Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Challenge~William Sonoma Style~Let’s Dish # 90

HO HO HO Ladies!    Tonight is the challenge!
Please link only if you took the challenge.
Show us the picture of the TABLE you are copying first, then your version.
If you didn’t do a challenge table, save it for next week, thanks!
There is also a gift card give away tonight , celebrating my 5 years of blogging.  You must be a follower to be entered, leave a comment saying you want in! 
I chose a picture from last year’s WSonoma catalog.  I have been saving it for inspiration.
I didn’t have a plaid rectangular cloth, so I used my round table.
I have had these pine cone candles for years, and finally they came in handy!
I added a little greens and baby’s breath so I could have a fire hazard. :0
I used silver flatware, Calypso by Towle that I got at Cmas Tree Shop for 16.99 less 20 %.  You can find it at Pier One for a lot more.
Next came a black charger, plaid plate from WSonoma, on sale last year in the Outlet. 
Next came the WSonoma salad plate .  They were a hostess gift last year.
Plaid napkin, had them for years, and a cracker.  I didn’t have plaid ones, thought about wrapping these in plaid wrapping paper, but then decided, nah!
I added a pine cone for the name tag instead of around the cracker.
The large and small lion head tureens are Apilco, from WS Outlet.
The WS table doesn’t use a centerpiece, or in this case an “off center piece”, but I didn’t have any little wood sculptures like they used, so I took a white cake pedestal, wove tartan ribbon through it and placed a tartan Santa on top.  I surrounded him with fresh greens, mums and baby’s breath.
Glass stems in clearance at CTS, .99, and tiny brush trees are on each plate.
I used 2 simple candle sticks, they used 3, but my table was smaller.
It was interesting as I did the table, I wanted to change things!  But the idea of the challenge was to duplicate the picture.
After I was done, I added the lions head soup bowls.  In the WS pic there is a soup spoon and tureen, but they don’t show a bowl.  I decided we needed a bowl, so sue me!
Tartan table challenge 2013 003
Tartan table challenge 2013 005
Tartan table challenge 2013 006
That’s my take, you be the judge!
I will definitely do this again next year, I thought it was fun.  Yes, a challenge to stay true to the inspiration, but it makes you think!  I usually put the center piece in the center, lol, but I resisted and left it off to the side.
How did you do?  Did you find it enjoyable?
Please be sure to mention you are doing the challenge in the body of your post, and link back to this party so your readers can see the other entries.
Turn off your word id,BLOG NAME FIRST, and visit as many as you can.  As I said, only link this week if you took the challenge.  THANKS!
The winner of the give away will be announced in my Seasonal Sunday post.
Thanks so much for visiting, and an extra big time thanks for all those who took the challenge!
Some peppermint bark  for you!
table 3640 (2)

I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday, Diann for Thrifty Things Friday.


  1. Kathleen,
    I absolutely loved this challenge. I have been thinking and planning since you first posted about it and looking so forward to doing it...You did a beautiful job duplicating the table in your picture..Happy Blogging anniversary....again, this was such a fun challenge...thanks for coming up with it..
    Love, Mona

  2. Lovely Kathleen! Plaid really is beautiful on the table, though I tend to shy away from it. Now I'm re-thinking that! Love the little pine cone candles too, and the pretty plates. Thanks for hosting. This was a difficult challenge for me, but I managed a table and will be linking up later. Yummy, Peppermint Bark!

    1. Whoopw...forgot to say Congrats on 5 years of blogging! Please enter me for a chance to win. Thanks much!

  3. I love the tartan table and I think you've nailed the challenge. You had me at peppermint bark -- thanks for hosting another fun event.

  4. Wow, excellent job on the challenge, Kathleen! I love the plaid -- just spells Christmas to me. I usually use my plaid tablecloth for my Christmas Eve table -- seems so cozy! I will be on the lookout for tables to copy the next time you issue this challenge and will try to copy more closely than I did for this one!

    1. Definitely doing it next year. It wasn't easy, but it was thought provoking! :)

  5. Yum! Those peppermint bark look so good! I love the table, so pretty tartans, Kathleen! You really did it, love all the plates too. I just bought some tartan plates from Homegoods a few days ago cause I love how they look when I see you all post them. I really enjoyed the challenge, Kathleen. Thanks!...Christine

    1. Well of course you need Tartan, Christine. John will just love them! :)

  6. There is something about tartan. It is so warm and inviting, just like your table.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

    1. Can't wait to see the table you copied. You didn't say if you were doing it, so I thought maybe you hadn't found a table to copy.

  7. Love your holiday tartan table Kathleen! This was a fun challenge! I strayed a wee bit from my inspiration table, I hope I don't get demerits :)

    1. 50 lashes with a wet noodle, lol! As long as it is a table you tried to copy, I am happy!

  8. Oh Ho- Miz Kathleen- Even you have outdone yourself this time! I love it and you did a wonderful job. To tell the truth I like your table better than the inspiration table. I have to go visit some more of these challengers! xoDiana

  9. Beautiful table, love those salad plates; please enter me in the giveaway.

  10. What a wonderful job you did, Kathleen! I adore the tartan and your Santa centerpiece. I like your table better than Williams-Sonoma's. Your special touches add so much interest. I loved this challenge, but mine was such a simple one. I'm into simple these days. Thanks for hosting your fun challenge and party. xo

    1. Kitty, it was lovely, and you get an A for even taking part. I know your heart is heavy.

  11. First of all, Congratulations on five years of blogging. Secondly, thank you for hosting this party tonight, and third, of course I would be interested in winning a giveaway. I scrolled through your Williams-Sonoma table and I will be going back to see more of the detail later. Every thing looked beautiful. This looks like a really fun party tonight!


  12. You did a great take on the inspiration table, love all your tartans! Congrats on 5 years...plz toss my name in for the giveaway.

  13. LOVE, love all of this, every detail, great job! What a nice hostess gift those plates are!

    At first I thought the challenge was near impossible, but now I'm hoping you'll do the copycats for each season and/or holiday!

    Congrats on your Blogaversary! Please enter me in the contest.

    Now I hope to find some time to see all the challenges! Thanks for hosting!


  14. Hi Kathleen, I loved this challenge! I really enjoyed analyzing my table and trying to capture the feeling of the inspiration photo. I hope you do this again. Your tartan table is perfect! I would enjoy sitting at it. Please enter me for the giveaway and congratulations on 5 years!! Linda

  15. I forgot to tell you, yes, I want a chance to win the give away....Christine

  16. With all your plaid, you are right in style. This was a fun challenge, Kathleen, and fun to see how everyone handled it.

  17. Kathleen, I am so excited that I was able to do a tablescape and participate in the challenge. Since moving I've just not had the tablescaping mojo but I think it's back! I enjoyed the challenge but took it more as an 'inspiration' rather then a duplication. I had a blast and think without purchasing anything new I was able to pull it off. Congrats on 5 years and please enter me in the giveaway! So happy to be joining you again!

    hugs, Linda

  18. This was fun Kathleen. I loved seeing each table and was able to visit each person. I hope I didn't miss anyone. Now, maybe I will be brave enough to try to copy a table next year.

    Thank you for hosting and your lovely giveaway. I do hope Christmas is very special for you and your family.

  19. Beautiful job Kathleen!
    Tartan plaid anything is just gorgeous to me and your table is better than the pic.
    I would love to win your giveaway too.
    Best Wishes friend,'

  20. What a beautiful table, Kathleen. I LOOOOVE tartan and I have the pinecone candles too, used them for the first time last year, but blew them out right after pictures to save them!!! I also found pinecone tealight candles!!! Loved seeing these tables. NEXT time I will party with ya!!!

  21. Kathleen, this was fun! I wasn't certain I'd get something created to share in the challenge, but inspiration struck and I did a mini scape. Your tartan table is wonderful. Of course the tartan is a favorite for me. Perhaps I'll copy you! Thanks for hosting and congratulations on the blog anniversary. I'd love to be included in your giveaway. ~ Sarah

  22. The challenge was a true test of design, keep up the challenges. Your table is great with the tartan and with the pinecones. Keep the fire extinguisher close, lol.
    Merry Christmas, Pam

  23. Very pretty K! I do love plaid at Christmas:@)

  24. Kathleen - I absolutely love your table! My "real" Christmas table this year is a Scottish tartan one. I was on vacation for a week and never managed to get my challenge done. However, I am loving seeing what all of you did!!

  25. I think you did a marvelous job of interpreting your inspiration photo onto your table! I wish I could have found something more to use for my inspiration photo. It's was a fun idea you came up with! You should look at the post I did just before the tablescape- talk about a fire hazard!! LOL...

  26. There is nothing like plaid to set a holiday mood! So festive and warm, and I love that Santa! The pine cone candles are so much fun and thank you for the low calorie peppermint bark. This was a fun challenge Kathleen, thank you!

  27. What a great idea! This was such a clever way to bring out each tablescaper's own sense of style. I'm really enjoying my visits to the blogs.
    Has it really been 5 years?
    Thanks so much for all your creativeness, in the dining room AND in the kitchen.

  28. Sliding in here, right under the wire...What a delightful job you did, Kathleen! I adore the plaid/tartan and your Santa centerpiece is just PERFECT. I, too, like your table better than Williams-Sonoma's.
    I loved this challenge, but next year, can you do it at a different time of year??? I almost didn't get mine done, there is soooo much yet to do! Run, Run, Run! I'm really feeling the pressure.

    Thanks for doing LD again & Congrats on 5 years of blogging!!!

    1. Do a Christmas challenge at a different time of year? :) Do it in Jan. and save it for 2014!, lol.
      I know it is a busy time of year, esp when some of us have to do it all ourselves!

  29. Hi, Kathleen,
    I so wanted to participate in your Dec. challenge, but my husband and I got rear-ended last week and since I had just had a heart procedure 3 weeks before the accident, I was in no shape to join your party. But I do want to say congratulations on your "blogaversary" and thank you for your inspiring posts every week. When is your next challenge? Have a wonderful holiday season. Rosie
    PS Please enter me in your giveaway raffle. Thanks!

  30. Thank you for hosting the challenge party.I really did enjoy doing the copy a table theme.Your X'mas table looks very pretty and festive.Have a great

  31. Wonderful party! I didn't join in but I enjoyed your table. IMHO, you certainly nailed it.
    Merry Christmas, Ginger

  32. Congrats on your 5years of blogging! I have always enjoyed your blog!
    Not sure if the giveaway is still going, if so count me in.

  33. LOVE the added fire hazard touch, Kathleen! We must all do that this season! NOT!!!!!!!!!! :-)

    Wow, you picked a really hard magazine photo to copycat, but you totally nailed it in your interpretation! I think this is one of the best interpretations I've seen. It isn't following the original to the letter, but it's making it your own. Love that! I saw some of those plaid plates last week and wanted so much to buy them. My husband has been giving me the stink eye, though, so I'm trying to cool it. Maybe next year!

    I'm sorry I'm not able to participate this week. I just couldn't find anything that I was "feeling" to copy, plus I already have like 4 more tables I have to post before Christmas that were done way back in October for my class. Next year, I am TOTALLY doing this! It's always so fun to see how everyone interprets the different tables!

    Big ol' congratulations and a great big hug to you as you celebrate FIVE years of blogging!!!!!!! My hat's off to you, lady! Have a great weekend, and thanks for continuing to host one of the most rockin' blog parties out there!

  34. P.S. Even though I'm not participating in the party, I still have directed my readers and linked to your site again this week! I don't want anyone to miss out on this!!!

  35. Congrats on five wonderful years! I am so happy when my friend introduced me to blogging and your blog! I think you did a great replication here. I would love to enter the giveaway, but I did not do the challenge. :(.xo

  36. Kathleen,
    Gorgeous Williams~Sonoma Tablescape Challenge, dear friend!!!
    I've kept a subtle color palette for Christmas 2013,
    but I'm sure we'll do more of a Traditional Red for hosting Christmas On Cooked Creektt 2014!
    Thanks for hosting and thanks for sharing!!!

  37. Kathleen, this is beautiful! I love all the plaid and you did a wonderful job recreating the WS table. Congrats on 5 years of blogging! Whooo, hooo! Here's to five more!

  38. Hi did a great job copying the WS table...I love anything plaid and you nailed it....I hope you do this next year as due to "family issues"....I had to put decorating a table on hold....I did just do a post on our old friend Rose the Santamaker's home for the holidays....stop by and see decorating for the holidays on's fabulous....Hope your husband is on the mend and have a wonderful Christmas!!

  39. Oh BTW.....I would ofcourse love anything you are giving away!!

  40. Hi Kathleen - I love your recreation of the WS Christmas table. You captured the look so beautifully. Love your Santa in his plaid coat to match the tablecloth and plates. Red and white is always my favorite color combo. I hope you and your family enjoy a very Marry Christmas and a healthy and Happy New Year.

  41. Hi I just found your blog through Lulu's musing. What a fun game you've got going here, if you do this every week, I will join for sure! Also I love your table, you did a great job!!
    I am not linking up this week, nor do I participate in your give away (I live in Denmark) just stopping by, to say hi and snoop around lol.

  42. Oh, I just love plaid! I like your take on the table. Your lion's head soup bowls are a wonderful addition. I would have never tried to mix the plaids like that but it really works. So festive!


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