple~y Quick Recipe sounds delicious!!!
    This past week, I tried a new Apple Cake recipe from a dear friend.
    At first, I wasn't sure.
    After setting over night, I felt the flavor was must better in the morning.
    Thank you for sharing your additions and substitutions to the original.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  8. I bet that is very good with the added apples! I love apple cake! Can't wait to see what the new challenges are!

    I hope you are feeling better, you are missed when you aren't posting!


  9. What a bummer to be down with bronchitis so long!! You're the 3rd person I know that has been flattened by that bug. I hope you'll soon be feeling back to your ole' busy, active self.

    Yummy looking treats & I know my quilting group would scarf them down, toot-sweet...thanks for sharing the recipe & your additions, too.

  10. Thanks for the changes. I love these sort of cookbooks but some can be behind the times. Otherwise, it all sounds good!


  11. Thank you for sharing the recipe. I think if I weren't making a birthday cake for today that I would go ahead and try this recipe today. I am looking forward to a new challenge. It is always fun to dig around the stash to see what I have to come up with a cute table for your challenges. Have a wonderful week..... Candy

  12. I love how you used the plaid plates (that I usually use for Christmas) with apples! We're heading out for a ride today with mom, and will be picking up some apples from an elderly woman that has a small orchard and Cinderella pumpkins. I think I'm up for the October challenge. I have a purple tablecloth, but that's about it ;o) It will definitely be challenge for me.

  13. I love anything APPLE...and your bars look amazing, which I know they are 'cause you are one great cook.
    I also love your presentation of the blue...and also love your header...:) (you knew I would:)
    Looking forward to seeing your list of tables...a great idea to post them all so we know what to do.

  14. Hey Kathleen,
    I hope I can get some tables ready for your challenges... Your bars look so good..
    Love, Mona

  15. As usual, your food looks delicious, and the way you present it is just more eye candy.

    I looked at the sideboard and saw the ideas. (Actually, my mom had already read them and announced it at lunch.) I was thinking that I couldn't possibly find fall purple table fodder, but then we went into my mom's stash and we're already on a roll. This should be interesting.

  16. Hi Kathleen, I love the table in your header! All red and green but not a bit like Christmas. I'm looking forward to the purple Fall challenge but I don't know about the bundt cake! That means I'll need to practice my baking so I'd better get on it! And I'm going to search for a table to copy right away. Great ideas for the challenges! We are going apple picking next weekend so keep your fingers crossed that this glorious weather continues. Linda

  17. I'm sorry to hear you've been sick! Bronchitis is nothing to play with. It's horrible. You just feel awful! I hope you are feeling much, much better now. I've been on the on the injured reserve list, too. My back started dealing me major fits after I stupidly decided to jump over my Mom's landscaping rather than walk my lazy butt around. Those herniated discs did NOT like that little move at all!!! I've been in my back brace since last Sunday!!! Just got out of it today. My back still hurts, but at least I'm out of that torture chamber!!! That did NOT make the hot flashes any more tolerable!!! :-(

    I'm looking forward to the next challenge. I hope I can participate this time. Have a great week!!!

  18. This looks very yummy and moist, Kathleen. Thanks for the recipe and the tips. Thanks for your comment especially about Rea. We are just so happy about her progress. She is doing so well and so brave....Christine

  19. I hope your are feeling well once again. Thanks for a wonderful recipe - I love all things apple, especially in the fall.
    All the best,

  20. That looks yummy Kathleen. I noticed just last week when I was baking that they cut the box cake mix ounces so we have to adjust our special recipes. Wish they had charged a few more cents instead. Will definitely try this recipe, thanks.

    I have the perfect purple, can't wait for the October challenge. :) Pam

  21. These definitely sound like my kind of thing since I don't like gooey sweets.

  22. Oh my...hope you are feeling better!!!...Love the apple dessert...and love that it is easy peasy!!! kind of recipes!...Happy Fall !!

  23. I hope the bronchitis is better, Kathleen. I just came back from visiting my mom, in Ohio, who has COPD, which is not fun. Your apple bars sound wonderful and wouldn't be too sweet for me.
    Take care, my friend!

  24. They sound wonderful to me! Give me overly sweet - I can take the challenge!

  25. Kathleen, this recipe is right up my alley! I'm going to make it this weekend, and I think I'll take your advice on both, cutting down on the caramel and using butter. Wish me luck!

  26. Oh these look good Kathleen! I love cake mix based recipes for easy baked goods, and thanks for pointing out that these sneaky manufacturers are changing the net weight of everything these days! Makes me crazy!

  27. Sorry you have been down. I had a similar battle in the seems to take me longer to kick things....hmmm....can't imagine why. The sizes of everything are changing!!! Who doesn't like...caramel?

  28. These are right my kind of recipe. Easy, few ingredients and delicious. Thanks.


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