Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Blessings~ Let's Dish # 36

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving!
I got so busy with my chores, I almost forgot to post!  We are guests, but I have a list of things to make and bring.
Tonight I am showing a table I did when my family was here after the storm.  We were thankful to escape major damage, and counted our blessings.
A classmate of my son's from College of the Holy Cross in Mass. ,was killed in the storm when a huge branch fell on him.  He had just put his 2 little girls in their car seats  so the family could leave and go the family who had power.
A few people contacted me to see if it was my family as we share the same last name.  I ask you say a prayer for his wife and children, and for all those still suffering from the disaster.
On to our kid friendly table.
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I kept it simple as the majority of the guests were my young gkids!
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The centerpiece was what I keep on my table for Fall, a hurricane filled with mini seasonal fruits .
The candleholders have leaves  etched on them, and are from Villeroy and Boch.
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Johnson Bros. octagonal plates that I got for $1 at CTS, pumpkin soup bowls, also CTS.  Everyday flatware from Dansk.  Napkin ring from BBB, .99 but they are now back to 2.99
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Purple cloth, edges pulled through a fall napkin ring from Villeroy and Boch.
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Pumpkin salt and peppers from CTS.
Butter leaf plates from Pfaltzgraf, glasses from Dansk.  Napkins are old, and when they got stained I dyed them this color to get a few more uses from them.
That's it!  Hope everyone has all their preparations done.
I am in the midst of a pumpkin trifle, no picture yet.
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Tonight we are having Sweet ad Sour Pork, recipe can be found here.
I used scallions, and omitted the peppers and cayenne. 
Very easy, and very good too!
Please remember to turn off your word ID.  Soccer Mom, I tried to visit, but you had word id, and it wouldn't take my comment.  I would have emailed, but you don't have one listed.  Sorry!
One link, a link back to this party , blog name first, and comment on as many as you can!  Thanks so much!
See you next week for the official start of Christmas here!
I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday, and Rattlebridge Farm for Foodie Friday.
Let's Dish!


  1. If that is a kid friendly table, it is a very elegant kind-friendly table. I love the way you used the napkin ring for the tablecloth corner. I was trying to figure out a way to get those corners off the floor the other day, but I'm just not as clever as you. What a great idea to dye the napkins! I've got some I could do that with. I'm so sorry about your son's friend. So many horrible tragedies from that storm. I'm still praying for all who are trying to put lives back together. Kathleen, I only see a code for the linky thing. I'll come back later to see if it is up. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration. laurie

  2. Kathleen~ Love the color combination on your table! Your Sweet and Sour Pork looks delicious! I am dining on Zicam and Chicken Soup tonite with the onset of a horrific cold, glad we're only responsible for the turkey tomorrow and my husband can handle it! Wishing you & your family a Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Love the purple with orange K, looks great! No doubt you'll all be eating well tomorrow! Happy Thanksgiving-enjoy:@)

  4. Yea! The linky gadget was there before I left your blog. Thank you for hosting.

  5. I think it's fantastic that you created a great table for everyone in the midst of all the tragedy. That had to have lifted spirits a bit. I remember that you told me about your son's friend, and it is still just so shocking. On the way to safety and something like that happens! :-( Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family, and I hope the day is a memorable one for all! Take care!

  6. I'm so sorry for the loss of your son's college friend, Kathleen. How devastating for his family. Your table looks so pretty set with the purple cloth and pretty dishes. I've been enjoying my pie crust cutters and made another pie for tomorrow. Thanks so much again! May you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving. xo

  7. What a fun and festive table. I can't believe I never used those napkin rings this Fall. But Sandy cut Fall short for us this year. We have much to be thankful for!

    - The Tablescaper

  8. All your tables are absolutely stunning, as usual!

    I am so sorry for your loss. Especially during the holidays loss is keenly felt.

    Thank you for hosting!

  9. Beautiful kids' table. I'm so so sorry for your son's friend. How absolutely horrible. My prayers are with his girls and family.

  10. Beautiful post, Kathleen. I don't know if mine actually qualifies. It does have a turkey place setting. Perhaps it might. It is my an accounting of counting my blessings.:-)

    I am so sorry to hear about your son's classmate. J's brother died in an accident not long before Thanksgiving 1969, he was 23. A little later, during Christmas week, the same year, their dad died suddenly, at the age of 51. So very difficult at anytime of the year, so very poignant at Christmastime. We will keep this man's family in our thoughts.

  11. My condolences also! How sad. We will say a prayer for them, what a tragedy and how hard for his loved ones left behind.

    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! It is always fun to be guests.

  12. I admire your perseverance. I am not sure I would be able to do this, after what your part of the world has dealt with. I hope you have a happy day tomorrow, in spite of all the sadness.

    Here in the Deep South, where such weather-related tragedies are almost commonplace, it still never gets any easier. People feel these events deeply for a very long time. The stories are related over and over, and no one ever forgets. Your son's friend and his family's story will never be forgotten, and it will be told over again. That ensures that he will not be forgotten.

    Thank you again for hosting, and please find solace in a wonderful family time.


  13. I am so sorry to hear about your son's friend. Such tragedies from that hurricane. I hope you have a beautiful and blessed Thanksgiving. xo

  14. Hi Kathleen, Wow, I just keep hearing sad stories about this awful storm and I'm so sorry to hear this news. I will keep him and his little girls in my prayers tonight. They will be needing much comforting. I am so extra thankful this year that even though the economic situation here in Fairfield Co. is just awful and getting worse, and there are still wires down and trees on my neighbor's roof, at least we are here and healthy. Although, I can't get my mind off of the sorrows so many are facing this holiday season. I hope you are able to spend some happy moments with your family tomorrow. Linda

    1. I know, Linda. It is hard to celebrate while so many are still suffering.
      We have much to be thankful for!

  15. We heard about that on the news. So sorry about your son's friend. All you folks on the east coast have really had an awful time this past month. I wish there was more I could do.

  16. Kathleen, I'm sad to hear the news of your son's classmate. Difficult times for so many!
    Love the idea of using the napkin rings to gather up the ends of the cloth. I need to remember to do this!
    Thanks for sharing your pretty table and for hosting each week. Been busy in the kitchen all day. Not sure if I'll get a post up by tomorrow. ;-)
    Happy Thanksgiving.........Sarah

  17. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! The kids table is beautiful and I can imagine the fun and chatter there by your grandchildren tomorrow!

    Kindly, Lorraine

  18. When you said on to a kid friendly table I was picturing plastic...I should have known it would be china! You do set one of the best tables around...
    Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving, Kathleen.

  19. I wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. I thank you for hosting and inspiring us all.

    P.S. I love your header photo.

  20. Kathleen, such sad stories like those of your son's classmate make us all doubly thankful and even though our Thanksgiving was last month, its always a good time to give thanks! I enjoyed your kiddie table and I'm sure the kids would too! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


  21. You are a good person Kathleen!Love to be sitting at this able with the "kids".

  22. What a lovely table! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  23. Your table is beautiful, Kathleen. I'm happy that you and your family are safe and sound and my heart goes out to those who are still suffering from the effects of the storm. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

  24. Such a lovely and festive table. So sorry to hear so many people suffering. Enjoy your lovely family and Grandchildren. We all have so much to be thankful for.

  25. Kathleen, I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. I am sorry to hear about your son's friends. That is so sad. Your table is lovely. I love the purple and orange. Thanks for hosting. The sweet and sour looks yummy. Joni

  26. I am so sorry to read about this loss, I will remember them in prayer. My thoughts and prayers remain with the families devastated by Sandy

    Your table is lovely as always, and the sweet and sour pork, sounds yummy!
    Hope your day was filled with many special blessings.

  27. Love the color scheme of this table! I think purple has become my new favorite Thanksgiving color! I hope to be able to give it a try some time. The kids must feel really special to have such a nice table just for them! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  28. Kathleen-Just checking in! I am so happy you and yours are safe, but I know you are feeling the loss of those around you. I will keep your son's friend's family in my prayers. They will need the prayers of many. As usual, your table is beautiful and creative! We did not have a soul here this year, BUT I get them ALL for Christmas! We have two more babies on the way :)!! Leave me a message on the old blog if you have a minute. I still go back and check every now and then. Miss all of you!

  29. ps-it's me at thoughtsfromovertherainbow---it didn't show up :)

  30. Such a sad story Kathleen.
    I am simply overwhelmed some days by the stories I hear.
    Your table is perfect for the young ones!

  31. Hope you and your family had a fabulous Thanksgiving.

  32. My dear Kathleen, you have been in my thoughts; I'm so sorry about your son's friend. I have heard so many sad stories. I am thankful you and your family are all right.

    Your warm, beautiful Thanksgiving table is life-affirming as well as welcoming. I love the lilac.

    PS. I have been squished by deadlines.


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