Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Wreath and the Topper that Travels through Blogland


Last year I bought a roll of the mesh ribbon that you have been seeing for a few years.


I had a willow wreath that I had used for this wreath I used for gson’s first birthday.

Eamon's 1st 6 22 13 028

I added a few things, and here it is.




I am thinking after grand and glorious St. Patrick’s Day, I will transform it for Easter.

I will move my Irish Bonnet to the side door.



Hope you will join in Wed. Mar. 12 for the 6th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Blog Crawl.  The parade will start at 7 PM, NY time.  Link up with something Irish to celebrate the day.  It doesn’t have to be a table, it just has to be Irish themed. 

Traveling Toppers

A few years ago, Marigene at In the Middle of Nowhere sent me a lovely vintage Irish topper.


The instructions were to use it, and then send it to another “lucky “ person.  I sent it to Rett at Gazebo House and she has passed it on.  We are all waiting to see where it landed!   ????

To continue the tradition, I am passing on the topper I used in last week’s table to Alma.


I am passing it on with the same stipulation, use it, show us, and pass it to some other blogger.

As this one isn’t seasonal, it can travel frequently!  Let Alma know if you want to be visited by the topper!

It reminds me of when I was in grade school.  Sister had a large statue of Mary and giant Rosary Beads fit inside.  During the month of May, each student got a turn taking it home to say the Rosary with the family that night.  We were so excited to get our turn!  Times have  changed, lol.

March 2012 035

Hope to see you Wed at 7 PM.  Get your GREEN on!

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of your weekend!  I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday, Susan for Met Monday, Kathe for You’re Going to Love it Tues., Marty for Inspire Me Tues.



  1. Oh- That topper thing sounds like a fun idea. How funny about your church school doing that with the Virgin Mary and rosary. How special that made you all feel.

    Your wreath looks great, Kathleen. I cannot believe that I have never worked with that mesh. I really should try it before it goes out of style lol xo Diana

  2. Your wreath turned out great K! Love the heart:@)

  3. Hi Kathleen
    I would love to send you some of my Easter Bunny Napkins Ring
    Can you send me your address so I cam email them
    It will be my pleasure

  4. Love the idea of a traveling topper. I've often thought about doing that with a set of dishes, except the postage is too much to do that. ;-)
    See you for the crawl…….S

  5. That'll be fun having a traveling topper that isn't for a specific type of table! I am anxious to see how it will be used.

  6. Your mesh wreath looks really pretty. I've seen the mesh at HL, but never tried using it. I might just have to borrow your idea. I can use something that's weatherproof.

  7. Your wreath is wonderful Kathleen and it is sooo "you"!! I have never attempted to make anything with that mesh, but I have seen so many pretty things done with it. See you on Wednesday!!

  8. The passing of the topper is such a fun tradition to start and continue! Your wreath looks great, I love that mesh stuff! See you on Wed

  9. Kathleen,
    I love your green ribbon wreath!!!
    Luck 'o the Irish melts my heart as it takes up half of my heritage!!!
    Marigene is such a sweet blog friend!!!
    I think the "traveling topper' is an adorable idea!
    Hope to be able to join you on March 12th!!!

  10. Passing of the that's a fun idea as is your mesh wreath. I can always depend on you for something that shows your playful side.

  11. I so agree with everyone. The passing of the topper from one person to another is a wonderful thing to make into a tradition. Kind of like the sisterhood of the traveling topper. It will be interesting to see who will be next. I am not going into work tomorrow (my boss knows) so I can get my tablescape ready to participate in The 6th Annual St. Patrick's Day Crawl. My husband is Irish and he just loves the idea of a special St Patrick's Day table.

  12. Your tablescapes and wreaths are so pretty! I love the idea of a traveling fun! You are such great hostess...thanks for hosting the St. Patrick's Day Crawl...I know everyone loves to participate and there are so many great blogs and ideas to share. See you Weds!
    Miss Bloomers

  13. Perfect for the celebration of St. Patrick's Day! Thanks for bringing your creativity to Seasonal Sundays.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  14. Thanks for hosting this fun party every year....see ya later.
    xo bj

  15. Your green ribbon wreath looks beautiful on your door, Kathleen. I will do my best to join you tomorrow if I can get my act together.

  16. Love your wreath Kathleen and really would love one of those cookies right about now! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  17. Thanks for having the party! I couldn't find my stuff (as usual), but I did use lots of green. Hope you have a fun holiday with your family.


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