Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Getting Ready for Memorial Day? Let’s Dish # 62

Next Wednesday is the Patriotic Challenge.  Hard to believe Memorial Day is weekend is almost here.  It was 42 degrees last night!

I live in a mostly summer community, and Memorial Day means the start of “the season” , something we all look forward to.

There are Memorial Services in town, and here in my community we have a Memorial Service followed by a picnic at our ball field.

Many of the summer rentals begin, and from now till Labor Day the population of Southampton  swells, especially on the weekend.

I do hope with all the anticipation of summer fun beginning, we do not forget the true meaning of Memorial Day!

It has been a busy week here and as I type, construction is going on.

I can’t do a table, so I thought I would show a few of the patriotic tables I have done in the past.  I hope many of you will join in next week with a Patriotic table or collection to share.


table 4078

Bargains 377



Let's Dish 947

table 4088 (2)

Let's Dish 946

Bargains 589

Have a wonderful week, look forward to seeing your entries!

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NEXT CHALLENGE~ MAY 22~ Memorial Day Theme

Let’s Dish!


  1. Love this table, Kathleen. It is hard to believe Memorial Day is soon. we had snow here in MO a couple of weeks ago!:-)

  2. Your tables have a lot of inspiration on them for Memorial Day....thanks for hosting this party..
    Love, Mona

  3. I love all your patriotic tables, Kathleen! Thanks for the inspiration and for hosting week after week! This has been a crazy Spring for weather for sure.

  4. Kathleen - I agree that the weather has been strange. It was in the 40s one night this week in Georgia. However, it was 89 today, so I guess we are back to normal. I am excited about the challenge next week - your photos are fabulous and definitely make us realize that we need to work hard not to disappoint you - lol!!

  5. Construction...still going on here, too. I am so sick of hammering and the smell of paint and sweaty construction workers (it would be different if they were cute, but they aren't!). It has gotten in the way of what I want to do to some extent, but I've been able to work around them for the most part. Bad news is that now they will be moving INSIDE into our master suite to begin work!!! I can forget about concentrating at ALL since my office is right across the hall!!!

    It was nice to take a look back at tables from the recent past. It is "Memorial Day" thinking, after all! :-) I hope to have something ready for next week's challenge. I haven't really been feeling it, so who knows? Red, white & blue can be tough to work with sometimes.

    Enjoy the start of "the Season"!!!!!!

  6. Hi Kathleen, Love your montage of patriotic tables! Memorial Day kicks off the boating season on the lake here and we get to look forward to all those noisy jet skis returning! :) Thanks for hosting!

  7. Oh you have so much red white and blue! It's fun to have a theme to work on, I have to get busy!

  8. It's hard to believe it is time to bring out the red/white/blue...that can mean only one thing, the year is moving forward too fast!
    You always do the patriotic holidays so well, Kathleen.
    Have a great week...

  9. How exciting a Memorial Day weekend, this year is flying like a tornado! Your table for inspiration is gorgeous, I love all the patriotic RW&B and the flags. I love your American tables, they're the best! Thank you for hosting this week and I hope you had a lovely Mama's Day too.

  10. Joe just commented that May is almost over. We have a wedding in Albany on Memorial Day weekend, so I'll join you with a red, white and blue table in July. We'll be celebrating the true meaning of the holiday on Monday. Thanks for hosting!

  11. After seeing your beautiful r, w, and b tables, I'm not sure I am up for next week's challenge. I can't come up with anything better than what you've already posted. I must have missed something. You have construction going on at your house? How exciting! Can't wait to see. Thanks for being such a good hostess every week. laurie

  12. Your patriotic tables are beautiful, Kathleen. I hope your weather is good when the holiday comes so you can have your usual celebration. I wish I were home for the challenge cause I sure have so many patriotic dishware at home but I am in FL and will be here until next month....Christine

  13. What a beautiful patriotic table!

  14. Hi Kathleen:

    Sometimes life gets in the way of tablescaping! We all have to do a review every once in awhile. It's great to see these tables again. They get us in the mood for getting our Memorial Day tables in order.

    Good luck with all of the construction.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  15. I cannot believe it is almost Memorial Day weekend. I love our colors and the flag but it so clashes with my home! lol Your tables are all fabulous, of course. xo

  16. Love the tables, very festive! Can't believe it's tourist season again! Good luck with the construction. We finally had the lawn replaced and some shrubs and bushes from Sandy. It's nice to see green again.

  17. You have some neat patriotic scapes there. I don't have red and blue, so am blank about next week's challenge. ??

    Thanks for hosting! I hope things are better there soon!


  18. Wonderful tables to challenge us for next week. Thinking hard for next week. Thanks so much for hosting. xo marlis

  19. Okay, now you have me thinking about the challenge. You really have a great knack with red, white, & blue. Thanks for the retrospective and inspiration. Cherry Kay

  20. Kathleen, I just love this. It's so festive! And I really love those crackers you added. What a fun idea! And the cute napkin rings and the centerpieces and the dishes... adorable.



  21. I love your patriotic tables. Of course, anything red, white, and blue is right up my alley. I'm a patriotic sort of gal.

    We have already created our table in our heads around here. Now, to actually put it together.

  22. I love all of the red, white and blue K! I'm sure you're looking forward to the Season beginning, we finally have a little welcome warmth here:@)

  23. You have me all excited to do a patriotic table now! I really like the red-handled flatware in the one photo. I'll have to look for some. Thanks for hosting the party. -Dawn

  24. Is it really Memorial Day next week??? Good Grief....I'm so far behind, I'll never catch up!

    Each one of your R/W/B tables looks fantastic. The Patriotic theme is my most favorite to do, so I'll be looking forward to joining in with something, although I sure don't have the collection that YOU do. LOL

    I'm very curious to know what "construction" is going on at your house. Did I miss something???

    Hope you have some warm weather soon. We had frost 2 nights in a row & then yesterday was 92º. I got a sunburn cleaning the deck & gazebo!!!!


  25. Your patriotic tables are such fun, Kathleen, and get everyone into the spirit of the holiday. I'm curious about the construction as well. Is there some remodeling going on? I know summer is a very busy time for you. Hope you and your family are doing well.

  26. Yes, dish on the construction, Kathleen :)

    Yes, hard to believe it is almost Memorial Day with the spring we've had. Love your patriotic tables. I think Memorial Day is going to be fairly low-key for us this year. Likely some golf if weather permits.

  27. Kathleen,
    I enjoyed seeing your patriotic tables from the past! Since I painted our table on the porch red, I should be able to come up with something for your challenge! We have to find our bunting to get ready for the weekend!

  28. I love all your tables. I will get started on my challenge tonight.

  29. Great patriotic tablescapes for Memorial Day! Thanks for all the inspiration.


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