Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas in the Kitchen

Way behind here, the outside Nativity just got put up!  Yesterday the weather was wicked, but today the snow is all gone!  Yeah!
2013 kitchen 009
I love this plaque my hospital roomie gave me.  We have been friends since our sons were born!  We never run out of things to talk about. 
This year I went up to a four foot tree on the island.
2013 kitchen 007
It is a work in progress!  As I go through the bins I find little ornaments to add.  The predominate theme is copper mini pots and gingerbread ornaments.
2013 kitchen 008
2013 kitchen 010
I did something  a little different on the kitchen window sill.
I usually use faux garland, but this year I used oasis and put fresh greens and fresh flowers.
I wove a string of lights through it too.
2013 kitchen 011
2013 kitchen 015
2013 kitchen 014
Something very special arrived in the mail this week  from a sweet blogger!  I don’t know if she wants me to tell, so for now she is my Secret Santa!
I hope all your Christmas preps are going well. 
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table 1466
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Time to get shaking and start baking!

The winner of the HG gift card is Candy S.  Candy send me your address via email.  The gift card is good at HG, Marshalls and TJMaxx.  If you don’t have one of those near you, let me know!

I am joining Alma, The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday, albeit late!  Thanks for stopping by!

Next up pics of the porch tree, I put a 7 ft one out there this year, and it is still standing, so far!
Thanks for stopping by!

I am also joining Kathe for You're Gonna Love It Tues.
Yvonne at Stone Gable for The Scoop
 The Scoop
Marty for Inspire Me Tues.


  1. Love your kitchen tree and your sill! That's a very cute kitchen towel from your secret Santa! Blessings...

  2. Your kitchen tree is darling, the copper and red look beautiful next to each other. Love the checked topper and bows, everything looks so festive.

  3. Cute kitchen...I am guessing your secret Santa is a really nice lady from Ohio!
    Congrats, Candy!

    1. Nope...the stars at night, are big and bright... deep in the heart of ____!

  4. I knew your kitchen would be spectacular!! I LOVE the tree! I like what you did with your window sill, I'd like to see how you did that. I use fresh greens and just mist them every now and then. When they start to drop needles in the sink, it's time for them to go!


  5. Love your kitchen, that tree is gorgeous. I could spend all day looking at all the ornaments on there. Of course, your sweets are amazing. And the shot of your dining room through the wreath is just great. xo

  6. Happy Holidays Mrs Claus:-)
    Everything looks great and festive:-)

  7. Wow, I love the tree with the copper pots - very different. I like the way the decorations around the kitchen look too especially the kind you can eat LOL

  8. Oh, please cut me a slice of that cake - I am drooling!! Your kitchen looks so festive - love the kitchen tree and something else that caught my eye: love the copper hanging from your window treatment!!

  9. Oh just precious decorating all over! The food looks deliciously devilish too! Enjoy your week and thank you for sharing such fun! Love that sweet tea towel. IT is Darling!

  10. Kathleen, I should have known that your kitchen would be beautiful for Christmas! I love your tree and you can decorate my kitchen with that cake any time - yum! Thanks for the fun tour.

  11. Love your little tree...I have one too. So much easier!

  12. Your kitchen looks fabulous! I love it!

    I did a tablescape for your contest but couldn't get the pics loaded. Had issues with Mr. Magpie's computer, and I can't load from this IPAD. Sigh. It was cute, if I do say so myself. ;-)

  13. Every year I think about doing a kitchen tree, but yours is so cute that I will just admire yours! Lots to do still :-)

  14. Your home looks very happy and festive K! LOVE that plaque, neat that it's plaid and the sentiment is perfect:@)

  15. Your kitchen looks so festive, Kathleen! I love that tree on your island. Beautiful towel! What a great gift.

    Merry Christmas! : )

  16. Kathleen, Your kitchen and everything else looks beautiful. I really like your kitchen window decorations...
    Love, Mona

  17. Everything looks amazing....and so cheerful and happpy.
    I still get a page that says PROFILE NOT AVAILABLE every time I click on your name in comments....??
    Have a great Christmas...and am praying your hubby is doing much better.

  18. How beautiful your kitchen looks, wonder you're pooped!!
    Those fresh greens & flowers right in front of the sink must make doing dishes a pleasure...almost. LOL

    I know you have to be soooo grateful to still have Mike around to help out, even just a wee bit, and be there for the big celebration. We are blessed.


  19. Your kitchen looks so festive, Kathleen! I love your island tree and the real greenery on the windowsill. All the baked goods look super good! The snowflake spritz is such a pretty design... one that I've never seen. I hope Mike is feeling better with all your good cooking. xo, Secret Santa

    1. And your embroidered towel has a place of honor! Thank you!

  20. One of the prettiest window sills I've seen and the cake is adorable!

  21. Your kitchen looks so pretty and festive! The tree is so sweet and I love how pretty you decorated your window sill!

  22. Oh I love what you’ve done in the kitchen. Love the garland on the window. I really love the tree decorated with the mini copper. Sweet secret blogger gift, love the tea towel with your name!
    Merry Christmas.........

    The French Hutch

  23. I love your kitchen tree with all the copper ornaments on it! Everything looks so festive and pretty, Kathleen. This has been a very busy Christmas season but I'm loving every minute of it!

  24. How much fun to have that tree full of copper pans and gingerbread in your busy kitchen! Love the checked valance over the sink too! Your secret Santa gift is so special!

  25. Your kitchen is decorated so beautifully and I adore your tree. Fabulous. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  26. Oh my goodness, Kathleen! It is all so amazing! You really know how to decorate for Christmas. I LOVE the tree on the kitchen island! Beautiful!

  27. What a gorgeous kitchen tree, Kathleen! Your ornaments are so pretty! All of your holiday decor is so festive and cheery! Merry Christmas!

  28. Wonderful plaque and saying. I, too, have a kitchen tree decked out with all food-related ornaments and the main tree with all Santas. I love how the lights brighten up these cold, dark December nights. Your home looks beautiful and festive. Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family, Kathleen!

  29. Go on with your bad self and that 4' tree!!!! I love it!!! I love the way it's decorated! I left our kitchen tree naked this year...just lights. Maybe next year I'll tackle something fun. I wish we had a center island in our kitchen. No space for it. One of these days, though...I'm gonna put the hammer down - LITERALLY - and have our kitchen reconfigured and remodeled! :-)

    I'm impressed that you went for the fresh greenery in the window!!! It's beautiful!!! I'm guessing it's a little more easy care since it's so near a water source?

    I think it's neat that you still stay in touch with your hospital roomie. God bless you both! That's just wonderful to have kept the friendship going over all these years!!!

    Your "Secret Santa" rocks!!!

  30. Always love your kitchen at Christmas! I can almost smell the goodies.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  31. Kathleen, I am so sorry that I missed leaving a comment on Sunday. I think I was cooking dinner or something while I was looking at your post. I love your gingerbread men on the tree. I would love to copy the tartan plaid curtain above the kitchen window. Everything is lovely.... Candy


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