Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Things are Greening Up at Last! Let’s Dish # 60

I know some of you still have snow on the ground , and others are already wearing your flip flops!

This week we had some beautiful Spring days, and things are greening up.  I have been outside working everyday.  This is such a busy time of year getting everything cleaned and painted for the season. Then there is the gardening, it is a full time job!

I wasn’t sure if I would even get a table done!

My table tonight is inspired by the only tree blooming right now, a pear .  This one has a slight aroma, much better than the other pears that bloomed a few weeks ago.


My friend Gail was getting rid of these dishes she had used in her hutch for display.  She changed her colors and couldn’t use them anymore.  Lucky me!


She also gave me the matching pitcher, which I used for a centerpiece filled with the pear blooms I went out in the rain to cut!


I used a round green placemat with a earth colored string placemat on top.  The string mats were 1.00 at CTS.

The flatware is from World Market.  My friend, Susan at Savoring Time in the Kitchen, started me with 4 settings, and then I completed them.

I couldn’t find the right color green napkin to go with the dishes, so I picked up the pink in the flower with a nice soft pink napkin from BBB on clearance.  I think they were .60.


The napkin ring is a green string from CTS, .25.

The soup bowl is from CTS also, I think they were 1.00



The glassware is by Gorham via Lenox Outlet.  Birdies from Pier One.

A simple table , but one that reflects the springification we are finally getting here on Long Island!  Oh yeah, spell check is having a hissy fit on that one!

Thanks Gail!  Everyone wants a friend like Gail, I know!


Still looking for the perfect potato au gratin recipe!


This was good, but not the best I ever had. Recipe

Do you have one that is excellent?

That’s it for me.

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I haven’t finished my rounds from last week, work got in the way!

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NEXT CHALLENGE~ MAY 22~ Memorial Day Theme

Let’s Dish!


  1. Gail is a very very good friend indeed! Love the dishes, a lot. The double layer of placemats is perfect and I really like the pink napkin with the flowers! Thanks for hosting this fun party each and every week! xo marlis

  2. It has been awhile since I made potatoes au gratin, Kathleen. I don't think I have a recipe that I could recommend. I don't get to cook a lot of creamy foods because of Ramon's lactose intolerance. Poor little thing! :-(

    I'm with Marlis...Gail IS a good friend!!! What a pretty set! It's great that they have different flowers on them so you're not held to putting a single type of bloom on to accompany them. The pear blossom branches look great in that pitcher, and as usual, you got great CTS bargains!!!

    Thanks for hosting tonight. I know you're busy, busy, busy!!!

  3. Yeah, lucky you..!Gail is a terrific friend!" The dishes are very pretty and the pitcher is lovely, with flowers, gorgeous! Thank you for hosting this fun party, Kathleen. Hopw you have a wonderful Mom's Day next Sunday. Big hugs,

  4. Oh, I do want a friend like Gail!! Those dishes and pitcher are wonderful and you did a beautiful job with the table by adding the green tableware. I am always amazed at your bargains - you must go shopping every day! I do not really have a great potato au gratin recipe. When I bake it, I always make up the recipe, as I go. Sometimes, I throw in leftovers, like ham. Let us know, when you do find the perfect recipe and thanks, again, for hosting!

  5. Yes you are a lucky girl to get those dishes...beautiful..I know I sound dumb but what is CTS? LOL just wondering. I know I have been busy in my yard but setting a table outside was perfect...I love eating outside on the deck.....thank you for this party..maybe you can follow me...I would appreciate it you can....
    Love, Mona

    1. Sure, Mona, I will follow!

      CTS is Christmas Tree Shop. I don't know where you lie, but they are spreading out. Started in the New England states.

    2. Mona, if you google "The Christmas Tree Shop", you'll find their website easily & they have a store locator on it. Then you'll be able to find the closest one to you.

      I just came from your blog & LOVED your Lady Head vases...I've always wanted one!
      I'm now following you, too.

  6. Hi Kathleen! What was Gail thinking, getting rid of those pretty dishes?? The pitcher is beautiful. My plum trees just popped open yesterday. All the pear trees fell in one of the storms--don't know which one now! But the cherry and the plums are beautiful, dogwoods not out yet, and azaleas just beginning! They are very late this year. Have a nice evening! Linda

  7. Stop it, she just gave you those fabulous plates?!?! Wow, I need friends like that! I think they are beautiful, and the pitcher too! Lucky you! The pear blossoms are so pretty, a sure sign of spring~oh and your potato gratin looks really good too!

  8. Lucky you indeed! What a great addition to your dish pantry, springy and free! Love the pitcher filled with pear blooms! Thanks for hosting!

  9. I know you're thankful for your friend, Gail! Those dishes are so blooming beautiful, Kathleen. Your pear blossoms look gorgeous in the pitcher. I am always envious of your fabulous bargains, too. Thanks for hosting and the au gratin potatoes look good! If I find the perfect one, I'll send it along.

  10. You are so right! Things are finally starting to bloom around here!! I have been jealous looking at all of the blooming flowers elsewhere!!! Your table looks beautiful and the potatoes so yummy!! Thanks for hosting another great party.

  11. Gorgeous have a great friend, just like my friend JoJo! Pretty, pretty plates for spring or summer tables. Cute soup bowls. I can almost smell the pear blossoms...mine have passed, at least the snow didn't get them!

  12. Yea, for springtime on Long Island! Your table is definitely a breath of spring. The dishes are very pretty. Lucky you.
    Thanks for hosting, Kathleen. I missed last month's challenge, but tonight's post fits the theme. I'm just lagging behind much like spring on Long Island. '-)

  13. That's a very springy table K, great greens-love it! We had rain (very hard at times) until about 2 today, sounds like you got some too... Stay dry:@)

  14. Those plates are so beautiful. I cannot believe anybody can get rid of them. Lucky you!...Christine

  15. What a wonderful gift from your friend! I would love to have a friend willing to give away a set like that. I love the colors in it. I also love the flatware. I don't have anything that color at all, and I can think of so many uses.

    I love pear blossoms (but know what you mean by the usual odor of them.) Glad these are more fragrant. The table is really lovely.

  16. Kathleen, my friends are never getting rid of any dishes! This is the second time I recall reading that someone else's dishes came to live at your house. I think I don't have the right kind of friends. These are so pretty. Love those string placemats. Your blossoms look so pretty in the pitcher, and I love the blossom tucked into the napkin ring. Even if the potato dish wasn't great, it sure looks delicious! Thank you for hosting. laurie

  17. What a sweet friend! You did a lovely job of honoring her with your Springtime table.

  18. The plates are beautiful and so is your table Kathleen.

    Thanks so much for hosting.

  19. My my mother made a version, probably her own, which was very good. It was thinly sliced potatoes layered with a very rich white sauce and topped with cheese. I always used Julia child, which involved lots of butter and creme. I have nit made this in many years because it makes so much, and I could eat it all, but I dare not!

  20. You can tell I am using my iPad!

  21. I'm so glad that your friend gave you the darling dishes! I can't believe the deals that you get at CTS...the string placemats are great pieces. You've welcomed Spring in such a lovely way...I think that we're all extra thrilled to greet this gentle season this year. It's been quite a ride to get here. Thanks for hosting us this week. Cherry Kay

  22. What a sweet friend Gail is, those are pretty spring-y dishes. Your au gratin looks scrumptious. Ultimate comfort food. xo

  23. Hallelujah for green and blooming trees! Gail knew the perfect person for those dishes, Kathleen! They are beautiful and the pitcher makes a lovely vase. The green flatware was out on our table recently too :)

    I love Ina's potato and fennel gratin. Have you tried it?

  24. Yay! Spring has finally arrived and your table is so pretty. LOVE the plates and pitcher. The pear blossoms are lovely.I haven't seen pear blossoms in years, except for Bradford pears, and sometimes they smell funny. YOur potatoes au gratin look delicious. I don't think I've ever made them, and I have no idea why. Happy Spring and have a great weekend,

  25. You really lucked out on a special friend who would give you those dishes. They are beautiful! I love being in the garden too, but our weather is just now getting warm enough for that. I should be able to really play in the dirt in another week or two. Thanks for hosint the party!

  26. Thank you for your comment on my crocheted table topper, Kathleen. I also posted at Let's Dish a 5 de Mayo table for the first time. Now I have my Mother's Day table. Thank you for the parties. Have a lovely MD weekend.

  27. Fabby, I saw your table but it isn't linked up, I checked. :)

  28. Your table is beautiful. Thank you for going out in the rain to get the clippings. Love them.

  29. It's always so much fu to visit here. Have a wonderful weekend!! Cathy

  30. I finally had a wee bit of spare time to do a blog post with dishes so I could join in your party, Kathleen.

    Your table full of pink & green is just lovely. I adore that emerald pretty, as are the dishes that I bet Gail wishes she had never gotten rid of. Hahaha!

    I was grateful for the rain last night, to wash down some of the pollen, but I hope the sun is shining for you now.

    Thank you for hosting this party again.

  31. The pink and green table is so joyful for this time of year. I am enjoying the rebirth of the vegetation, and will be glad when the pollen has stopped.
    We've had gorgeous weather, and we could surely use some rain. I hope to join you with a table soon.

  32. You are a lucky lady to have a friend give you those dishes! So pretty in pink and green! Love the string placemats! I swear if a CTS comes near me I will be in tablescape heaven!

  33. Happy Mother's Day do have the best those dishes...the colors are beautiful...Both me and Linda can't wait for a CTS to come to Atlanta...I don't know what they are waiting for...I guess they don't know how much money the two of us can spend.....

  34. Kathleen:

    I love these dishes. This is not what showed in the link you sent me. I can see you using these in many varying tablescapes. I love the pale green and all of your blossoms!

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  35. Good morning, Kathleen. You are right about spring gardening being a full time job, but once the work is done its such a pleasure to look out and see the results. You table is a perfect tribute to all blooming things that are symbols of a new season. I know you will have a full day today. Enjoy!


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