Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dutch Treat~ Wooden Shoes~Riced Cauliflower

Good Evening, Ladies, hope March is bringing you fair weather!

It is cold here, but at least it isn’t snowing!  I don’t think Spring will be arriving early, still lots of snow and ice around and not enough of a warm up to melt it.

With color lacking outside, I thought I would add some to my table.


I have had this topper for awhile and never used it.  It reminded me of Pennsylvania Dutch designs.

These wooden shoes were brought back by my uncle in the 1950’s.  He was in the Merchant Marine and traveled the world.  He brought back many interesting things and told great stories!

We have wonderful pictures of him in Cuba, when it was a great hotspot.  Very sad what happened to that country.



These were definitely NOT “made in China” , they are hand carved and painted.


I used a rattan charger from Pfaltzgraff, and a napkin ring from  , to pick up the color of the wood in the shoes.


Red dinner plate was in clearance in CTS…


I liked the swirls!

Yellow square salad plate from Pfaltzgraff, a dollar!



Blue speckled soup crocks were a Cmas gift from Alma, The Tablescaper.


They are by Von Pok and Chang. I heated them in the oven and poured the Leek and Potato Soup into them, and it stayed warm till the last delicious drop!


Butter pans from CTS, .69, bird s and p, Pier One.  Blue Stemware are by Dansk.


Flatware is Fiesta.



How do you feel about cauliflower?  It is very “IN” you know, lol.

I am not a big fan of veggies, but I do like cauli.  I tried making it like rice.


You put it in the food processor, then  pan roast it.  There are plenty of recipes, google till you find one you like.  Here’s one, but there are a lot of them!  I like mine browned, so I put it in the oven.  I added some butter, or evoo,  and minced onions.  A little grate of parm can’t hurt either!  Ok, so it isn’t rice, but it will do if you are trying to get more veggies in your diet.



I had mine with sweet and sour chicken with carrots and snow peas.


Please remember the 6th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Blog Crawl is next Wed.  Please join in and link up something Irish/Green to add to the celebration. Everyone is welcome!!

Picture 1996

Stop in for some Irish fun, and see who is the holder of this Irish topper making its way through blogland.

It started with Marigene, In the Middle of Nowhere.

She graciously sent it to me with instructions to pass it on.

I sent it to Retta at Gazebo House.  She fashioned a tag for it so the names could travel with it.

I wonder who has it now?

Thanks for stopping by!  I am down with Shingles, but know I will be feeling fine for the St. Patrick’s Party on the 12th.

Joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday

Gollum for Foodie Friday

Diann and Linda for Thrifty Things Friday


  1. Your gorgeous post makes me want to party and also makes me hungry:) What a stunning tablescape! Love love love the vibrant table festive! Loving the pops of yellow and the amazing prices of the Pfaltzgraff china:) The adorable Dutch shoe makes the perfect centerpiece for this tablescape. Beautiful job, as always Kathleen and I hope you feel better soon:) Have a lovely evening! Hugs, Poppy

  2. I agree your topper does look PA Dutch K, a fun design! As for the weather, personally I'm tired of winter white and looking forward to a little spring green... Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, take care:@)

  3. Such a fun table and I love the wooden shoes! You do find the best plates at the best prices! I know you shop CTS, but where do you find the Pfaltzgraff plates..on line or in a store? I am planning on more solids in my plate stash and I love the square yellow plates. Sorry you have the shingles, painful for sure. Take care and I'll be back for the St Pat's Crawl. Thanks for joining Diann and I at TTF on Friday!
    hugs, Linda

    1. I got them on line, Linda. Sign up for their emails and watch for their tent or dollar day sales. I haven't seen really good prices like when I got these in a while. Got the red squares in dinner and salads too, at different times. But do sign up, they have some good deals once in a while!

  4. I love the hand painted dutch shoes. My husband toured Holland in the 60's and had shoes made but his are plain. I love the ones you have.Your tablescape is colorful and inviting.

    The shamrock table topper being passed around is a neat idea. I hope I come up with something before next week.

  5. Kathleen:

    This is the perfect burst of color in the midst of all of this coldness! I think I might have been with you when you bought that cloth,. The shoes are adorable. I have a pair that were my grandparents'. Perhaps I'll have to dig them out for a table.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  6. Shingles...oh no! I hope you have a mild case and will be over them soon. About cauliflower, I do like it and just had it puréed this week. It is fun to try creative ways with it.

  7. Beautiful! Love the colorful, cheery table. Best wishes for a quick recovery for you.

  8. Oh no... so sorry to hear you have Shingles Kathleen! Hope you're feeling up to dancing a jig in those cute striped socks for your St. Paddy's Day blog crawl :)

  9. I love these bright primary colors! What a pretty tabletopper for your inspiration! I'm sorry about the shingles. I had a mild case a year or so ago and have since gotten the vaccine. Your cauliflower looks delish -- my husband makes a great mock mac and cheese using cauliflower, and we love it.

  10. What a fun tablescape! Love the colors! We have a city here in Michigan called Holland that celebrates the dutch in a big way! Tulips are bloomingin Holland...Michigan... so the song goes! I hope I can get down there this year (I say that every year) to see the tulips! As you can see this tablescape has made me thik about tulips!! I hope the shingles will go away politely!

  11. LOVE your table! Your table topper is vibrant and you coordinated everything so well. I am always impressed with your style and creativity. Looking forward to your "St. Patrick's Crawl" next week! Rosie @ The Magic Hutch P.S. feel better soon!

  12. Kathleen, first let me say how sorry I am that you have the shingles. Mr. Magpie had them in his EYE and on his face. So I know how they hurt. I hope and pray you are much better soon.

    Secondly I love the colorful table and the cute Dutch shoes. It looks like a fun party table, and I love a good party. Hope to join you for St. Patrick's Day. I am trying to come up with a tablescape idea for a more serious table to honor the Saint.

    Feel better soon!



  13. Hi Kathleen,

    That looks like a tasty way to prepare cauliflower. I'm thinking that might be the only way my hubby would eat it. :) He's not a real picky eater, but he doesn't care for cauliflower or Brussels sprouts (I like both).

    Your spring table is so pretty and cheerful! I bet it's just about time for all those tulips to bloom in Holland, don't you? Those are the prettiest wooden shoes I've ever seen -- I love them!! I have some napkin rings just like yours, also got them at World Market. Your soup bowls from Alma are so cute. :)

    Thanks for sharing Kathleen; I can't wait for the blog crawl next week! See you there.


    Denise at Forest Manor

  14. I love, love, love your tablecloth & plates! Your table says fun, happy & Spring to me. Hope you feel better. Shingles are terrible. I will pray for you.
    Blessings My Friend,

  15. First, so sorry about the shingles -- I know that cannot be fun. I got the vaccine, but had a reaction to it because they did not ask me if I ever had chickenpox! (I didn't) The cauliflower looks wonderful, and we also like it roasted. Giada's recipe is the way I do it. I didn't really write it down, but the basic idea is the same as yours, just not chopped up fine. You break it up into florets. I have even sprinkled it with a bit of Panko to add a little extra crunch.

    I hope to join the party next week.

  16. A fun table Kathleen! I love the topper and the shoes! I have my St. Pat's table set, just need to do up the post :-) I hope you get to feeling better soon friend!

  17. Love the colors on the table, and that sweet cloth.
    Hope you are feeling better! And hope you have a happy birthday tomorrow. 🎉🎈🎉😉. xo

  18. What a bright table to take away the winter doldrums, Kathleen. I love those wooden shoes! I sure hope you're feeling better. I hear the shingles can be so painful. I'm looking forward to your St. Paddy's Day blog crawl next week. Your birthday is tomorrow?? Well, Happy Birthday hugs sent to you.

  19. I love you and I respect your cooking prowess, Kathleen, but there is nothing...let me repeat, NOTHING, anyone on the face of this earth could do to cauliflower to make me like it!!! I have been tricked into tasting it more times than I like to think about. My own mother even defiled my tastebuds by claiming the creamy mixture in the pretty bowl on the buffet was mashed potatoes. O...M...G!!! NOT!!! Thank you for giving me a heads up that there is another way cauliflower can be disguised for the unsuspecting diner! :-) :-) :-)

    On the flip side, however, there is nothing you could do to keep me away from this bright and cheerful table!!! (Unless all you were serving was cauliflower!) To see that remnant of Cuba back in the day is really something else. Linda Lewis at Lulu's Musings is there now and has been posting scenes from that country. So interesting! And sad.

    MAD at you for those $1 Pfaltzgraff salad plates!!!! :-)

    I really, really help you feel 1000% better by the weekend. I hate the idea of you being in pain. Take care, little chick!

  20. hi Kathleen, I am so sorry you have been battling shingles, poor thing! Your table is so bright and cheery, haven't seen wooden shoes like that since I was a child~so special! Looking so forward to the crawl, love the mystery passing of the Irish topper!

  21. Oh Kathleen, I'm so sorry that you have shingles. I just posted about being thankful my pop's rash wasn't shingles. Praying you are free from it soon. I love how you went with your dutch cloth and created a wonderful table with that inspiration. Fun and colorful!

  22. As always such a lovely tablescape, the colors brighten my day so much, I have always loved navy and yellow together, the red is such a special touch.I once had a pair of hand crafted Dutch wooden shoes, I would love to know where they are, probably packed in a box in one of our barns. ~smile I do like cauliflower and when cooked and placed in food processor with milk and butter added it taste almost like mashed potatoes! I am so sorry you have shingles, I have had them twice so I empathize with you, I will be praying for you dear kathleen.
    Blessings, Sue

  23. I am so far behind on visiting blogs...your red/blue/yellow table is so cheery, Kathleen! Perfect dishes, too.
    Your sweet/sour recipe is great with pork, too! I haven't made it for awhile, so guess it will be on the menu one day this coming week.
    Have a wonderful week.


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